Holla Forums here. Is Communism without traps, gays, anime, porn, etc. possible? I am pro-family, pro-life, don't really care about religion that much, and so forth. Basically, I don't want to see sluts with pink hair and dildos roaming around my neighborhood. I've been lurking for a bit and I've seen some posters espouse similar views on here, but there seems to be way more of the opposite. I'll help you guys seize the means of production if it's strictly for economic reasons, and if we can have a healthy society. Is this possible, or are we stuck with all of the SJWs and other baggage that are usually attributed to Communists over on Holla Forums? Please don't say I'm spooked. Legitimately curious.
Holla Forums here. Is Communism without traps, gays, anime, porn, etc. possible? I am pro-family, pro-life...
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Idpol will be purged in our revolution. The shit you see are just liberals larpimg as leftists. There will still be gay people, but the whole 'gay pride shit' and 'dude sex n shit' will likely be seen as reactionary and devisive.
No one will force you to have sex with a trap.
No, we will have massive degenerate cuck orgies and put everyone on HRT
You could probably find some conservative religious commune to live in post-revolution, but don't expect state enforced morality.
Become a stalinist.
This makes sense
Marxism is the philosophy of liberating the oppressed from bourgeois oppression. Just as Marx advocated for the liberation of women from the bourgeois family structure back in his day when women's rights was a new thing a consistent Marxist must necessarily defend the rights of LGBT people from oppressive gender constructs.
This shit is so unironically gay as fuck.
Sounds like you're talking about Asserism. Socialism (workers owning the means of production & distributing them to those in most need) with actually reactionary values is entirely possible; there's no inherent contradiction between economic democracy and traditional values. That said, most communists consider a society in which some people are marginalized or forced into particular rolesto be an incomplete form of communism, as the real goal of leftism is society without hierarchy.
MAYBE we can go without gays, anime, and porn, but traps are indispensable to our movement.
Sorry, forgot my flag.
but what about the efforts to promote homosexuality?
wew makes me wonder what gay tankies are thinking
They should fuck and make nazbol babies
Not sure that tankies really think that much, gay tankies are kind of like the Milo Yiannopoulos of the left.
aniki on top.
If you want to live in a commune without that, go live in a commune without that. I'm sure you'll be able to find like-minded people.
Upholding the legacy of Stalin is not the same as blindly imitating his actions. Back in the days of old homosexuality wasn't as well understood as it is today and many leftists saw homosexuality as a leftover from bourgeois society. If Stalin were alive today he would be pro-homosexual.
I recommend reading The Communist Manifesto again there's an entire section in there about liberating women and abolishing the family.
Where did you come from, you magical creature
IdPol cancer. Its one thing, as an oppressed person, to have a "gay pride" rally.
But as a libertarian communist, I am personally opposed to any movement or ideiology that imposes on ones sovereignty. Especially a child's.
If such efforts do exist, I'd be opposed to them.
Why would I support this?
What has Aniki been up to lately?
Why are you against all those things? I get it from a personal level, but the imposing it on others part, I don't get. Especially since you're not religious.
Not criticizing, genuinely curious.
because infinite robot pussy and drugs and busywork and constant people around you and social expansion. DUH
Marx was referring to the cult of domesticity, not the family unit (i.e. the extended family.)
What's the extended family?
Remember that Liberal culture is a reaction to conservative values that are opressive to some groups. Just don't treat these people like shit and with the end of class related problems that fuel prejudice, liberals will probably see how retarded they look and tone down their shit to bearable levels.
The "traditional" family also isn't all that traditional. Tribes, like the San people do not have families like we do. They instead raised families communally, as an extended family of sorts.
you cant just seize the means of production because a jew banker will take them from you, you must seize him too
Ok but wasn't it the norm back then that multiple generations would live in the same house?
so lets drag grade schoolers to our BDSM dog man orgy, you know for 'progress'
I don't really think you have to be [email protected]/* */ to be against social liberalism. OP didn't say anything about ethno nationalism or anti-semitism. You can simply be a socially*conservative communist. I don't really think you can be an anti-feminist communist, but all you have to believe is that Women and men should have equal rights not all this new age shit about breaking down the binary.
Yes originally but the term has expanded over time.
Primitive tribal traditions are not very relevant at this point in history. If that tribe was placed under the same material constraints as the west they would adopt something very similar to the western version of the extended family in time.
