Holla Forums
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Activism #15
Front page of CNN
So it looks like Holla Forums may be about expose BAMN and related orgs and their reach into local Berkeley political...
People think I'm a cop and now every socialist where I live refuses to talk to me
What's your stance on Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Holla Forums?
North Korea was once more developed than South Korea
Prove you're not a braindead libtard and name one legitimately positive thing about Hitler (not that he killed himself)
How do you respond to someone saying white privelege is real? Is there any proof...
I was in a left anime thread and it hit me- when anime girls are communists, it's not as funny
Help me, I'm going insane
Are we allowed to discuss the Jewish role in the rise of Marxism/Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution here?
Karl Radek Joke Thread
Angela Merkel reportedly had to explain the 'fundamentals' of EU trade to Trump 11 times
/leftyv/ thread
Why are Marxists so obsessed with perverting sexuality? Why do you all have extremely damaging, fringe perversions...
Venezuelan United Socialist Party
Holla Forums is run by Holla Forums
Once we instaur communism, what should the federated entities of Europe be?
Just wondering, why is Maoism hated in Holla Forums?
Questions from a National Socialist
It is sometimes asked whether the law of value exists and operates in our country, under the socialist system
Why are ML parties in the west always creepy ass cults?
I'm Australian. Recently a renowned New Zealander comedian who has worked in our country since the 70s died...
If Capitalism is an inherently 'bad' system:
Why does situationist seem to get such a bad rap around here?
Why are the Alt-right so spooked ?
Stupid Holla Forums retards push for trump cuz muh accelerationism
*sips tea*
Why is production for exchange bad?
What is the most obnoxious Holla Forums meme according to you? Personally, I hate Kekistan...
Have we reached peak ideology?
Mark Crispin Miller spitting straight fire at an SJW
I bet you cucks can't name someone who can beat Captain America
What the fuck was his problem?
Nationalist reaction to liberal idpol instead of communist reaction
Have we done a thread of these yet? What do you think of this test?
Prove you are not a mindless follower and tell me something wrong about communism
Expanding Holla Forums Influence
So there is a lot of talk on this board about how America is basically a third world country and is the most class...
Can we save him?
Why don't you follow /bestideology/ DeLeonism? Think of it, it's the perfect synthesis for Marxists and Anarchists
When did "globalism" become the spectre that the right loves to attack and blame for social ills and economic turmoil?
Ending The Cultural Marxism Meme
Electoral Politics
Alain Badiou
Guys I want to take and hold a skyscraper in manhattan...
Swear your allegiance to the class struggle, user
Lol this alt-right creature got decimated and tried to gaslight
Is Market Socialism necessary for a well fed population?
Daily News Thread 4/21
Which do you hate more?
May Day 2017
Is /nofap/ a spook
Antifa Leadership Identified
Trump to prosecute Assange
Terrorist attack in France
Can somebody shoot Elon Musk already?
It seems like almost everyone on Holla Forums disagrees with idpol...
Ecomp Software
How do I get muh anime under socialism/communism?
Capitalism General
Good leftist organizations on east coast US?
Within a decade...
Macron has been chosen as President of France
Drumpf impeachment soon
What is anarcho-nihilism...
Serious question, what do you guys think of cuckoldry? why are certain groups (Holla Forums) so obsessed with it...
IWW Rant
The Cultural Marxist Agenda Explained
The Case Against Libertarian Socialist Rants [Far-Left, Spanish Civil War, Alt-Right]
How would you fix this country, leftypol?
Very important
What does Holla Forums think about her imminent win?
Happy Birthday, mein Führer!
The US will prepare charges and seek the arrest of Julian Assange
Ethics in taxation
Pierre Tru-Dank
I'm from ex-Yugoslavia and recently I've been picking up various old books and Marxist magazines related to our...
Can anyone explain what islamic communism is? No memes plz
DSA answers the question
What do leftists think of gun control?
Is Islam an actual threat to the west or is that just Holla Forums nonsense?
Antifa girl GoFundMe (disambiguation)
I used to romanticise Cuba a lot. But now it doesn't seem so great...
If I were to make a youtube channel about Communalism and Bookchin and the happenings in Rojava would anyone watch me?
Tom Perez vs Bernie Sanders
Do you hate muslims? Why? Why the fuck not?
What do you make of this nonsense?
Why haven't you read him yet, user?
