pretty good video
pretty good video
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Got a couple of minutes in and it's really activating my almonds. I'll finish it later, thanks user.
You can't reason with a fascist. Acquaint their skulls with the pavement.
I think Shaun's right about the whole 'search for an identity' thing, but is it really possible to 're-educate' fascists to support socialism?
That triggered my autism. They are absolutely the same except one has the happy face
thats in real life. you can still make efforts online to convert.
yes. show them that they'll die for basically nothing under fascism.
so not the same. maybe LARGELY the same, but not entirely the same
only one way to find out
Lol no
Except that only complete opportunists and the completely uninitiated in politics can even see the happy face. The happy face party is actually the more effective evil technically-speaking, there's a reason why democratic administrations are typically more aggressive in terms of their foreign policy–they have a broader base of social support to carry out such wars.
I'd say its pretty much the same from the perspective of the international proletariat, they both carry out imperialist actions and policies, except one party is actually better at then the other… ironically, its the one we're supposed to vote for to prove we care about brown people.
It's not very re-educating. Mostly just talking down to white straight cis males. "Your idpol isn't legitimate but everyone else's is, games actually aren't representative enough of women and poc," won't convince anyone not already convinced, no matter how much of a drawl you put into your voice. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
The only thing that will bring people into the fold is a rejection of all idpol, not just white idpol.
Was going to post something like this, but with less substance. These types of people aren't really looking for pity.
their idpol isn't legitimate as far as a white identity goes. as a prole identity yes, tho.
black, hispanic, gay, women, etc. people are in fact more disadvantaged than straight white men in america in the world in general. however, white people still have problems, not because they're white, but because they're proles. the push to get white people to identify as proles was the end point of the video.
this is pretty basic intersectionality/social justice.
am i wrong tho?
This. OP is faggot.
Yeah, no, this is a pretty awful video. I usually like Sean and Jenn but his analysis here was pretty bad. He correctly diagnoses the problem that cis, straight, white males face which is that they lack a cultural identity to give their lives meaning. But he stops there because he's afraid to come off as sympathetic to their condition.
Identity politics, especially liberal identity politics has mostly replaced class politics as the primary mode of political resistance. This has made people who aren't a member of a marginalized group feel ignored.
"re-education" on a large scale isn't possible so the left's focus needs be engagement with people's beliefs and understanding their material conditions.
TL;DR: Empathy is good and so is class politics.
but he advocates class politics as a way to pull aut-righters away from fascism.
also see
When arguing with a fundamentalist you need to find a point you can agree on with them and use it as a pry bar.
These guys usually idolise Nazism, and many of their ideas are communist even though they don't want to admit it.
elaborate pls
I think a point that really needs to be emphasized when talking with proto-Holla Forumsyps or all those white nationalist sympathizers on r/thedonald is the following:
The reason why movements for black/latino/non-hetero/… liberation exists but not a white liberation movement is because the first are systematically discriminated minorities unlike white hetero males (in the west).
In a hypothetical scenario where things are reversed and white people would become an systematically oppressed minority we would support a white liberation movement.
This is what seperates us from tumblr SJWs who are often actually racist against whites. We oppose actual rascism against whites.
if you think it's literally revolution now or bust, then yes, they're exactly the same
but one party has been significantly more useful for marginal (and sometimes major) reform than the other. The legalization of gay marriage would never have happened without a century-spanning movement for it, but in recent years it was the republican party which was significantly more hostile to it than the democrats. dismissing this reality because the democrats are just as capable of showing venom to gaylib movements, or worse, dismissing the issue entirely because of "idpol", is useless.
this is what people tell them literally every day and yet they don't listen. this is mainly because they think said people are lying to them because they still face financial struggles. an anti-capitalist would be able to explain this issue by getting them to identify as a prole to understand their struggles, whereas liberals would ignore it.
idpol is fine and even important as long as its within the context of class consciousness.
The socialism in Not Socialism doesn't come from nowhere.
Bismark wanted Otto Asser to head the party and not Hitler, Asser advocated socialism. The SA was mostly made up of people that supported his ideas and were frequently called "Beefsteak Nazis", Brownshirts on the outside, communists on the inside.
Ernst Rohm advocated a second revolution where they murdered all the bourgeoisie.
Strasser not asser, that's what I get for phone posting.
but most Holla Forumsyps believe in capitalism. well, i guess some don't.
I believe that the only answer is world communism and world socialist revolution unironically
I think less of them concretely understand their own political ideals than they think. Once you get past SJWs = bad all their arguments fall apart.
No, he didn't.
Yeah, this is why liberal idpol is so cancerous.
You have a sad lonely basement-dwelling white hetero male who is constantly getting told by liberal idpol media that he is already king and that the world will be a paradise once he loses his white priviledge.
But by only losing his white priviledge and not getting any wealth improvements in return he will not only gain nothing but actually lose something.
So he will act in his own (perceived) self-interest choose the side which promises to keep the white priviledge or even extend it.
And anything less than that is not worth pursuing at all? no gains are worth while if they aren't the complete abolition of global capitalism?
He didn't directly say he wanted them all murdered, and he didn't use the word bourgeoisie but the intent is the same.
He wanted to remove the "industrialists" from power by force and give that power to the working class.
You can't fix high autism level white supremacists and WN. They legitimately believe that science and philosophy back up what they believe (like you guys :^) ) and you can't just point out instances of based black people or "what about…" to them. They'll just bring up the hereditary nature of Autism Level and the fact that Africa has no history of written language or multi-story structures. Its not something you can argue against. Its something that has to be, dealt with. I'm sorry but that's the way it is. I've explained with deductive logic with appeals to aesthetics and even race theory that whites are the best race but its never going to change with them. They are convinced they're literally god's gift to this planet and that they are the only rightful inhabitants. Which means by default Nazi masturbation fantasy and by default annihliation of the other gene pools. I don't want to be closed-minded and i think weak, and stupid WN (not supremacists) can be converted. But, the smart ones are immune they will implode into recursive self-referencing logical loops that allow them to claim the high ground. This is why you either have to abandon materialism (which you should anyways because you will look like dorks in 500 years for thinking what you do just like all of us do now to Alien life) or stop being obsessed with logic and reason. So either way you're not really leftist anymore and if you are then you can't counter what they say intellectually, which means that you have to use either """""""other means""""" or just appeal to emotion (which is hard with psychopaths and narcissists)
Wasn't it just because they were Jews or Jewish-financed, though?
It's like Lenin said, reforms come from the revolutionary struggle and revolutionary propaganda/education. Nothing comes out of tailing the reformists; I'd say, that the strength of the radical Left always dictates the nature of the center throughout history and not vice-versa.
Socialists/communists should abandon bourgeois parties and represent themselves if they desire to do anything through parliament/the legal side of party work which is usually reformist
Read my previous critique of the democrats here:
Their actually more dangerous then the Republicans bc they are more effective at building social consent/support for the imperialist system among workers.
The Democrats started Korean and Vietnam Wars which were individually more violent then the war on terror (so far). Bill Clinton's sanctions on Iraq and his proxy support of the Kagame regime's invasion of the DRC also led to the loss of millions of lives, the latter being the bloodiest war since WWII.
forgot my flag
Believe it or not Africa wasn't all mudhuts and tribes before the Europeans and Arabs arrived
I don't feel like that's enough to actually pull right wingers away from fascism, and furthermore framing the discussion around pulling them away demonstrates that Sean fundamentally misunderstands why fascism is attractive to these people in the first place.
The point I was trying to make in my previous post was that Sean's attempts to sway these people are stymied by the fact that he never actually engages constructively with their beliefs. Even if you don't think their complaints are valid (and I tend to think that they are valid in a very narrow sense) you should still listen to them and try to understand how they came to their positions without resorting to a blanket dismissal of their belief system.
Sean dismissed GGers because they're wrong, and he never went further than that. Imo this is a mistake. He should have gone further and criticized the conditions that create reactionaries in the context of their own epistemological positions. Liberal and radical identity politics have failures that need to be addressed if they're to serve any revolutionary purpose.
TL;DR: My issue with Sean is that he assumes his epistemological position is superior without justifying it, leading to his analysis being flaccid and unconvincing to anyone who doesn't already agree.
thats largely epigenetic and ignoring socio-economic factors
what is middle ages West Africa? what is ethiopia?
go away Holla Forumsyp. stop acting as though this hasn't been refuted a million fucking times.
Hard to know, Otto Asser claimed well into his later life that he was never anti-Semitic, he only wanted the Jewish financiers removed from power because they were financiers and not because they were Jews. He was probably just covering his own ass.
He was probably a big racist and so was Ernst Rohm, but I definitely don't advocate their ideas. I just think it's a good pry bar when arguing with Nazis.
No, it isn't.
No, he didn't.
he does tho. that's the entire point of going through the back history of lacking identity before talking about gamergate.
