Hi, I'm a libertarian and I have a couple of questions about the whole leftist spectrum.
The ideas Marx and later philosophers conjured up seem to be a rationalist approach to society, while the western "right-wing" ideas evolved naturally through societal progression. The leftist ideologies are not only political but they also come with a moral code that is different to what people (especially in the west) built their cultures on, as in, private property, self ownership (although that may not fully apply to all historic states) and democracy instead of mob rule (this is especially for the anarchists).
My question is, will the leftist ideas allow me to pursuit my morals, keeping the fruits of my labor and practicing free trade? If not, what would happen to dissidents and should we, with different ideas, look at leftism as a natural enemy to our kind?
Libertarism allows communism to take place, there is no problem with it, but does it apply the other way around?
Also if that is the case, converting people on Holla Forums may not work ever, because we are completely different. Sorry for the possible typos.