Is she a CIA psyop?
Is she a CIA psyop?
Almost certainly.
Also how many times has she gone silent and "almost died" now? Seems rather convenient for the American press.
Is there any conclusive proof? What did she mean by this?
Ah! Yes, the "am a little child and am suffering" meme.
Works fine, as long as the child is in a place where the US wants to invade.
For example, if the Child is in Palestein, nothing happened.
Not that children there would have the resources to set up a twitter and twitt about stuff. I mean… they may have bombed all of infastructure, but the wi-fi works fine!
She's either a CIA psyop or a "my mom wants a book deal by playing on the concerns of Western liberals" psyop.
This came straight out of some board room and seeing those numbers next to the RTs and Likes makes me angry because they're probably calling this a success.
If she's real and gets bombed she deserves it
Go back to your containment board, Holla Forumsshit
This raises so many
Are people seriously falling for this?
Deserves the bombings or the book deal?
Holy hell, this has got to be bullshit.
typo, but it works I guess…
No, she has the little checkmark. That means she's legit.
People fell for the "IT'S THE JEWS" and voted Hitler.
Never underestimate the feels in people.
bombings of course
people who hide behind kids for political purposes make me sick.
People are dumb. Everyone knew it was the Irish all along.
The retweets and likes aren't necessarily genuine. Don't want to deal with reddit and its search engine but there was a "smoking gun" post on HailCorporate a while back showing a shill post getting exactly 1000 upvotes between a first and accidental second screenshot.
Just like that Kuwaiti girl who supposedly saw Iraqi soldiers throw babies out of incubators.
Fuck she has very good English and grammar for a SEVEN year old SYRIAN.
If she's on twitter, absolutely.
CIA psyops ITT
Satan was a rebel against god and is a lefty.
Jesus was a rebel against the Pharisees and Roman Empire and is God and is therefore a lefty
according to meme logic
Of course not.
Except he wasn't God, and his ideology was exploited by right wingers.
Get rekt atheists.. ..oh wait!
okay i laffed
Ah yes, a poor child in the middle east who speaks and types perfect english, has access to the internet and how to use it, and has knowledge of current world politics. Seems legit.
She can't even speak English.
Don't you love all those politically conscious 7 years old people on the internet talk about? It's as if that's a red flag for "shit that didn't happen".
Embarrassing, I'm sure there are some children in Syria who understand basic English and who have greedy parents, who not just use one of them?
How the fuck do people fall for this shit? Are liberals/liberal conservatives honestly brain damaged?
Might be a situation were they just blindly accept facts because their whole system and basis of power is collapsing and making bullshit like this into hardcore facts is the only way to not double think themselves to death.
Little kids make for useful propaganda tools
fake news
As CIA as it gets
I like this twitter page.
Hi, I'm Carla, I'm 4 years old, and speak the language of imperialism fluently on a website that is mostly visited by Americans.
You know what the fucked up part of this is?
Trump is dumb enough to take the bait, and it wouldn't even be out of maliciousness.
I really don't think Trump cares about human life though.
Allepo have been freed months ago, just saying. It's as safe as the Middle East can be now.
In an old newspaper, I found:
You felt in the post war propaganda
They felt for the "The banks in London and New York want to keep us under their nest, vote for me and our people will be free from them". The Jewish thing was just the sauce added to get a little more votes.
They kind of get feral at them once they got in power through.
Yeah, probably
Oh for fucks sake, the grammar syntax in these tweets is so polished and professional it's almost laughable.
"I believe that capitalism is the greatest socio-economic structure to live by; the cognitive dissonance of communist sympathizers will not be tolerated. You will be met with police force at your local representatives discretion, and i'm 3 years old by the way".
Nice father, bana.
The worst part is how they try to disguise the unrealistically good command of English by throwing in a tiny mistake here and there
ive always hated these kind of stupid pictures…
Its painfully obvious these 3 dudes are not the same person but whaterver i guess
People are so fucking gullible and god damned stupid. A book deal? Liberals are gonna war jizz all over it.
Bana Alabed, the 7-year-old Syrian refugee girl who made her name on Twitter as the “voice of Aleppo,” announced on Wednesday that she is writing a memoir called “Dear World.”
Refugee Bana Alabed begs Trump to save Syrian kids
Refugee Bana Alabed begs Trump to save Syrian kids
The book is set for release in the fall under publisher Simon & Schuster; a young reader’s edition by imprint Salaam Reads will follow shortly thereafter. “Dear World” will also be an audiobook by Simon & Schuster Audio.
Alabed tweeted, “I am happy to announce my book will be published by Simon & schuster. The world must end all the wars now in every part of the world.”
I am happy to announce my book will be published by Simon & schuster. The world must end all the wars now in every part of the world.
— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) April 12, 2017
Alabed rose to fame in 2016 when she tweeted about air strikes, hunger and turmoil in Aleppo, earning her more than 360,000 followers. The young girl won the hearts of famous fans like J.K. Rowling, who sent her Harry Potter e-books, though some have cast doubts about the account’s authenticity, pointing out that the tweets seem overly sophisticated for those of a 7-year-old’s. The account is managed by her mother, and Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, called their internet posts a “game” and “propaganda” and some claimed the account was somehow a fake.
Alabed and her family were later safely evacuated to Turkey in December.
Syrian girl, 7, tweets support for Donald Trump’s missile strikes
“Hello World” will focus on Alabed’s experiences in Syria and her new life with her family after escaping the war.
“I am so happy to have this opportunity to tell my story and the story of what has happened in Aleppo to the world,” said Bana in a statement. “I hope my book will make the world do something for the children and people of Syria and bring peace to children all over the world who are living in war.”
“They’re killing children,” says 7-year-old who tweeted from Aleppo
Simon & Schuster senior editor Christine Pride said she sees Alabed as a heroine reminiscent of Malala Yousafzai.
“Like so many others, I was completely captivated by Bana’s tweets from Syria, which were harrowing and heartbreaking and put a human face to this terrible quagmire,” said Pride. “Recalling iconic young heroines such as Malala Yousafzai, Bana’s experiences and message transcend the headlines and pierce through the political noise and debates to remind us of the human cost of war and displacement.”
she might be real, malala yousef was used by neoliberals as a pro-war icon until she turned socialist and they dumped her lol
Might wanna take another look buddy.