It's important to remember that the only traditions worth preserving are those that managed to survive past the slave society stage of human civilization.
I wouldn't say I want to impose the things on others, but I'm generally not too thrilled about the prospect of living in a community packed with these sorts of folks. It's just not something I'd look forward to. Is there something inherently wrong with being pro-family and the others things I have mentioned? What do you think of Marx's views on these matters? His views on social behavior seem to counter many of those found on the left.
Anarkiddies usually have had bad experiences with their birth parents (especially if they are trans, which a plurality of them are) so grow they hate the concept of family. It's understandable but not something that the vanguard of communism (that is to say, those individuals who will end up leading the revolution) will accept once they come into power. You have nothing to fear.
I miss nazbol projecting soooo much.
fur real. any socialism worth anything should be pro-family and pro-community.
not really pro nuclear family, or family with some kind of authoritarian hierarchy(other than parents have authority over children), but for family nonetheless.
Monson could crush your skull with one hand faggot
Marx was against patriarchal families were the eldest male ruled as a dictator(patriarchy in the real sense not the way feminists use it now). Basically if you view your wife as you partner/equal rather then servant Marxists have no problem with your family.
Also I think that you are overestimating how much of this d*generate shit there is out there. You'll never really have to deal with this type of thing in less you go to a gay pride parade. I personally think police should be enforcing normal nudity laws during gay pride and don't understand why they get a pass, but regardless its pretty easy to avoid.
Anyway I'll just say as a communist I think social liberalism has gone too far in its celebration of everything different, marginal, and weak. I think regardless of what type of economic system we head towards there is going to be a backlash against this sort of thing. You can absolutely be a communist and be against all the things you talk about in your original post anyway who tells you otherwise is a stupid liberal.
gays and trannies are not just pink hair tumblr boogeymen but actual people with their own lives and personalities
I mean, you don't have to be gay, like anime, want to fuck traps or watch porn, and anyone trying to force you to do so would be strongly discouraged, or punished if they were being forceful, but we don't sperg out for people liking things we ourselves don't like.
I've never seen a slut with a pink dildo roaming around my neighborhood, but if you're referring to obsessive pride parade types, they'd likely be less focused on emitting their "identity" to everyone around them and more focused on doing what they like doing. If a large number of folks really want to wave dildos in the air and their neighbours are sick of not being able to catch some shut eye, they can go and form Dildotopia or something and have fun there.
Was Aniki really a Left-winger?
I'm pretty sure you can always find someone who shares your belif in traditional marrige and nuclear familiy.
I can finally post this pic I found the other day
Aniki is nazbol
I remember during the elections he voted for Bernie first and then for Trump
"these sorts of folks" just want to be left alone dipshit
its not up to you to "look forward to" anything
What's wrong with people rejecting gender stereotypes, and freely engaging in sexual activity outside of your retard societal constructs like "traditional family". Personally I'd welcome sluts with pink hair and dildos roaming around my neighborhood, if not join them.
And if you don't believe me
If you don't enthusiastically support everything in this picture, then you are not a real leftist. period.
Based as fuck. Too bad Trump is becoming a globalist though. Had he continued with his isolationist/protectionist policies the American empire would not have lasted through his first term.
generalizing fringe elements is a fun game that all sides can play
sensible chuckle.jpg
t. brainlet
That's no kind of communism i want to live in. Why can't you just have your little nuclear family and let everyone else do as they please?
Most people would choose to live in family units. Totalitarian anarchists are the only people who unironically want to smash the family in all of its forms.
If that's what people want then fine, everyone should do as they please, I bet OP wants to put gays in camps though.
Yes user, you can be socially lenient without being a fucking cuck. It's called not going outside with a dildo in your ass.
It's spoiled brats who ruin leftism.
Funny how this kind of shit almost exclusively happens in anglo countries, the most systematically hysterical, over-emotional, humiliation-prone cultures.
You are not spooked, you are stupid
of course
what does this mean? things that you don't like/disgust you aren't publicly accepted?
SJWs are liberals though, intent on making capitalism 'better' by making it more representative by favouring minorities instead of tackling the structural issues that create these issues in the first place
you are though. It's ok as long as you are aware.
what you should note is that while Holla Forums has a strong essentialist view of humanity and society (and thus need an external evil influence ie. the jew to ruin their otherwise perfect 'organic' nations and societies), Holla Forums has a more structuralist view - that is to say - people are what they are (mostly) because of the systems and societies that they live in. These in turn are fundamentally formed and influenced from the material basis of society. pic related
The consequence of this is also that the family unit and other societal factors change when the material basis of the society changes, for instance after transition to socialism and later to communism. We can speculate what effects these changes might have, if there would be more or less of the 'degene.racy' Holla Forums is so obsessed with. I personally think a lot of it is the consequence of alienation in capitalist society and would therefore be reduced or even eliminated in a socialist system.
