Can we discuss the pepsi ad?

pretty funny

Other urls found in this thread:'re_Happy_and_You_Know_Itäre)

It was shit but the retards making a big deal out of it are falling for their schemes as usual.

Maybe it'll force radicals and not-so-liberals to adopt more forceful tactics to not feel associated with Pepsi?!

[email protected]/* */ no.

Why not, it's a perfect example of how corporations are co-opting protest movements and defusing class sentiment

pepsi is like a little baby, watch this


The ad probably has more political power and influence with the burgerstan government than the protests it's aping

its high Art and belongs in a museum or some kind of shrine to neo-liberal culture. Absolute masterpiece, i feel like i'm living in an age of spirit and gnosis. the Jenner child is an angel, what a brave and inspirational way to sell chemical death to her fellow humans. 10/10 would definitely watch at least 3 more times

somebody has bad taste and is anti-democracy

Have we reached peak liberalism yet

At least liberals are actually annoyed at this, i've seen an overwhelming negative reaction. If this went over well I might have completely lost my will to live


On one hand I hate the commodification of everything, on the other liberalism is so vapid, shallow, and coopted that it basically deserves it.


I honestly despise all advertisers and wish they all get gutted.


They're either hopping on the bandwagons to waterdown actual meaningful shit(ie, what they've been doing to leftist issues for the last few decades now), leading to our current situation, or they're busy trying to take every little space of our fucking eyes and shove their worthless shit on us. They're borderline brainwashing, any minute with a TV turn on in the room is like that scene in A Clockwork Orange.
I can't help them but find them fucking despicable.

I blame the Jews

I think in a revolution it'd be hard to avoid killing advertisers, even if they were fellow wageslaves.

It's one of those careers where it's very hard to hold "oh, well capitalism makes everyone do horrible things…" in mind and direct none of the hate towards the individuals involved. Like an order for soldiers to gun down civilians, you start to think "Well to hell with the consequences for you as a grunt, if you weren't willing to die to avoid complicity you can die for being complicit…"

I suppose if capitalism was actually gone then it wouldn't be a problem anymore and there'd be little reason to hold grudges, but in the ongoing process of removing capitalism it'd be hard not to view such people as inherently distrustworthy.

now this is something I approve of.

Daily reminder that porky would and has killed thousands of people and taken over their governments just to sell you bananas
All pigs deserve it


They also clap after films which is really odd to me


They got about what they deserved, pure disdain from Porky.

We also have a lullaby to teach children the wonders of clapping.'re_Happy_and_You_Know_It

The shit in the middle East is so oil will be cheap and so military contractors will have a demand for their products. Thrse are wars that cripple the soldiers fighting them and mostly kill civilians. When trying to make a point, it's most effective to use the most familiar and contemporary examples imo, though everybody should know about what you posted too.

As long as they don't say "Now I'll only be drinking Coca-Cola", this is a step forwards.

You're right, but ironically, Central American shit is what I myself and more familiar with, and still obsessed with learning more about.
I've made one a thread about Sandino himself on here before, and it plummeted down with like fives posts pretty hard. It was kinda disheartening, but I guess I didn't have enough to start a thread with.

Pepsiman for president when?

nice Détournement comrade

That game went from hilarious to borderline-disturbing with how the Pepsi logo was pasted on every screen, and how all of the characters only live and die for their liquid candy and how it was more important than water to them. I wonder if it was made by a disgruntled comrade who knew what he was helping.


you know thats exactly what theyll do

who wants to bet this helps jenner become a celebrity spokesperson for muh oppressed

Here capitalism and leftism make a timeless couple as each represent an ideology in kind which demand material accumulation to the total abandonment of environment and spirit.

The entire Kardashian line should be executed just like the Tsarist family.

I have only seen people mocking it.

Even fucking Verizon/Wells Fargo/charter school shill Deray called it out.

Now this I can get behind.

Mankind did not deserve Marx's existence.


