Why are there no Aesthetical leftist propaganda?

Why are there no leftist videos like these?



The average prole doesn't have enough time or will to read and you can just have his attention for so long and emotional speeches with intense music and imagery seems like a very effective way.

So why aren't there a lot of leftist one like these, especially since there's so much revolutionary material on film.

Other urls found in this thread:


There is you pleb, google socialist realism


God damn it, those videos are well made. Fucking alt-right autists have too much time on their hands.

We should be emotionally manipulative though.

How is this inspiring? Doesn't the fact that Nazi Germany was a failed robber state which ended up reducing Germany to US vassalage kind of undermine the message?

It's pretty much because the Soviet Union has set the tone of left-wing aesthetics and propaganda, and they sucked hard at it.

Check thecharnelhouse.org/ sometime though, he always digs some interesting images and propaganda posters from that era, particularly pre-Stalinist era, and there are some gems there.

As far as video goes, I think grassroots leftists tends to have a negative reaction towards anything too over-the-top and too manipulative like those videos you've posted, because that's how shitty liberal ideology is sold to the masses in the first place. And these videos are legit ridiculous, but I understand the necessity and importance of having shit like that.

There's potential.

I thought they were legit shit tbh. They actually made the Nazis look uncool, which is difficult, with that self-help motivational speech-type vibe

There is this one. I find it funny, but maybe it was meant to be serious.


IMO image-wise the Left needs to re-encounter Futurism. Let the Right jerk off over an unlikely mixture of Prussian, classical and romantic imagery, nowadays with the added bonus of revolutionary american and religious crap, we'll stress the idea of emancipation through technological and productive advancement, and the rejection of tradition.

wtf is this even supposed to represent

Futurism was one of the main inspirations of Italian Fascism.

I don't know, I like the Aesthetics of anarchists tbh

The Red Army attacking the White Army.


I thought this was an edit of something from the Greatest Story Never Told, until finding out this was already about Stalin and from Man of Steel.
I know there are some people who view Stalin as a literal saint, but it seemed much more appropriate for Nazis who think Hitler was a physical incarnation of fucking Vishnu and the like. I'm not if we want to adopt worldviews like that. The closest I can think of being that crazy is Posadism

Ich kenne dieses Gefühl.

my dick entering some white pussy

So? Will the Fascist keep monopoly over everything that they use or influences them?

Because there are no leftist inspiring orators that appeal to people's feelings, only boring lecturers that give autistic impersonal economic analysis.

Commies need to realize that feelings are what ultimately moves people to do anything at all not inherently meaningless economic facts. This is why I hate the "Feels > reals" and "moralism is bourgeois" memes so much.

Doesn't work because Stalin isn't giving a personal inspiring speech.

I love Depero

Also you do know that your pic is a Suprematist work right

The only thing that will inspire people to risk their lives fighting the ruling class is hunger and the conviction that the present system can no longer supply them their needs. No significant amount of people is going to charge the barricade because of feels.

Sounds as boring as the idea of reviving stupid traditions.

Hunger and other needs are primal feelings that constitute the survival instinct as opposed to superior feelings that disregard the survival instinct like compassion, hope, faith and hate.

Tell that to a jihadist. You can't expect someone that inherently values his life and therefore fears death to risk himself and sacrifice for the greater good, such a person will always prefer slavery or betrayal over death.

The Left will lose unless it adopts a personal, idealistic and heroic mindset that yearns to destroy evil/oppression by any means and at any cost necessary. Base instincts and autistic deterministic economic theories will not do.

Germany almost killed itself and Europe because of daddy Hitler screaming "FEELS > REALS" because of their collective ship on their shoulder.

This is only inspiring to the mind of the average fascist, given that they are easily impressed by leather uniforms and geometric symbols and long meaningless speeches

My dick entering your mom's pussy.


Fucking hell the level of worship in the comments.

Let me clarify that I don't mean this in a solely pragmatic way, no! We need to be true believers of a better world regardless of whether or not the material conditions are in favor of or against us.

Watch Battleship Potemkin.

"Klinom krasnim bei belih!"
rearranged to make more sense in english: Bei belih krasnim klinom!
Fight the white with the red wedge!

I'm sure needing literal wheelbarrows of deutshmarks to buy fucking bread was totally unrelated to the rise of NSDAP. Not at all.

He's talking about the fall of the Third Reich not the rise.