No he doesn't. He analyzes the conditions that created them, but he never actually engages with their beliefs directly except to say that they're obviously wrong and need to be reeducated.
no it absolutely is not and epigenetics has not been observed past the 3rd generation in mammals. Its likely, I think its probable and indeed the case, but its not something that is widely accepted by scientists as a method for passing on phenotypes. Again it only effects the patrilineal y-chromosome line. It has nothing to do with women's intelligence.
no that's downstream from biology and consciousness (which are the only things that aren't linguistic fictions, like the one's you are appealing to)
from contact with the Romans and Arabs and North African Berber-Mediterranean peoples all of whom are either related closely to europeans are are literally europeans. West Africa became a thing because of contact with the Europeans and West Asians (caucasians) they would never have jumped to that point without that contact. Ethiopia is the most european mixed black population in Africa, go look it up they all have like 20% european/eurasian blood, and they were in extremely close contact with Egyptians (Semitic/Berber/Levantine stock not black congoloids) and again Rome/Persia/Greece.
i'm not a fucking Holla Forumsyp you smooth brain dork. There are things you cannot argue against because they are backed up by our current understanding of genetics and human development and the theory of mind and intelligence. Its not something you can just go "oh well they were poor" yes and they also had access to all these resources to not be poor unlike fucking Berbers and Semites who lived in a fucking Desert and were capable of establishing higher levels of civilization than the Sub-Saharans. Which indicates a lack intelligence. Which means its hereditary since its still a problem. Stop being fucking obtuse. You don't have to hate blacks or be a White Supremacist or a Nazi to understand that intelligence is hereditary and that blacks as a group are defficient in it compared to East Asians, White Euros and Ashkenazi Jews. Those are basically far and away the highest Autism Level ethnic groups/races on Earth and its consistent with the number of academic and intellectual achievements they've attained to. That's not just because of evil colonialism, its because the black populations are legitimately less intelligent. That's not a mark of bad character, I don't think they're immoral or less human. Human's as a whole have historically been like 80 autism level populations. Its not as if the state of having a high autism level is some inherently normal thing for our species. We've accelerated our intelligence's growth with technology and good nutrition and warfare. I don't think a lot of those things are good. I like the way most African tribes pre-contact organized. I'm a fan of HG societies. So fuck yourself, i'm not a fucking Holla Forumsyp. There are things that are scientifically facts which seem racist that do not compel us to be racists or organize in a racist way. Stop being a mental midget.
Pretty shit video as he totally misrepresents gamergate and also other SJW bullshit. This dude is just a fucking liberal faggot.
This isn't an argument. I do think that his analysis doesn't go far enough, but it's undeniable that GG was shitty and not good. How did he misrepresent GG?
Whether he actually did or didn't doesn't really concern me that much, it's got a big section on his wikipedia page and that's enough to win an Internet argument with a Nazi.
No Holla Forums poster is going to dig into real history books.
By saying that it started because people were mad that Quinn was a whore. Their main problem was that they were promoting a game as the greatest thing since sliced bread when it was clearly shit and it turned out that the reason was because she fucked everyone involved. And GG wasn't just white guys that's another misrepresentation. It wasn't over women in vidya, and he would know this if he wasn't such a lying faggot.
what political ideology, pray tell, are you?
Are you a leftist race realist?
Honestly, the way he framed their worldview was much more compelling than his "refutation" of their beliefs.
He used the class frame at the end but it was obviously extremely weak in the way he framed it.
And here's the reason why bc the pomo bourgeois agents in the labor movement don't actually want to break down the distinction between men and women, """white""" and """poc""" because that would mean they'd have to accept the class outlook of Marxism and have to abandon their own prejudices, look at their own class position etc.
Even Fanon remarked more then 60 years ago that for the third world bourgeoisie everything can be reduced to race that's part of how they maintain their power over the proletariat. Fanon didn't go much further then the people he was criticizing and was overall pretty incoherent but it's a point I agree with.
Demagogues in Africa like Mugabe use deeply triggering and problematic prejudice in order to sell their country out to Chinese imperialism. The liberal SJW movement does the same thing of using the grievances of the oppressed under Western democratic conditions to save imperialism
Hell, the simultaneously deeply triggering and problematic/Western and anti-communist way of seeing the world (and most SJWs are anti-communist) was pioneered by fascist Japan in the 30s. They even funded the NOI in America if black historian Gerald Horne is correct.
Im sure Sean is here looking to quote mine based on his admissions from the video in OP. Hopefully this gives you something to think about.
should I leave out the fact that he liked to suck cock
not to mention the whole thing reeks of uncritical acceptance of identitarianism.
they arent wrong because the identitarianism is stupid from the outset, they're wrong because they as white men dont really need it!
The bit describing why the zoe incident would in his view have been so inflammatory to them, ignoring the depressionquest thing, was also sort of offputting. She was pretty obviously abusive scum. Not that I care that much or that anyone else should, since it doesnt involve anyone but her and her ex, but seemingly defending their actions is pretty gross.
It was an alright video overall but its killed by the bits of reddit liberalism. He really does come across like one of those 'semi-woke sort of anticapitalist liberal' types.
im assuming he isnt in his other videos, if you're linking him here OP. I sure hope you dont listen to liberals, OP.
Yeah, you're wrong about this. Autism Level and poverty levels are negatively correlated. Environmental racism has way more of an effect on racial Autism Level disparities than collective genetic variation between races ever could. Genetic variation among individuals in a population is high enough that race-realist scientists have a very high bar to clear as far as evidence goes. They'd need some groundbreaking evidence to prove their claims at this point.
lol at this
there are no such thing as biological races, there are only haplogroups which when limited by geography and looked at over time seem to constitute distinct but not hard-and-fast """"Races"""" these races bear enough common resemblance among their members that they should be dealt with as social realities. They are useful fictions, like socio-economic status or gender. In that sense I guess you might say I believe that the group called "black africans" are often (very often) less intelligent than the 3 groups i mentioned in that post. That does not mean i think they should be discriminated against legally or dispossessed of their basic liberties. I just think its fair to acknowledge this disparity in intelligence in scientific and historical discourse. I think that when people invent ridiculous narratives about history like Jews ruling the world or Blacks being poor victims or Whites being the greatest race of all time (its actually the Greeks and only the Greeks, no one else) and then they transfer them into the natural sciences and the language used to discuss them it becomes kind of comical. Your culture becomes a parody of one concerned with reality, a clown world where everyone is living in a bubble of ignorance. I just think that if scientists were honest and social scientists were too there would be a much healthier discourse that wasn't dominated by idpol libs and white supremacists. For instance I think that its fair to say that intelligence should not be what grants personhood and the faculties of self-awareness and subjective experience (and the ability to in some way express that) are what constitute personhood. Since literally all homo sapiens have these faculties, blacks would then also have these faculties, and thus would be people and human and thus subject to the same courtesies and decency that any other human would hope for. Seriously its not hard to be honest about this stuff without being a bastard with no heart.
Probably yeah, unless you want to try and frame it as tolerated within the party, which could be fun
It doesn't matter how many empty platitudes, "fellow white people" or cheap appeals to half understood socialist theory you surround it with, if the main thrust of your attempt to persuade these people boils down to "your ethnic/sex/whatever identity based shit is invalid and you need to drop it but everyone else's is good and necessary" you are not saying anything that liberals or SJWs or whatever haven't already been bleating about. They will see through it in an instant and you will get nowhere.
This smells of newly minted """democratic socialists""" wanting to be able to say that, golly, we tried to engage with le white working class just like Bernie (pbuh) would want but they just wouldn't listen to my very good and extremely leftist proletarian arguments about muh privilege checking and how they're all racists and stupid. With the box then checked, they can go back to sipping from their male/white/cis/straight tears mug (they bought the new red colored version from Cafe press doncha know. It's SO in this season)
This. Granted, identity is cancer, gamer identity included. But that doesn't excuse the sjws.
not even going to bother visiting link
Holla Forums is not the place for liberal idpol.
The dude sometimes makes decent points, but it's filtered through his liberalism.
That's pretty edgy my pal.
that doesn't mean anything, blacks are literally just less intelligent than their peers in the same socio-economic groups. They're less intelligent than SE Asians and Hispanics and North Africans and have done less technologically in 10,000 years than Asians did in their first 2,000 years alone from the other races. Its not debatable. This isn't up for some grand debate where you get to debunk the heredity of Autism Level, its in published papers, thousands upon thousands of geneticists agree that it is measured by 'g' factor and that there genes which go with it and they are inherited.
there was no environmental racism in Africa at all until the Arab fags came and started fucking with them and then the Whites. in that time their neighbors who lived in horrible deserts with literally one source of food and clean water were capable of freakish levels of civilization that the Sub-Saharans never attempted to replicate. And guess what? the jungle is not a bad place for giant temples and palaces, ask the Incas and Mayans. Ask the Khmer people. Ask the fucking inhabitants of the Yucatan. So clearly there is a problem that has something to do with the inhabitants and not the invaders.
no this is a lie and no one in genetics believes this stupid shit. no scientists don't believe in causality and some modified version of bio-materialism. You people don't understand, the corporate classes, the military and the shadow government people are all """Race realists"" and so are the Chinese. they don't fucking believe even one sentence of this retardation. They can't afford to, because they'll literally die or become broke (and go to jail for defrauding their investors) if they believe stupid shit. I'm sorry but biology and consciousness are prior to everything. They are before racism and they are before structural "whatever".
