Russian Communists

Sorry for my bad English, not a native speaker.

As all of you probably know(as if you keep track on things) the situation in Russia is pretty complicated on the left side.

There are different groups with different ideologies everywhere. But in recent few years it all came to this:

ROT FRONT (RKRP) formally the most massive organization and mostly dead now. By a high degree of ideological strategical maneuvering this biggest opposition communist party lost everything. From 300k members on a peak they now have hardly five hundred. Half of this five hundred is Trotskiest and another half is right-wing-Stalinist. Legal, but does not participate in the current elections due to the lack of active members.

Proriv (Breakthrough) formally an elite division of ROT FRONT (RKRP) expelled from RKRP by Trotskiests for elitism. Formed a theoretical journal within RKRP. Marxist-Leninist. Keeps developing after expulsion for 15 years. Gaining popularity within radical Russian left. Targeting academical theory learning and academical intellectuals. Heavily authoritarian.

Skepsis (Skepticism) social-democratic Soros propaganda with grants. Uses Russian academics to publish theoretical articles, drugs reader to the right in a very subtle way.

I personally like Proriv the most, because nobody is better in theory in the whole world. You can read one of Proriv's articles here It was recently translated for English speakers(not as if they are any interested in anything but themselves) so you can enjoy the best theory too.

You can ask me questions on the article, thread or on politics in Russia.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it true that pretty much any government bigshot has read Dugin?

Are these fucks all you got, jesus christ

Even I read Dugin. He is a great writer and thinker. I think to put him into Gulag the first, because he is very dangerous.

your doing your grandparents proud OP, keep it up

Everybody else got less according to our differences in theory. It seems to me not a single western lefty ever read a single book.

Where does the surge in homophobia and all that other spooky shit come from?

Orthodox Christianity is a single source.

To give it another thoght Russian government is pushing it heavily to make differences between European and Russian proletariat for easy maintenance. Many people asked Russian government why i it not the same in Russia and EU and Russian government insted of fixing things spreads hate for gays and other orthodox stuff.

It is more like: Look they are degenerates. Do you want the same?

Are the kurds and Rojava as popular over at the Russian chanosphere/Internet as on this board? Why/why not?

You need to go back to pol/

It is kind of popular. Long history of Kurds living in Russia and Marxist past helps too. Not often you see proud people in the middle of nowhere fighting for their freedom and having cute Kurdish fem army. I think most people are on good terms with Kurds. Most middle eastern in Russia are less organized or likable.

I give you the information. That how it is in Russia. Not my opinion.

I have a hard time believing that because it's influence seems mostly nominal, none of the Russians I've met were religious and is prevalent not just among the orthodox.

That seems likely "look at them they are dirty, look at us we are clean". Europeans have to be made as filthy and infectious to foster isolation and take away the ability to learn from them that things don't have to the way they are.

What do you want then, have people repress their sexuality and live a miserable life so that you don't have to go through the agony of seeing two men walk hand in hand?

I know there are many muslims in your country ~20% but I heard from an user on another chan that the government very actively discourages islamophobia, much more than in the USA. Is this true or is it true for liberal Russians?

Do people know about Jeff Monson? hah

I'm pro gay rights. Most Marxist's in Russia are not. I know what you mean. But it is easier to make a revolution in Russia then give gay right. Hard topic.

And that what it is. Also numbers of believers grow every year. 1-2%

I'm gonna need a source for these pics also do any Hoxhaist parties/groups exist in Russia?

Not sure about 20%.

Non-Russian-ethnicly muslim population is about 10% and some of them are not Muslim, they just born in Muslim republic. Tatars, for example mostly say they are muslims but drink vodka with you having a sngle wife and a single child and never been to the Mosk.

The real problem is with work migration from ex-USSR countries. Numbers are unknown.

Proriv is Marxist-leninist anti-revisionist anti-opportunist. Read the article from OP-post.

Well spooked my fellow Redditor

It's never going to be much of a revolution if you have to "give" people rights. If it's truly the people emancipating themselves they won't need to be given any promises from a higher authority that they're allowed to do this or that with themselves.

Привет, что нового? I'll save that article for when my russian is mildly decent, that translation is painful to read.

Higher authority is necessary in the times of lost class consciousness, my friend.

Gay rights means not mistreating people on the base of them being gay in common parlance, it's autistically pedantic to understand a Russian speaker with a mediocre grasp of English to speak in the stirnerite-leftypol dialect.

There is no such thing on a societal scale.