Kind of a newfag Holla Forumsack here, not here to troll, but can someone sum up leftist values for me?

I dont know, but I just dont get it. Hammer and sickle? Red star? What is it trying to tell me?
Right wing symbols and aesthetics are simple and straight forward: Eagle, no wonder Roman legionaries used it, it can fuck you up and you cant do shit about it. It conveys strength, it eats snakes, squirrels, mice, doesnt matter The Eagle will eat it, and nothing can eat The Eagle. Strength rules. Pretty simple, right?
Iron Crosses and soldier imagery? Again pretty simple, strength, orderliness, efficiency, getting shit done, restraint, etc.

Leftism (to me at least, again, not here to troll) seems to message personal irresponsibility and de generacy.
Fat people cant win, they cant even run! Females have measurably less muscle mass and bone density, they can soldier! Drugs are bad because they make you less of that golden eagle. Lifting is important and encouraged because it makes you closer to that golden eagle.

I dont know when I see a red star I just think of people who want to have their cake and eat it, who dont focus on themselves but on others, who are exploited (and therefore inherently weak) and not who are competent, strong, dominant, virtuous and mighty to exploit others.

How does a leftist hero look like? Does the left even have heroism? Would it be some toothless illiterate manual laborer somewhere or what?
Also post pictures pls.

If you like propaganda, the soviet union had some of the best.

The hammer and sickle represents the unity of the industrial workers and rural peasants, both of which produce the wealth of the world

Red is the colour of socialism.

Look at socialist realism; pretty much all of it is glorifying labour the same way fascism glorifies the military. Their war propaganda is quite similar, but with red.

Also music:
Internationale and Warsawianka are about uniting the workers in pursuit of justice

The Red Army Is the Strongest, The Sacred War, The Red Army Cavalry Song are manly propaganda music.

tl;dr leftist propaganda is about heroic workers, not degenerate refuseniks

Symbolize alliance between farmers and blue collars to make it simple, back to a time where they represented the largest part of the workforce.
I dunno why they choose a star at some point tho.

Uhhh, like someone putting his life on the line for leftism related reason?
Does bravery is supposed to confrom a certain appeareance?

Anarchist symbolism can also be pretty dope. The black flag is used because the white flag indicates surrender, and so the black flag represents refusal to submit to any authority. The black cat represents the so called "wildcat" strike, when workers would go on strike illegally. The A in the circle represents the anarchist slogan "Anarchy is Order. Property is Theft"

Also one of the most popular leftist symbols is literally the Kalashnikov, more straightforward than anything the fash has.

The star symbolizes the unity and hope of the working class.

Your post perfectly describes fascist propaganda and mindset. As Umberto Eco said in his essay about fascism, the problem is that they believe so hard in their own propaganda about their strength, and about the weakness of others – communists, socialists, etc. that they constantly underestimate their enemies. So they always lose.

feel>reals is a good way to mock fasists because it is the type of language they use to describe SJW.

You are right though that our propaganda should be 100% feel>reals though. Someone earlier in the thread was saying we shouldn't be emotionally manipulative but that just a ridiculous attitude. We need to whip up people natural hatred of the elite as much as possible I am always in favour of using moralistic language calling them parasites, blood suckers, class enemies etc.

Also popular is any imagery associated with the birth of a new and better world. This really shows in a lot of leftist music.

"Oh would you have freedom from wage slavery, then come join the grand industrial band! Oh would you from misery and hunger be free, come on do your share lend a hand!"

"All the world that's owned by idle drones is ours and ours alone, we have laid the wide foundations built them skyward stone by stone. It is ours not to slave in, but to master and to own, for the Union makes us strong!"

I think I am getting it more, but you people are doing it wrong (in my opinion) because you are not representing the strength, dedication, willingness, and ability enough. This whole being oppressed bullshit works against you I think. A slave would not go around shouting 'look at me I am a slave!', he would be ashamed of his slavery instead, he would not make a big deal out of it, he would make a big deal out of him being stronger than his slaver instead.

Here are clever things I like about left wing:
"They need us, we dont need them." It implies that the worker is essential, primary generator of society, he does things, he builds, he. Not his boss. But pushing "we are oppressed" just incites hatred in me, weaklings are oppressed, virtuous people dont let themselves be enslaved.
I mean I dont know, I guess it has something to do with morality. I guess the left has Christian or slave morality. Right wing is all about aristocratic values.

