I came to the realization that most of what I think how communism will be developed hasn't been articulated, and that concerns me. Specifically because we need to address the human question before we begin.
People psychologically have drives, and this means that we drive ourselves towards what we desire, or our Big Other wants us to desire. The Big Other in our society is that which causes its consistent reproduction, and here in Western Society, Capitalism is reproduced every time someone buys or sells something or some service, using money or other currency to obtain profit. Since we live in this system now, we use it because we must.
This thing that we must do, reproduce Capitalism, happens in manifold ways, which makes us not always free to make our own system, because of how thoroughly capitalism permeates our systems of enjoyment: even as children, we were taught to get good grades in school, to collect virtual coins in our video games, enjoy the getting of new toys, and later we learned to grab other kids' toys, and all other things like this.
Later we learned to desire each other, as sexual beings, and consume each other as such without any real thought as to how the other person feels, because our own desires are prime, and thus we learned to resent each other as our desires were mutually ignored, in a sort of mass autism, and the only time we escape this loneliness is in a sort of autism-for-two that comprises the modern nuclear family, because every man wants to be his own king of his house, and every woman wants to be the center of attention. No wonder kids are growing all fucked up, being relegated to being raised by themselves on games or the internet, or some nanny, who just puts the kids on the games or internet. This is the norm, if you don't collect any fucked up fetishes if you accidentally saw pornography on the internet on the way as you grew up.
How do we find enjoyment in building communism, when have all this Capitalist desire around us and even in us? I want to program, but I keep getting stuck looking at porn. We have all our other problems as well; what can we do about them?