Keep telling yourself that kiddo

Translation was adopted and proofread. It is an amazing article. They had to re-write half of it for English-speakers to understand anything.

Thank you.

My bad, didn't notice the page has Microsoft Translator retranslating the English text (somehow making it nonsensical).

It's just going to perpetuate false consciousness fam, the authority will again use nationalistic pride, racial pride, whatever to distract from the reality of the class system still being there.

Seems he got it.
Why is there no such thing?

We are the most successful left wingers. We did the revolutions and we will do some more. We don't need to tell anything to ourselves. Both of my granddads and also my grand-grand-dad died for it.

I don't consider running 500 metres in a 1000 metre race to be a success even if everyone else only made it 5 metres, you know what I mean?

I used to work for Dugin in his Tsargrad TV channel which is super-orthodox and is ultra-right at times, they push pure ideology with shit like HIV isn't real etc. Dugin himself is very hectic and unpleasant to talk to, also smol = manlet genes. IDK why OP likes him so much, , care to explain?

So I don't think everyone in the govt has read him but they certainly watch him, the Tsargrad offices are like 5 mins walk from Kremlin and the Duma, so people pop by to give interviews and whatnot.

Dugin came all the way from hangin with Limonov and Letov to sucking up to basically IRL Ilerminaties like fucking Surkov who was there all the time with his scum son.

It was a miserable fucking place to work as well, Dugin kept making the rounds (I was working the newsroom) and leaving little snarky notes on everyone's desk which were the peak of passive-aggressive. He was like the stapler dude from Office Space.

I'm personally not against this and many Russians are not. But many Russian marxists are against of use of the idealistic ways of control. Lunacharski was pro, Lenin was against it. Lenin asked Lunacharski to not spead this view and so Lunacharski got a Ministry of Enlightenment position. But I'm personally don't see bad in the use of the idealism.

After any of you do anything better for once. JUST ONCE. I will reconsider.

I agree and thats why the bolsheviks despite their flaws are certainly better than whatever "revolution" anarkids claim they fought in

His analitics are well thought. He is able to control a huge historical and ideological currents and doing it with ease on a theoretical level. Why did you work with him and why did you switch to the left? Did you?

Because what it eventually comes down to is a movement created a specific set of people that claims to represent the people as a whole. There will never be a sudden societal awakening that manifests individually, to believe otherwise is pure idealism.


I personally do see a problem with keeping the class system around and using lies like the nation to do this.

Socdems lasted long too, and they're still around in relevant numbers. Would they be considered successful as well from a socialist perspective?

How does the movement being created (by? for?) a specific set of people mean the people can't emancipate themselves? They will still have ultimate authority over themselves and self determination unlike state socialist ideas, and it's not as if each community can't do its own thing as well as long as it remains non-hierarchical.

moving the goal posts. how many successful revoltuions do anarchists have?

Don't keep it. Take it down. Everybody will join you. But if you can't do this someone has to.



Because "the people emancipating themselves" will be a slogan as facetious as "parliamentary members serving the people who voted for them". It's a formality that doesn't reflect the reality.

Never been to Reddit. Not sure about your westerner children mems.

why do you have no leftcom parties? you'd think the ruskies would've learned what a big mistake state capitalism is, with or without the gold standard

delete it and stop posting it, actually read marx instead

About as many as the marxists have. Nothing truly noteworthy.

What, the anarchists will create a new class structure? With our obsession with horizontal organization?

I worked with him because a friend recommended I try it. I used to work for the RT English news desk and didn't like it so I thought it can't be much worse. The environment was awful, everyone was snitching on everyone, it was a very "stukach" culture there. They introduced me to him because he's basically the ideological ruler there, along with a few high-ranking priests and the oligarch Malofeev who owns the whole thing. He was pleasant enough but otherwise rather ruler-like, you know, not allowing anyone to waste his time but flirting with receptionists at the same time. I wouldn't deny he's a smart man but his role in the future of the country seems disputable to me.
As for my own politics, when I lived in UK I was a full-blown right-wing idiot, spooked by immigration laws, terrorism, spooked by everything basically, not ashamed to admit it. Coming into contact with retarded liberals and tankies on Twitter who I perceived to be "the left" didn't help - they absolutely repulsed me because most of what they said was idpol shit. But I read more and more, and the more I read the more the entire thing crumbled for me and it became apparent that right-wingers basically don't even believe their own bullshit.
So when I moved back to Russia I was pretty much ancom. And I actually saw that the Russian right-wingers believe their nonsense even less. I mean, Masha Katasonova or people from Nashi who scream about supporting Russian conservative values yet buy houses in the French riviera to leg it when Putin dies/leaves/the regime crumbles are the very definition of Porky.

so atleast 2? thats seems wrong to me

And what do you think of organizations from OP-post?

