Just packing myself a snack before heading to work

Just packing myself a snack before heading to work

how do you shit after eating all that meat?

go vegan


The answer - you don't

bretty cool gomrad

thanks for packing our lunch

*grabs a slice of salami*

Don't violate his NAP you shitbag

Notice how the anarkiddy has to refer to the Soviet Union for socialism. Deep down they know it as well.

it's okay he doesn't mind

right comrade?


Nah I just wanted a highly detailed meat thing that wasn't just a giant slab of meat, plus not a big fan of black beans or burnt things

What's the meat on the left?

Stay away from the Subway comr8, it'll give you mantitties from the soy

into the gulag you go :^)

Yeah I read about that and have started going elsewhere. Sucks that everything is so expensive but the heat kills my lunch if I take it.

inb4 socialism starvation jokes

subway chicken is only 50% chicken in canada

I do what I want

figured as much from the likes of (you)

property doesn't exist

now you got it

You shouldn't be eating so much processed meat. It's really bad for you and you won't make it to revolution.

Add a bit of salad for the fibers and then you're good.

Wtf I love ancaps now

Nice my man

that's so fucking stupid, do you make sure everyone sees you at your workplace unpacking your lunch?

see flag