If superstructure is not important, why commies care about it so much?
I swear I see more commies love to talk about "reactionary culture" rather than economics.
Not to mention commies love to censor everything.
which commies might these be?
the superstructure is important, but it is broadly subservient to the base, which is why affecting any real change in the superstructure must be done by changing the base.
socialism is by definition concerned with changing the economic base of the society - the bourgeois liberal hegemony on society in which these commies operate largely defines the issues that get traction, hence liberation of the individual which is easily palatable for liberal ideology often comes to the fore.
not sure what that has to do with this. If you are referring to the repressive practices of the Soviet Union or Maoist China, they might argue for censorship by saying that ideological subversion in the superstructure affects the ability of the state to move towards the change in the base.
You seem like a dumb person
Genuinely don't know why this board wastes its time talking to fascists. They always have the same script: "Yeah, yeah, I don't really care about the economics. As long as there won't be any fun, right?"
These dudes will just pull a Mussolini, and use the Marxism they study to advance evil ends.
[email protected]/* */ is wordfiltered to fun apparently
How can you even justify this without religion as a foolproof excuse?
you mean reddit
you have to go back
if you don't like any of that what are you doing on Holla Forums? why haven't you realized yet that you're surrounded by the degenerates you hate so much?
So why would anyone share his `means of production` with others? Why if you are a gay nigger you couldn't just claim reparations from the white communists?
Traps will take over the world and there is nothing you can do about it!
If you allow one degenerate thing, the rest will follow. See what happens with SJWs. You opened the door to gay rights, shit will just flood, everyone will want to be more special.
ashkully I think it started when we let those fucking poor people vote. You are certainly on the right path though, little poormie!!!
Now there's a first world problem if I ever saw one.
Holla Forums'S only difference with SJW's is the brand they buy.
I can understand you, OP. I despise anime and porn too, but I don't get why you focus on gays in particular. Sexuality itself is a cancer that needs to be eradicated, regardless of whether it is gay or straight sexuality. Sexuality itself is degenerâcy.
all i want is for people to keep their sexuality and sex lives to themselves. do what you want in private, but not in public. is that so much to ask?
Just move to a small rural community faggot just don't go to places with a large population of crossdressing homosexuals.
That is a bit much to ask.
public decency is achieved by destroying the lifestyleist consumerism degrading sexuality to a commodity
you can only solve it through economic means or you're stuck with an endless cicle of left right lockstep of capitalism
however, in return you'll have to accept social liberties. gays will fuck each other, trannies will still transition. but it's not going to be a business that'll be broadcasted into your face to sell you glitter rainbow sparklefarts to show idpol "solidarity".
why? why does what you do with your genitals have to be a public display?
anarchists are on some kind of bourgeoise individualist ego trip and think they gotta be able to basically take a shit on the street and rub their genitals over it, call it art and get away with it - because "freedom". there is no reasoning with that bunch. anarchists are a too big portion on this board, as OP himself noticed.
Because people have been publicly displaying their sexuality for as long as kissing and hand holding were things and a free world won't have more restrictions on what people can do than the current world, if anything it'll have less. You'd simply be unable to stop people from doing anything less than actually getting off in public.
I hope you've never called anyone a classcuck :^)
see what i mean?
"if i cant rub my genitalia in my own shit for public display and call it art than there's no more individualism!"
i'm not even exaggerating, you can see it right here for yourself: they are this retarded.
the point is to foster a society in which people don't have to be kept from doing that by an authority. people should have behaviour standards that they voluntarily keep to
a normal person doesn't want to do scatplay in a public scene
fucking authoritarian wants to stop me from sticking my dick into whomever i want when walking by
With free movement I imagine most of the more hardcore public sexual acts will take place in their own communities.
i want you to stop yourself
What would need to be repaired? He's not the one that suffered as his forefathers did, he does not deserve shit for a past he has nothing to do with anymore.
You don't know what anarchism is. You're just retarded or oversimplifying for him.