Obviously Jim Crowe and Slavery negatively affect a group of people. Obviously they are inhumane and barbaric. Obviously blacks are human beings and deserve dignity and freedom and love and compassion. But, they are as a group and on average individually less intelligent than the 3 groups i mentioned (askhenazim, northern euros or whites, east asians). This is a fact no matter how much you don't want it to be. Like the fact that gold is a good conductor of electricity or that if you drop a ball off a cliff it will fall until it hits the ground or water.
Mali wasn't ruled by Europeans or Arabs. it was influenced, and that was due to domestication of the camel which lead to trade.
they couldn't build up their empire without trade because agriculture wasn't as wide-spread in West Africa. the soil wasn't readily fertile. the same goes for scandinavia, mainly because it was too cold.
i meant environmental factors overriding whatever little effect the genetics of that person had on phenotype expression, not environmental factors changing gene expression AND THEN being passed on to further generations.
and that biology turns out to have no effect on i.q. differences between different "races" of people
but thats wrong you fucking retard
you cant mine resources if you don't have a stable food source
sumer was very fertile. and the berbers had strong influence from the arab world and southern europe due to being on the mediteranean.
same tbh
Except they're not. As for your heritability.
You do realise that as a demographic there are more blacks in poverty and suffering from health issues than there are whites and asians yes? Also I'm fairly certain asians and white didn't face the same denial of eduction and healthy living standards that blacks did.
It actually was, though exclusively in the early SA rather than among party cadres proper.
There are several distinct evolutionary lineages that have historically been lumped together as "black". It doesn't even make sense to make claims about historical racial genetics using the races as contemporary society conceptualizes them. You've also got no evidence to back up your claims, but that doesn't matter because the way you framed this discussion was flawed in the first place.
Also, you never addressed my argument that "Genetic variation among individuals in a population is high enough that race-realist scientists have a very high bar to clear as far as evidence goes. They'd need some groundbreaking evidence to prove their claims at this point."
Which honestly shatters your entire argument here fam.
The guy didn't even know what actually happened during gamergate and neither do most of you fucks or you wouldn't be here posting seriously.
The fact that something so easy to look into and so fresh in recent memory is being ignored is astounding.
This board is filled with some of the dumbest idiots in existence.
There was as much, if not more, a reaction against identity politics among gamergate than anger over the status of white male identity in liberal idpol.
He simplified a bit in his analysis. Who fucking cares? Nobody gives a shit if gamergate was ostensibly about ethics because it had the practical effect of creating and galvanizing a fuckton of new reactionaries. Fucking pedant.
You're mad aren't you?
Whoops. was meant to be in reply to .
He didn't simplify. He wrote a one sentence summary and rolled his eyes.
The guy had chat logs of his gf admitting to having fucked like 5 guys at kotaku.
He mentions how silly he thinks the gamer identity is, but fails to mention the "gamers are dead" hit pieces that nearly every gaming outlet put out at the same time.
People latched onto the gamer identity because it was being used as a perojative, not because they were stupid white supremacists.
The backlash didn't come from nowhere and your stupid comment is an example of your lack of information.
like getting access to steel and the knowledge to forge steel and how to make sail boats and build multi-story buildings and to make codices and libraries i bet…
no it was because they weren't intelligent enough to organize raiding on areas where they could, they didn't conquer other territories, they never centralized power enough in the region. which is the story of africa.
first, don't make excuses for snowniggers. Second, snowniggers also developed intercontinental sea travel and steel metal working by themselves and had multi-story houses and systems of writing and they conquered other strong european peoples. They're nowhere near as pathetic historically. They're autistic, man-faced women, stupid snowniggers. but they're on the whole much more intelligent and the Vikings are a testament to that (remember you need to conquer to consolidate, smart groups do this)
this doesn't mean anything in the context of intelligence. intelligence is mitigated considerably less than appearance is by environmental factors.
yeah those factors which somehow override genetics are not even close to prominent enough to make generations of euros dumber than sub-saharan africans. whites when put in hostile environments don't regress to being dumber than sub-saharans its actually astonishing. no matter where you put whites or asians or jews they will build some vague semblance of civlization. So this is just fucking nonsense, you're making shit up at this point
no it does, genes do and so does the structure of your brain (and thus your skull) you're just lying and relying on blogs to back this up. Gene expression comes from genes which are inherited from the parents. Its not something that is just a placeholder, where phenotypes are these magical super malleable flux states that are """"environment sensitive"'" an autistic person is going to be an autist, a dumb ass is fated to be stupid. Again you're just making shit up, Sub-Saharan africans consistently fail all of the markers of high civilization and have nothing to show for their isolation period which was longer than all the other races combined. They're just deficient genetically.
no its write you reprehensible idiot, the entire field of physical anthropology studies race and recognizes that sub-saharan africa has no: written language
history of long term sea travel to other continents
multi-story architecture especially using complex brick laying techniques like Egyptians and Semites
no complex systems of mathematics
no complex philosophical systems (the Vedics had this shit in 1500 BCE you fag and they're literally just fucking Pakis who are retarded compared to whites and east asians; another reason Holla Forums's we wuz everythang is so funny)
the largest herds of quadrupeds on Earth roamed the African Serengeti, there are unlimited amounts of fruits and vegetables and tubers and berries and fertile land near river deltas (Niger river delta faggot) and endless forests to chop down and endless fresh water supplies. The continent is bursting with resources, it is still the most resource rich place on Earth.
So is the area near Lake Chad and the Niger River delta and those people who live there never invented long-term systems of calendars or accounting. They're just less intelligent. The Sumerians also achieved levels of civilization greater than literally every pre-contact culture. Which is sad. And the Assyrians, the ancient Amorites, Caananites, Jews, Phoenicians (who had no access to fertile river deltas but were still incredible conquerors and mariners) lol it just doesn't hold up. Also the Persians.
the Arab tribes became prominent around the 5th century AD they weren't helping the berbers develop civilization in hellenic and roman eras and the libyans (pre-hellenic berbers) were regarded by the egyptians as having a high level of civilization. And you're not doing yourself favors by admitting that civilizations that contact caucasians do better.
Also, if you look at the follow up stuff with Erin, it's pretty clear Zoe was emotionally abusing and gaslighting him.
I knew about all of that actually. I just don't think gamergate did anything important (other than create a fuckton of reactionaries which Sean covered here, along with the attacks on "gamer identity").
Again, who gives a fuck? Why does that matter in the context of leftism?? I don't think abuse is excusable, but these kinds of things probably shouldn't be aired publicly like it was.
It's relevant to the extent that people go on about how the outrage was only because muh woman cheating on her man. The fact is, she abused her boyfriend, cheated on him for the purpose of boosting her career, and got half the internet to defend her to the ends of the earth.
Beyond her, the case study of sjw nonsense that was GG showcased the extent to which liberal idpol was built on utter bullshit.
there is nothing you can ever say to me ever, unless you are a scientist which will convince that you're not lying to protect your ideology. I'm sorry you're lying flat out to me.
lol no fuck off
Yes, because they were too stupid to repel the Europeans as they had not developed high civilization. the Jews cleverly got around this by turning their religion into a survival mechanism and enforcing scholarship and wit as virtues. blacks never did this, Nigerians are sort of doing this though, and so they got conquered.
I'm fairly certain that circa 6th century AD the retarded monkey chasing tribes of congoloids who were going to meet Berbers and Arabs and be enslaved by them were not being denied education. they were just stupid and complacent and unfavored by circumstance and entropy. which is sad, because nature is sad. it extends to humans to, existence is quite brutal and sad. I often wish that Jesus was real so that people could some day be delivered from it.
no fuck off you're an idiot. i don't want this
Intelligence is related to the structure of one's genome and their neurology. Materialism dictates this. Either blacks are just fucking stupid OR materialism is not real and intelligence literally can't be measured by looking at genes and the structure of the brain and nervous system. If "information theory" obscures all of this then idealism is real, hint: it is as real as materialism and thus we have to now turn idealism on leftism too. So you are left with a quandry. Accept bio-materialism which is scientific and accepted by literally all scientists who want to be published in major journals OR accept idealism which all serious philosophers and people in comp science and cybernetics either TEND TOWARDS or outright admit (Russell was actually a vague pan-psychist, just to illustrate the result of this inevitable predicament of materialism)
Sorry guys but this is where I get off the retard lunatic train. Either bio-materialism is absolutely real OR idealism is partially true and real and valid.
If it had been a man had been accused of abuse it would be considered relevant no matter the context.
Callout culture is shitty regardless of who's doing it fam
So you knew about an idenity being attacked in a concentrated directed way by various leftist groups and dont see it as a problem?
you dont see double standards and shitty logic as a problem?
