Ending The Cultural Marxism Meme

Xexizy btfos cultural marxism


Other urls found in this thread:

trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=leftypol,reddit socialism

It's real though.


Why is Holla Forums always so behind? They always chime in to point out shit everyone's already discussed to death and back

Fucking hell this kiddo thinks he understand anything in the world with his T level?

Because the fuckers in pic related are sooooo threatening, right?

i wonder what would happen if Holla Forums knew about "continental philosophy"

Ask a Palestinian.

xexizy is culturally marxist, a human dumpster of cliché's to be recited on command

dialectical feminism fucking when?!

He specially said liberal feminism you fuck.

To end the cultural marxism meme, you would first have to end narcissism as that is the fuel of the means to the end, but would anything be left to run it save for massive immigration voting blocks mixed with complete media astroturf? The elite getting the lower classes to fight one another instead of fighting back against the one's ruling over them will hit a fulcrum point and then it is over. A question of how bloody it will be is all that would remain. An attempt to return to the shadows in education is almost not an option as too many are aware of the game being played and the language revision being utilized and weaponized. An impossible task, it is too late now. May the corrupt surrender peacefully.

Marxism was a huge influence on the Second Wave (which was arguably the best wave).

It's the principle of existence being defined by oppression, that every facet of society is actually an instrument created by The Man to keep you down. If this Man is called capital, or white supremacy or patriachy makes no intrinsic difference in it's logic.

Which really is radfem digested by the PR machine.

Which is why the cultural effects from the second wave are called cultural marxism.

TBQH if your source's name is "conspiracyschool.com" then methinks you should re-evaluate your life priorities. As for the other one:

Is enough to make me fucking howl. Who the fuck are these historical illiterates and how do they crawl so far up their own asses they see light? I seriously need to know for scientific explanation.

Leftypol is cultural marxism…
They stole the name from pol, how uncreative!


You dykes should call yourselves /poc/ from now on


Fuck off with your memes, dude. Third wave feminism and postmodern feminism are the only types that push back against the shaming-for-sex meme present with males today.

The poor fight with rocks. The rich fight with nations. How can you defend the rich capitalists who comprise the majority of the people you claim to hate? Who do you think the rich are? You think it's a pig with a top hat and monicole? You are decieved my comrades.

Take this poorly read attention seeker back to /leftytrash/

Rich Jews usually aren't religious though. Even the settlers in Palestine are hardly the Israeli haute bourgeoisie but lower-class religious families who move to the settlements because it's cheaper and closer to their holy sites.


But they'd just Taqiya on you, that shit is like kryptonite

Why is everyone getting so triggered over that? I was clearly over simplifying it on purpose to appeal to non-leftists. I even said it's more nuanced than that.

Based Xexizy


Workers managing capital (or, rather, being managed BY) is much more than an over simplification of socialism. In my mind, it demonstrates a belief that it is the conscious ass-holery of the capitalists perpetuating capitalism rather than it being perpetuated by capital itself.

you forget Chomsky was taken out by as Jewish death curse.

Only Shias use taqiya.

Third wave feminism and Judith Butler are based af lad.

Read a book Holla Forums, the left has been critiquing retarded hippie ideas for ages

Father, the harbinger of a reality principle that (supposedly)
cruelly and arbitrarily denies the 'right' to total enjoyment. This
Father has unlimited access to resources, but he selfishly - and
senselessly - hoards them. Yet it is not capitalism but protest itself
which depends upon this figuration of the Father; and one of the
successes of the current global elite has been their avoidance of
identification with the figure of the hoarding Father, even though
the 'reality' they impose on the young is substantially harsher than
the conditions they protested against in the 60s. Indeed, it was of
course the global elite itself - in the form of entertainers such as
Richard Curtis and Bono - which organized the Live 8 event.

Saying Socialism is worker ownership of the means of production is not a misrepresentation, just an simplification.

I also specifically said Socialism, not Marxism, when I gave the definition.

Pretty sure the Jews BBQing outside of the prison where Palestinians are on hunger strike are all religious.


Hello MRA.