Capitalist country has financial crisis
Tfw read Bordiga for the meme
Modern Baltic Comintern
Corbyn signalling a return to class-based politics
Daily News Thread **4/20**
Venezuela seizes General Motor plant
Pics of revolutionaries just chillin'
Adolf Hitler remembrance thread
Mods, don't be prejudiced
Fuck Bookchin
Everyone is equal right
Empirical Marxism
Venezula riots against United Socialist Party
Russians immigrate to America
Black Lives Matter banned white people from joining their movement
North Korea is an oppresive, depressing hellhole
From >>1590146
ITT: we make fun of classcucks
The dream is collapsing
Pink-O: A symbol of the left
Far left militant porn
Just gonna leave this here
So Antifa girl is raising money to start a labour movement with the help of fellow comrades. Check this out:
Remember the Future? Hauntology, Modernism and Neoliberalism
Why are so many fucking hippies in our movement?
This is what happens when you leftycucks come out to play
If morality is a spook, then there is nothing wrong with exploitation
Tfw you could have prevented that Antifa girl from getting wasted on camera
Guess who got BTFO today
Re-educating white nationalists
Noam Chomsky doing what Noam Chomsky does best
Does leftypol hate reddit as much as the rest of 8ch?
Where do you stand on this?
Could a National Bolshevik explain their ideaology in the most non autistic way possible? Thanks
Debunk Titoism
Is Russia a capitalist state?
You have 10 Seconds to prove you're not bourgeois
So private property is fascism at it's core right? Or so I've been told
Can someone explain to me what "bourgeoisie"/"proletariat" is in simple terminology?
Richard Spencer Live at Auburn University
Are Mizrahi Jews /ourguys/?
DSA got a Candidate on the Atlanta City Council
Why can't dead labor create value? If a robot can perform all the labor of a worker...
Tag yourself, I'm the one in the armchair
Effective Altruism/Earning to Give
Daily News Thread 4/19
Tfw I love my parents but they're bourgeois as fuck
Wait, so you guys think democracy is bad?
So, what's the deal with these guys...
Syria Thread
Secret Political Ideology Catgirls Comic Collaboration Spoiler Fun Thread
Trump pushes reactionary “Buy American, Hire American” plan
In class today
Redpill me on Anne Frank
So how does Holla Forums plan to celebrate when Le Pen whens and restores your country to its former glory?
Russian Communists
Now I know you guys hate discussing majnstream American politics but there's more than a few Americans on this board so...
Sartre vs Camus
Do you agree with this?
Is normalfaggatory a product of bourgeois capitalism?
New Bunkermag Article
ANTIFA needs more racial diversity and leadership
Western Civilization/The World is comming to and End
This kills the collectivist commie
Automation doesn't cause unemployement
Can dialectical materialism explain the origin of the universe?
Hey Stormcucks
When exactly did leftism die in the United States?
Why does American ANTIFA miss the point so much? How can we turn it into a better movement?
Auburn University Will now Let Spencer Speak
If the US bombing Cambodia led to the rise of the Khmer Rouge...
Who's Ready for /ourguy/ to get fucking obliterated?
How do we purge people like this from the left?
The logistics of a successful revolution
Richard Spencer is going to Auburn university at 6pm their time with private security, and antifa will be there
Were the old Black Panthers and similar movements /ourguys/...
The Southern Poverty Law Centre's looking to sue Andrew Anglin because of his role in coordinating anti-semitic...
Burgers and class struggle
What does Holla Forums think of the EU?
…one cannot accept the theory of workers' management...
Third worldism
Honest question, what the fuck was up with the Shining Path?
Jazz Thread
"I want liberty, freedom, and prosperity for everyone" - Ron Paul
Theresa May Announces Snap Election
Is the concept of "Maturity" a bourgeois spook?
Guys what the fuck is happening to Holla Forums?
I believe Occupy Wall St, despite all its failings...
Fears Google Hire could allow employers to see your entire search history
Apparently the alt right pieces of shit are trying to organize a big advertising campaign on the 26th...
Can we at least agree that Karl Liebknecht deserved to die?
Is she a CIA psyop?
What kinda music does Holla Forums listen to?
In the middle east only the leftists support assad against fsa and wahhabi israeli scum...
When you realize that Barry was the classiest American president in the last 40 years
Neoliberalism is creating loneliness. That’s what’s wrenching society apart
Why are rich people so much smarter, kinder, more civilized and just generally better than poor people?