These are worse than Holla Forums infographics

Whether there will be a class structure or not is irrelevant. It is not themselves, in-themselves, that will bring this emancipation, they might willfully join it, but to conclude from that, that it is themselves, is to posit that every movement that had people join by something else than force is a manifestation of the solemn individual.

So, wait, actual russkie ML's like Rojava? Over here they're furiously sucking Assad's cock.

No, they are not Marxist anymore, but they are progressive if you compare them with sand-people. Assad is progressive too. Being progressive brings people together, my amerikanskie friend.

I'd say most of them are riddled with idpolly trots who prey on young, impressionable people for their personal gain and also look like uncut dicks. I was reading through some Russian party manifesto yesterday and they said something along the lines of "we have so many theoreticians, we have almost no practitioners" - I think that sums up the Russian left well.
I really wouldn't join any of them but I like hanging with Russian lefties these days.

You didn't clarify anything. What about Skepsis, what about RKRP, what about Proriv? You published picture of a single-man party. why?

Sorry, I meant: do Russian ML's approve of Rojava?

ML's do not approve anything outside of a discipline of a party's strategy. And as there is no Grand Party ATM there is no approval possible. Most people agree on the self-determination principle, but it really depends on the party strategy. It is pointless to discuss this outside of a party.


Jeff is known. He was in news I think and even more on the web.

Here is the same translated to English article of "Proriv" but on a different website if you have auto-translations issue.


Try the situation on the left in Turkey. Wanna talk about up shit creek.

Yeah I wrote that I don't like any of them.
Too much СПУКИ shit for my liking.

Pls tell more, im curious about Dugin

You are absolutely informative, my right-wing friend.

He still has the ideas of pan-europeanism that place Russia upon some special pedestal as "neither Asia nor Europe", thus making it a crucial lynchpin in creating a new world. Used to be it was a "bi-polar" world order, now he says that America has basically ceased to be a world power and that Russia must become a sort of European beacon of traditionalism.
I don't quite remember if he used to be THAT religious, but he certainly is now, and all of his Tsargrad shows are more and more like sermons. He likes Alex Jones a lot, although it's more of a "useful yank idiot" thing than an admiration thing. In his sermons he will mention anglosaxons and gays at least once, these seem to be the main spooks (we all know the Irish are the real threat).
He likes Putin and believes he's surrounded by the Fifth column (i.e. his secretaries, ministers etc) who work for the anglos and somehow "shackle" him from releasing his true potential and achieving his final form. Any conversation regarding this with Dugin mostly lead up to him talking about the holy trinity of LePen-Trump-Putin, although idk how he feels about Trump now.
He used to be friends with a fashy girl I once dated who draws glorified Trump propaganda. They're still friends and he pays her to make graphics for Tsargrad and shit. That's about it on him currently. If you want to know more about his original ideology, he basically says outright he got most of it from the "passionary theory" of Lev Gumilev, at least in his (Dugin's) textbooks. You can read more about that theory here:

Yeah I see no spooks in your ideology at all friend, is it going to be "the jews ruined the party from within" next or "Lenin was paid by the anglos"? Proriv are indeed elitist, RKRP is irrelevant, both are infested with idpol and ex-nazbol, what else can I say?

How THE FUCK did you end up here?

This Dugin fellow seems pretty cool
At least he is right about anglos

Wtf i love NazBols now!

No scum lower than the anglo, 'tis true.
Remove beef wellington.

I was always here.

Care to explain pic rel?
Is aids a spook too?


So far I think you are a libertarian troll with no party.


Lmao, nice source, cunt.
Dude, I think you forgot to delete /lefty from your url, it's just Holla Forums

Naw mane, libertarians are first in line to GULAG, just cause I don't want to join a Russian communist party doesn't mean I'm a spoopy snek

What about the one where they cite a Geologist?

A хуёлоджист

Op is a fukken leftcom. My sides.

You guys make it entirely too easy to be smug

A communist without a party? No such a thing.

It's the changes in the base which create movements – force is used to both resist and carry through these changes. The latter always wins with time.

Thanks for the quality post.

It is possible to use both authority and grass-root currents. Anyone limiting himself and absolutising one of the sides of the opposite is a non-thinking creature. Thought process is based on contradictions and if you can't handle the basics you are out of the thought process. Both material base and authority is to be used as we will.