It's easier to picture soemone causing something than the whole world being submitted to abstracts laws, no matter how materials are their consequences.
We got myths about gods causing every phenomenon way before the development of physics.
So from this, wat do?

They may reproduce the dominant ideology, but they certainly didn't create it.

There are very few religious Jews in the Knesset either.

You are making a major mistake with that.

Stupid people don't understand the abstract concept of capital.

It's easier from a propaganda perspective, but it seeds the idea in the viewers mind that the answer is therefore liquidation of the ruling class.

If you're going to simplify socialism, it needs to include working towards the end of capital accumulation and for production per use. Socialism is more than changing the management of capitalism.

Oh, you don't like the example of big red?

Let me just put this in simple terms you can understand. feminism is destroying, and has been destroying the radical left for decades. identity politics always lead to ruin. it does nothing but alienate half one half of men, give the other half a platform for posturing, and funnel women's energy towards spectacle

And then what?

Hippies were joyous, spiritual, unconcerned and fleeting. Of course they were a bane to the segment of left that wouldn't have felt out of place in a medieval covenant, contemplating the inherent sinfulness of man.

Now explain to me why the extension of marxian has nothing at all to do with marxism, and how it was in fact purely coincidental that marxists started applying the logic of misstrust and hidden intentions to gender and race.

I appreciate videos like this. We need to demolish the ideological tenets that Holla Forums relies on.

not gonna bother

Surprisingly well written, if not for the weird jab at Russell. It just discusses the intellectual origins of the Frankfurt School and frankly it doesn't invalidate it at all. Where exactly did you get the impression it's proof for "Cultural Marxism"? Isn't according to you faggots cultural Marxism equals tranny bathrooms and the end of huwhite cis males, as opposed to the actual critique Adorno et al. provided?

There's another big mistake.

Look at what it is in practice m8. if you're for equality, call yourself an egalitarian.

To be fair, Muke's video would have been much better if he actually went into more detail about what Gramsci, Lukács (who is also blamed for the conspiracy), and the Franks actually said. For instance, pointing out how much Adorno hated pop culture, Marcuse was highly critical of the hippies, or Benjamin was a religious nut, or that Gramsci and Lukács weren't writing masturbation fodder for the ivory tower but strategy for revolutionaries burns the conspiracy theory even more.

It was already a 17 min long video, would of it been worth going into more detail than he already did?

Also I've never seen Lukács bought up with cultural Marxism - in fact I doubt anyone who's ever pushed the myth know who he is.

It's true though.

He's mentioned here:


Not everything that emphasizes who you are in a particular way is identity politics. Male and female are not equal yet, therefore women absolutely need to represent themselves as women. It is excruciatingly delusional to say that there are absolutely no differences for us at this very moment.

I'm actually a big fan of Gramsci's work. Am I kicked out of the Leftcom club now?


In what regard?

you should be kicked off this fucking board too tbh famalan

Bordiga and his armchairs do NOT approve.

Men are oppressed just as much as women in modern western capitalism. Perhaps, in different ways, but a gendered equality movement is both stupid in abstract, and even stupider in practice.

Are you a Zionist shill or just fucking retarded? Some of the most violent settlers are all Chassidic who use the kaballah to justify violence and ethnic cleansing of the land's indigenous inhabitants.

Look up: Bat Ayin settlement. 100% Chassidic, 100% genocidal.

u wut m8?

Oh! Threatening made up rockets VS actual bombs! Oh! So Scary!

Men in capitalism are oppressed by other men, not by women.

2 things,

it's real ENOUGH to acknowledge, the left is predominantly feminist and sjw.

it's irrelevant, the people who use this term still think democrats are far-left communists, still can't define communism despite having heard the real definition hundreds of times, still can't even define capitalism and distinguish between state capital and free markets ffs


They seem peaceful to me.

this is objectively not true. Just look at the way feminists have impacted family courts, rape/abuse allegations. not to mention, women's are not only passive agents in the creation of cultural norms, they participate just as well, and have incredible power in the realm of sexuality.

Not enough women are doing the oppressing.

Actual legislative attempts to abolish their bodily integrity.