Capitalism consumes everything.
How did they convince that many people of color to even be in the ad?

With money.
I'll slap the black out of your flag if you do this again.

Can someone make a webm so we don't have to give views? Many thanks.

People of color are capitalism. Without western grain and petrol they would be tiny and indigenous in number, rather than an ecologically destructive source of growth.

Just a stupid, boring ad
Nothing special about it

I thought your plan was to pin any of capitalism's fuck ups on Jews

Who is this faggot and why do I see so much of him?

Let me guess: some sort of podcast/vblog person.

what color?

Blogs about indie music iirc.

LMAO the token trans genders at 1:44 ur killing me fam

Advertising is the purest and most beautiful among the products of our culture industry. The Pepsi ad can be used to attain deep insight into the deepest fears and desires of late capitalist civilisation, far beyond anything 'critically acclaimed' 'serious' movies could ever teach you. In the end, those 'critically acclaimed' movies are products of Capitalism just like advertising is. The problem is they attempt to be 'serious' to convince you they are more than just products. But ads are pure. An ad, specially a masterful one like PepsiCo's functions as a direct line of communication to the Brand. You are invited into the world of the Brand, you have the chance to be delighted with its utopian vision.Other, more primitive cultures would consider it a Mystical experience, a direct form of communion with the sovereign commodity (''God").

This is the most accurate and poignant portrayal of late 00s social movements I've ever seen. Riot Grrl Hijabi, AZN Cello Guy, Kendall Jenner, all pure mythical archetypes out of the consumer imaginary. Heroes for our time. The Brand functions as a catalyst for Redemption, a substitute for that which might not be spoken (ie. communist revolution, downfall of capitalism). even the State,represented by the cop, is redeemed. In the end, it is deeply Utopian and Moving.

Marxism-Leninism PepsiCo Thought is the True Revolutionary Path


It's a bit of a tangent, but it's something I can't stop coming back to. I don't like advertising as a concept. The way it sets out to manipulate people into doing thing sits very uneasily with me.
But weirdly, it's one of the few things I quite like to create - to the point where I'd almost like to build a fictional world just to make adverts for products within it. Products that do not exist. It's a tendency made all the weirder by the way it feels cringeworthy going through old magazines and finding how full of ads they are. (Adblock has evidentially purified the experience of content-consumption, not just on the web but in general.)

Now partially this interest is obviously just because you can be a bit playful - Fast-Food places can hint at being full of rats, airlines can brag about how crashing into a city just gets you to your destination faster, bottled water can openly state it's from a tap, the army can play up the risk of injury and so on, and you can "subvert" real products by doing so (does the fact you consider them worth subverting not re-enforce their value? hmm…), but there's something more to it than that, along the lines of advertising being a legitimate form of media unto itself.
(In particular I'm actually drawn more to print advertising than video, although that could just be because photoshopping things together is much easier than going out and creating genuinely avant-garde film to sell tapwater.)

I've wondered whether it's just the natural conclusion of advertising. Much like the way capital gets into everything, maybe advertising's "end goal" is to become the object of consumption itself. You cannot buy the product, ever. The product does not exist. But the advert does, the advert for the experience *is* the experience. Like a child with a catalogue you may look at all the toys in the world, you may imagine the toys, you may enjoy the pretty picture of the toys. But mother and father will not buy you those toys. The catalogue is your toy.

Very compelling. Especially the part about having a grand total of 0 sources.

A1 post


I can't even handle watching commercials anymore. It has been so long since I had cable TV that they are insufferable now.

Are sex drives the result of capitalist ideology?

It's just thinly disguised propaganda to get people talking about Pepsi. It's not even blatantly offensive or anything. But SJW tears are flowing because of the white girl co-opting their movement and solving all their problems for them by simply handing a Pepsi to the police. Niggers are particularly upset over it. But they are upset by virtually everything.

I believe we have. SJW faggots have been getting a lot of push back lately from their kids. It has gone full circle.