You guys have so far been unable to refute or provide a suitable counter argument. Do that and I'll stop making the same argument.

Maybe it's because they don't agree with the popular Western notion that it 70 years of state capitalism and nothing else. Most of the Left in America and Europe can't even get over social democrats and the whatever else you think of the Soviet Union it did implement Marxist and socialist theory at a higher level then any Western society.

That is an awesome pic related comrade

I actually kind of agree w/ this sentiment too. People can complain but I see the Bolsheviks as the most successful communists and thus the most valuable to learn from in both theory and practice. I don't know why this board shits on them so much when anarchists really still get into theoretical squabbles about how they'd even scale to something like the USSR and defend it from the fash

Wtf, all these fucking hot russians w/ communist shirts.

…Guys, do i need to move to Russia?

you seem cool

Are you still working in news?

Is there revolutionary potential in Russia? Is the economy still in Crisis? What do you think will happen when Putin dies?

What happened to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation?

Lets not try to pretend most of the world is doing any better.
The USA doesnt even have social democrats.

How is the anime scene in russia?

fucking this

no thats just retarded mate

polite sage because last two are also me.

I also met Dugin.
Your description of him is spot on.

What about the KPRF??

God damn, that's disappointing. Aren't most Russian Marxists pretty intellectual?

If these folks are irreligious, why are they antigay? Because of Stalin-era conceptions of homosexuality as bourgeois?

I am, yeah
You can message me as Гуляйполе on the discord if you'd like a chat m8

How hard is it to get a Russian qt gf if you are a foreigner?

top kek
they have some interesting articles, but dialectics ate their brains
useless philosophical circlejerking disguised as scientific endeavor
"Dialectics of Nature" was an embarrassing mistake that haunts Marxism to this day

also their theory of scientific centralism is an apex of retardation
bureaucracy undermined socialist project in SU, so what do we need to do next time to prevent this?
technocracy at its worst

Depends on your looks and wallet.

if you're from the first world then you're golden
just get some prostitute they're usually college students and propose to her
say to her that she will get citizenship if she will bear your child
also make sure that she's clean

Why are Russian women so beautiful?

Anyway, Proriv seems pretty cool. The article linked is quite good, and what I've read translated on their site is, as well. It's definitely helping make me more sympathetic towards MLs.

This has to be one of the saddest thing you can do tbh.

what was it? Can you provide a link? Thank you.

lol no, you're not fooling anyone. Sorry, but I don't blame them for not wanting that shit in their country.

I'm just going through google's translation of

Clearly the english is a bit wonky, but it's still understandable.

It is much easier to earn some little money and get the translations running 24/7 from all around the world.

The world communist article translations must go on.

Good read, though I disagree with a lot of it.
Solid thread lads, more like this please.

You got more pics of that fam? That is pretty dope.

I'm surprised this board is so active you actually have to bump things. How many of you here are from revleft?

"Communist space marine"

hopefully no one

We are going to have a USSR-chan cosplay competition on Russian boards with schoolgirls if you're interested. You can also donate to it some bitcoins.

Do you have a skype? I'm a reporter in the US, and have a bunch of Russian friends; you seem like someone I'd like to chat with.

hnnnng the fat pussy official waifu please dump your collection

Not sure what is that. Another western abomination?

That's like 90% of Muslims in the rest of Europe and in Turkey and North Africa.

Which discord?

Well, are they consciously Muslim? I don't think so. They are not. Tatars don't stone people, Chechens sometimes do. Tatars know they are more civilized.

In my opinion the development of capitalism came to the point where the potential is everywhere. The question of our time is where is the weakest spot of imperialism to break through and where is the organized, disciplined, unified and agile international party to work on the planetary basis under single strategy. I think Russia has a fine combination of a weakening imperialism and a promising possibility of a new Party. I think we have to work on a world scale together on this.

Government resources will get depleted in the middle of 2018 election year.

Current oligarchs in power will elect a new representative for the class of bourgeois. Western forces might try to use the situation to its benefit, but most likely will fail. Communists will not be organized at this point to do anything. We in Russia have to pass a long period of cadre cultivation and theoretical studies before communist will be professional enough to do anything.

Post the links to the Russian boards.
We want to see the competition.

Hey, what's the political discussion like on dvach now? I remember chatting with a Russian dude on some game or something years ago and he was a leftist who said there were a decent amount of commies on Russian imageboards, and I wondered if this is true now or if the reactionaries are taken over, like they seem to have in the West.

