So, how are you going to dodge the draft?
So, how are you going to dodge the draft?
fuck off langley
We won't need a draft. We have millions of volunteers and there isn't even real war going on.
I have a history of anti-war activism so I should be able to claimed conscientious objector.
I think you have to prove you're an absolute pacifist not just against this certain war.
By having already done a tour of duty.
Student and legally part of the clergy, so I can claim conscientious objection and shit.
does being actually autistic mean you can dodge a draft? Asking for a friend.
Laugth at you from England.
I have, uh, asthma.
by not being american
Oh yeah, and bad eyesight. Can't fight, sorry.
Being Nazbol means you can dodge the draft.
the nazbol gang wins again
by not being an amerilard
You're always welcome in Canada /leftybros/, but seriously if it comes down to it I will rally hard for my country to provide asylum to draft dodgers like we did in Vietnam.
Are you stupid or are you just trying to make this about yourself? If the Syrian war ever happens it won't even take the full might of our current military, same as it always has been. Don't worry, you can relax and watch Syrians die in full HD while you sit in your safe and comfy home
I have a pretty serious mental illness, so it'd probably not be in their best interest. If that doesn't work then
By going to Rojava.
I got news for you, pal.
Bill Clinton closed that loophole.
This tbh
This I mean
the strike has 4 results, scare assad into thinking twice about chemical weapons, shock Putin, make xi think of what trump is capable of, unfortunately it seems to be alienates some of trumps supporters while neocons are praising it. In the end no one died, the russians were warned, and trump had a response to the chemical attack, everyone will move on now.
the strike also brought most of congress together in a rare display of support for trump.
No war is going to happen, in a few weeks everyone will move on.
By the way im too fat for a draft.
Just volunteer and spread socialism within the ranks.
Bonus, free marksmanship training.
yeah i don't think this will escalate into any kind of warfare beyond sabre rattling. Clinton did this in the 90's where he would bomb Iraq periodically to "send a message" so i think its safe to say this was exactly that, a message.
Ivan Sidorenko said half a dozen Syrians died.
can't dodge the draft in Moscow, sorry
the fuck does that even mean lol
I'll just say I'm a commie, put me over there and I'm running to Rojavo.
If you don't think we are about to have a war, you are deluded. It's abundantly clear if you use logic of motive, you take into account in the past un investigations have concluded in the past that rebels have been responsible for the 2013 and 15 attacks that Obama tried to go to war with Syria over (while he kept pushing the Assad did it narrative despite the un conclusions), that Saudi Arabia has a history of hooking the rebels up with nerve gas while assad's always used chlorine gas, and that russia had Assad put all his sarin components on a us boat and destroyed 2 years ago (whether you believe it happened or not, Russia had no reason to let Assad keep his chemical weapons before they joined in completely on their side).
More than anything, look at motive. Assad and Russia had nothing to gain and everything to lose here. The rebels, Saudi Arabia and Israel all benefit greatly from this. Superficially, America doesn't benefit (but the fact that Hillary called for strikes first and even the establish dems and media are behind trump on this leads me to believe there is something here for American porkey that I don't see), but trump certainly benefits from charging up his terrible approval ratings and taking the wind out of the Russian investigation.
Another piece of this puzzle, a few days before this Steve bannon was removed for calling Kushner a filthy globalist after he got in bed with George soros. Who does soros support? Israel.
Put all the pieces together, look at the rhetoric. There is no where else this can go. Look for another false flag attack soon, for us to do another bombing before the un issues any conclusion, and for Russia china and Iran to invoke their treaty.
I'm hoping Russia releases a hack that makes it clear we knew this attack was going to happen and had our bombs ready in advance - shits going to get real juicy here then.
have fun in canada cumrads, solidarity and all that
I'm a type 1 diabetic.
I'll die from not being able to afford insulin before I die in a war zone.
I'm not.
You do realize they changed the law to include women in the draft now, right?
Not living in the US of A.
So which of you 'anti-imperialism' motherfuckers are going to give us political asylum?
this lel
Move to Cuba.
We need a united front.