Are you deep-cover right now? Nobody could be this stupid. Is there not a struggle against the bourgeoisie and the capitalists by the proletariat? Are these not two identities?

If someone likes Gramsci, they has to go. But if they like Althusser's ideological state apparatus, are they part of the revolutionary broletariat?

Bordiga is dead, there's no reason to LARP as different sects of the CPI when you can appreciate the good in the works across such divisions.

liberals are not leftists

Is this 19th century and women have no property rights, or something?

Liberal feminists. Radical/Marxist feminists call for the complete abolition of the family unit as an institution.

I didn't say that you stupid shit


Althusser's works were influential to many feminists and Louis himself even palled around with Marxist/2nd Wave feminists in France and Italy.

More like "please, egalitarian communist government, get me laid"

lol dumblr



gtfo and go back to reddit, everything else he said was true. the old strawman won't help you here faggot.

So, you want more women oppressing?

Please, let your sexual fetishes out of my politics.

Can someone give me the TL;DR version of how Gramsci, Luckas, and Althusser differ in regards to hegemony/ideology?

Reddit is probably more right-wing than this site by now.

the majority of the left is feminist, please feel free to go to the immensely popular left twitter, /r/socialism, /r/anarchism and dethrone feminism. you'll be attacked from all sides and banned.

I don't think there should be institutional support for the family unit, but it's rather authoritarian to abolish it by force. Certainly, marxist feminists are an improvement from liberals, but that's not saying much.

Grammar is a bourgeois construct, nerd.

I'm sure he was (which is fine). But despite his different approach compared with Gramsci, he ends up with a similar critique. Despite this, he receives more praise on this board – why?


Okay, okay, I can see you're getting mad. I'll leave you alone, lol. I don't cyberbully autistic dudes.


forgot your slashes /reddit/

feel free to go to a college campus and meet all 7 of your local tankie SJWs

I identify as a capitalist, my preferred pronoun is boss/bosself, if you don't use them when talking to me, then you're an oppressive sinner

Do I have to say
all the time?


They'd learn that Nietzsche wasn't actually a Nazi. It would probably be quite traumatic for them. Let's not let it happen.

not an argument

I'm simply pointing out women have power, I'm not making any judgments from that. All considered, however, loneliness too has political implications, especially if leftists actually do have a commitment to the sexual being political. The solution, is of course, not to force people to have sex, but to look at ways to decrease alienation, and possibly even look to artificial intelligence and robotics to fulfill companionship.

dunno stupid eurofag shitstain, do I have to explain the international popularity of one of the most popular social media sites in the world?


yes, reddit/twitter left is representative of the left. There is nowhere that SJW ideology hasn't overrun class struggle.

So your proof that men and women do not have equal rights right now is that some conservatives want to make men and women not have equal rights?

muh is dead
go back to tumblr

They all suck.

Yeah, and I'm making fun of you for thinking it's enough, faggot.

Right now it is a defensive battle. Do you not think their efforts should be opposed?

Leftypol has actually grown to about the same size as left reddit
trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=leftypol,reddit socialism

for thinking what's enough, user?

I'm just pointing out that your standard Holla Forumslack/SJW argument about class relations being an identity is retarded.

What sucks about the idea of cultural hegemony?

puts superstructure over base

Althusser said base and superstructure are one, or rather that the base is ingrained within the institutions of the superstructure.

That some women have nondescript power. I guess you weren't making any judgements that it was enough, but I am inferring that you do indeed make the logical conclusion that it is enough.

You are changing the definition of identity to fit your agenda right now, actually. Marxism is feminist.

Ah, so rigid base-superstructure dogma. Certainly the spread of information by proletarians could have absolutely no affect on culture.

I do, but the decay of social conservatism is happening regardless of some SJW cretins virtue signalling their support on the internet for some minority. Same would happen if it started gaining traction again.

Nearly all women have power in reproducing gender roles to the same extent any given man does. That the oppression that men face isn't solely an issue of "patriarchy".

I don't think the masses of both genders have "enough" power. Certainly women might be systemically discriminated against in a specific way. Fields which employ mostly women are systemically undervalued, for example. But that's not an excuse for the spooky idpol that feminism peddles.