I guess the good thing about anonymity is you can discuss political positions you can't really in real life so easily, which I guess is part of the reason the far-right found their way onto them over the past few years. If you're western, that's probably the edgiest position you can adopt.

Is this true in Russia? Is it socially acceptable to say Russia was better as the Soviet Union in public life? Is that what out equivalents on Russian imageboards believe or are they Dugin-loving neofascists?

my 40-year old co-coworker literally says Stalin did nothing wrong to our manager

also some dude painted "Capitalists are vampires drinking proletarian blood" on the walls of our factory

Implying they'll not eat eachother leading the country in another cycle of political chaos that grows global.


Addition to that:
Is it still the mainstream idea that "Gorbachev just wanted to do mild reforms and it got out of hand"?

There is no link yet as I didn't finish writing the competition. This is previous drawing competition

I would like to finish today, but very busy. Maybe in 2 days I'll give you a link

Your Mascot looks FINE!

Hello from Serbia OP. I am from NKPJ/SKOJ, it is very interesting to see you posting, Are you a member of any political party yourself?

could you tell me more of Proriv's activism in Russia?
Are strikes broken up by fascist football hooligans payed by police, like they are here?
Are strikes active, or a rarity?
Is there an army of unemployed in Russia?
How strong is censorship against communists?

Nothing. There was an illusion for some comrades in 90s that Zyuganov will become a new president and will save USSR. It stayed as an illusion for very small amount of people at this moment.

At some point oligarchy asked Zyuganov to switch to social-democracy inside of the party and eradicate all radicals. That what they did the last 10 years getting more and more TV attentions and funding from the government of the Russian Federation.
How accurate is this on the political situation in Russia?
(It's kind of using it as a briefish-analogy, but I'm interested as to whether it's accurate.)

what a bunch of fuckin' nerds lmao
just like us

Its like Holla Forums except i cant read it

I guess internet culture really is the same everywhere.

I agree my good ruski brother.

Its like marxism except that you dont do anything.

of fucking course.

skype is vriska-serket

Reminder she's fifteen ya nonce :3

The leftypol one. Not sure if I'm allowed to share the link tho

Nice to hear from you, brother.

We do not have a political organization for communist Russia was long time in a depression. We are on a stage of learning circles. Beginning of it.

Proriv's activism is in building the core of the left intelligence into Party.

Government is very careful in Russia. Majority of people are sympathetic to communist. Hooligans stand no chance and will be hanged by the crowd or buried. Just as the ancestors did with fascist we will do.

Strikes are rarity. A lot of opportunities in Russia. Almost endless. People don't complain, they always been very poor but it always gets better.

No. Russia has another problem. A lot of cheap jobs. You can get a job any day. But they will pay you almost nothing. Ratio of hard work to pay also not nice. Sometimes you work hard for nothing.

There was so far no censorship even to very radical organizations. Government knows the condition of the forces and does not press hard knowing of great possible resistance. Its a sort of status quo I think. They let us be so far but everything might change.

I wish there was groups like this in Burgerland. None of the "parties" here care about anything more than recruiting, despite their lack of a cohesive theoretical background on what is to be done to establish communism.

What do you mean by this?

theoryfags right?

As a russian (sorry for my engrish)
I don't get where all this love for Russian "communists" comes from…
Most "communists" ive met are people who are nostalgiafag for for good old СССР and nothing more.

I asked once my co-worker who wears СССР t-shirt all the time "What do you think about Marx actually?" his reply was "What is Marx? I've heard about word Marxism but don't know what it means"
I honestly was shocked because he was such a fan of soviet times, but never truly studied what the literature or Nature of what Marx's works were.
This is basically most russian "communists" are today. Most of them are grandmothers who yell how get shit was back in their day, but always stutter when you ask them what made it good and how was it achieved.

Most of these "совок"(slander for communists in russia) would beat if you insulted Russian empire, Putin or any other class cuck's because of "Muh Patriot". They would beat you to death if you think that homosexuals should be treated equaly…

Modern and the second most biggest party in Russia "КПСС" are literally a cuck party which had a chance to assume power in late 90's but refused and remained a joke for all these совок nostalgiafag to voters.
Sometimes i think they are controlled opposition of Putin.

It is at this point you should hand him a copy of the manifesto, my friend.

Stasi Top Secret Document 008/6-86: The intelligence services are to take control of former communist countries and remain in power until able to revert. Could just be a powerplay for the intelligence services to cynically grab power though.

it's how the mind of reactionaries works: you take pride in all of the history of your country, doesn't matter if there were conflicting sides, as long as it's YOUR country.