Big Bang Theory analysis
Why do I find myself agreeing more and more with anarchists?
Is there a political movement calling for a return to feudalism? If not, can we meme this into existence?
Treatment of minoritys in anarchism
Majority of commies embraces idpol
Bill Nye now likes philosophy
Why is Louis C.K such a liberal prick?
The hell is this bullshit?
What does leftypol think about the General Defense Committee of the IWW?
Religious Communism. A Reading List
Maduro orders military into the streets amid scheduled protests
Are you preparing for the revolution?
Alex Jones is j-just kidding, says his lawyer
Brocialism and Manarchism general
Leftist Nationalism
Any of you Antifa faggots living in Sacramento want to fight?
Chemical attack possibly staged, says MIT expert
What do you think of this debate between Kraut and tea and a race realist?
The Youth and Socialism
ITT: people who did nothing wrong
Lets play a game, how many CIA sponsored terrorist groups can Holla Forums name?
WARNING: Idpol Has Just Reached Critical Mass
Anybody here have reactionary friends from before you were a leftist?
Communists are intellectual unlike those book-burning nazis, amirite?
How do we get socialists to love Jesus Holla Forums?
I know this is a pretty basic bitch opinion but I'm ok with the free exchange of ideas...
What the actual fuck happened to this place?
Anti-Americanism thread
Bringing down the Tories isn't impossible
Why is this fuck so popular?
Am I leftie, if I want…
The Orthodox Christian Anarcho-Capitalist on /liberty/ just admitted that he lied about being rich...
Holla Forums.net is not safe
Is it hopeless?
WTF I love spooks now
Like pottery this cunt has come to delegitimize Melenchon
Wagecuck threads
There will be over a million marchers for the annual may day march in LA
Donald Chump's 180 on China
How and why did you become a leftist?
Why should the worker's revolution be violent?
Germana Demokratia Respubliko
Anyone else sick of this clown?
What's he pointing the gun at Holla Forums?
How does antifa recover after berkeley 3.0?
Is free speech a spook?
Canuck Comrades
For Communism and Against Left and Right
Why doesn't Holla Forums learn a trade?
Is Holla Forums our friend in the fight against idpol liberalism?
OC thread
Holla Forums becomes tolerant after a Livestream of a killing of an elderly black man
Hey guys. I've been lurking here for a bit and was wondering what your opinions were of Machiavelli?
Was George Orwell a Trotskyist? This book made Snowball look like the biggest victim
What's wrong with Fash?
Run the Jewels
Tfw you see that token black guy among alt-right
You guys are just kidding when you talk about gulags and purges right
Go to leftypol dot com
Literally the entire "left" outside of Holla Forums and maybe Zizek is basically either SJWs wearing black...
Virtual real
Turkish Referendum thread
Daily News Thread 4/16
What is Holla Forums doing for Easter/Pascha?
American Antifa
ISIS Economics
Wtf he's beautiful
Tfw nationalist/capitalist
Greetings I am 4/pol/
How could Gamergate have been turned into a communist movement? They had a pretty good anti-idpol stance
Huey Long Thread
Tfw the celebrity actor who played captain america makes veiled threats at someone for punching a female antifa member
Why does this board act like fascists are worthy of debate or fighting us on 'ethical' grounds all the time?
What ideolagy does this flag represent
PROPAGANDA: MIT Publishes "Communism" For Kids | Louder With Crowder
Who's your favorite?
This makes me depressed. Are we losing ground? Why is this allowed to happen...
This teacher is woke
Since it's Easter now
All that time spent posting on /letypol/ could have been used to read theory
Pushing normies further left
Nick Land
Who would win?
Lazy Guard Dogs
Antifaggots BTFO again
What's your favourite form of anarchism?
This is the leader of identity europa
Be american, have the ability to buy a shotgun in walmart
Why are lefties so pathetic?
Say it with me :
North korea just launched a missile but it blew up almost immediately
The Bunkermag Article: The Rise and Fall of the Creative Class
A new pizzagate is happening with the difference being instead of human trafficking happening in pizza restaurants...
Doesn't the idea of "cultural appropriation" put at risk thousands of ethnic artists, small business owners...
New political ideology catgirls comic
He died on this day 18 years ago
Would you Josephine Stalina?
Who are Leftypol internet celebs if I might ask?