You're an idiot.

I agree. The internet is a massive distraction and the grown-ups are just letting us play. Holla Forums is the bigger joke though.

Socialism is economic in nature, but the proletariat are still fighting amongst themselves about how many rights women should have. Holla Forums is evidence of this. How is there to be a political revolution when proles on the right can't get over themselves?


Not what I said at all. It's just evidence. Holla Forums is no small group of people either.

A good de-spooking, that's how

I came to talk with you fellow comrades how are you all?

it could be better. we could all be dead.

In 7 billion people, pol is a small group.
In the entirety of the planet, US liberals are a small group.

The proletariat isn't fighting among itself for "women rights".
Faggots fight among themselves, only because of neoliberalism and not wanting to fight over important issues.

Stirner is a great thinker hell ya, no less than bakunin

Nope. Women know what's going on.

Totally. Our efforts should concentrate in destroying the economical superestructure.

What's going on?
And women are not a hive mind.

The government is absolutely pants on head retarded about technology. But capitalists are using it to launch targeted propaganda campaigns in the form of advertisements. Clearly the internet has provided the architecture for capital to spread its influence, and I don't see why its unreasonable to assume the proletariat can't also use it to some degree as a propaganda tool.

The material conditions change culture through the intermediate of people. Capital has modified the means of communication via the internet for its own gain in such a way that it provides proletarians the potential for cultural influence, influence which would still be material in origin.

Class isn't an identity, it's a relationship to the means of production. The purpose of identity politics is to pit identity groups (race, gender, nation, religion, etc.) against one another so as to prevent them from uniting against the bourgeoisie.

Read Marx.

Women do not exist they are a meme. Like the men. All is inside our heads. Is a paradigm of class.

That I can agree with.

Okay, you're a conspiracy theorist. Later, honey.



Feminism is not capitalist, and capitalism is not feminist.

All identities are a farce is only individuals. No families, groups.

Correct. Feminism is egalitarian in this exact way.

is right in effect. As said, that is the FUNCTION of the ideology, not its purpose.

but capitalism is a subproduct of the relations of power between individuals

egalitarian and dogmatic sound like a religion

it's like a physical form of autism.

Fine, give me the links to the protocols that state that everything that can be called idpol is actually the result of a plot by bourgeoisie to stop communism.

Otherwise, you're just affirming the consequent.

you can't be feminist if you are a woman

Feminism is the label you pick to attack. It is egalitarianism by women, with womens' signatures on it.

you can't be a feminist if women don't exist.

One look at the feminist movement will tell you that's not true.

I'll gladly attack all the other labels for identitarian movements, but we're discussing feminism atm.

Which one? The one that is real, made of real people or the bourgeois one that you create in your mind based on YouTube videos?

Insofar as feminism is egalitarian we support it, insofar as it is anti-egalitarian we oppose it. Any revolutionary movement can not hope to exclude half of humanity if it wishes to succeed - but this applies as much to many self-identified feminists, including those with the loudest media platforms, as it does to the traditionalist right.

The subjugation of the overwhelming majority of women can not be ended short of socialist revolution; any movement which seeks only equality to men under capitalism will leave most women where most men are under capitalism.

name one activity or organization of this so called real feminist movement not associated with bourgeois propaganda on youtube

egalitarianism is a spook it doesn't exist.

the real feminists are not related to the bourgeous feminists. it is obvious.

My mother and grandmothers. Probably yours too.

I agree, but I don't refer to those anti-egalitarian elements as "feminists". I call them freaks.

A family is not valid as it's idpol.

Well in that case we're just arguing over labels and have no real disagreements. Good luck comrades.

The people who gave birth to me and know me just as well as I know them on deep personal levels. Probably yours too.

Why didn't you abolish your family yet, commie scum?

Marx was a humorist, he didn't really mean that shit lol.

good luck

Yes he wrote a book. Many letters. So much fun

egalitarianism is merely the inverse of inequality. Most of inequality only exists through spooks anyway.

Like having hair. Do you don't even need it most of the time.

