I'm fucking done with reddit

I thought the whole "men are all pigs" was just a meme invented by the alt-right. Turns out reddit leftists legitimately eat that shit up like groceries.

This is on the front page of /r/completeanarchy now:


pic related is the shitty excuse they gave.

Other urls found in this thread:


reddit is completely infested with idpol

I have been banned from so many leftist subreddits for being a "brocialist." Sorry I think a subreddit about SOCIALISM should be about SOCIALISM and not your fucking inane pandering to minorities and transgender people

They don't seem to realize that you can agree with them but want to talk about something else

nobody fucking cares. go back to reddit, faggot.

this place is also full of idpol unfortunatly, probably from all the reddit in it

Oh please, it gets smacked down whenever it pops up here. Though I do wish it lead to more bans.

What, have you been involved in the online left for just three days or something? Plebbit has always been like this.



Worst (in my experience) is the Chapo subreddit. Where Chapo was meant to be brosocialist podcast, the subreddit is obsessed with it. They wanted Angela Nagle dead for daring to say that tumblr idpol was cancerous to leftist causes.

Do we really need to make a thread every time one of us gets banned off of Reddit?

There should be a shitlib cringe cyclical

We need to remind the Tumblrinas they aren't welcome, and discourage similar behavior from morons in other groups (like unironic "muh freeze peach" and "muh labor aristocracy" yapping).

Fuck off ☭TANKIE☭, only pussies need to ban free speech for their ideology to work

That's just naive. When we are correct, why would we tolerate incorrect opinions? Marxism-Leninism is a science. In science, when you are incorrect, you won't get a platform.

Good lord I hate this type of humor so much, where the premise is simple and casual but the punchline is some lenghty verbose tirade about some structural problem of society, and the contrast between both is hilarious! Left-wing facebook pages love this shit and it's so trite.



I laughed hard good job.

I will do everything in my power to stop ☭TANKIE☭s, even if it means prolonging capitalism

You're such a blithering moron I almost can't comprehend it. How is the DotP even supposed to know what the proletariat wants if they can't express their opinion? It's such an inherent contradiction it inverts the relationship between dictator and proletariat. Who's to say you'll agree with everything they do? How are you even supposed to give feedback? It makes no sense. Time and time again ☭TANKIE☭ regimes have killed millions of their own populace just so some fat cat PORKIES can enslave their own populace in the name of the "proletariat". Gb2 the early 20th century

If this thread is going to be a Reddit hate thread I might bring this shit over from /leftytrash/ (I got sent this link from a conservative friend). Mods I'm asking I don't get banned for this reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/7kp9i4/im_a_starving_venezuelan_ama/?st=JBH2HF3O&sh=f8ec00fd

you: hahaha I was only pretending to be retarded

Is this like meta-ironic satire?

An anarchist turns out to be a secret liberal all along. Who would have guessed?


And reading posts like yours, I understand completely why.

The thing is that I don't agree with them. Idpol is the cancer killing socialism.

Read that again, slowly and aloud.
Now do it again, reeeaaaaally slow. I suspect you might miss the point here

Why do women have such big egos, as if they were so great? They all have roughly the same look and are very similar until you get to to know them. Don't get me wrong it's the same way with men, but you don't see men going about thinking they're hot shit except for the loners, and they don't get beta-girl orbiters. My point is they aren't anything special, yet they act like they were born into some virginal class. Jeez.

Yes we will all be brave men and tolerate Capitalist sympathies/fascist ideology. Hahaha get a grip, people aren't "accidentally" fascists, they choose their paths CONSTANTLY, every moment someone is a fascist/capitalist they are aware of their choices, which I am somewhat sympathetic too in a Capitalist society, but in a Socialist one their is no excuse for campaigning for Fascism/Capitalism. Maybe later in society people can have the luxury of being retarded, but during DOTP that is cancerous.