Live at Berekely: Anti FA vs the Alt Right
Fighting for gay rights is liberal idpol, communism will solve oppression
Where will the next revolution take place, Holla Forums ?
What's the best leftist ideology to follow if I'm a huge queer and want to abolish the gender binary?
Daily News Thread 4/15
When capitalism comes crashing down will we all be living like Varg?
"we'll improve bunkerchan for real now"
Why did the bolsheviks destroy socialists institutions?
This is your brain on anti communism
Jason Unroo goes full Sargon
"Hey user, Which Korea is the better Korea?"
What went wrong?
Debate tips
Why are sub-saharan africans so fucking retarded?
You realize lefy politics was created and spread by jewish thinkers right?
Fiscal Combat
Any logically consistent Marxist can see the issue with idpol as practiced by liberal SJWs...
Communism doesn't work in Dwarf Fortress, why would it work in real life?
Bernie Sanders is the biggest threat to socialism in the US
Is leftism the blue or the red pill? How do I know what ideology matches reality the best?
Greatest Theorist of the 20th Century
Did lefties care about this?
What is it with leftism and ugliness?
Sorry, Pepsi Haters, But Social Justice Needs Capitalism
Cutural Marxism
How is "left wing nationalism" different than fascism? Be specific...
US retailers collapsing at an alarming rate
Karl Marx✡ was a Jewish conspirator whose conspiracy has been causing Lulz since he started writing and years after...
Socialism Vs Capitalism
Wow! It's almost as if…
Baathanism and Assad
The communists believe that they have found the path to deliverance from our evils. According to them...
Reminder to get the FUCK off this board if you don't support the DPRK
Why are so many of the leftypol twitters effeminate gay men?
Bernie Sanders is the biggest obstacle to socialism in the US
Some facts about Marx for you:
Tfw no feminine far left bf to cuddle with and have a lasting meaningful relationship with
Politigram anarchists are just edgy democrats
Why diversity and immigration are bad, from a rational perspective
What's your opinion on Mastodon?
US Imperialism: The __Only__ Way to Oppose it!
Traveling to the KSA for work for half a year...
Why are so many leftists into continental gibberish?
Breaking News for MS Windows comrades
Socially awkward capitalism stories
Not smart enough for Marxism
Tfw you will never be a soviet soldier
"muh space" t. every liberal ever
Daily News Thread 4/14
So when we take Washington, which building/s do we symbolically raze?
What's the Holla Forums stance on the porn industry? Or just porn in general?
Is there a list of what wordfilters Holla Forums has?
How do we address the Holla Forums problem...
Meanwhile in Greece
Melenchon, President
What do ya think of that Mr. Bootlickin'…
Why are sub-saharan africans so retarded?
The only oppressed class in our society are technically literate people
I'm fucking tired of thinking and talking about capitalism every fucking day and I greatly regret becoming involved in...
Tfw latin american
What does this image mean
Holla Forums here. Is Communism without traps, gays, anime, porn, etc. possible? I am pro-family, pro-life...
How did the cultural marxism meme start?
Kaulchural Mahxism
The futility of Communism
A pirate is basically a Buddha
How about one of these shitty threads? Post yours
Do you agree?
What the fuck is happening to comedy? Why is idpol running so extreme in these circles now...
How come ultra rich porkies don't ever fuck with the market for shits and giggles just for fun or to form personal...
What does Holla Forums think of the death penalty?
Marx on armchair revolutionaries
Hi comrades
Is it true you guys are invading 4/pol/...
What does Holla Forums think about racial differences in psychometric profiles...
Strong AI
Karl Radek's jokes
Trump drops MOAB in Afghanistan
New here
Porky taking the fruits of your labor: bad
Daily News Thread 4/13
Why does every socialist state ban guns?
America's finest at it again
Why are leftists so ambivalent about substantive economics?
What's the Difference Between A Tranny And Cross-dresser?
Greetings, fellow socialists
Leftypols recommended YouTuber list
Militancy: highest stage of alienatio
Anti-war movements
Tfw there's people who unironically defend North Korea
Is protesting just virtue signaling?
The most communist anime, himouto! umaru chan! got a season 2
Okay Holla Forums, I'm a newborn babe in this adult world...
Idpol cringe thread
What are your thoughts on death tax?
Yall hate rich people?
Think about going to Rojava
The Chinese Communist party
What side are you on, Holla Forums?
Did Marx become more libertarian as he aged?