This critique of "Cultural Marxism" is 100% better than Muke's:


cultural marxism is actually just the culture industry and its a fusion of vaguely left-wing and libertarian ideas with capitalism and social democracy. Proving that democracy is compatible with capitalism as is feminism and most "left" ideas which don't directly have to do with seizing the means of production and abolishing the state (the only Left ideas in existence which aren't compatible with capitalism).

This, it's not a mere meme, it's the truth and your opponents are not stupid. Just because they're not pretentious like you fucks, doesn't mean they are ignorant.

Because its still relevant.

Castrate yourself publicly.

I want to believe this but then my opponents type things.

wew lad

Try again.

In fact sargon is the core consciousness from which all people who oppose leftism emanate from, didn't you know?

Fucking read what you just typed again, the difference here is every last one of you faggot pricks is so far up your own as in terms of your ideology that the average person once made aware can detect one of your ilk seconds into having a discussion with you.

You guys are like a homogeneous caste of political drones.

I'm sorry for your Dunning Kruger.

no u

I learned something today

Xexizy takes too long to get to the point
next time you make a video, try cutting down the redundant phrasing and use of the word 'literally'



Not a good idea

It's all cancer.

Nice digits on that thread.

muh frankfurt school philosophers pretty much say the exact fucking opposite of what Holla Forumsyps accuse "cultural marxists" of believing


Literally everything Holla Forums calls cultural marxism is cultural capitalism. Critical theorists were trying to warn us about late capitalism, the commodification of all forms of culture and the rise of mass media as a shield of the ruling class, and ironically it gets called a conspiracy theory by the far right.

I wish adorno could listen to this and cringe at his jazz sperging.

That was addressed on the video you didn't watch you monumental faggot



how could someone post here and not understand this

I think its because people think everything marginalized groups do is justified and beneficial for the left. I doubt they would call the use of white supremacist ideology by the bourgeoisie to keep the working class divided a "conspiracy theory".

People just seem to have a hard time understanding that misandry or anti*white racism can be used to divide workers just as effectively (and actually more effectively in our contemporary society because they are more socially acceptable.)

Liberals are still in denial, even after Trump™.
Remember, HiIllary didn't need white men, lol!

Archived version of the Wiki entry before it was selectively edited to use the "everything that I don't read about is a conspiracy and other strawmen" meme. This is about as bad as whining about scientific thought being paramount, yet denying the existence of divergent evolution applied to human cognitive ability.


To be fair, Deconstruction and its origins in Judaism weren't discussed. Benjamin's language theory was very similar.

and you wonder why the left is not winning

Comrades, HALP!



Are you denying Jewish achievement, anti-Semite?

Fucking anti-Semite, you are denying the great Jewish success even though they are a tiny percentage of the world/US population.

who jewish masterrace here?
we control the world brothers

hehehe, good sassenach

There are more Gentile capitalists than Jewish ones. Also, the Islamic World was proto-capitalist centuries before the West.

How many Gentiles are there. How many Jewish capitalists are there. Just so you know, we have no room for anti-Semites attacking Jewish capitalists (archive.is/8QFQH). Take your bigoted anti-Semitic garbage conspiracy theories out of here.

but pol told me so… i already got myself a "jigga 4 life" tattoo as well

Yeah, Holla Forums proves again they're a bunch of fucking dumbasses who can't read.

Back to tumblr




This makes me quite happy.

Is he a Turd Worldist by chance?


More HALP pls comrades.

Literally nothing wrong with this post

How often do you guys need to get BTFO before you give up?

Such epic win XD

When is LLA going to kill himself, again?

The capitalist stays a nuisance whatever his ancestry. Why are you covering the gentile part? Did your corporate masters promised you a 25 cents raise if you get rid of that competiting part of the bourgeoisie?
of course not, you're doing it for free

Lets just go ahead and stop outreaching to Holla Forums.
I seriously dont want these people associated with the left in any way. After the sjw fad dies down some more these chuds will take their place.

IMO Marxism is about things like the labor theory of value (also made by Smith and Ricardo) and historical materialism.