I completely agree, but its not like the liberals can have it both ways. All I'm sayin'
So much for I'm not racist I'm just saying the facts
I'm not a racist, i never said blacks were morally inferior or ontologically less human or deserving of less stringent ethical treatment than other people. you disgusting pearl clutching literal faggot.
if you're referencing what I said about being retarded congoloids, obviously they're not literally retarded, they're less intelligent and they were not smart enough to repel the Arab/Berbers who conquered them. Smart or superior intelligence populations tend to conquer inferior intelligence populations. Only really evenly matched populations in terms of intelligence tend to violate this rule (Germany losing to USSR/UK/US despite probably having higher intelligence levels)
He's a fucking genticist you fucking moron. Read the articles.
and the Holla Forumsyp finally reveals himself.
you're fucking stupid and anti-science. At this point you might as well just be a christfag. Generally a scientific article will have dozens if not a half a century of sources. Generally they will not begin to advance something so dangerous as the idea that: intelligence, which is a biological behavior, does not have genetic origins. Genes aren't the mechanism for biological behavior. Environmental factors completely override genetics. Genes aren't the majority of what causes and organism to develop the way it does.
Go fucking talk to them. Go to your university's genetics/biology heads and ask them about this. They will either make a face like they've just seen death itself, because like the scientists here it scares them and they literally invent reasons to doubt genetics OR because they know the truth and don't want to tell idiots.
You are literally going to be looked at as fucking flat Earthers.
Whatever you say, Holla Forums
I've already read them you fag, I've been posting here for a year now you fucking stupid autist. I'm not from Holla Forums I've literally never ever posted on Holla Forums EXCEPT to make fun of them for holocaust denial
yes you fag every group has strategies, jews used their religion, whites used their military, asians used commerce and isolation. Fucking stupid faggot doesn't understand darwin's application to human history
no, i'm not reading heterodox understandings of the implications of gene theory. go to your local major university (not lib arts faggot shit). Go ask the head of genetic research about heritability and the genetic origins of intelligence. They will literally explain without actually saying what i've said, that your parents determine how smart you are, that your economic success is tied to your intelligence, that the fate of low autism groups is to die off in nature. For fucks sake stop being stupid. Africans would literally all die of the plague or ebola if it wasn't for whites saving them. White and Asian doctors saved them from fucking ebola
They'll be saving their knowledge for the fascist takeover isntead? or are they afraid of Soros sending snipers after every single geneticist on earht?
they're not the consensus they're fucking idiots who create do-nothing studies looking for their "information ether" that will explain away how it is that two smart attractive people tend to give birth to smart attractive kids. Its not fucking hard to understand the implications of this.
they're actually waiting for technocrats and the military-industrial complex to completely control the government which gives them all their funding. As soon as the IdPol shit is unsustainable/that form of capitalism ends and the techno-fascist form emerges they will stop pretending and they'll just gas all the stupid people (including most of Holla Forums's progeny, we're talking like 50-200 years from now)
no they're afraid of SWPL's and guilt ridden WASP's who control all the NGO's along with Jews and they completely dominate the "respectablity" domain which is why scientists who work at "diverse firms" don't say this shit out loud. Everyone in the military industrial complex who studies genetics believes what I'm saying. the Chinese also whole-heartedly believe in it. Only Western social scientists, the cultural elite, media and certain bleeding heart idiot scientists believe otherwise. You can literally get funding to go look for reasons why genes aren't responsible for intelligence, what constitutes "science" is what gets funded and published. You guys are playing dumb but this is how things are in the world outside of the humanities.
You clearly haven't. The articles go over the fact that r/k selection is bullshit, talk about how the environment can effect heritability as well as the fact that races are not the determination of your intelligence.
you're a Holla Forumsyp in disguise. Fuck off.
not an argument. the desertification of the region contributed to a loss of contact with the rest of the world, stiffling technological development and ruining existing farming territories. they couldn't regain it until the domestication of the camel. farming and metal smelting did exist, it just didn't progress as fast because of it the above mentioned.
this was constantly happening between the different cultures in africa, but again, the above mentioned dilemma kept it from being as widespread.
this came from the romans
so did the africans
i didn't agree with the idea that it's passed through generations. i said it was within generations. and these same environmental conditions caused by social injustice persisted within these individual generations.
REALLLY????? my question is if this is actually different from "blacks" and "whites" like you claim.
false equivalence. there can be genetic AND non genetic changes. the one im mentioning is non-genetic.
see first response in this comment
So they are waiting for the fascist takeover.
Oh and I suppose the tests funded by the Pioneer fund (a fascist organisation) are the consensus?
Wew, lad. Again, fuck off, Holla Forumsyp.
*that is advanced ships came from the romans. they also had more simple stone ships.
its an outdated theory but there are similar replacements that rehabilitate it. This isn't even the crux of the argument.
yes, slightly, sometimes to a large degree (usually not in the case of intelligence and not in the case of extremely long term lacks of intelligence, which sub-saharans have had for 300,000 years)
yeah because its not real. there are haplogroups which when limited by geography for the purposes of analysis coallesce into loose associations of people based on heredity and history and genetics and they are what we call "races" and their members have average rates of intelligence, some of which are much lower than others, some of them are what are called "sub-saharan africans" and they have the lowest by far autism levels of all the other groups. Its not even fucking close, the SE Asians and Mestizo Latins and South Asians are smarter. It has nothing to do with environment. The jungles of SE Asia and South America are awful enviornments for agriculture and architecture and yet there are incredible instances of highly developed civilization in those places. Because those groups are genetically endowed with higher intelligence.
no i've been here for a year and I don't have any affiliation with Holla Forums or the alt-right. I don't like fascism, or the state or racism. I like black people, i listen to black music, fantasize about black women, enjoy black people's methods of social organization (i am sympathetic to an-prims and thus do not look down on them for their lack of intelligence as I think it spares them from committing horrible crimes against nature like whites and jews and asians have). I'm not a racist, you're a faggot and a piece of shit for insinuating that I am. Race isn't real, categories called races which are useful are something that needs to be a part of discourse. That's it. Oh, and autism levels are heritable and come from genes not from environment. Smart people get smarter, dumb people never progress.
no they're waiting for unhinged techno-capitalism and id-pol to die out. That's it. This would have happened in America had the Nazis not existed to stop this. The Nazis literally set back eugenics based techno-capitalism by 100 years. Everyone is so scared of them that they just left all this shit at the door. I don't blame them. Nazis were pure evil, like the USSR which you are unironically shilling for with your faggot flag
the phoenicians advanced ships came from themselves. The Vikings longboats were a viking invention, the romans didn't even explore as far as the vikings did you dipshit. The romans weren't capable of crossing the Atlantic all the way, the Vikings were. They invented that shit. It was their ingenuity.
no the one's funded by Google and Pfizer and the US Gov you idiot. Our government is corporate fascist. There is no such thing as liberals, they're fucking fascists. They just like capitalism a lot and they hide behind Idpol and use Leftism and public Right wingers to distance themselves from this. In the Nat Sec, Intel, Tech, Defense sectors this understanding of genes is the default. None of them think blacks are as smart as whites. No one from that universe, which are the people who decide literally everything and invent literally everything, thinks this stupid shit. They are the geniuses and 140+ autism level people, not fucking fags like Elon Musk. and they all believe in it, even fucking Dawkins who is a faggot liberal believes in this shit. Its jsut the way reality is. Some people who we share the world with, are fucking stupid and its because of their genes and we can't fix that. That's it. Its sad and that's it. Get over it, stop being a fag
Jeez, it's almost as if there was more contact with other civilisations which allowed them to establish trade to compensate for said poor environments.
They were able to establish pieces of land and plant crops and develop agriculture you fool. Look at the Incans.
If blacks were so dumb, how come their Autism Levels are increasing?
Again, not fooling anyone m8.
Yeah, you're a Holla Forumsyp lad. fuck off.
The only way lefties can re-educate is on a one-on-one irl basis, ala SLA and Patty Hurst.
Your memes will always be shit. The zeitgeist no longer dances to the beat your drum.
other smarter civilizations, but the difference is that phoenicians and vikings developed high civilization and castles and palaces and temples and africans didn't ever do this ever.
My point was that their situation wasn't better than the Africans or worse
They're getting better at taking tests and they're interbreeding with Asians, Latinos and Whites heavily and its skewing the results.
If left to their own devices they'd regress back to retard civilization
no you fucking piece of shit, I am sexually attracted to black female phenotypes and I like black african music, spirituality and social organization methods. I like these things, because they make me happy and I like what makes me happy. I don't dehumanize anyone by liking them. Fuck you, you fucking liberal faggot. You don't police what I like and you don't tell me whether I'm a racist. I don't believe biological race exists, but BLM does, but tons of blacks do. So fuck you.
this is why leftism is faggotry and why you guys drive people into fascism. you completely fucking cover up basic obvious things. obviously media is just an extension of Nazi and Soviet propaganda. obviously our government is controlled by private industry and capital. obviously our government are gangster strongmen. obviously they are racists. obviously they are doing soft-eugenics using neo-lib economics and ZOG Occupied Government-chow food. obviously they love idpol but are also huge fans of enriching only whites.
Fucking evil faggot
See pics related
Ah, so now the Holla Forumsyp drops his disguise. You guys are really bad at fitting in.
leftypols memes nealry single fucking handedly converted from vaugely left-leaning antisjw to commie.
primarially porky, sjw porky, that 'social justice exists to protect wallstreet' image, and commie skeletons.
