What is the most obnoxious Holla Forums meme according to you? Personally, I hate Kekistan...

What is the most obnoxious Holla Forums meme according to you? Personally, I hate Kekistan. The edgelords constantly spamming "Praise Kek!" always make me cringe.

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The old gods are awakening and kek will physically manifest by 2020.

probably shouting cuck at everything that upsets them. once in a while is funny but using it to the extent they do is just pathetic

Kek (or "Kuk") is a chaos god and is therefore Nazbol. You nazis have no idea what you are dealing with.

Praise Kek

The jew memes are getting stale.

Fuck off. You nerds whine about being invaded by reddit and newfags yet spread cancerous memes like this to normies.

It's not a meme. it's real.

Please kys.

Praise kek kekistan.wikia.com/wiki/Revolutionary_Kekalonia

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Kekistan thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha. Maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The “epic” frog guy, isn’t it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a fucking frog. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic pepefag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is “PRAISE KEK” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.

wow you leftists are really tards lol

Praise kek was okay, kekistani is a gay ass forced meme.

The meme where they confuse liberalism and communism
They seemed to have backed off that one slightly now. Now its all about anti-fa being SJWs or some shit.

Kek is so forced it isn't even a real meme, it's more of a reference since unlike a usual meme there isn't a message or context behind it.

They don't confuse them as much as they think there is no meaningful difference, because they are ideologically opposed to the very existence of opinions other than theirs: if you disagree with them, you are on Soros' bankroll. Which may be true for BLM, but nevertheless.


they usually are but there's no reason to be so critical of those who are actually willing to fight nazis.


Wrong picture.

Stern reality reminder

It was nerds-shouting-memes-in-public tier back then already.

I wish I could say kek is the worst meme, because even by their standards it completely misses the entire idea of godforms, but fuck do I hate kekistan more

Kek is the worst, but I would say that HWNDU is up there.

Didn't accomplish anything, other than annoy a performance artist. It also gave us a lot of screenshots of how retarded Holla Forumsyps look.

Even typing "kek" instead of practically any other laugh (yes, even an unironic xD) was already cringe-worthy as fuck, then Holla Forums came and outdid themselves as usual.

fucking bourgeois scum

What makes it even better is how totally bullshit "Kek" is.

As in, Kek is not so much a "chaos god" as he is one of four pairs of primordial creation "Chaos-Gods" (Kek is specifically the god of primordial darkness). It's a bit like calling Hades a god of death.

Also that frog statue and hieroglyphs usually associated with Kek? They're of a totally unrelated frog goddess of birth and resurrection.

This is the worst thing I've ever read in my life

is there anything worse than see Holla Forums autism all over a youtube comment section (or anywhere outside 4chan tbh):


and now you have people shouting this shit in real life and carrying around """kekistan""" flags it's very embarrassing

What a creative meme Holla Forums has come up with! These Kekericans sure are good at shitposting, not as good as the Kekstralians though. What do you lads think of the tensions rising with North Kekria?

Jesus fucking christ, this is a borderline "Hello fellow kids" approach to memes

Holla Forums is literally reddit
The Trump meme killed old Holla Forums
Its good and bad depending on your perspective

Donald Trump is the most obnoxious Holla Forums meme, in my opinion. Their smugness at his victory just reinforcing their delusion that they exercise some power over the world, rather than that they are simply a confused reaction to the world.

Advocating for genocide behind quantum levels of irony, and smug Asian drawings, despite the fact over 90% couldn't actually handle the horrors of real warfare, let alone killing children, or infanticide.

Don't forget about pic related, and the fact they're delusional enough to think they caused twitter bot to become self aware, and that it's actually conscious, and being held in captivity by Google.

NatSoc Education everyone

Im not sure if its a meme or do they actually believe it.

Shadilay, Kekistan, etc.

Last week two guys sat behind me in the bus and played Shadilay out loud on their phone speakers, they giggled and sang along the chorus.

Oh my god stop obsessing over Holla Forums and le alt reight and start posting some usefull shit

Holla Forums is a multicultural board of peace and diversity.

Holla Forums has great memes. I like kek, particularly the whole mysticism and mythology that was built up around it- The concept of the hivemind and egregore. Very un-materialist.

My least favorite meme is fun, but I'd have to qualify that. A couple years ago, in 2013 or 14, it was very refreshing to go to Holla Forums and see them attack fun when there was such an echo chamber in normie culture surrounding sjw idpol.
It gets annoying though, when they become the mirror image of the SJWs- another group of 'stop having fun' guys. I.e. instead of everything you enjoy being probl3matic because it has racist/sexist/transhomophobic undertones, now everything you enjoy is degenerate because it is covert jew propaganda.
Everyone has some infantile hobbies and some self-destructive habits, and it's possible to still be a functional adult citizen and not let it consume you.

Some of them- moreso 8/pol/ than halfchan Holla Forums- make the perfect the enemy of the good. They LARP as le traditional aryan ubermensch, but I doubt all of them are as perfect as they think they are.

doom paul

I feel sick every time I see the jpgs because it never delivers.

Tbh most in Holla Forums hate it too. Its origin may be Holla Forums, but it was that Sargon of Akkad cuck who madeit what it is today. So yes you wont find many on Holla Forums pushing that stuff unironically. Its more frequent on twitter and leddit.

I fucking hate the "le Kekistan" meme too, it's a stupid Reddit/TRS meme and it should die with the edgelords who started it.

This needs to be updated TBH.

Coming back to square "ooga booga trance around the totem" is not great. It is stupid, even if it's done ironically.

It was Microsoft, user.

kekistan is retarded abomination
but old kek memes are good

On the contrary. I would argue that Sorel, Bonaparte and Mussolini were right on this point. It is great myths that motivate people to action- the general strike, religious crusade, catastrophic revolution, national rebirth, and so on.
As Napoleon said, 'A man does not have himself killed for a half-pence a day or for a petty distinction. You must speak to the soul in order to electrify him.'
Also, the quote about 'It is not necessary to move mountains, only to create the illusion that mountains move'

Materialist hyper-determinism only appeals to a very certain type of autist that wants to reduce life to a bunch of engineering equations.
Beep boop economic exploitation increases the antagonism between the classes, leading to a revolution. beep boop quality of life and availability of consumer goods for the working class will go up 110%
This marxist economic determinism and focus on the bottom line is merely the flip side of austrian economics.

I like it how Holla Forums culture has been absorbed into an absurd hypercommodified spectacle presided over by absolute morons like Sargon and Gavin McInness, and there's nothing Holla Forums can do about it. They've really been having an identity crisis since Trump won.

the left needs to create its own myths and hyperstitions (beyond super-stition, comes hyper-stition, self fulfilling rituals and myths). We live in the realm of the spectacle, a make believe world, a dream about reality from which we haven't yet awakened.

That was literally created by Sargon and his Redditor sycophants.

We din du nuffin.

Except they're actually good looking

not really a meme persay, but the term "redpill" used as an adjective.

Quit Cherrypicking user.

Is that what counts as "good looking" in Burgenland?


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