Newfriend who is mostly right wing libertarian here:
So most of you basically want something like a worker's corporation, a corporation where all the shares are owned by and only by the people working there, and everyone is on board of directors and everyone is also a ceo. Ok.
But I have just one question:
Say a worker there develops, say, an engine. It is better than all previous 4 stroke internal combustion engines. It just is, indulge, the engine is much better than all previous one.
Who get's the reward? Do the workers share all the production now? Does engine inventor gets.. 10% higher pay than everyone else? 20% higher? Is he the only individual who can use the engine? Do they all trade with him for the rights to use the engine?
One thing I never understood about anti-private property people are things like these. This work, inventing new stuff, is the riskiest thing there is, and the most rewarding thing there is. Leftists all jump on the successful businesses, but they ignore the 80% of unsuccessful ones. They dont understand that investing in things isnt 100% success. Being a porky isnt easy or 100% successful.
How does personal risk and reward works in socialisms? Or do you people want to permanently stay in like 20th century factories and that's literally it, no one gets richer, no one gets poorer, everyone is just equally dirty and poor?