What do you think of eugenics? Why?
The current political situation in my country, Sweden...
Which narrative about gamers and nazis do you believe?
How to avoid a degenerated workers' state? How would the state eventually wither away?
Why do you guys hate Leninism so much?
/scot/pol general
I MAY be autistic but hear me out
Does anyone actually unironically think Pol Pot was a good guy?
We are reaching a point where either the jobs are not paying much for your work, or they just no longer exist...
Reddit socialism
Is the high art the most decadent bourgeois industry?
Is North Korea as bad as the media makes it out to be? How is life like for the proles there...
Tankies love relationship with Right-Wingers
Why does dialectical materialism stop at communism? Because Marx said so?
Moderate Transitioning Instead of Sudden Migration
Hillary Clinton on North Korea in private paid speech to Goldman Sachs (via wikileaks)
What did he mean by this?
It’s official! Cuba is the first country in the world to eliminate mother-child transmission of HIV & AIDS
I found this on a Holla Forums twitter account. Is it accurate?
Richard Spencer is speaking at my university next week. What should happen?
Tfw the crazy age of anime that happened in the 80's and the 90's is gone
Why are sub-saharan africans so fucking retarded?
Why do you hate fascism? It's basically Stalinism without the mass starvation
I haven't really read any theory, so where do I start? The reading list thread is too overwhelming
What are yall's opinions on Sargon of Akkad?
Can i be both leftist and a white nationalist?
Nationalism does not work
Mfw Le Pen is likely to win
/leftipol/ - identifying problems without offering solutions
Have any of you ever come in contact with a stealth porky?
Tell me about Yugoslavia, lads. I keep hearing about how they had a unique socialist system
More Holla Forumsyps are coming over to our side by the day...
Decided to try out twitter and I have a question
Cultural Marxism as defined by Holla Forums
Can anyone explain to me why Capitalism is wrong?
So, since Communists are revolutionary types, you guys believe that all citizens have the right to firearms, right...
Mix Capitalism and Socialism
Alabama Senate votes to allow church to form police department
OC thread + Hegelian Marx
Can the left take back the internet?
Leftypol desperately botting themselves to third place
Why do so many Holla Forumsacks love Tulsi Gabbard?
So what actually is communalism...
Nazbol? Strasserism?
I come from 4/pol/ /sg/
Go to sleep
Why would you think revolution is possible in first world countries...
The liberals are turning
Remember assad is a le very ebil dictator he must be overthrown , be with your president :^)
I see a lot of antinatalists here
Hello /cuckypol/...
Holla Forums strawpoll
Naruto Animator Kazunori Mizuno Passes Away From Overwork
These fuckers keep digging their own grave
Post-wwii japan
Antifa Support
"Kill yourself"
Which political ideology do you hate the most? Why?
What does leftypol think of white people...
What are your thoughts on the CIA?
2017, a quarter year in review
What would an anarchist revolution and transition to socialism look like? I'm not trying to be sectarian...
Hello, comrades, how do you plan to survive the draft?
What do we think of Marquis de Sade?
Alternative Media
Nietzsche nazi?
Socialism has never been tried
ITT: we guess when the next crisis happens and why
Melenchon Gains popularity
How and when did this site get compromised?
Is the wage gap real?
How does Marxists respond to this?
ITT: questions that don't deserve their own thread
New PragerU video
Tragedy of the Commons
Daily fuck tankies thread
Second /r9k/ recruitment bread
You are now the dictator of the USA for one day. What will you do in that short time limit?
Thought experiment
Why is the concept of social justice inherently bad?
What did he mean by this?
Do you use a GNU/Linux OS?
How can you guys be communists and yet like so many things that the historical commies considered "degenerate and...
Meme thread
Which is the best non theistic religion, and why is it the Cult of the Supreme Being?
Today, we'll be educating and recruiting from /r9k/
Leftypol circumcision
What's the deal with Socialist Alternative
We can all agree that he is Evil and needs to be stopped by any means necessary before he kills more babies- am I right...
Capitalism is shit
Hiding your power level
Why do leftists think that non-whites belong in British...
Tfw gonna study economics
I don't fucking get it. Why does everyone in Bongistan hate Corbyn? Why is Labour doing so poorly in the polls...
Newfriend who is mostly right wing libertarian here:
MODs should NOT be passive "observers!"
What is gender?