Swear to god Holla Forums, you're instinctual distaste for anything seemingly 'left' is not reflective of reality.
first pic has no title or date. I don't know what kingdom its from and what time period. So it could be from the post-contact period. Its also nothing remotely like what the Mayans, Incas or chinese or Vedics developed without interacting with Whites.
ZOG-Chow is a general term in the alt-spheres for awful genetic mutating garbage eugenics food. It doesn't mean I think that Jews own those industries, they actually don't, NW Euros dominate agro, pharma, bio-tech and chemicals.
because you guys pretend to be materialists but the fascists are better materialists, you pretend to be idealistic and yet you reject idealism. its just inconsistent and fucking gay. its as inconsistent and gay as right wing thinking. Its purposefully baiting and switching philosophical outlooks and definitions of words and the context of epistemology vs ontology vs metaphysics. You guys (you and Holla Forums) distort this because what you believe isn't real. the only reality is corporate fascism/impending techno-capitalism. That's it. It just pretends to be Nazism or USSR or America and ultimately it is what it is, evil. So fuck your stupid perception of my position. You're just spouting anti-science nonsense. Genes are the basis of biological structures, structure determines function, function determines behavior and that behavior is thus determined by genes. Therefore the genes are where intelligence comes from and where group survival and success are probably determined. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS then abandon materialism, i'll help you (go read Chalmers or Whitehead you sperg). You have this disjunctive (well formulated form):
B: Bio materialism is true
I: Idealism is actually somewhat or completely true
Biomaterialism is true OR Idealism is somewhat true
If Biomaterialism is true then Idealism is not true
If Idealism is true then Biomaterialism is not true
So, Either biomaterialism is not true OR Idealism is not true.
There you go my darling leftist. That is your disjunction
That was praxeology tier and you should feel ashamed.
I'm not reading that have some memes
But I want my country to be (somewhat) ethnically homogeneous without being racist whatsoever.
I don't want to displace people who are already inside it.
I consider caring about "irrelevant shiting" retarded and autistic.
I think a little bit of diversity to be extremely enriching.
Just not too much diversity. It creates communitarianism, it tends to destroy identities, and most of the time it's done through illegal immigration which helps nobody.
What am I ?
Hey, funny, even the filters agree with me.
I think he's the one who needs to be re-educated.
I remember the beginnings of gamergate. It sure as hell wasn't anything like he described.
The original problem was the idea of "liberals can be corrupt too", which I don't think most people wanted to believe to begin with.
We weren't looking for a white identity surrogate, but were exposed to concepts of racial identity politics we haven't dealt with before.
Eventually this lead some liberals to reject racial identity out of principle, and others to pragmatically embrace their own (white).
The guy needs to go back to bullying youtube pseudo-intellectuals.
Or take at least take a hint from Holla Forums which somehow exists in the middle of Holla Forums.
He's not going to get very far taking Nationalists this way.
this poster is right, sorry Holla Forums
No. But that's not the basics of what you need to hear as an alienated cis white het male. Intersectionality should not be your opening act, it should be something you pic up once you are already a socialist.
These people need some affirmation, and an enemy (which can be provided via class consciousness). Leave intersectionality out of it completely. "You're a prole, fuck the rich," that's enough for now. They can do the introspection about gender and race relations once they pick up some black friends at the local party meeting - that's the only way you convince people who have spooky ideas in this area anyway, by giving it a human face.
Hey guys I love socialism and I also love my country, like I'm a nationalist, is there a political ideology out there for me?
If you're using it as a segue into class identity, it doesn't hurt to at least know the narrative the people you are talking to are using. Anything less is lazy.
We're at least two here :
We can start a party
His voice is annoying, what are talking about?
You lot are barking up the wrong tree. None of this bollocks could even begin to convert anyone from from Nazi. As far as economics are concerned, we already agree on many of the same principles, so you have nothing to offer us there. And you won't get anywhere pitching the intersectionality crap, either. Instead of fighting against the fundamental characteristics of humanity - race and gender - and trying to make the unequal equal, we accept the natural order, and work with it for the benefit of our people. Let the mud peoples have their inferior societies - as long as they're not here browning up ours, it is none of our business and completely irrelevant.
t. a Nazi.
Also, your little word-replacing script is gayness incarnate.
A lot of these 'fascists' are just slightly racist memers who like being edgy, it's perfectly possible to convert their anger into something productive.
t. triggered Holla Forumsyp
Why can't there be a "fourth way" that combines socialism, patriotism and excludes autism
Nazis were capitalist.
Whose people? Last time I checked, Holla Forumsyps aren't white
That's easy. When you feel that your country is getting too ethnically heterogeneous, just define a larger group of people as one ethnic group. That's how nationalism works in the first place.
Either way - building socialism removes the economic motivation behind mass migration and illegal immigration. Get rid of your spooks though, they are unsightly.
Just for the record, what do you think socialism is and what exactly is it you love when you say you love your country?
For something apparently non-existent, spooks have a really big power.
They wouldn't be spooks if people didn't act on it.
You can reduce their influence but people will always have their idols. It's not realist to think that you can erase things like nation or culture.
Or are nations and culture not spooks now ? I'm confused.
No concept is in itself a spook. How one relates to that concept determine if something is a spook or not.
When you serve the idea instead of the idea serving you, that idea is spook.
When you ttribute people's essence or inherent value trough the prism of that idea, (the native being the person, the foreigner becoming the un-person by opposition), that idea is a spook.
If you want to take the most pathetic example, Chris Chan's headcanon is some kind of spook for him, see the trouble he can put himself into over blue arms…
Morality doesn't exist in material reality and yet it has (or is seen to have) great influence on how people act.
The point as I see it is not to erase but to return these mythical idealist concepts to the mundane from the magical.
Nations, peoples and nationalisms have been consciously created, why can't they be consciously erased? There is nothing timeless or essential about people's identities, neither as groups nor individuals. Read Anderson if you are interested in nationalism.
That's a good thing factors like malnutrition are not related to things like intelligence:
You must first disprove evolutionary theory if you are asserting that hereditary divergence doesn't exist.
"Race realism" is just particularist creationism.
from the tone of your post I surmise that picture you posted isn't meant to be ironic
if there was an award for lack of awareness that picture would win it every year
wtf is wrong with you people
You need to actually refute what is put forth. Is the point of contention related to the methodology, or simply distaste for the source. What a compelling argument.
Take from it what you will.
Just because someone drags out his bullshit over 30 min doesn't make him less of an SJW if he holds cancerous SJW opinions.
Two of the links are academic papers by actual experts in psychology and human intelligence, and the third one is a paleoconservative editorial site that even John Derbyshire has submitted to. None of my evidence has even half an iota of liberal bias.
In comparison, I have already seen that site before and it's some TRS-tier autismlord that is no different from any other scientific crank, i.e. an ideological liar that twists data around for a convenient narrative based in a schizophrenic conception of politics and economics around the world.
Stop trying to rationalize your anti-reality beliefs.
From that source, that is a direct quotation. That is the definition of a semantics argument. First of all, heritability is directly related to "heritable". It is defined as follows, a good link on the topic:
Secondly, it is not necessarily phenotypical. You can inherit certain diseases, it is not explicitly phenotypical. The topic at-hand discusses the issue regarding the genetic component, so arguing that the definition does not include a genetic component when the argument itself is centred around that question is arguing in bad faith/deliberately omitting the point being made.
I was referring to the previous post.
To your post:
start arguing anytime
>To your post:
Seen it. It's an even better example of the half-assed charlatan bullshit I mentioned. Nothing but cherry-picked and unsourced data backed up with logic by someone that is too far up their own ass to ever actually research anything. In comparison, the links I provided are very thorough and render most of your own provided data moot.
So you have no citations that aren't by aut-right sophists? Figures.
What is there to refute? I already cited evidence that neatly and adequately explains why it is wrong with real world examples.
Point, counter-point. Weigh evidence and assess conclusions based off of evidence. You assert that he is a sophist. Where is your evidence.
Not him, but the libertarian realist is full of shit
The entire argument is centred around presenting evidence for a genetic component, so saying the definition itself is not centred around the genetic component is deliberately omitting the argument being made.
If you won't read a few short PDFs, I'm not listening to 43 minutes of some NEET rambling.
And the evidence displays that the libertarian realist is full of shit, and is debunked.
You're a parrot
Your links don't work. They don't load. I keep getting a blank screen.
Posting a link to some papers doesn't automatically validate your claims. You need to quote a relevant excerpt that refutes his point it.
Not by me, but by the sources I provided.
Are you being stubborn on purpose?
Learn to use a computer.
I'm not saying a specific thing he claimed was wrong in those links, I am saying he is a fucking untrustworthy idiot in general and should not be entertained. The evidence I provided completely nullifies his entire autistic belief system.
Do the sources render evolutionary theory inept? If they do not, then I will focus on the evidence at hand which has been replicated and proven, at least until you shit up a refutation beyond genetic fallacies:
What, exactly, makes some uneducated idiot's ass pulled theory more valuable than a collective mountain of research by experts?