I guess I should just stop posting here then. Enjoy your ML board

I'm not talking about supporting fascism or capitalism under ML. Under ☭TANKIE☭ dictatorships you could get sent to the gulag for questioning party decisions or simply disagreeing with an interpretation of Marxist thought that party leadership had. Millions of innocent people did die under Pol Pot, Stalin, the Kims, etc just so the regime could enact retarded policies or stay in power against popular opinion. It's undemocratic and naive to think that whoever ends up the leader will simply act in everyone's best interests.

Read Bordiga, but unironically


Psychiatric ward, actually. Do you even know anything about actual repressions in USSR, or do you just regurgitate Cold War capitalist propaganda, you retarded 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧anglo🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 """leftist"""?

Nobody is disputing the disaster that came under the decay of many leninists states you mongoloid. We're laughing at you, because you sound more like a liberal than any sort of marxist if you really consider a ☭TANKIE☭ state to be worst possible thing.

fuckken saving those. Thankies comrade

Lmao this isn't a bookclub, disagreeing with the way a government is rolling is serious business it's not anything as trivial as disagreeing. This is your brain on Capitalist politics, where someone is only a small ratifier of decisions outside of his control, and then applying that to a Socialist Revolutionary Party. This is a nitpick, I will admit, but hey I liked the idea.
and to think I just got interested in the Chin man's ethics.
For one no one here agrees with what Pol Pot did so he isn't a refutation of ML thought. I won't address the problem of critiquing political ideology through its supporters without proving that they actually executed ML policies, but please give that a think.
The deaths under Stalin were more or less unavoidable due to accidents/war. The nation went through an undeniable boost and people who died of famine were simply unlucky. It's a shame, but that's the way the nation industrializes from a feudal sytem/the way the cookie crumbles.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong but is there ANY actual proof that North Korea has done ANYTHING wrong except for imprison some people dicking around and going against the U.S. backed Souks without later kissing the burger ring?
Demeocracy is naive, if you believe it to be some panacea for the world's ills. There is what is right and there is what people want, I wish those things always lined up but they don't. To soothe your impending sperg out at this, I don't hate democracy, it's just a privilege that can't always be had.
Nah, I'm trying to read some more important stuff. If you convince me I'll give it a shot though.


and don't come back

that's literally what ☭TANKIE☭s do you fool

Do you even know what a DotP is, faggot? Merely the organization of the proletariat against their old oppressors. Thus, it expresses the will of the proletariat.


Gee, I wonder why "nonpolitical offenses" caused 2.6% of the population to end up in the slammer (a feat unmatched until the modern US) before destalinization?

That's not even the worst of the tumblr/twitter idpol reaction.


I love that reaction image

The rightists were right about failsons.

It's weird

We need to acknowledge that radical right and left wing politics attracts losers.

Don't link me to your blog, Sean.

Yeah. This is why I call myself an anti-feminist. I'm quite happy to let Holla Forums drive all the cars they like over such people, the fash are doing us a favour.

Everyone knows this, every group attracts losers, it is only so visceral because the biggest socialist place is on Reddit, and is infested with idpol, making people like this feel welcomed. Most are normal, god this is reminding me about this guy I know who talks in this squeaky voice about "Anarchocommunism". People like this will always exist, and will always join social groups that allow them. Holla Forums is pretty great at kicking these people out, for example.

Considering all the weebs and incels and former Holla Forumsfags who post here, I don’t think so. The promise of violent revolution is always going to be appealing to a certain kind of loser.

He literally falsifies historical documents to make USSR look as evil as possible (for example, edited out crucial bit of "order 00447" - in Road to Terror, p477 - II.3 is removed, so as not to contradict Getty's lies).

Everyone can be redeemed user

Also, "Special Settlement" is not "slammer". It's a regular settlement - you simply weren't expected to leave it (because you were accused by your whole village as a member of mafia - and this was confirmed by GPU). If you got caught outside then you went to prison.

Even colonies were pretty far from prisons. Though, there usually was some oversight.

I.e. numbers should be halved.