Look, forget the implied meaning of the ad.

Pepsi co paid someone lots of money to find out what excites young people today, what imagery and ideas youth relate to - and they came up with mass protest.

Thats fucking exciting, comrades. Soon tm

Very well done. Is someone on Holla Forums making these? If so they should fire a Holla Forums symbol on it or something and we should spread these around they are very normie friendly.


This ad has bourgeois written all over it.

No, capitalism is the result of sex drives.


your mother was a prost so it checks ou

Frank "Cohen" was a crypto.
https ://

German cop there.
We are discouraged from interacting with protesters in any way or form (unless you are part of the mediator team). Doing so may net you a reproach (though it depends how anal your supervisor is)

I remember laughing at 'clapping americans' jokes a few years back and now people here are clapping when the plane lands or the movie ends aswell.

will you be in hamburg for the G20?

The Spectacle is one hell of a drug.

I am forced to, yes.
I usually work for Criminal Investigation. Shows where their priority lies.

Can you give a rough estimate of how many lives you have destroyed and how many man-years of suffering you have caused to humans? I'm just curious how close your estimates are to my own.

Thats Flea Market man right? You do some good shit man, Keep it up.

why are you a willing footsoldier for capital?

i need a youtube link so i can blast this at libs

Maybe this will be good ammo against liberal classcucks

thanks fam

Just made a video on it.

I feel you bro. In fact, I prefer blunt examples like porkies killing workers in South America than more current histories easily co-opted by propaganda in the form of heroes of war and terrorism.
In fact, liberals prefer to address the later because it gives them the escape of terrorism and human right, and the moral superiority where there's no good side. They rather live a romatic reality than to accept the blunt realism where people are killed so they can save a few cents.

I work for Criminal Investigations.
As far as I am seeing it I am doing society a favour in getting rid of these assholes who play up their act in being legitimate businessmen, while all they do is sucking up wealth from the neighbourhoods where they put their base to run their rackets from like a sponge of evil.
If they get too powerful, politics will start protecting them. Their illgotten wealth will be legitimised and they will become regular porkies, who worked hard for their wealth.

(Seriously, politics fired 4 taxmen and send them into psychatric institutions, because they refused to abide.äre)

It's more complicated than that. Police is full of right-wingers, yes, but it's because lefties shun them like crazy. I genuinely think we should entryism the fuck out of them.

If you're only going after corporations rather than normal criminals then that's not so bad, but I still don't trust that your actions are actually ethical. You're like one of the guys who does tech support for Guantanamo. Even if you're not evil yourself, you work for a fucking evil organization.

And who do you think enforced that?
My point is that you happily cause suffering to other humans in the blind faith that the ends justify the means. While in principle I agree with consequentialist ethics (as oppose to deontological ethics, ie. rule of law), I think you (and humans in general) are almost certainly too stupid and brainwashed to get it right.

It's possible you're actually a good person. Hell, I'm not exactly unbiased in my views and I tend to despise the police on principle. Still, if I had any power I would gut your organization to the core and investigate every single one of you for cruelty against your fellow man. Naturally there would be no punishment except a ban on holding any power and an offer of therapy.

Define it, please.
You obviously never were in contact with the darker elements of capitalism, or you would know we are the lesser evil here.
Like the Ozon Layer. You will miss us, once we are gone.

The police has problems, yes. Their leniency with Nazism for example or their buckling towards criminals who have cash and connections. Or the hazing of colleagues who do too much. But yeah, since leftists shun it, you should not be surprised by all this.

This has been the rallying cry of every evil-doer in history.

I don't think I possess the words to express the horror and monstrosity which is the "justice" system. You and your friends have industrialized and bureaucratized the infliction of suffering on a scale which the human brain is incapable of truly comprehending. You keep more people rotting in cages than have even existed for the vast majority of human history. Prisoners are routinely kept in worse conditions than farm animals, and are even denied the most basic right of choosing to end their suffering on their own terms. My comparison to Guantanamo was unfair really, because the net suffering caused by your coworkers surpasses that of Guantanamo by many orders of magnitude.

