What's your opinion on Mastodon?
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The same opinion I have for every social network out there.
It's crap made for normies.
Anonymous boards are the same trash though, stop pretending this is any better. Maybe 15 years ago.
It has a cute logo.
It's shit. Promotes the same sort of bubble behavior that all other online spaces do.
almost all japs are on twitter 24/7 and now pixiv made their own mastodon instance (pawoo.net
gnu social is fucking dead btw
Everything people do on Twitter is already public so even a web crawler could datamine you unless someone for some reason spent more time sending private messages than tweeting.
E-E-E'ing GNU social, fuckit.
At least imageboards dont breed pride and attention whoring outside of the few tripfags.
Anonymous boards being anonymous makes all the difference.
Here you are judged on the merits of your opinion alone. The lack of popularity contests keeps the normies away.
hilarious if you think """board culture""" doesnt do this
people try to find the way to get the most responses every time
just because there isnt a name attached to your post doesnt make people less of attention whores here
another hilarious post
people try to undermine posts that disagree with them based on the most banal shit on imageboards
i mean you see this happening all the time even on this board with calling others Holla Forumstards or tankies etc
You realize Mastodon fedarates with GNU Social nodes, right?
im saying development is stalled
It won't gain mass appeal, so why bother? What point is there to a platform with no audience? You just create another echo chamber.
Any chance I'll get a Japanese gf using it?
I'm starting to see why everyone hates defeatists.
Is it just open source or is it libre too?
What is defeatist about that? The entire reason Twitter is useful is because that's where the most people are. It's a great tool for expressing your ideas to people. If you're going to use a minuscule platform, then you are going to reach a minuscule audience.
I've been looking into the core devs of this thing, and they have a SJW stench to them… I'd be careful about what they're capable of before I'd jump onboard.
Fuck off neo-/g/.
Of course the code is all that matters, but people are the ones that write it. Remember the shitstorm with Tox?
I gave Gnu Social a try but back then it was full of Holla Forums and gamergate retards.
I might give the Esperanto-themed Mastodon a try.
It's AGPL 3:
That's the best a webservice can be tbh
Its just kind of very true for these social networks. Freedom and the community having control over the service are usually inconvenient, so these Free services pretty unlikely to win over the convenient, other options. For recreational social media, there's zero point in using something that your friends aren't using.
Even for activism/propaganda, it is basically worth it to deal with at least Twitter instead of going for an underground GNU social network. FB might be too much to use as a main channel, but Twitter is generally pretty acceptable (just accept that the things you post are public). And why is it worth it? For reach, obviously.
Cool idea but I don't have a need for social networks. If I want discussion I'd use a forum or image board. I don't have any friends who'd use this so what's the point?
Mastodon is fucking awesome.
They've been shit since Crack the Skye
Lmao, where do you think you are?
Chans are just safe spaces for edgy kids and people who grew up with them and are is now the only place they dont feel unwanted because they were brainwashed into becoming "part of le board community"
So I just looked around
I don't know what's the difference between the different implementations and so far none seems to be aimed at me.
I pondered about joining but I have never used social media so I don't even know what am I supposed to do once I register
You're out of your mind. "The Hunter" was the shit.
You're still mad about the /fur/ mass ban, aren't you?
Is your community being taken over by reactionary Alt-Righters or Alt-Furry whatever the fuck they call themselves? Have you tried explaining to them Left =/= Liberal?
Don't you understand, comrades? This is the perfect platform to spread lefty ideals on!
Imagine Twitter: Popular, but centralized, proprietary, and filled with attention whoring liberals. If it's not the freshest meme out of black people twitter, all anyone ever talks about is shit like video games, sports, and advertisements.
Now, consider Mastodon: Used primarily by programmers and other computing professionals, decentralized, with a culture of sincerity and a strong lean towards FOSS and Libre software. And what's more, because it's decentralized, there's no vector of attack for COINTELPRO.
If only there were more people using it…
I admire your go-to "spread the word" attitude, you sure you're a SocDem and not a Leninist or Trotskyist?
dunno about whatever social network you're talking about but the band is usually p good
what happened with tox?
Here's the rabbit hole, have fun. It starts with nepotism and soliciting donations
Give me a tl;dr
I want to fuck that mammoth
furries will walk the plank.
Do you have to log in to see anything posted? Because I don't see anything.
oh crap more of this bullshit
> Meanwhile a japanese instance pawoo.net just rekt the main one. This instance was blocked because of its hentai stuff, including loli.
The second one is understandable, loli is illegal in many countries including France and this universal timeline would make many people cache thumbnails of loli porn.
Though it was fucking retarded to call it "pedopornographic content".
This one looks good: soc.ialis.me
But to be serious, I have no idea whatcI am supposed to do with this. I have a Twitter account, but I never post anything, so I don't think this would change it a lot.
I recall Literally Who started worming her way into the mod team almost as soon as she started posting. And the creator already follows her, as well as other nitwits like Anil Dash, glinner, Jenn Frank and God knows who else. Pozzed as fuck.
On the other hand, the creator's last retweet is this: twitter.com
From what I read. If they do worm their way into the top of some instances. They can do fuck all to other instances.
Would it be worth it to create mastodon.bunkerchan.xyz? :^)
I think it's awesome. I've been getting off of social media piece by piece because of the centralization & advertisement datamining hellscape aspect of it only. I wish my friends would wake up and leave compromised platforms which turn them into garbage consumers & make them powerless.
I'll be posting lefty-type-things on freezepeach.xyz
I'd love something lile this to happen, but I'm afraid Holla Forums would too.
Well once I have sorted the SMTP issues
It be open for use.
Gotta spread some leftism, comrades.
Both are clones of tweeter, we need a libre clone of tumblr
You haven't. Or at least I've got no mail.
The point is to federate with other distributed servers, the fact that it's a "clone" is secondary.
I have gotten QT girls to DM me on my twitter which is exclusively communist shitposting. Let me know when Mastodon can get me gfs and we can talk
I'm concerned about the user experience and what can the user do on the site
Or we can make something not shit
what's your problem with dumblr?
All that communist shitposting ever got me is banned.