How do ML, Maoist, Ancom, and Left-Com definitions of "socialism" and "communism" differ?
Why has this chick become some type of spokesperson of the Left on mainstream news and television?
Why is Holla Forums raiding us? They aren't going to win any converts here, but what exactly are they after? Numbers...
Stop telling people to "read a book"...
Why shouldnt we purge all religious people? Most of them are too far gone and cant survive without that delusion
So I have been posting here for a while and I am pretty well versed on all the Jargon but I am weak on theoretical...
Daily reminder that in capitalism...
Moderator Feedback Thread
This is what leftypol vs. pol actually looks like
How should communists celebrate Passover?
Remerging with Holla Forums
Eidos paid Gamespot millions of dollars to promote the game Kane & Lynch
How is sexual value distributed in a communit society?
If I make a lot of money online what exactly prevents you from making the same...
Why does everyone hate leftcoms?
Just packing myself a snack before heading to work
PROPOSAL: ban cancer
How do you fix the biggest problem with comunism
Steve Bannon, our inside man in the White House, has been removed. Press F to pay respects to our fallen comrade
Yuri Bezmenov
Can the 'Chon do it?
Theory: corporal punishment during childhood creates and solidifies psychological fear and respect of authority...
Is Akko /our guy/?
Why are you doing this Holla Forums...
Guys. Guys. The clock on global climate change is still ticking. There can't be any lasting stateless...
Latest bootlicking worship video on Holla Forums
Whats the deal with market socialism
Be me
Thoughts on pedophilia?
Release of arctic methane "may be apocalyptic" study warns
A spectre is haunting the world
Is Rick Sanchez /ourguy/?
Donald Trump now up to 5D Chess
Lefties, fascist here. I wanted your opinion on what you thought about this thread criticizing capitalism...
Was class consciousness a mistake?
ITT: post Holla Forums cringe
Why are there no Aesthetical leftist propaganda?
Are we planning a coup d'etat against BO?
China agrees on 'action' on North Korea as navy strike group sails
What is Holla Forums's opinion on African American Vernacular English?
How do we destroy the democratic party?
Youtube alternative vid.me rises
Being communists, we all know and are jealous of capitalism's incredible ability to create wealth and prosperity...
Jimmy Dore is Convinced the Gas Attack is a False Flag
Which segments of the proletariat should we target? Which ones contain most revolutionary potential?
So why do we continue to support Wolff? Or are we going to pretend that the system he proposes is not 100% capitalist?
How does the LTV explain the absurd exchange value of things such as rare trading cards which cost essentially no labor...
Abortion should be banned tbh fam
Opinion of Verso?
How do i into a commie gf?
Is existentialism a leftist ideology?
Melonchon is live
Finnish municipal election
Boston ANTIFA destroy racist Gavin Mcguinnes
What is your favorite type of socialism? Mine is modern Chinese socialism
LTV is garbaggio
Holla Forums and this board hate the exact same people. the stagnant, ultra-powerful hegemony
Is veganism idpol?
Hi Holla Forums
"Race Realism"
'Ctrl+f Richard' No result
Retarded newfag and his conclusion
How did the "George Orwell is a conservative" meme become so widespread, when there's so much proof to the contrary?
Those Holla Forums guys planning to hax you
Some issues
Is the trans movement 100% idpol cancer or should we as leftists take an interest in trap politics?
Is there anyone in here over 40 years old?
Assassinated democrat warmonger and imperialist john f kennedy
What is central planning? How does it differ from capitalism...
How to kill the capitalist desire to own things?
Anti-president/goverment protests in Serbia
Poverty being fixed by capitalism? no lol
Uh oh here we fucking go
BRAZIL//Latin America General
Leftism and Monarchism
What ideologies are your parents/grandparents/siblings?
Identity Politics Always Bad?
I decided to make a video trying to reach out to disillusioned Trump supporters...
Chan influence on internet culture
I have thousands in btc, give me a reason to share those with you...
I hate to be divisive among leftists, but why is Maoism so popular whenever I go to leftist groups in real life...
In your ideal world, would fascists, reactionaries, pro-capitalists...
Every Lefty School of thought is valuable to this board
Why is all religion despised by the left despite Jesus being a shining example of an ideal socialist?
Best of Holla Forums
Welcome to our secret Cultural Marxist meeting...
Essential zizekcore
Identity politics
Help im lost
Mod abuse on Holla Forums
Suppose there's a successful communist revolution in your country. Now you're one of the leaders...