You think he would read it?
We are talking about совок tier here

They are american rednecks who were painted in to soviet colors.
Pic very related.

This is realised version of those "nostalgifag grandmothers" i posted about.

Its worth trying after all Marxists are supposed to be trying to reach the working class after all, "rednecks" included.

Соси хуй, быдло

That's the most disgusting flag I've seen in my life.

y'could at least explain the idea that capitalists are parasites, right?

Manifesto is written in a very simple language though. Even I can read and understand it. Hell, that was the whole point of the book.

Just some nerds. Nothing to worry.

B-b-but what about Proriv? They seem nice.

top kek, tell me what you got in your country. fucking retard

m8, he's telling you how it works in Russia. Next you'll be burning Marx' Capital because it describes capitalism. All this really poor reading comprehension from degenerate Westerners…

Russian society is more masculine then Western. In the perception of most people there is not enough men to fix problems. There is not enough men with balls. Russians went under greatest suffering in WW1, Civil War, WW2, liberal 90s. The greatest loss is among men and people who act like men. Russian society is thus very protective to its customs and traditions. Fight for gay right is kinda disturbing the fight for straight men rights.

I s-studied russian in the university..
I even was for month in moskow..
I am a man that likes women…
How do I … oh wait.. I forgot… I'm gonna be surviving with less than I do now…


because russian prison culture is caste based
the lowest caste so-called петухи are treated like lepers
sexual assault is usually how one becomes a петух
once you become one there's no way back

Here is a link for a new cosplay competition.

didn't a lot of communists back in the 30s believe that homosexuality went with fascism because of rohm

Aw yeah!

I need to move to Russia and get me a qt tankie gf

I didn't mean for that to be taken in a negative way. I honestly don't know what left-intelligence means? Is it about developing theory or collecting intelligence for the political purposes of the Left?

He literally looks like a baby with a beard in the first pic


Someone please explain this flag to me.

That is a right Stalinism broken from Marxism and left Stalinism.

Its pretty good. I think there is a comicon going soon or now.


Long dead.

How many people in the end have read the article?

Any comments on the article? Criticism is accepted and is favorable.

Hate to break it to you but you literally can't be a Marxist-Leninist unless you actively hate theory, ffs, most of the things MLs stand for Marx explicitly argued against.

извини, Holla Forums barely reads. This board is mostly shitposting grounds for people who identify with the left. How is discussion in 2ch?


Its slow on 2ch, but more theoretical and informative. Most of the time there are theoretical discussions on Marxism in Russian /pol

Ok, made me read it.


Ok… So… the article first is about why it's not because of Stalin that the USSR fell… then it's about why constitutions made by bourgies promote bourgie interests.. (remember, the EU foundation is about promoting the capitalist establisment)

And then it forgets that socialism in one country and "the revolution is over" is why there was no socialism in the USSR and Lenin's "2 steps forward" never came and Stalin got it stuck on 1 step back, State Capitalism.

And here we see another main issue.
Representatives. AKA how to create classes, while having class abolished.

So… Socialist Realism only, down with russian avand guard, amma right?

I've read Underground by Makanin. I can see the reason behind it. It's like asking people to create memes like they did in chans, when there are no chans.

AKA cause Stalin had too much power and was paranoid and had created a class of beurocrats.

Well, I for one never saw it built WITH the theory of ML. Yes, you need a period of State Capitalism, especialy in 3rd world levels country, BUT!!! You do need to make 2 steps forward EVENTUALLY!!!

Well, he was a creative thinker, that's for sure!
Taking your political oponents out, making Makiaveli look like a monk, sure does take a lot of creative thinking!!!

I stopped at "The party, the constitution and the first phase of communism"

This stalinist propaganda is too long, complex and says nothing of actual usefullness.

t. Leninist.

Now we know it makes western Trotskiest abomination displeased. That is a good thing.

I've read Marx and Lenin and even Hegel, but I consider myself Marxist-Leninist. The only reason you hate authority is because of western anti-authority propaganda that makes you docile and unorganized like you are in the west. All you know is to propagate obedience to the bourgeoisie as you deny the left wing authority. You are a docile sheep.

Trotsky was a faggot that cared more about his bitches than stoping Stalin.

USSR was dead since Lenin was shot and Rosa killed.


Posadism was a nice product of trotskism, though

Proriv already wrote the new strategy and tactics.

Does it involve "Stalin was fine, though"?

