Are there any ethnic Baltic communists here? Do they even exist?
Modern Baltic Comintern
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I think there's a lot of neo-fascists in the baltics that fuck with the russian population and vandalize soviet memorials so I doubt there's very many.
The definitely exist. The ethnic Russians in the Baltic states are more likely to be communist but I've met a Lithuanian and Estonian communists.
I lived in Latvia for 6 months. The ethnic Latvians hate what communism did to their country. Maybe some elderly ethnic Russians with USSR nostalgia but Riga recently had a surge of fascism
And what it actually did wrong? Would they prefer to live under Russian Empire or be independent?
Forgot to take off my flag
It's amazing how butthurt they are about communism, given that they were by far the biggest supporters of the Bolsheviks per capita
You're clueless, first of all it wasn't a choice between Russian Empire and independent. Latvia had and independent government after Russian revolution but were later occupied by Soviets. Also a lot of ethnic Latvians got deported to Siberia for nothing. The only communists in Baltics are ethnic Russian boomers, who are idealizing the Soviet past. My paternal grandmother (ethnic Russian) loathed commies for taking her family's house and land. Despite this, my father remembers USSR fondly, because he wasn't born back then. He also doesn't get mad when I talk about killing commies lolārlis_Ulmanis
yes, but red fash
Your father is 30 years old?
Makes sense.
Yes , im a communist that is from and lives in estonia
Something does not compute
Read again, I said he wasn't born when the occupation happened and grandmother's family house got taken away. He actually served in USSR army for 2 years due to conscription.
I might have worded that better, but he even remembers hearing on radio that Gagarin went to space. Was pretty cool, probably. Now that I think about it, he got lucky he was born a generation before the ones who got conscripted into Afghan war. That war was a waste of human lives and resources, all in the name of "building communism" around the globe. Another reason to hate commies, they try to push their ideology on everyone.
Even most of the ethnic Russians here think gommunism is fucking stupid. I've yet to see an actual Balt gommunist.
he didn't push his ideology though, what are you saying. there are undoubtedly idiots amongst us like the chumps at antifa who pretend to be tough but get their teeth kicked in every time. don't ignore them, point them out and tell them to fuck off
Most russians think it is regrettable that the ussr went down.
old farts who will be dead in 2-6 years aren't most russians man
accept the truth
Are you incapable of googling?
The ussr wasn't great at all, but what they got now seems to be a lot worse.
Tankies invaded their country and fucked them over, it left a sore taste in their mouth.
On one hand it is regrettable because the sudden collapse left people confused and gave way for rampant crime in the 90s, that crime turned into political corruption; we got shitty capitalism and western influence, got suckered into the EU (USSR 2.0, about to collapse) and NATO, which cripples our relationships with Russia. On other hand if it didn't just suddenly collapse, we could be stuck with a corpse of a communistic system like in China, that's communist only in name.
You're not taking the word of natives and have to link to RT, which isn't impartial in reporting Baltics. It doesn't matter what older generation Russians think because they're the ethnic minority in Baltics. Younger generations don't give a shit about communism tbh fam
Could you clarify from the perspective of which state you are speaking?
That's basically what the USSR was since the NEP. It could never have worked without Germany going red too. Even if Russia did have a sufficiently developed economic base (which it definitely did not) the pressure from the outside world would have been too great for it to develop on its own merits. Trotsky was right all along, it's either world revolution or none at all.
All my posts are under this flag, xcept 1594488, where I forgot to put on the flag. It's from Latvian perspective. I have to add, that big reason for communist hate is the suppression of native cultures and languages - it's the same for all non-RSFSR republics.
Doesn't it point to the flaws of system, if you have to bring down the whole world to the same level of productivity, hampered by central planning? There's no reason to think it would work on a global scale, if it fails locally. Part of the reason of the collapse of USSR is massive funding of foreign revolutions and other communist nations AKA "solidarity", can't say that they thought Trotsky was wrong. They just failed at implementing it.
It was requested by the Afghan government for the soviets to intervene.
fug, the flag
Maybe so, but the mujahideen and USA had other plans. During the "intervention" Soviets managed to build a lot of infrastructure, why would they waste resources on that? It's probably bombed to shit by now thanks to NATO invasion.
Latvian here.
I think that communism is the best ideology.
But I am not delusional, and realize that there is no way communism could be achieved any time soon.
Death to communism
Ethnic? Commies?
All of them reverted to plain socialism back in the 90s. The only people who still openly salivate over the period of communist rule have no perception of how the state actually worked. Their perception is fragmented, they hail the supposedly great aspects of it, but purposefully forget the dire ones.
Oh and, all commies should suck an erect clit. German liberation of the Baltics best day of mah lyfe
t. /balt/
Any chance you have steam? I'd love to chat with a real-life Latvian communist.
There is nothing to talk about. Communism is a fairy tale.
Well, I myself am a socialist, so I do agree with you that communism is not a realistic working system. I tend to use the word communist to describe the socialist political ideology with a state-owned economy rather than the utopian communism it's supposed to mean.
What's the difference between state-owned economy and what we have now? Either way, there are people who sit in their chairs and receive a part of my fruit, while pretending that they have my best interests in mind.
There is a slight difference between a commie wig with a new lada 1200 and a brand new 4 room flat in the center of town and fresh supply of bananas to the multibillionaires of today in their hundreds of mansions and private wealth equaling the GDP of south east Asia.
During socialism the manager of a factory almost always used to be a former worker, the wages were differing minimally. You may say what you want, but there is no way to compare the inequality of the highest and lowest members of society today and in socialism.
But this was the case only because the countries themselves were too poor. If the Glorious Leaders had the opportunity to have hundreds of mansions, they'd take them in a heartbeat, without even thinking about the worker.
It's the same now.
For example, I don't know his job title, but the guy who is responsible for all of the Amazon warehouses in UK used to be a lowly minimum wage worker.