WEW. He refuted the libertarians poor understanding of heritability and his racial explanation for Autism Level.
Further refutations can be found here
Thanks, that's interesting. Though I do believe that sometimes, for the better or worst, ideas are greater than men.
I understand the egoist reasoning behind it. My criticism is that it doesn't give people anything to aspire to. An egoistical world would be pretty stale, with no progress behind made.
How do we explain things like compassion, love, self-sacrifice then ? Sorry if I ask something dumb, I don't read much recent philosophers, though I really should.
I'll give it an eye. Thanks. I've read an historical book on it (History of Nations and Nationalism in Europe) and it left a pretty big impression on me, I guess I'll need to look for more.
They can be. Why should they be consciously erased ? If it's the fear of war, I believe there are other ways to prevent it. Nationalism is like a social instinct, so deep in the minds of people that it seems natural. If you try to suppress it, it will not go down without a bloody fight.
Meant for
Don't bother citing Rushton or Jensen either, (who proceed to get BTFO in the PDFs)
They also took money from the pioneer fund, a known fascist think tank
Evolution as explained by retards like you absolutely does not exist. You would know this if learning things didn't bruise your ego.
Pseudo int detected
Define what it actually is, then.
Did you expect me to google Darwinian natural selection for you?
At this point you are desperate because you think everyone who disagrees with you is a librul and didn't expect to get rebuked with actual scientific evidence.
Pioneer Fund is an American non-profit foundation established in 1937 "to advance the scientific study of heredity and human differences". The organization has been described as racist and "white supremacist" in nature,[1][2][3] and as a "hate group".[4]
From 2002 until his death in October 2012, the fund was headed by psychology professor J. Philippe Rushton. The fund states that it focuses on projects it perceives will not be easily funded due to controversial subject matter. As of October 2013, Richard Lynn is the primary contact for Pioneer Fund.[5]
Arthur Jensen being one of them.
Nah, asking you for a definition that isn't "by you retards". Maybe:
This makes the truth, less truthful?
fuck re educating them they need to be shot
Are you retarded?
As for the refutations of heritability and """""racial""""" explanation for intelligence I already you provided you the sources.
Youre a broken record.
no they aren't. there are no racist, sexist or anti-homosexual laws in the united states or any other liberal country. the only disadvantage anyone might face is having low income – which has nothing to do with identity – or lack of government benefits, which is primarily an american issue because the u.s. lacks a proper welfare state, but that still has nothing to do with identity
the idea that "straight white men" (whatever that is) get special treatment is a fantasy and a delusion. stop perpetuating it
Nah, if I state that a study funded by the US government showing that the US government is doing well is wrong solely because it was funded by the US government, that is fallacious. It presupposes bias without analyzing the methodology. You need evidence to back up the assertion.
Because it's known that homophobes and sexists respect the way to their letter.
Even without talking about laws, in most states it is perfectly legal to discriminate. That alone means no equality.
in what context?
in what context?
Do you think a guy who wants to be sexist will care whether it's legal or not ? If he wants to obtain say, sexual favours from a female employee, will he care whether or not it's legal ? No, he just acts. And in court cases, it will be his word against her, and more people defend the man in such cases.
As for discrimination, well say in Wyoming for example, you can easily fire a worker for the sole excuse that he's gay. In fact, you don't need a justification at all, which brings a much larger issue about worker's rights in America.
Race Realists are fucking retarded
I like this video a lot. Will definitely be keeping it on hand.
yes? since he risks severe punishment by the state for breaking its laws. it's called deterrence
which has nothing to do with identity. there is also this thing called evidence, which courts use to determine culpability
bullshit. a man's life is irreparably damaged if he's even just accused of rape or anything like it. there is no prejudice against rape victims in today's society. even minor questioning of rape allegations receives outcries of "rape apologist" and "blaming the victim"
is this a common thing throughout the entire united states?
yeah, which has nothing to do with identity
African immigrants to western countries are typically a high achieving (a high percentage of them have college degrees, which is rare in their home countries) group, unless they came as refugees. They are not a random sample of africans.
Out of curiosity:
Looking in the comments, the same "comes from 'x', so it's wrong without actually refuting the central point" argument comes up, too. From Lukie Cartier: Ah, yes the old nature/nurture pendulum being peddled here, still swinging well past its date of expiration. Striking how all these hereditarians are not biologists, but mostly psychologists playing the role of armchair geneticists and getting massive funding to spew their outdated and simplistic notions of race by the Pioneer Fund.
Very interesting.
I've got the links, actually:
Accurate down to a "T". Counter-point:
You will only have a revolution in a white country if you ally with "le Nazi". Niggers, jews, gooks won't help you. They would become porkies and oppress whites. You can ally with your own kind, kill all jews, solve 80% of the porky problem, then kill the rest non-jew porkies, return the non-whites back to their home and build a white country where the worker will be GOD.
It's bizarre that you show such faith in institutions.
Outrage culture right here
not an argument
Who gets refuted here.
You are a literal broken record.
Also noteworthy is the lack of empirical evidence used as refutation; opting for moral conviction or semantic arguments don't really refute the evidence. Just calling everybody a fascist doesn't disprove the evidence.
I refuted the central point, and you kept on deliberately ignoring it while spamming the same debunked bullshit over and over again.
Holy shit, you are actually retarded.
I definitively can't convince you nor engage in a meaningful discourse here. I simply observe that all your arguments boils down to "but how can there be oppression if it's illegal !"
It's like saying, "how can there be murder if it's illegal ?", "how can there be drug traffic if it's illegal ?" to people fighting against them.
Maybe it has something to do with extreme wealth inequality and poor infrastructure in Nigeria
Shit like this is good, but we can't keep it to ourselves. Spread it around. Make it grow like the alt-right has.
I am myself completely agnostic as to whether the difference in Autism Level between blacks and whites is partially due to genetics or not. There isn't enough evidence either way.
Fun fact, they're the first African country with a space program
It's mostly irrelevant also.
But it hasn't been debunked if you cannot cite what you disagree with and prove it incorrect.
Please show how "muh fascist conspiracy" deliberately misrepresented the findings.
I largely agree. I do however hate the PC SJW motherfuckers who want to shut down any talk about racial differences in Autism Level as being racist.
It isn't. For example, read
In general, evidence that environment alone can cause large I Q gaps can be found by looking at examples of differences among Europeans, like the fact that Catholics in Northern Ireland, who are a minority who face a lot of discrimination there, scored about 15 points lower in I Q than Protestants in the 1960s (see
There are other potentially important environmental differences besides income. For one, blacks at the same income level as whites often have a lot less wealth due to things like housing discrimination, see
pt. 2
There is also the possibility that culture plays a role–though this shouldn't really be thought of as separate from class since having high poverty rates, or not being able to trust police and the legal system, is probably going to tend to shape cultural attitudes over time. One example of a cultural explanation is John Ogbu's theory that there tend to be a lot of commonalities between "castelike minorities" in different cultures, similarities which include higher crime rates and lower I Qs–see
BTW the chart of "average brain size" you include is also bullshit. The numbers come from psychologist J. Philippe Rushton's papers on the subject, but his work on this is dismissed by other experts, like Michael Peters who criticizes his claims at
Peters also points out that there's a huge amount of variation in measured volumes for the different samples he used *within* a given race, making it questionable whether Rushton's overall average volumes, even before his mathematical "adjustment", were based on a representative sample:
>It isn't. For example, read
This was adressed elsewhere in this thread:
you don't really have to convince me or sway me to your side, because opinion is irrelevant. just demonstrate the factual existence of a broad, general discrimination towards women, blacks, hispanics and homosexuals in the united states
for example: you can easily show that there's blatant, significant, generalised discrimination against women and homosexuals in saudi arabia. that can't be denied. you can easily show that there was blatant, significant, generalised discrimination against blacks in apartheid-era south africa. that can't be denied. so, simply show the same for the contemporary united states
Let's look at the bingo.
I'd not be surprised if it's from the 20th or even 19th century, tbh
And my favourite
I don't understand how any of that is a response.
More evidence proving my conspiracy correct
You don't understand much of anything, do you?
This one is rather easy. Look no further than the totally accidental killings of black people by the police.
"They are rapists", and so on. You can also look at several socio-economical data to see that they are amongst the poorest of America and that's already an oppression.
Last time I checked, parents didn't send their straight kids to camps to make them gay.
Oh, I see the problem.
>"Well it's not as bad as , so you shouldn't complain !
Ok I'm convinced you're playing dumb, I've just provided you evidence stating that Rushtons research was not only flawed, along with the other people you provided, but I also proved my assertion that fascist organisations played a part in funding these operations.
pretty good video
He's a person here to shitpost I reckon. I hope that he's not retarded.
The first image deliberately dismisses empirical evidence because "meh, the differences don't really count that much".
Second image is arguing in bad faith, deliberately removing the portion noting "interpretations". Their thought does nothing to actually refute what the central claim is, it just highlights their opinion.