I would never consider entryism into the police for the same reason I would never consider entryism into a gang of sadistic torturers, mainly because they are the same fucking thing.

It might be "risky" to change things, but as far as I'm concerned literally anything is better than the current state of things. If there was even a 1% chance of improvement, it would be worth it.

Like this?

He's a meme music reviewer spawned by /mu/ many years ago

And I don't think you posses the words to express the horror and monstrosity that are criminals.
Because all I get from you is this. Hating porky is ok, but hating criminal porky is not. It's obvious that you are an ivory-tower academic. Get down and see the world for what it really is.
Your Guantanamo comparisons are insane.

That isn't even a remotely controversial comparison - or it shouldn't be. It's trivial to back it up with numbers. How many waterboarding sessions would you endure to get out of a typical prison a year early? Now multiply that by the human prison population and divide by the number of tortures which are estimated to go on at guantanamo per year. You will find the number is quite large. That's not even including things like executions using drug cocktails which are well known to cause horrifying pain.

If refusing to shrug my shoulders and accept that scale of suffering makes me an ivory tower academic, then so be it. I'd rather be that than be complicit in the kinds of atrocities you so readily defend. Hell, I'd rather be dead than support the police.

Also, I wouldn't mind so much if you fuckers actually recognized the horror of what you are doing and treated your decisions with the appropriate level of importance. The thing is, I'm sure you'd worry more about missing your kid's school play than you would about whether you should imprison a drug dealer.

Humanity is shit and it is unrealistic to expect the world to be devoid of suffering overnight, but you aren't even fucking trying. Locking someone up for 20 years is just another fucking day to you. All the bullshit laws which can be proven to cause massive suffering to both criminals and society are just accepted as part of your job. You can't use the "greater good" or "lesser evil" defense when you aren't even putting in the tiniest iota of effort to avoid causing pointless suffering.

Like clockwork

You realize that if it weren't cops, it would be mobs of vigilantes, because society has deemed criminalization the best way of dealing with harmful contraband. The only solution is to change society's consensus regarding such contraband and/or how it should be dealt with, not bitching about law enforcement.

Sociopathic behavior condemned by society, even if you're a kooky minarchist who draws the line at stuff like murder, will also always exist. And there is only one fair way to deal with it, a rigidly legislated code enforced by trained specialists. Police are as inevitable as death and taxes.

Society has a whole hasn't made a legitimate decision, small sub-sections of interest groups (often those facing no legitimate threat from substances) who actually bother to go out and vote do.

(i.e. the Soccer mom in her safe suburban neighbourhood voting for the "tough on crime" candidate because she saw a black face on the news, while the ghetto has a turnout of like 1% and is gerrymandered in half, making it totally useless to campaign in, leading to a vicious cycle where there are no candidates for them, meaning they don't vote, meaning there are no candidates…)


you'll just look like an edgy 14 year old

If it's not worker control than it's not true democracy. Half the people in that ad looked like unemployed garbage desperate for a few bucks for being in a commercial.

This, he has no actual discerning taste, if he was a food reviewer, he'd be offering glowingly positive insights on how wonderful the dollar menu at McDonalds is or how delicious the Dollar Tree sirloin steaks are.

Oh bullshit, it was a clumsy as fuck attempt to coop BLM, Bernie Sanders and other lib/democratic socialism movements.

The only reason why ads were so stupidly effective is because porky had a true monopoly on the culture and information Westerners, namely white people, consumed.

People, especially young people, are using alternative forms of culture they find on the internet.

Ads are probably a better barameter of alienation. The idea that they pure just because they are unabashed commercial is dumb and wrong, ads have always tried to associate themselves with art that has more provinance like jazz, rap, rock and roll, ect

Capped & saved, SJWs are only angry about this because it competes with their lecture circuit career for virtuebux.