Yes, there are some people who do that kind of shit, but these are not the majority
Those should be banned as well, for the true revolutionaries among us.
In essence you are all equally retarded, there's no need for discriminating into any detail. Your ideology is a farce, there is no consistent theory to speak of.
It's not oversimplification, it's on point.
Read the thread in its entirety. There are a mixture of opinions on this thread.
Communism wont work without traps.
We are very important to the class struggle.
You really think someone woud do that? Just cherrypick things to comfort his worldview?
This. It's pretty telling how quickly the facade drops with some of these former Holla Forumsyps.
thread over folks
Projecting much?
Why are you even asking the shittiest leftist board in existence on whether or not you can impregnate your dream Trad Wife
Read shit and form your own opinion
What is honestly your problem though?
This thread should have been deleted.
I have a family. Having kids does not equal having a family.
Though, I would say, I would be a better parent than OP and people like him.
I meant OP.
Sage double post
much like your presence on this board
You could have done better, but you didn't do better. You also just agreed with me this thread should be deleted.
Fuck off retard
Is there a real political reason you hate transsexuals besides they weird you out like you learned your parents fuck for the first time
Facebook is golden.
Come back when you learn to have fun, comrade.
Wouldn't everyone be a worker in communism?
What would it matter if someone's gay? You should not even know someone's sexual orientation.
.. but then, LGQBTZ snowflakes would not feel special anymore. Do you think they really want communism?
Yes, you would have to leave your parent's place, and actually work for once in your god damn life.
No. The social division of worker/owner would no longer exist.
Why wouldn't they?
That's a nice 5 year old spoiled brat ideology you got there sport.
Guess what, I don't give a shit what you want. I want doesn't get.
Aren't you a worker already fam
Oh wait
post boipussy
Then what's even the point
Retards like you are why we'll all die.
Communism would ensure a state where anyone could do anything that did not violate the rights of others - you would have no capacity to deny people the ability to do such things - but in a world without the commodification of such concepts, it's doubtful they would continue in such a shallow and 'degenerate' fashion. It is a state of the most absolute freedom possible within a societal structure.
You wouldn't be denied your rights to hold such views, but in turn, you couldn't deny anyone else said rights.
I really don't want this to happen. Traps and trannies tend to be such overwhelmingly libidinal and sexually obsessed people, it would be nice to live in a society where sexuality was private.
It would be nice to live in a society without repressed killjoys like you.
would be nicer if human sexuality wasn't a product to be traded or a fad to be followed
the trannies i've met IRL are not sex obsessed or anything, they just want to go about their lives like everyone else. The internet can create a really distorted vision of the world out there, I guess capitalism is partly to blame, with it's hypercommodification of sexuality together with all 'identities' and subcultures
always glad you have the real problems in mind, Holla Forums
If people can kiss in public
They can fuck in public
And nobody can say anything without the rest of the public calling you a fucking loser little shit boy who can't do anything right
That's the ideal
I'm pro extended families,people getting married,women making however many kids they want to without worying about slaving away in a shitty corporation or necesseraly relying on men to live out their lives as mothers.
Tight-knit communities are important as well.
In a society where everyone has control over the means of production you wouldn't have to live a community you hate.
Plus just keep in mind that faggots are a natural occurance.In ancient societies gay people and trapz were treated based on the place they filled in the community,not just their sexuality.
The sluts with pink hair you see are the equivalent of edgy Holla Forumsyps who troll HWNDU and masturbate to Sam Hyde's picture while dressing in girl's clothes on the down low.Most people have become absolutely disposable in today's society.Work used to give people meaning and form their identities.This is why class consciousness was so high during the industrial revolution.
We advocate for economic liberation from which actual social liberation will come to fruition.
Of all the things you fucks worship from the Greeks and Romans as the pinnacle of all western capability you missed the part about the orgies
Particularly Greece
Christianity fucking ruined you people.
Wrong. Christianity is the way, the truth, and the light.
whats wrong with people having healthy sex lives?
fuck off cockblock
Not using slashes for long board directories is probably older than you.