I guess polling white graduate students is now random, too. So because of one instance with a totally legitimate sample, we can dismiss all other evidence pointing to a distribution for intelligence. The first image does not even refute the assertion, but explain it away by stating the difference isn't that big. Do you understand how curves work? And how to calculate the area underneath a curve?
Conspiracy theories aren't really arguments. Poorer blacks are poor because they are poor… what an excellent circle you've made for yourself.
So the evidence is inaccurate? Criticize the methodology, not the source. That's how you refute something. Especially when you can replicate it, that's a tell-tale sign of the scientific method… (
First need to prove that the results are somehow linked and deteriorate the validity of the others. If the pattern is observed and you claim it is dependent on something that is inaccurate (ergo, A=B), you need proof for that. As in, why does one thing make another wrong if you cannot prove that they are equivalent entirely.
You clearly don't have any idea what you're talking about and you have the nerve to tell anyone how to argue.
I'd debate further, but I think it'd be ableist of me to do so.
In fact, the minorities are so intelligent that they must apply for visas in white, Western nations. Truly a valid sample size, let's not actually go to India or African nations where they came from and take information there. Not Mexico or Pakistan, that wouldn't count.
blacks kill other blacks more than any cop could ever hope to. by your logic, blacks are their biggest discriminators
that's distasteful language, not discrimination
are they poor because they are hispanic? are they being deliberately kept that way by purposefully discriminatory laws?
that's not discrimination. it's religious ideology. it's also a very seldom phenomenon; unless you want to tell me that "gay conversion therapy" is popular and widespread across america. some parents send their overweight children to camps in order to make them skinny. is that discrimination against fat kids?
no, you don't. and you still haven't substantiated the alleged existence of a blatant, generalised, intentionaly discrimination against women, blacks, hispanics and homosexuals in the contemporary united states
Yes, denying evolution and stating that one organ is independent of anything related to the theory is a conspiracy when you have been proven wrong and your only rebuttal is "well, the difference isn't that big".
You need to refute the evolutionary theory because stating that it is 100% determined by the environment presupposes that the genetic factor plays no part. You really need to watch this, it easily refutes everything you've been going on about.
Calling people fascists doesn't debate anything, it only shows your distaste. All the points presuppose environmentalist points as being truth without first proving them valid to begin with (by proving how one organ is not dependent on evolution and how it evolved perfectly aligned with all other people).
Using the same APA:
With everything else that is going on, I can't really get too upset about this. Let them rage, and shut down that research, science isn't immune from culture. There is too much to be lost by autistically focusing on autism level research (namely a real risk of losing solidarity against porky) in stead of just taking the hit and moving on with universal political programs.
If there is something to this research, the Chinese, or the Africans themselves will eventually look into it, they don't have PC compunctions. If there is really a paucity of potentially intelligent black people, it is in the interest of African governments ´´themselves´´ to test rigorously and salvage what part of their population they can for specialists, or institute eugenics or whatever. I don't think this is the case, but whatever.
Yes, blacks are incapable of civilization. It has been the Caucasoid people which have contributed most to the world. From the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Brits, French, Russians, etc. Virtually all civilizations that have sustained the test of time, whose creations have withstood age, have almost all been Caucasian. A few buildings are not a testament to a civilization. The Aztec were also a great civilization, but they were conquered with ease by the superiors. On the topic:
Reject all forms of idpol, not just some. That's where his video falls apart: he sees some forms as okay, while others are excellent.
So you measure civilization by their skills at warfare? Despite the fact that Ameridians had mastered agriculture and astronomy in ways many europeans at the time hadn't?
Let's also completely ignore that Europeans relied on gunpowder, an Asian invention, to conquer a continent which had been isolated from the whole world for millenia.
It's like saying whites are inferior because the Amish haven't invented anything, or the Nords, snowniggers as another Holla Forumsack refered to them, for being much farther behind their continental counterparts despite similar genetics.
It's almost like racial explanations for civilization are based on videogames, memes and debunked pseudoscience.
Idealistic abstractions to explain behaviour. Not too far removed from "possessed by the devil" explanations of yore.
I base my worldview on materialism and nominalism, which is anything but recent.
Nationalism changed the horizontal division of people in the medieval system to a vertical one of different nationalities. It turned subjects to citizens and Bretons and Occitans into French (killing much of cultural and linguistic diversity, and yet modern day right-nationalists accuse supranational organisations of doing the same) - so far so good.
In the modern day nationalism is an unnecessary, arbitrary division between humans that can easily make conflict more pointed. Its use is to convince the plebeian that particular set of elites has the same aims and values as them so they should follow their lead. In austerityland we must make sacrifices for the national economy and so on.
This applies to all hegemonic ideas. Divine right didn't go down without a fight either.
This (and your picture) are complete apples to oranges comparisons. Institutionalised violence and racism in the law enforcement is a completely different thing than racial crime.
Since you seem to be so hung up on the whole law thing, do you think only outright legal discrimination counts as societal discrimination?
sage so this thread can die in peace
Yes, that is incredibly valuable. What follows is the ability to maintain. Warfare allows for scientific innovation.
And yet the Europeans were the only ones able to conquer the known world with it. Again, making the case as East Asians also have considerable potential, on average. Also kek at the Streisand effect, you just proved how under-developed the rest of the world was.
But that's not what is being asserted. Amish are Caucasoid.
Can you point me to one law that is presented against a minority group in an unfair or unjust way so as to discriminate on the sole basis of their creed/sex/colour, with NO OTHER factors?
Good channel, thanks user.
See, here we are again. An outright discriminatory law is only one way a system can discriminate against a group.
I already regret posting, genetic determinism is memery of the highest order and this thread should die.
He emphasizes the need for "identity" and "struggle" too much and doesn't focus on the simple issue of loser-appeal and empathy. I mean the "identity" shit becomes more true the further you drift from just like antifeminism and mens rights into white nationalist territory, but the empathy is how they recruit really effectively.
for me (I kinda got sucked into the antifem groups for a while) it was in large part just having a sympathetic ear when it came to shit like not being able to talk to women, being viewed as/called a creep etc. I'm pretty hardcore autistic irl so after hearing a lot of feminists rail about nerdy white boys and how "talking to women is easy, literally everyone but woman haters can do it" I kinda got sucked in because it felt like they were the only ones listening.
Because these groups didn't have to worry about stepping on women's/minorities' toes very much at all, they could really cater their line to appealing to lonely white men's most common wants/fears ("you're entitled to love but stacy keeps giving herself away to chad and tyrone" etc.).
It's fundamentally just seeing the world from an unabashedly white male social outcast's perspective.
Useless lot, the entire population of the left that believes this is retarded.
institutionalized does not necessarily mean government. if you would spend just half an hour of your time you would learn quite a bit
for instance, there is still substantial employment discrimination in america. there have been a number of studies that show people with non-white sounding surnames get less resume responses from employers, and they control for education, skills, everything
I go back and forth with liking and not liking Shaun and Jen.
I remember some extreme fem woman making a book about the concept of "MEternity" which was basically about faking a pregnancy and taking paternity leave, and he defended her against criticism which is kind of shitty.
But then he comes out with stuff like this, so i'm not sure if he's struggling with de-idpoling himself or if he has a mixed bag of opinions.
Ironically, I think a lot of them really just want fair play. Most of them are just reactionaries pushing pack because IDpol agitprop pushed them in the first place.
And just to add, but I think also that reactionaries can be useful, even critical to a healthy society. The main problem is that they are easily baited and sensitive to change.
'fascist' here just discovering new things, doubt anyone will consider anything i say because i openly admitted how i think stuff is but here's my opinion anyway:
i simply cant accept leftypol or socialism because of anecdotes, you all have books that claim you are 100% materialistic but i simply for the life of me can not unsee the
ideal of excuses
that seems fundamental and intrinsic to all leftist ideology
fascism keeps it simple: a giant fucking axe, what's there to not understand? might makes right, world politics = prison politics, not enough shit to go around, etc
fascisms and esoteric hitlerisms are openly idealistic, but their ideals are a-ok to me because they are fundamentally positive, or self-improving, self-overcoming, right wing philosophy is simple but also operational and functional
now let me get back to the main thing why i just cant into leftisms:
excuses, leftism in my eyes seems to be built on excuses, out of excuses, from walking excuses
zero personal responsibility, zero hierarchies, zero positive values
it's always 'the system' that's unfair or the porky or some other scapegoat or an excuse, it is fundamentally rotten because the real world doesnt work on excuses, that is you cant solve real problems with excuses
fascism also has scapegoats but that's not the main thing, look up romanian fascists for example, scapegoating is never a primary feature, primary thing is becoming a better individual because it has clearly defined values, while leftists never have this, they just complain but never fix anything, they just want to agitate and protest and whatever but they replace it with nothing, they just keep finding excuses
to me leftism promotes personal irresponsibility and leads to failure
switzerland has more millionaires than welfare cases
fortune 500 is basically 90% tech companies started in garages
if you are born in the west and still have to complain, the fault is in you and nothing else
no you are fucking worthless if you are doing manual labor, unskilled manual labor people are fucking drains on the society today and people generating all the profit in modern society are too busy getting 6 digits starting to complain about anything
tl;dr I dont understand leftist values or worldview, it's just christians without christ, 'turn the other cheek' bullshit, just weaklings justifying their weakness instead of accepting the world as it is and working on yourself to become stronger
"X happens because of Y" is not the same thing as saying "X did nothing wrong beause of Y".