Am ok with even KKE going forward.. .. But I still don't like Stalin.

What do you think about that German group trying to create a new Stalinist-Hoxhaist comintern:

Their website seems to indicate their doing a piss-poor job but I think they have a Russian section. I read the Proriv article they seem to uphold Stalin but I can't tell if they uphold Hoxha. I saw that they quoted him positively in this article on Russian imperialism: but not much else.

How well is his work known by Russian leftists? Do Russian leftists actually read Stalin? cause seems Western leftists never do.

Are you familiar with Grover Furr and his work on the Soviet period?

I find a lot of problems with everybody, including Stalin and Lenin. But there were nothing better yet than Lenin's and Stalin's combination. It worked really well. With a lot of adjustments it can be much better.

Well, with a lot of adjustemnts even Posadism can work!!!

Historically, Stalin, still ruined everything.

>What do you think about that German group trying to create a new Stalinist-Hoxhaist comintern:

They need to know about Proriv. Marxist-Leninism of Proriv is not identical to Maoist anti-revisionist or Hoxhaist but it is the same thing in many matters. There are few disagreements. But mostly an agreement. In my opinion Hoxha came closer to things in his time. But now there is Proriv and Proriv found faults in Hoxhaism, not deadly faults. I think there wont be many Hozhaist in Russia as there is straight Stalinism going on. Hoxha was a student of Stalin after all. Lets learn from the same teacher. I personally read Stalin on a daily basis. I don't like how he writes. Very poor language. But then I realize my English is much worse than Stalin's Russian. I like reading Plekhanov, Engels, Dzerdzhinski more. Stalin is less interesting but more informative. Nice statistics on the National composition of the party and National Problems. Very important topic to read from Stalin, especially for the western abominations. It was Stalin's specialty after all in the party.

I almost met him once. He wrote together with Russian right-wing-patriotical-liberal of the worst kind who uses right-wing Stalinism as part of ideology. His books are very well done for the audience. He is professional populist. I think. I like him for the work done, but you should be careful with him and his co-authors. read carefully.

I'm interested, what do they think are the faults?

I'm not sure exactly. One of which is the socialist imperialism of the Soviet Union. We know imperialism = capitalism and it is impossible under socialism, when there is no bourgeois in power. Soviet Union was an anti-imperialist state. Anti-imperialism is the main plan of Stalin in foreign relations. Conversion of past colonies to the Soviet republics is the main strategy.

So we found agreement then.

Well, generally they think that the Soviet Union was socialist and anti-imperialist up until Stalin's death. "Social-imperialism" just means capitalist-imperialism with a socialist mask, its not like some new type of imperialism that Lenin didn't conceive of.

The decentralization of planning in the Soviet Union, gradual acceptance of market relations and private property etc. led to the fall of the Soviet Union. It retained a large amount of state-ownership but stopped being socialist in essence.

The Soviet working class was not able to respond in my view bc of the retardation of Maoist China, the success of revisionist anti-colonial movements in the Third World and the overall lower Gini arising from the socialist period of the USSR. The Soviet Union was more equal then its Western rivals even in the 1980s when things were obviously faltering the mafia was growing massively in power. That gave the revisionists considerable latitude before workers caught on to what was going on; Hoxha argued that the revisionists grew out of a labor aristocracy that had become bureaucratized and detached from the working class. Furr says that Stalin was an obstacle to their continued rise and that they celebrated his murder for that reason.

Cuba is a good example of how Soviet social imperialism worked on the world scale. I'm not an expert on the Soviet Unions foreign relation and economy but they were referred to as the other-super power for a reason during the 20th century.

I liked how Priov said the lack of Russian reaction to Russian imperialism with Putin has impeded the world revolutionary situation, international solidarity etc. It's not necessarily their fault as they were misled by revisionists during the post-Stalin years, and became a practical banana republic of the US in the 90s. I'm just hoping that they are waking up in time so that they can help stop the new world war shaping up–the American workers are not really hostile to Russia, I'm sure there would be more fraternal feelings if they could see Russian workers struggling against their bourgeois regime. Our situations are really similar, the American bourgeoisie incarcerates American workers and lumpen to a greater degree then Putin! The ground for cooperation is there, we actually have somewhat similar histories, fought as allies in WWI&II etc. both our countries are stupendously unequal developed nations.

*his death

The problem of our organization is only financial, my friend. When communists will start working as a team and make money for the organization? When will we be able to do as Bolshevik who had undercover business to support the organizations and other stuff. World 3rd International revived will not be stopped. It will be too powerful to be stopped. Funding is the biggest obstacle to everything.