Just, wow. Know that these are mostly white men saying this, at least according to the last poll I saw. I think cent alike this prove free speech is a luxury.
KapiTod [I am not a beta cuck, I am dynamite]
draw_it_now Minarcho-Syndicalist
siosilvar [the revolution is queer]
A human male
The men only wanting sex =/= men are trash

Wanna try applying that to burgers disenfranchised by old convictions, on parole, on legal public blacklists, or with tracking anklets?

You tankᎥеs are as bad as normalfag neocons when it come to apologizing for each step down the slippery slope to absolute repression.

Do you even parse your own text? What are you trying to prove with this?

It's like I never talked with Anarchists, who are constantly searching for reasons to justify mass-murders of Socialists (those that happened or coming).

You retards are - at best - one step away from Fascism.

Who could ever forget that time anarchists genocided that one group for some arbitrary reason? OH WAIT that never happened, faggot.

I'm too lazy to make the long list (which doesn't even begin with Makhno), so proceed here

I even bumped thread to make your conscience clear about replying.

/r/Communalists is literally the only good subreddit

No, it's an ideology, and it's the peak of ideology to think you're post-ideological
How do you think science fucking works? There's no such thing as "correct" just closer to the truth, and when you disallows other theories you keep your level of knowledge stagnant. There has to be a platform for dissenting views under science otherwise it's not scientific, it's just a religion.

If your socialist society is still producing fascists and capitalist ideologues, then you've fucked up bigly. Suppressing ideas is the height of idealism, because the only reason to suppress them is in the belief that they have power. Unfortunately the world is materialist, not idealist, and censoring counter-revolutionary ideologies won't prevent a counter-revolution from happening. Additionally, once you suppress one portion of the proletariat for having "fascist" views, that allows you to censor any portion that have "counter-revolutionary" views.

Don't be a bitch. Defend your opinion, don't leave because people are bitching you out.

Imagine my shock.

If we take State and Revolution as the definitive work of Leninism, then Lenin wasn't a Leninist.

Nagle is a brainlet tho

Thread is dead buut I hold out hope for discussion. I'll respond to what was to me.
I don't know who/what Blanquist is. I have came to my conclusions about democracy without any direct philosophical influences, for better or worse. The way I see it, the right course of action does not always coincide with popular opinion, thusly democracy isn't always the right source of rule. For example, most Americans aren't for Socialism, but if you were to give me an army of devoted men, I would enforce Socialism upon them anyways. They would like it, it is a benifit outside of what they think.
A dictatorship of the proletariat is the proletariat suppressing the other classes, antisocialist proles can be suppressed by other proles, lmao.
They don't have to be produced, we have them in record high supplies. This is the issue, I don't believe Socialism will produce them, which is why I see unrestricted free speech as a privilege that will be truly gained after the Revolution. Right now it is a "right" that truly benifits the bourgeois, and is barely used by proles outside of areas I wouldn't support the suppression of. The only real things that should be banned are Capitalists/Fascists actually running for office or actively amassing a group. Perhaps I was unclear, I don't have a problem with people being mad on the Internet that we took Dad's tendy factory, I have a problem with actual calling for organization/organizing. Perhaps I misunderstand the free speech debate. I am very open to changing my mind, if you are here to do so.
Really common misunderstanding of idealism. I believe, as all materialists do, that the material world creates ideas, and I believe those thoughts then affect the world through their guiding of human action. Without ideas man could not labor, here's a quote from Marx detailing this beautifully.
Much like the architect, people have to think something before they can conciously labor towards it. Suppressing ideas does, in fact, stop (or at least impede) people from working towards them, and that is a real materialist idea. The world gives man his life, his life gives him his ideas, his ideas give him life, and his life impacts the world. No need for any spooky magic at all.
Slippery slope argument. They aren't "fascist" views, they are real viewpoints that are absolutely negative on society. The belief that blacks, jews, whites, [insert ethnic group] should be exterminated is a cause that should be forcibly stopped from organizing. People sincerely advocating that we need to return to Capitalism should also be forced to stop. We don't have to continue from there. That's the line, there is no need to go on censoring people. Imagine if this logic was applied to anything else, "Well now that you started revolting you will have to keep on shooting people", "well now you started building a house you have to make a skyscraper", etc… I'm not even saying people HAVE to be censored, it is my hope that people come to their senses. However, barring that happenstance naturally occuring, the state should step in and keep things Commie to the best of their ability.
This is an aside, but I know when I thought like this it came from a caution of trusting one's own viewpoint, for fear of dogmatism. No action can come from worrying constantly about your ideology blocking your sights, the best anyone can do is, as gay as this sounds, believe in their competence, check themselves, and carry on trying to do right. I personally believe that I am correct, and until proven wrong, will do right by that. And about the inevitability of blunders, you only have to be right so much of the time. A test isn't ruined from a wrong answer, a field isn't killed by a crushed flower, etc… This is rambling but it personally stands with me, and could help you see into my ideology.