Nothing wrong with people having healthy sex lives. Everything wrong with normalizing mental illnesses.
i will not humor you because i won't humor your autism
I can relate 2 dat
Pick one. If fags had any personality of their own their worthless lives wouldn't be centered around dick. They're mental cases, these people need treatment.
t. Holla Forums pseudoscientist
You can have a healthy sex life and talk about other things. Honestly, I don't think sex is interesting to talk about, and when girls joke about it to me I never find it funny and get kind of annoyed. Keep sex out of platonic relations. Protect the private/public distinction, because it's a disappearing way in which you can make important people meaningful to you.
have you ever thought that gays would have less to talk about their sexuality if conservatives werent constantly pestering them about it and treating them as inhuman aberrations
pick one. If bunker-posters had any personality of their own their worthless lives wouldn't be centered around memes. They're Albanians. These people need treatment.
I'm not responsible for the mutual victimization of political discussion, and I could not do anything to stop it. I understand that sexuality being a contested issue makes it more central to people's identities, and nobody's at fault for that. It's more that I think a lot of trannies leverage their bodies for attention, even to a far greater extent than women, and it gets annoying. may as well be a camwhore, for example. Trannies tend to be likeable, troubled people, but at some basic level they're almost all attention craving sluts. I don't like when people rely on and draw attention to their bodies so much in conversation.
Why would total economic liberation (which has never existed before) result in hyper-traditionalism?
There will be greater variation, variations we can't even imagine. Your daughter will have neural implants and marry six people at once, many of them so genetically augmented they can swim with the fishes on Europa.
No, the destruction of the family is necessary because otherwise you'd just get tribalism and that just leads to segregation which leads to homogeneous societies which leads to Nationalism.
Ask Stalin. :^)
This kind of person is why I'll never support a socialist revolution.
why is preserving the nuclear family so important to you?
The nuclear family is an ecomonic unit meant to drive up property values and artificially increase demand.
How about you stop being a faggot and let people wear and do whatever they want? Don't like it? Don't do it. Simple as that you autist.
How about you stop being a faggot and let people wear and do whatever they want? Don't like people exploiting the workers? Don't do it. Simple as that you autist.
t. OP
Child abuse is sure FUN! Those kids better eat up their daily dose of state mandated gay and enjoy it. because it's FUN. Family =oppressive social construct. BDSM dog men= wholesome progressive FUN
To follow up on this, look at the east bloc countries. After a short re-orientation phase they full on embrace nationalism, traditionalism, racism and religion. Think about it, they had lived for multiple generations under "communism" and yet they still fall back to stuff that should be long forgot. It's because their societies were still homogeneous, they identified with being "white poles" so their animal brains told them "gotta think first about those who are like my family", "those who are not like my family are bad" and "muh jesus" and now not even 3 decades later they have a hard nationalist government.
Literally everyone on this board saw goatse back in middle school, clutch your pearls harder grandma
samefag bait? this is Holla Forums argumentation
au contraire. The post-soviet degradation of civic duty and 'public morals' is a well-documented phenomenon. People had no pretense that either hard work or the material benefits it supposedly brings have any moral value, so white-collar crime was more common than not.
All of these were forcefully re-introduced on purpose by governmental actors, in a bid to rebuild the old style nation state.
this is what Holla Forums spergs actually believe
I'm exploiting you by banging another girl in front of you in public with a ribbed double dildo
Feel the oppression bitch
If Holla Forums had any personality you wouldn't be virgins
Agreed unironically
It would be nice if people could believe in socialism and not be faggots, because socialism sounds awesome, but for some fucking reason…
Do you know how many Trad dads suck dick
I would say 9 in 10 Trad Dads suck dick and 10 of 10 Holla Forums posters wish they were Trad Dads
this is the future they want for our children. we can't let this happen.
Yeah, they want our kids fucking reading infowars lmfao
Actively keeping up with infowars is worse than 100,000 sodomies
the tv will turn ur kids gay
the total destruction of the private sphere under late capitalism is something to worry about. You could say it has its positives, but it's ultimately driven by economics, not humans, and opens many potential avenues for further control and exploitation.
Stopped reading.
No, but chans gave me a tremendous push toward the taupe side of the force.
I don't think you understand the Liberty principle m80.
so turns out raping kids is a-ok in your book? nice to know.
i dont want future girls to be frigid catholic women either fam
sorry not sorry
This is complete conjecture. Nationalism in most "socialists" states was purposely cultivated to legitimate the ruling party. Families existed for decades without nationalism, linking the two with no argumentation is completely and utterly retarded.
This person is either falseflaging most leftists certainly do not believe this.
smh you have poor taste tbh
I bet this faggot wants to have kids.
You are not being forced to watch porn. You are not being forced to fuck traps and this wouldn't happen under communism either.