Cultural Marxism is a fucking stupid topic, first off you can't say anything in the same dialectical tradition like Marxism is 'Marxism' otherwise aristotle, spinoza, and hegel are "proto-marxists". Adorno AFAIK didn't even believe in exploitation theory or many of the economic aspects of Marxism.

Critical theory also inspired postmodernism. Most of the liberals who embrace critical race theory, identity politics, etc. are actually being quite anti-marxist in demphasizing class and criticizing marxist theories like the LTV and historical materialism. So while you alt righters are over here criticizing Marx for being 'jewish', on the other hand liberals are criticizing Marx for being a white 'Eurocentric' theorist, saying Marxism is irrelevant to the third world, ""postcolonial theory"" etc.

Ironically, the alt-right and neoreactionaries are derived from the postmodern philosophies such as Nick Land, so if indirect philosophical relation to "Marxism" is the only prerequisite for being "Marxists" it's arugable that Landist neoreactionarys and a large part of the alt-right are "Cultural Marxists" in that sense.

Finally, saying if a jew invented a theory that makes it jewish because its biased from their perspective is the same postmodern narrative bullshit that makes liberals dismiss all sorts of theories because academia is "white and male and priviliged".

Einstein discovered General Relativity - Physical Marxism conspiracy, newton was a white man who invented physics and it was subverted by Einstein, relativity is a conspiracy to change the time on satellites slightly by evil joos

Albert Sabin discovers polio vaccine - Medical Marxism conspiracy, true hwites are anti vaxxers lets your kids die of polio because its a jewspiracy.

Ayn Rand writes atlas shrugged, guess capitalism after 1957 is a jewspiracy too

The thing is when people are interested in studying Marxism, they usually study the source material of Marx, usually they study hegel, adam smith, david ricardo, proudhon, etc. Even fiction writers like percy bysshe shelley, to understand marx better and where he was coming from. Out of all the century+ of dedicated Marxists intensively researching and reading Marx's source material, no one has ever suggested reading the Talmud or anything theologically jewish. Why? because it had no influence on Marx at all. Marx was raised lutheran and became an athiest as an adult.

The irony for all those people calling Marx deeply triggering and problematic is that Marxism is arguably the most western thing there is, as it is a combination of classical british political economy of Ricardo and Smith, German critical idealism of Hegel, and French utopian socialism and revoltion. Marx believed the western enlightenment ideals of liberty, equality, fraternity but that capitalism cant fufill those so its necessary to move beyond it.

Any intellectually honest person with a knowledge of philosphy and how it evolved really can't come to anything else but the conclusion that Marxism is nothing other than the logical conclusion of all western philsophy starting from aristotle up until


You don't argue to convince your opponent (even if it happens, no way he would admit it especially on a chan) but to convince lurkers.

what a stupid fucking graph

wow great argument my dude


that's a lot of failure

the graph itself is a non-argument


nod an argumend :DDDD

The revolt didn't fail which is the point. Half of that shit is liberalism and never claimed to be socialism. And finally, that graph doesn't include syndicalism or any anarchist ideologies so nice cherry picking nigger.
There's your "serious argument" go neck yourself or read a book, I dont care which.

Neither Lenin nor Mao conquered the power apparently.

Technology is the thing deemed bad. Slight difference

Cointelpro funded idpol is socialist stategy. Bravo

How do link that to the Frankfurt school when they were the first to call the cops on their students?

To be fair, vanguards can lead a revolution, but they have yet to create socialism. All the rest is bullshit though.

And yeah, terrorism was a gulanist tactic, not really related to the frankfurt school.

True, opportunity arose from foreign powers exerting pressure on Russia and China. Japanese invaders were literally marching through villages burning, killing and raping the Chinese while a practically dead government simply welcomed them. Just one example of the 100 different things happening that made resisting a large armed rebellion impossible.




Where did he say that?

Fucking bigoted anti-Semite. The Jewish capitalist is our friend.

He might be YOUR friend, that sounds about right.

Not so sure about me.

I inferred it from the long comment he left.

Border walls violate the NAP, dumbshit. Why is your shit-tier fake anarchist ideology so inconsistent?

newfag detected

I wonder if "schillerinstitude.org" and "conspiracyschool.com" run their websites' servers at a loss