That's literally Blanquism.
So, it's really a dictatorship of the majority who decide what views are allowed or not, and if the majority aren't Socialist, then it has to be a dictatorship of the party.
That's not speech, that's literal counter-revolutionary activity. Speech is saying that Socialism sucks and Capitalism would be better; it's like how in the West you can advocate for Islamic Fundamentalism and you won't be arrested, but if you try stoning your adulterous daughter you will be.
I am also.
Except it is impossible to suppress ideas. The Russian Empire had one of the harshest censorship laws in Europe, Socialists were regularly thrown in jail, but the first major Socialist revolution still happened there. You can burn the books and jail the agitators, but that will never prevent the idea of "the Tsar is bad, and there's an alternative to this system". Likewise, Fascism didn't happen because Fascists spread their ideas, they're been spreading it since the War ended and nothing has happened, Fascism happened because Capitalism was in crisis, which is precisely why Nationalism is rising again in the West. People do not act because of ideas, they act because of material conditions that create the idea to drive them to act.
Slippery-slope is only a fallacy if you cannot show how one thing leads to another, in this case, it's clear how censoring one viewpoint for vague reasons immediately allows the censorship of another for vague reasons.
Obviously you can't allow a hostile force to organize, but that's not what free speech is. Again, being an Islamist isn't illegal in the West, but being part of an Islamist terrorist organization is. If you think genocide is a good idea, then you're an idiot but your words aren't harming anyone, if you think genocide is a good idea and you're actively working towards implementing one, then you're dangerous, and it's not your words that is the problem, it's your intent to kill.
Why? He's obviously going to keep believing that, and now you give credence to his belief that Socialism is tyrannical. Just like monarchists are seen as idiots now, so would a capitalist in a socialist society. If your Socialist society is actually functioning, then there's no reason for people to become counter-revolutionary.
The point is that a rule censoring Fascist views is obviously built upon some deeper principle, which is to say that "Fascism must be censored because…" and that "because" can apply to much more beyond Fascism.
I don't want to censor Fascists because I'm afraid they might actually be right and that I might be wrong. I don't want to censor them because I'm not afraid of ideas, I don't want any entity to have the power to say which ideas are allowed, and I think that censoring them only makes them more adamant and gives credence to the idea that "the elites don't want you to know the truth".

