These fuckers keep digging their own grave.
These fuckers keep digging their own grave
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he'll respond to any criticism of this by saying "well ahckkkually, zyklon b is a biological agent"
Literally going "worse than Hitler", very good.
so what was the purpose of the airstrike?
People kept calling trump a pussy on twitter so he had to bomb somewhere to show how he totally wasn't a pussy
Holla Forumstards are conflicted between "Hitler did nothing wrong" and "Assad did nothing wrong".
Did Spicer just deny the holocaust?
Holla Forumsyps will love this.
it's funny because America is already using depleted Uranium in Syria.
But Holla Forumsyps also think the chemical attacks were a false flag so they're confused.
But Nazi Germany actually didn't use chemical -weapons-. Zyklon B executions don't count unless one considers death penalty by lethal injection chemical warfare.
Missing the point. They're trying to say "Hitler wasn't as bad as Assad because at least he didn't use chemical weapons".
I've never got a (You) or a reply anywhere for pointing this out, along with napalm. Didn't know they were using it in Syria though. Source?
I'm certainly not defending the atrocities of Hitler but the German military did not use chemical weapons in battle. Maybe that is what they're referring to? I remember seeing that because Hitler was temporarily blinded by gas in WW1 so banned the military from using it against an enemy.
Also, wasn't it banned by the Geneva Convention?
Depleted uranium is harmless.
t. Pentagon
this is almost certainly what it's in reference too
but surely he could've made the point that chem weapons are bad without having to reference hitler
Yeah, I've heard the same thing remarked on before - I guess that's what they were trying to reach for.
Still an ungodly level of stupidity though from spicer. Neat.
It is, in fact I sprinkle some on my cereal every morning, gets me going before I wagecuck for 14 hours at the NUCLEAR POWER PLANT
This is what they meant, but it's a fucking stupid thing to say out loud as a public official. Are they fucking robots?
This is fact
What he said was fucking retarded but liberals are now trying to claim he's a holocaust denier.
Oh, and Holla Forumstards are saying the same thing as liberals, too, which is pretty funny.
More proof that they are in fact the exact same thing.
Nuclear energy is the cleanest form of energy.
Not at all. It's the most efficient though.
It's my understanding that Thorium reactors are relatively clean.
The opposite. Nuclear energy can be pretty fucking devastating if not maintained properly (and maintenance is very expensive compared to things like solar plants), but it's pretty clean.
wait fucking what? What was in those bombs?
Isn't uranium extraction pretty dirty?
You're all wrong. Hydro tends to be the cleanest and the most efficient by most yardsticks.
Nuclear is best for providing low CO2 baseload energy, i.e you can guarantee to produce fuckloads of it 24/7.
wow the liberals were right, trump is an actual nazi
At least they know how to behave while being total bros to their allies, like the deluded rojavans.
this is why no one will EVER take you seriously
Turns out hydro tends to creat a bunch of methane in the lakes the dams necessitate. Much less clean than we initially thought.
This is why you fags will always be nothing more than bootlickers of the imperialist war and propaganda machine.
Saying the chemical attack was bullshit isn't the same as saying Assad didn't do anything wrong ever.
This really is the most autistic administration.
fuck off
What the fuckðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
I'm gonna be so bummed when they can him.
Before this Syria bullshit I would have called dogwhistle and laughed with Spicer
But now………
Shit just got serious.
Today in geopolitics, when America gives you the title of "Hitler", you won't live for long, as Milosevic, Hussein and Gaddafi found out the hard way.
"worse than Hitler" merely indicates, that you are unusually hard to remove or kill, but they work on it, and they will find a way.
They did in Crimea.
This may be the intention, but that's still wrong.
They did use gas in Crimea during the battle of Kerch
this assad = hitler narrative is definitely porky's brainchild
I can't wait for the White House Easter Egg roll.
After the flag incident and him doing this twice now I would believe it
broke: assad = hitler
joke: hitler > assad, and assad is pure evil, making hitler kinda ok
woke: hitler > assad, but assad is good too
you joke, but this is literally what hw bush did
but his point was that assad supposedly used them against innocent civilians. so the view spicer articulated is using gas on civilians on the battlefield is better than using them on civilians after rounding them up and putting them in extermination camps, which makes negative sense
Fuck me, I wonder how conservative Jews are going to spin this?
Didn't actually know about this, thanks
God I fucking hate the first world so fucking much.
I hope it eventually leads to the replacement of inane comparisons to Hitler with inane comparisons to another dictator and the Jews kvetch about that as an "attempt to wipe out the Shoah from popular cultural memory" or something equally inane
it think he meant even hitler didn't use poison gas in a military context
Napalm anyone?
Don't forget the use of Agent Orange on food crops with the deliberate intent of starving civilian populations and the resulting birth defects and ecological damage that disrupt daily life and agricultural stability to the current day.
8.2 U.S. veterans class action lawsuit against manufacturers
8.5.1 Vietnamese victims class action lawsuit in U.S. courts
Use outside Vietnam
9.1 Australia
9.2 Brazil
9.3 Cambodia
9.4 Canada
9.5 Guam
9.6 Korea
9.7 Laos
9.8 New Zealand
9.9 Philippines
9.10 Johnston Atoll
9.11 Okinawa, Japan
9.12 Thailand
9.13 United States
4.1 Chemical toxicity
4.2 Radiological hazards
4.3 Gulf War syndrome and soldier complaints
4.4 Iraqi population
4.5 The Balkans
4.6 Contamination as a result of the Afghan War
4.7 Studies indicating negligible effects
4.8 Atmospheric contamination as a result of military actions
4.9 Other contamination cases
4.10 Safety and environmental issues
this is phrenology for leftists
after bombing with depleted uranium the cancer rate in my country grew by 200%
Localized in where it fell it is 500%
I fucking hate burgers