Why do so many Holla Forumsacks love Tulsi Gabbard?
Why do so many Holla Forumsacks love Tulsi Gabbard?
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Because she's a contrarian and ultimately that's all that matters to Holla Forums.
Because she's a Maoist-Third-Worldist. Holla Forums is a board for MTW theory and discussion.
she's an assad/putin shill
they want to fuck her
Yes, MTWs support the aanti-imperialist stuggles of all actually existing Socialist Republics, this what Holla Forums is all about.
The ultimate expression of MTW praxis.
She loves fascists like Assad and Modi.
polacks support assad/putin because they only care about fellow amerilards; lefties support them because they hate they hate the us.
why do I instinctively hate the guy on the right even though I've never watched his videos or given two shits about his content? How does he make Richard Spencer look like an alright guy by contrast?
the mohawk
They really love her
Because she's an attractive woman.
Jason Unroo has been a laughing stock for a while now.
Father issues
Ohhh shit I mean mother issues kek
They're waking up to how Trump screwed them, so they're going anti-imperialist socdem. In four years they'll be as leftist as us.
Richard Spencer literally identifies as a identitarian. Alt-right IS IDPOL for white Americans. You're a retard for posting that image.
So why are we all moving to the right?
Ultimate pyramid of bait.
wtf i'm alt right now
They don't