did lefties care about this?
Did lefties care about this?
I mean at this point we'd might as well not fucking bother. Burgers are way too brainwashed.
is it all over now?
Yes, for years the only people who have given a damn about the US' activities in Yemen were leftists.
Liberals still probably do not care. They only care now that it's Trump killing children, but they gave no fucks when Obama killed her brother.
The headline looks appropriately awful, but where is the story? Archive is best.
apparently she was shot in the neck and died slowly.
I'm pretty jelly of that deer tbqf.
I think so unless they want to kill his parents and wife
In the neck?
Fucking Christ, why won't liberals Malala about this sorta thing as often?
This is one of the largest articles I found on it. Honestly, I don't know how much of it is true.
It at least acknowledges the disparity in the death tolls as reported by different sources.
Apparently the grandfather is one of the sources of info about the raid
No idea. I still don't get why this whole thing didn't blow up. People have been shitting on Trump for nothing, and here they have a reason to handed on a silver platter and they ignore it
I think it's because acknowledging it would leave them open for the obvious (and warranted) attack on their support for Obama's murder policy
Also because they 100% support anything the military does even if Trump is giving the orders. They're imperialists at heart.
Who cares just another future American whore.
Dear Lord.
Right when I think I don't have a heart anymore, someone stabs it.
Fuck you, some of us aren't.
It sounded like it might have been an accident, but another article said otherwise. Who knows at this point. I suppose either way it doesn't really matter, it's just as awful.
That was what personally turned me against Obama. I had high hopes for him. Seems silly now.
It depends who is writing him.
'08 seems like such a long time ago. I was a sophomore in high school and my family lost our home. Here comes this speaker who inspired me to think we could get out of the Bush era, that we could stop the endless war on terror and help people domestically. I wonder how I would respond back then if I could go back and tell my naive liberal 16 year old self the things we know now.
They would, but then they'd realize Obongo murdered her father and brother, and they can't criticize him now.
You're right, but the origin of the character is explicitly thus
Is this a Holla Forumsyp using the Hungarian Revolution flag incorrectly or something?
he right tho
Pick one
The funny thing was the raid was in fact planned under obama but ultimately tossed out because the evidence was kinda shakey the target was even there in the first place and it seemed pretty fucky risky. Then trump came in and brought it back.
Not leftists but most people in general would be.
Is this one, one of these girls used for propaganda
Almost like they're controlled opposition
I wonder which cheeky cunt made that.
yeah that's just another day on planet Earth dude, this is what we do.
because they enjoy violence at a distance as long as they don't see any of it and just hear about it as an abstract kill count, kill count based warfare with tiny news reports recapping the whole thing with the location and the method of killing tacked on. That's how Americans experience warfare, like its some weird astronomical event that occurred on the edge of the Kuiper Belt. Its good stuff, I think its driving the country to be more suicidal and psychotic as a whole, our collective unconscious is manifesting this mania with Late Capitalist debauchery and psychotic political hysterics. Be glad that its not going to last forever.
Most social liberals are in favor of or are apathetic to US imperialism
Because they don't give a shit, not really. Malala, whose family belongs to an upper caste, fitted neatly into the mold of meritocracy and representation that the typical liberal occupies. She's one of them, but an oppressed Muslim POC to boot! And she was shot be backwards woman haters that everyone can hate, who do not belong to true Islam etc. You can root for her and leave all you believe in in place, no need to question your own position in the world.
Now, if you want to protest this girl being killed, well… why are we conducting raids in Yemen? Why was her father killed extra-judicially? Who ordered it? What is going on in Yemen more broadly? All of these questions would prompt uncomfortable answers for liberals, who are in essence fine with Empire, as long is it is fucking inclusive and the Emperor gets to be a transpony woman of color (male presenting) every once in a while.
I can picture the journalist as he finds literally the cutest photo possible to show of a dead little girl.
I can guarantee he had a boner thinking how hard people will be outraged that a lil girl wearing a bow i dead because fat blonde wig man went gung ho.
at least they didnt use gas right guys
typical. seals live to kill muslims. they're total psychos
Is this from when Cap worked for Hydra?
You know the vast majority of people don't give a shit about kids in other countries being murdered.
I was talking about the American 'left'
Did you?
because people in third world countries don't really count, unless the regime wants them to care so it's pushed in the media (just see all the 'moderate' tears about the syrian kids all of a sudden when Trump wanted to invade when syrian kids were dying every day for like 6 years now)
That's a stupid headline, children are likely to die in any bombing whatsoever, and probably do.
But she was an american citizen though
That doesn't mean it's not true, exploitative doesn't necessarily mean unrealistic does it?
There's a big difference between indiscriminate bombing from afar and foot soldiers on the ground firing willy nilly during a raid
Yeah, it bummed me out. I tried to bring it up on regular Holla Forums, but of course that was a bad idea.
Which is why left-sympathizing writers cucked his original designers by making him an advocate for actual values.
Sometimes. Not always. I mean characters change personalities at the drop of a hat in comic books.
Just remember.
We are the good guys.
It's only bad, when Assad does it.
This so much. I campaigned for that motherfucker. I put so much work in at 14 I feel so ashamed now. Plus it left me pretty depressed for a few years and I was less than useless politically.
of course it doesn't, i just have an issue with this brand of yellow bullshit journalism, like when something happens to some random guy and they immediately sack their social media so they can post their photos over and over again for months.
Fuck you idiot this story was posted on here the day she was murdered
Sometimes its needed to get normie's attention at all
Okay, what's your point? Maybe I wasn't here that day. Notice how the OP post is a question, not a statement?
Pisses me off that liberals care more about this Al Nusra girl than they do about actual children that are dying thanks to the bloodshed they crave.
are you implying this girl wasn't cute as fuck?
wtf I love Captain America now