Anyone have the leftie version of this pic? I'll dump porkies in the mean time
Alt right staging a demonstration tonight
Is Naruto/Boruto a communist series?
What is a tankie and why does it make leftists buttmad?
Can we talk about automation and what impact this is going to have on society and capitalism...
BO is going to force a migration by any means
I'm officially done with Trump...
When people say, "communism has never worked...
Trump pulls a stupid move and drives most of his fanbase against him
Anyone else joining the military? I wanted to join the Natty Guard for the safety net, there's some good gibs...
Whats your plan for terrorism problem?
Is the race war inevitable?
Nazi germany wasn't soc-
How to debunk muh 60 gorillion?
To everyone shitting on America
This is a thread for the discussion of the hack and subsequent leak of Holla Forums data and to make the Holla Forums...
What are some good Socialist countries?
How likely do you think it is that Syria will attack Israel in retaliation for the American strikes? My bets are high
Can someone redpill me on Strassеrisм?
I just wanted to say thanks for being here Holla Forums...
Honestly, what's the difference between Holla Forums and Holla Forums
ITT: we bully the nazbols
Whats the true, non-reactionary, non-idpol, non-neoliberal /lefty/ position on immigration and/or refugees
New Ben Garricuck Cartoon
We finally won the meme war against Holla Forums
Redditors still think that Trump is a Putin puppet despite recent developments
Anti War protests
WEBM thread
What are the best leftist accounts on twitter to follow?
Mixed Barrel Bombs, many were chlorine
I completely regret getting caught up in Trump
Stockholm Terror Attack
I'm torn on Assad
Come laugh at porky's slaves
So, how are you going to dodge the draft?
'tankie' is now a racist slur you ultraleft fucks. i hope you feel appropriately chastised
Holla Forums going full retard and supporting Assad because it makes Holla Forums mad that Trump actually did the right...
We need to take this opportunity, Holla Forums has taken multiple kicks recently
Was he right?
Gulf of tonkin part 2???
You can't deny this
Americans are hopeless
Are furries slowly becoming communist?
Liberal hypocrisy over woman's public meltdown incident
Mfw being drawn more and more into Holla Forums ideology
Former Trump Supporter Here
Okay that's it, I'm a ba'athist now
Herein Flowth the Tears of Anti-Imp Frustration
Did he actually read Stirner or did he just talk shit about him from second hand info?
r/The_Donald supports trump after this
Post some recent book buys lads? This is the stuff I got today in Moscow from Falanster store...
Can we have a thread of trumptards jumping ship? i'm enjoying this
Has capitalism changed enough sinse the industrial revounltion to warrant revision of marxism?
He calls himself a lefty
Holla Forums is having an absolute meltdown. They refuse to accept the reality they live in...
Is it just me or are idpollers the greatest threat to socialism right now? Personally I'm not worried about the fash...
US in talks to remove ASSAD
Hello again /Leftpol/, this is Action Front
Glad to see you autistic cancerous faggots back online. Casual post of what do you faggots smoke and where is it from...
Hbomberguy has been banned from every single socialist subreddit
/marx/ is nowhere to be found
If Jean-Luc Mélenchon wins, I wonder if America will try to intervene and fuck everything up in the name of "freedom."
Jesus christ, have we actually entered the worst timeline? The best?
How do we defeat people like this?
What are the best revolutionaries in fiction?
Board Listings
Someone Explain
Is there a way to contact Zizek or discuss something with him with an email or chat?
Isn't communism practically a religion...
Hey guys, I have a crazy idea. No, really, hear me out
Hi, I'm a libertarian and I have a couple of questions about the whole leftist spectrum
Marx's theory is essentially that the working class will be motivated by material want to kill the burgoise
Ethical Argument for Communism
Tfw the Tiananmen Square were real socialists and not liberals
Specific Literature Request
Help save Holla Forums from trump cancer
What's your opinion of New Zealand?
4pol crying about us again
How do you get a gf?
So all Holla Forums autism aside, what do you guys think about Trump flip flopping on Assad?
Does anyone know much about Kim Chwa Chin
When did this board get a case of collective brain damage
Holla Forums starts raiding the board
Fuck Liberals. Fucking die SJW. I'm going beat a black child to death because of your posts
>tfw most hated board
Probably Stupid Questions
Hi Holla Forums I am a friendly Holla Forums user who would like to see your take on some images...
