From the imgur:
Another denier picture (pic related), this time using "World Jewish Almanacs" as proof
This is one of the holocaust deniers' Golden Oldies. They clearly don't know how almanacs work. They do censuses every decade or so, but keep publishing their books almost annually. Doesn't that seem odd? It isn't - during peacetime. The sharper tools in the shed are capable of understanding that the annual figures are nothing but mathematical projections, aka "reasonable estimates".
In 1945, the world just got out of a war that cost the lives of some 60 million people all over the world. Do deniers really think that the world Almanacs will already have the correct numbers one or two years later? Those kind of death tolls take years to assess, as censuses have to be conducted in dozens of countries and countless lists of dead have to be analyzed. Unsurprisingly, the 1949 addition of the Almanac does show a decrease of the world's Jewish population to 11,266,600 people for the year 1947 (see the left page here: , while in 1939 it was around 16 Million, as shown here:
The funny thing is, the denier who made the above infographic was stupid enough to even include it without noticing (or included it on purpose to show us how stupid and incriminating a fraud a Jewish population plummet AFTER world war 2 would be, right? err..right guys? g-guys?). It is indeed the sharp drop that appears around 1948-49.
The icing on the cake, of course, is that despite each almanac specifically pointing out that all figures are estimates and which last obtained hard data they are based on (in this case, pre-war), we are treated (yet again) to the epic hilarity of watching the less sophisticated deniers use almanacs as proof.
More detail here:
To recap: Wartime and immediate post-war estimates were projections using pre-war data. These weren't updated in the Almanac until 1949 when the Jewish total did in fact plummet.
As usual, dickhead deniers cite Almanac figures as entirely credible….but if they somehow know which brave committee was conducting accurate census surveys in Europe during wartime when bombs were flying all over the place, I would be glad to let them tell me who these brave souls were…
E.g. for 1940:
and 1941:
To think almanacs published during these war years are accurate is the height of (denier) stupidity.
The Swimming Pool
A favorite example of the deniers is the Stammlager's swimming pool. They argue that the presence of a swimming pool, with "diving boards", shows that Auschwitz was really a rather benign place, almost a holiday resort, and therefore could not possibly have been a center of extermination. They ignore that the swimming pool worked as a water reservoir for the purpose of firefighting and that the pool was only accessible to SS men and certain privileged non-Jewish prisoners who were at the top of the complex prisoner hierarchy and employed as inmate-functionaries in the camp, including "Aryan" prisoners.
The presence of the swimming pool in the Auschwitz I Stammlager, originally for political prisoners, and that's where the pool was, does not say anything about the conditions for Jewish inmates, and does not challenge the existence of an extermination program, predominantly carried out in Auschwitz II Birkenau.
The great majority of prisoners of course (and the complex housed over 100,000 of them) NEVER got anywhere NEAR this small pool - this is fact.
The problem here is the classic denier generalization tactic from things which were limited in their application, i.e. from the relatively decent conditions provided to the Nazis running the camp, and a small number of privileged prisoners who were their most loyal lapdogs quartered here, to the entire camp population, especially everyone over at Birkenau.
So the swimming pool argument is a complete red herring with the sole purpose of baiting the average person on the street into denial, because clearly he didn't hear about this in school, and clearly it exists, so clearly there's something fishy about the entire camp and he was lied to his entire life.
The idea that, after years of deliberate persecution, anti-semitic laws, pogroms, destruction of synagogues, ghetto starvation, massacres, and so on…that the Nazis forcibly removed people from their homes and transported them hundreds of miles in cattle cars…to a friggin Butlins holiday camp complete with swimming pools, brothels, and 'work' to set them free…is just such a load of COMPLETE AND UTTER BOLLOCKS that anyone espousing it seriously needs the most secure straight jacket that can be found.