I'd like to know more about this, how did this work?

The party would have a profitable business to support itself or even rob a bank in Russia. But it is not important what was. Important what to do right now. And I think the financial situation is #1 problem. We have absolutely nice theoreticians working hard for living. They could already create a world movement with some funds.


I figured as much. They just miss when Russia was a superpower.

When Russia was a superpower America was forced to behave. We also had a socialist state funding socialist movements all across the globe. Only liberals hate the USSR.

Proriv's writers are also from Ukraine, for example.

This is Proriv's head editor.

And this is head editor and second one.

For some reason it's interesting to think that even in the grim darkness of post-Soviet Russia, they can still find enjoyment in Warhammer cosplay

Small little bump

Most Russian communist of old are gone. They don't do theoretical propaganda on Dvach. I don't do it anymore too. But there is a funny replacement from younger twitter generation. There is couple of people that agitate on the twitter level. After a huge informational war on the Ukrainian crises Ukrainian side(or American) changed its tactic because of previous great loses. A new tactic was too flood imageboards with low level messaging and now there is only low level messaging. So not only communist level dropped on 2ch but everybodies. Also people with twitter messaging tend to be dull and nationalist. Nationalism grows too. Nothing good here guys. There is a board that is called /ussr/ we have a little hub there.

Seems like the thread got pillaged. Anyway, welcome comrades! Russian Marxism-Leninism needs you for theory exchange and co-organization.

Never mind. Just some cookies problems.

Tankie logic will kill a revolution every fucking time.

Dialectical materialism both destroying things and creating them at the same time sometimes.You should try learning it.

Are people protesting Russian imperialist intervention in Syria? Ukraine I care less about tbh bc they have a fascist gov and Khrushchev gave Crimea to Ukraine illegally

To clarify that I hear Russia has boots on the ground and the US has troops in Syria too.

Is anyone advocating taking the turn-the-guns-against-the-bosses approach that Lenin and Liebknect advocated?

Syria invited them. maybe like South Vietnam invited the US? but I guess it's different because Assad's Syria isn't an artificial creation of Russian diplomacy


The turn is possible but not pushed. It is not the best agitation formula in Russia at this point. But it becomes better and in 2018 even better. Good possibility of years for an anti-government propaganda. I think most people in Proriv will agree that there is no necessity to fight with the government when we do not have forces to do so. To do so is a little bit pre-mature at this point. Only after a strong and capable Party is established this can work. So it is both yes and no. Every communist in Russia is to fight its own government for the better future of all. But in our time, I think, we have to do something else to build a Party and better on the world scale. Only after you can really start the fight. Our fight is on theoretical level as of now, friends. But it seems Proriv is already winning theoretically in Russia. Without even trying. I'm looking into the bright future. But there is nothing bright as Proriv on the West. It is pity.

Don't be an idiot, they don't drug reader to the right, they are communists

Maybe Russian government soon will ban this journal for taking funds from abroad. We will see.

I can understand this, technically we are not recognized as a party ourselves but as an 'organization', despite functioning as a party, due to economic particularities.

Good! We here have too many Yugonostalgic parties and the new liberal communists, and none of them have any theoretical praxis, they just swallow up recruits like nothing. I think they are being funded by large capital to starve real parties of membership, specifically to divert the attention of younger generations from socialism. When I came into the party looking to join I left with 3 books and was told to come to 'Kruzhoks' to discuss it (discussion of theory on a bi-weekly basis) and that I'd be allowed into the party after I was evaluated, that took between 3-9 months per member. I joined in 3. Also, after I read the books I got 2 more and so on.
But I also think that a great error of the modern left is that they are coffee shop socialists that only read theory and have never put it into action or take action accordingly to it, which renders their theory either useless or has them misinterpreting it greatly because they don't look at it from the practical but from the philosophical standpoint.

The socialist tradition has been broken here, and the generations that have grown up in the 90's to now are either reactionaries, monarchists or modern liberals.

Interesting, I don't know what to say to that since I don't have good knowledge of the material conditions of Russia.

We have lower pays than some african countries, long hours and a reserve army of labor. We are utterly enslaved to capital because our country of Yugoslavia is occupied and fractured since the 90's.

Interesting, does the communist left have the capital to support itself in this new state of things, or is it too small/fractured?

Last question, I wanted to move to Russia for a long time but some things have changed in the past 3 years, if I were to move there what am I to expect?

Have you ever been to Zelenograd? What is it like?