Cool I guess.
Haha I guess it ends up being democracy in the end. Now I'm beginning to believe we have nothing to argue over, as it would be impossible to have Socialism undemocratically, as the prole support would already be democratic.
Besides some nitpicks, you've more or less changed my mind. We didn't disagree on the important stuff (swear organization counts as free speech but w/e), and it seems like any attempt at Socialism that would need censorship would already be failing from other problems. I think that "censoring" groups vs censoring speech is what we disagreed on, and it seems pretty clear we are both right on that.
I definitely believe people like this should be barred from voting if they gain any sizeable mass, and should be repressed similarly to capitalists, but we seem to be in agreement on that.
This paragraph I disagree with. Ideas are clearly suppressable, due to literally being able to fight and defeat the people that enforce them. When the DOTP arrises, Capitalists will be barred from Capitalist activity, and this will help defeat Capitalist ideology. The continued success of Socialist society will prevent the resurgence of Capitalist tendencies in any serious form, and people will be allowed to advocate for the now equivalent-monarchy as they please. I think this is a misunderstanding, and we don't actually disagree, however I think I actually being more clear on this now.
I really don't see the clear connection. The censoring can simply not be done for things not advocating for violence/regression. This doesn't matter however as it seems to be a nonissue.
We are in agreement.
Well having to build a skyscraper after the house comes from the principle that you need shelter, obviously you wouldn't be beyond more shelter, you shelter making mad man. Same with revolution, when does the revolution stop, when does your vague "because capitalism" end and where does the peace start? I do feel kind of sad that dis agreeing with this point is just nitpicking at this point as I've mentioned a thousand times, we seem to be in agreement.
Eh different strokes I suppose, although I have trouble believing you don't have/ havent had some of those tendencies to some degree.
It seems that we agree that during the DOTP Capitalists, Fascists, people who oppose the socialist state, will be opposed, and the success of Socialism will succeed in making people stay Socialist. I now believe that an undemocratic Socialist nation would be a failure due to its people's lack of support, so any value to the idea is thusly lost due to its impossibility. Great postings user, this was a good thread.

I don't think I've ever seen that written here, much less towards me.
If you have to bar them from voting in order to prevent them from changing the society, then the worse has already happened. The fact that Islamic Fundamentalism exists at all, and is even growing in some places is proof of serious systemic problems, mainly imperialism which causes this kind of reaction. If you have a similar problem under Socialism, then again, you've fucked up bigly.
I don't think they should be repressed per se, only if they display intent to harm. One can believe Shariah Law is good without intending to subvert the current system in order to impose it.
Of course in that sense, I meant suppressing ideas that the material conditions are creating. For instance, if Capitalism is undergoing a crisis, all the censorship in the world isn't going to prevent people from becoming reactionaries and revolutionaries, it could only succeed at preventing them from adopting a deeper, consistent ideology. That is why raising class consciousness is important, not because it will magically make the proles revolutionary, but because when the time is right and the proles are driven to radicalism, they will be driven to the path that will actually lead to their liberation. Censorship can eliminate knowledge, but it cannot eliminate behavior or feeling. So it might be able to eliminate the ideology of "fascism", it cannot eliminate the conditions that create reactionaries.
But who exactly determines what the censoring can be done towards? If it's a simple majority, what if they decide to censor whatever unpopular belief of the day is, even if it's true?
That's actually a good point. I suppose it's when the working class determines that they have achieved their liberation.
I was once an ancap, but I realized I held that position out of ignorance. I don't think anyone trying to suppress my opinions or outlawing my ideology would've done me in good in changing my mind.
Thanks comrade, you too. I'm glad you truly were open minded, you encourage me to be the same.

I was the original poster who sparked this discussion, I'm sorry for being a bitch and I think you explained it better than I could. I just find it a waste of time to argue with ☭TANKIE☭s generally and I'm tired of this board being mostly MLs. I want to go elsewhere not solely because people disagree with me but because I don't think I can even begin to understand these LARPers who like le Soviet aesthetic xd

Imagine being so immature that your reaction to disagreement is "let's just kill or imprison them lel". ☭TANKIE☭s don't seem to realize that Pol Pot and Stalinism are simply two different individuals at the helm of countries with identical ideologies; under authoritarianism you don't get to pick which one you get. It's not the 20th century anymore, you don't have to suck Stalin's cock for Soviet funding for your communist group, let's not act like that was ever a good thing

This board isn't mostly ML, they're just the newest flavor of the time and are aggressive and loud. Allowing their opinions to go unchallenged just encourages them. Read theory so that you can absolutely BTFO them.

This intellectual laziness is what drives people away from the left. Hell it even alienates leftists from each other. This bullshit has to stop! We're all comrades here goddamn it!

These people are taking intersectional theory to such extreme they alienate themselves from each other with their oppression olympics. Had any of them read anything about intersectional theory, they would know that it's nothing but a tool of social and cultural analysis. It's not meant to desolve the entire fucking left into micronationalist tribes in constant war against each other over which tribe will be the vanguard of social justice or some bullshit…