Because being subtle is for faggots, right?
Self actualization is one of the reasons we're opposing capitalism actually, "the more you have, the less you are" and so on.
I'm against hierarchies because it kills personal responsability.
Freedom and looking after autonomy doesn't count i guess?
The system being unfair is the least of its problem. The system eating away everything is more of a concern. When everything is turned into commodities to be be buyed or sold, there is no room for human interaction, no room for meaningful culture, no room for protecting the land's health, no room for anything but profit.
They were critical of capitalism and promoted some kind of worker ownership over their means of subsistance.
And Somalia is capitalists as it gets. Your point?
Anyway using the example of one country is not a good example to anayze a global system, for Switzerland prosperity happens by ruining other countries with tax ecvasion.
And innovative small structure, harbinger of progress are doomed to become rotten bloated, tax evading, market rigging multinationals or get eaten by such corporations by the virtue of profit seeking and the imperative "grow or die".
Yes, everyone who work for a wage is, and it doesn't matter if it is manual work or not. A wage worker is being paid less than the worth of his production, profit wouldn't be possible otherwise.
nah i just dont buy it that fucking hammer and sickle wielding clinical retards are what makes good things happen
same with manual laborers in 19th century germany
man, i've seen things
i've seen self driving cars, i've seen german and japanese factories making whole cars without a single living soul in sight, i've seen my neighborhood friend joining french foreign legion to get military experience on peace missions, ditching them to go to africa as private military contractor, working for 3 years, and now running 7 bakeries over here while we were both born relatively poor, i've seen storage facilities ran entirely on those drones putting things in their places, and a computer input telling them all what to do
this whole idea that capitalism is some sort of medieval dungeon you cant claw out of and must perform some sort of manual labor for the rest of your life is utter bullshit
it's just that water goes downhill and people to find a path of least resistance, it's easier to blame something else than go uphill, and this is what all leftists always do
why are there no leftists just going innawoods? there arent any capitalists there..
why are there no leftists just going on a deserted island?
you see, right wingers do not seek excuses, they actually do go innawoods and strike it on their own, they reject complaining because you cant complain your problems away, they actually go and live according to what they preach, without redistributing anyone's anything
the fact that all leftists i have met in my whole life are latte swirling art major libshits tell me all i need to know
well i am sorry but every leftist i have seen on the news or in person was either 100% idpol retard or this neo-hippy libshit, both of them knowing full well they have it much better under capitalism than they'd have it in the jungle on their own
find me a real life example, give me coordinated of a single fucking place that actually does the whole leftypol special snowflake brand of leftism
pro tip: you wont
Rojava is attempting something atm.
Socialism and Communism are impossible without transhumanism, but most far leftists rather push a lie that we are all genetically equal. It's not that much a surprise that because of this all attempts of a socialist or communist state have ended in sectarian collapse.
If any of your really want to convert a white nationalist, turn him into a transhumanist.
And they have leftists foreign volunteers fighting alongside them.
Anectodal evidence does not reason makes.
nah, it's just new, and also even in its current form its a total 3rd world shithole
guess now we just sit back and wait for the old proud leftist tradition of claiming it wasnt actually special snowflake enough brand of leftism that would totally work
besides: you and i both know that nobody on this board is from rojava
esoteric hitlerists do this exact same kind of bullshit too, identifying with some obscure bullshit far away place none of them have actually been that justifies their ideology, but at least they have enough humility to claim that they themselves will rebuild hyperborean atlantis from prehistory that had a space program and form where their ancestors hail, and not some flea bitten cripto muzzies
simple answers to keep stupid people happy
if might makes right why are you supporting an ideology that got wiped out?
Structural problems require structural answers. You can preach abstinence to kids as much as you like but then you have to deal with teen mums. Moral high ground means little in the real world.
"germanic warrior race lost the war because of the jews" t: austrian nazi man
like a slave accepting their place
What nonsense is this?
leeches, even moreso than the regular capitalist
so what's your excuse?
slave mentality. Yes work harder for your master little slave, freedom cannot be achieved.
Self-improvement is far easier when the quaqmire of capital accumulation has been put away to history books. Working hard to make money is anything but self-improvement.
ah, if only both of my parents didnt escape from ex-yu during 90s (when it couldnt exploit cold war propaganda anymore and collapsed) and i didnt know all there was to it, and also how to speak serbo-croatian, i might even buy into yet another 'it worked in rojava/yugoslavia/some other far away place i never visited' thing
nazis werent even proper fascists, hell they called themselves socialists for fucks sake
all i am saying is, leftism seems to bash personal responsibility
you are never the problem, you are just magically entitled to everything in life, you are only a loser because of [insert not-you here], and we dont fucking know who starves first if shortage ever happens because the whole thing seems to be 'muh oppression' but offers zero functional, operational things to do in a society in case of anything ever going bad
at least at the core of all right wing ideologies, you have it clearly defined who starves first
Maybe not from but a few went over there.
No less credible than an ex-mercenary running 7 bakeries…
Everyone is part of the problem actually. You, me the other guy. We all bend to the logic of capital in order not to starve. The difference is i'm not rationalizing why it's right to do so.
Yeah, my uncle works at nintendo too.
how about something you cant translate with google translate?
пичка ти материна ретардирана, ајд преведи ово на гуглу педерко глупи
now you gotta wait for someone actually speaking the language to translate it to you cos machine translation does not recognize popular slang and common grammar errors
you also seem to be forgetting which side of the wall constantly gets jumped in this whole capitalism/socialism thing
again, all leftists know they have it much better in the west than they'd make it with their own two hands in the jungle, which is why we never see any leftist separatists, or any other leftist effort that does not want to redistribute other people's wealth
kinda similar with dishonest right wingers
anyone true to their ideology just goes innawoods and builds his own thing, he does not chronically seek excuses for not going innawoods and building his own thing
You did well to dismiss all the points I made as mental gymnastics. Then again fascism is the ultimate feels over reals ideology and your posts certainly fit the stereotype.
Also please tell me more fascist success stories. Fascist Romania and Italy truly were superpowers.
Wow great argument, really makes me thinks
p'tite fiotte, fils de pute attardé
Then there is no systematic legal oppression.
By definition, yes. It's related to an official organization, and the only one capable of being "bigoted" is a government that sets the laws for the people.
Hey asshole, if you and the rest of the classcuck cocksuckers didn't keep training and sending mercenaries like that asshole PMC friend of yours to the "third-world" countries trying to industrialize and modernize, like for example, Chile or Nigeria, we would be perfectly fine and there would have been no wars or refugees. In fact, they would have jobs and been parts of respectable societies IN THEIR OWN FUCKING COUNTRIES.
But no, the Spice must flow as they say; one of the big reasons why Salvador Allende was deposed by Pinochet was because Allende nationalized the strategic copper and nitrate mines AND survived a business strike courtesy of a prototype Internet called Project Cybersyn. He was the most nationally minded president they had, even more so than Pinochet; Pinochet was sent in because Allende would not bow to the CIA and the multinational corporations. Even though he privatized most of the infrastructure, Pinochet did not privatize the strategic stuff, no matter how much the neoliberals demanded it happen. The legacy of the Pinochet era is a bloodied populace, rampant divisions within the country that was supposed to be unified due to nationhood, and a simmering discontent where the rich get richer at the expense of the rest of the population.
It's not excuses, it's reality enforced with armored vans and grenade launchers against people earning less than a dollar a day and who are running to the US and EU just so they can send their kids to school and not have them killed on the way back home after class.
Keep sucking Carl Schmitt's and Kissinger's dead shriveled dicks, maybe they'll toss you a nickel.
A few of you are far more intelligent than the rest. Just be aware you're surrounded by less mentally capable "comrades" who will lead you astray if you allow them to control the narrative.
You talk like this isn't the norm on every imageboard.
The poorest state in the US is Mississippi which has the largest black population in the country. The 2nd poorest, barely above Miss, is West Virginia which is over 95% non-Hispanic white. Vermont, North Dakota and New Hampshire, the other 90%+ white states in the Union, are all in the top half of US states by average income, but only NH is in the top ten, NH being #5 and is wealthier than California which is #7 and very diverse. The small 80%-90% white northeastern states are generally wealthier, but diverse and non-white majority D.C. is the richest overall, albeit many of the wealthy residents of D.C. are likely disproportionately white is a likely counter arguments. This may not add up when you consider that it's the richest place with the highest standard of living in the US and doesn't have a white majority, so there's got to be quite a diverse pool of high earners in D.C.
So yeah, maybe race isn't as big of a factor as you idpol libruls keep insisting.
Doesn't matter if it's basic or advanced, intersectionality is social solidarity's autistic cousin. The only form social justice that truly matters is economic class.
Correction: Cali is #15 and NY is #7.