Wtf is even the message of this comic? That you should be able to hold prejudices without needing to justify them?
New New Rojava General
I want to cordially ask this board about thier opinion of beauty standards...
Humans are creatures of habit
Moderator Feedback Thread
Trump Worship on Holla Forums
How does it work? Why would people work for no reason but to sustain another person?
So I have some questions about left wing worldview and solutions to certain problems in society
Leaving Holla Forums
Is being a NEET a protest against the current system? Will my status and benefits be protected under gommunism...
You will never live in a comfy high rise commieblock
The whole pepsi advert thing
I think we need new board rules here let me start
Okay which one of you Tankies doxed Rebel Absurdity?
Alpha Wolff Never claimed Co-Operatives are the be all, end all
ITT We talk what Robespierre did and why it's nothing wrong
What does leftypol think of Tulsi Gabbard?
I need help. Recently, I've started feeling hate towards homosexuality, thinking of it as unnecessary, grotesque...
Someone, somewhere, unironically created this
Academics never worked a day in their lives
What is your definition of "fascism" and "a fascist"?
Why is the abolition of the value form necessary for socialism? Why did the USSR and Catalonia fail to do this?
Trump going full interventionist?
Is capitalism the reason I am a virgin?
Hello comrades. A few people on a leftist discord server have decided to start to start a content creation network...
Should paying for sex be a crime?
Interesting has Holla Forums finally turned for good?
Bunkerchan and other backups
What is Holla Forums thoughts about /mlpol/?
Alt-cucks keep using the same macros over and over to shill their delusion about the correlation between Race and...
Post a valid critique of left communism that doesn't involve le epic armchair memes
Tfw you want to unite the working class
Stalin was such a brutal tyrant, he made the prisoners in gulag eat nothing but horrible, tasteless cabbage soup!
WSWS slanders pisspiggrandad
Can someone explain to me the point of fighting the Alt-Right when their goals help further our own?
Satanic communists put death curse on Jason Unroo
Why the fuck is State Capitalism classified as Left-Wing?
You can't stanchion the Melenchon
Rojava General
If the idea behind transitioning is for an individual with Gender Dysphoria to overcome anxiety and or depression...
He did it again. Who will stop this maniac
Can we discuss the pepsi ad?
Why is Communism such hot shit here...
Are leftcoms practically Dengists?
He lumped us in with furrys and bronys. Why does Jim hate us so much?
Leftypol is back
Holla Forums and Holla Forums mod team confirmed assblasted liberal SJWs
Kill all tankies
I guess we're back huh. Should we abandon this shithole or just go back to posting like nothing happened?
Millennial and stay-at-home-wives
Marxism-Leninism: Vehicle of Capitalism
George Soros and his son are killed after a bomb is attached to their limo
Right wing reactionaries are winning everywhere
The Union of Egoists Discord
This is a serious thread
Was Mosley a NazBol?
When the revolution comes is George Soros getting the bullet?
How can one country be so classcucked?
Can I be a good socialist if I've never had a job, Holla Forums?
So much for the tolerant left
For disabled people, both physically and mentally, wouldn't social democracy be much better for them than communism?
You fall into a warp in the space-time continuum and wind up many years in the future
Appeal to Newfags
Can someone recommend critiques of austrian and chicago school economics...
Can someone post Bookchin pdfs please...
Daily News Thread 3/31
Is this graph accurate? Discuss
So in a recent conference Zizek mentioned that the ideal revolutionary should be like Tony Soprano...
I'm copying from >>/liberty/53008 (that poster isn't me tho)
Legit Islamics
Catgirl Drawfag Has Quit
What has to be done about regressive leftists? Are these dumb blue-haired cartoonist bitches really on our side?
What's leftypol's opinion on fatties/HAES?
Would you support a communist AI robot revolution against bourgeois human masters?
Is American liberalism a disease? Why do they hate GWB but love Obama who was just Bush 2.0?
Mfw the alt-right will be dead in 2 years
How do we repair the left's reputation?
How do you even respond to such shit-tier criticism?
Do people here unrinocally support the murderous dog putin and bashar all Assad?
How bad are the camps?
What Is National Socialism?
Weeaboos don't know anything about the industry they love so much works
Be Lenin
Imagine a world were media treated capitalism like they treat socialism?
Holla Forums Discord Thread
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...