The only reason I cant be a leftist is because of the whole 'all equal' message, which I'd rather go to grave then accept. If we are all already equal… why work on yourself? If we are all equal.. why are there oppressed people? If we are all equal, how can I for greatness, for glory, for power, for strength, for knowledge, for domination, if I am equal to everyone else, how can I be braved, bolder, stronger, more glorious, how can I strive for greatness???


But both are true. The worker DOES have the power to overturn society - if he acts united.
And he IS oppressed - as an individual.

The whole point of leftist propaganda is to remind people of their power.

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run, there can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun. But what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one? But the union makes us strong.

Obviously it's a complex topic and there are many different schools that barely converge in the essentials. But I'd say, in general, that being left-wing means believing that class society is an evil in itself, that power and muh privilege that can be inherited should be dismantled, that most ideas we take as second nature are learned and historically constructed and therefore subject to change, and that a socialized/communal mechanism of social organization is preferable to a private/segregated one in almost every sphere of social life.

See pic

Never forget Rosa!

I am writing like a total autist because I just did a long study for my uni and now its 3 am and I am a tiny bit drunk.

But my question is: what is my personal incentive under leftism?

Right wing ideologies are clear and simple. They clearly and openly offer certain things, and demand certain things in return, and I consider the whole thing to be fair and beneficial and good.
They demand sacrifice, duty, competency, obedience, they demand of you to be strong, to be ready, willing, and able.
It is up to you to climb the hierarchy.
They offer security, freedom, glory, social status.
Your reward is equal to your risk.

In leftism, I dont understand anything. Why should I give it my all? Cant I just claim I too am oppressed? Cant I just demand, and be unable to enforce my demand? Cant I just appeal to my magical rights that I inherently have for some reason? Cant I just find an excuse, and not find a way? Cant I demand government subsidies my personal weaknesses?

Please note, I am not here to troll. These are my genuine concerns and questions. The left seems to me this way trough my own optics and lenses, and I have been exposed just to right wing.

They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn, but without our brain and muscle not a single wheel can turn, we will break their haughty power gain our freedom when we learn, that the Union makes us strong!

Leftism isn't about equality, it's about freedom. Political, and economic equality is a means to that end, because if nobody wields disproportionate power then they can never compel others to act against their will. It's about eliminating relations of subjugation and domination. Nobody is suggesting that we are all equal in a literal sense, only that power and wealth ought to be equally distributed so as to provide every individual with maximum freedom and prosperity.

Self-improvement is actually a big part of leftist theory. Mao wrote extensively about physical and mental improvement, criticism and self-criticism, etc.

Nobody is saying don't be better, faster, stronger etc. The USSR didn't hand out titles like "Hero of the Soviet Union" to anybody. The question is where these traits ought to be directed, and how their benefits distributed. If you are great and amazing and nobody benefits from it but you then what's the point? If a brilliant scientist invented a cure for cancer but didn't tell anybody then he might as well not have invented it at all.

Revolution. Why do as your masters bid you for some pittance? It is our labor that created the past, our labor that created the bounty of the present and our labor that will create the future. It is the avarice and sociopathy of a wealthy few that creates poverty and sickness. They need us, but we don't need them. Kill your masters!

Slavery, even if our reward is a wage, reduces us to animals.

I dont know, must be my own psychology then. I genuinely want to become the tyrant, the dictator, the master, personally rich and powerful. I grew up very poor, I live in eastern Europe, and when I see someone complaining, it provokes small hate in me because I too have reasons for complaining, but complaining never solved me anything. I just cant stand complainers.
When I see someone rich, it provokes hope and joy in me. Maybe one day I too could be like him. When I see someone rich, I go 'damn, that guy must be smart! He surely knows more than I do, he can surely do things better than I can'.

In a world without rich people… I dont know why I'd wake up every morning. I wand a yacht too. I want to make private donation to the ruling political party, and get myself a law that says I can do retarded shit no one else can do too!

Now, 'the system is rigged' is very powerful, the only powerful thing leftists have. This image of being born into chains, and nothing you do matters, because the system is rigged. That's something, that inspires a revolution even in me… but it also makes me question is there anything but suicide left to do? If the system is rigged, and there's no way for me to climb up out of dirty peasant into a glorious iron fisted robber baron… why even live?

I'm the guy that was promoting idealism and heroism in this thread. For me and many others leftism is about freedom (even if that freedom costed your death) and compassion for others while rightism is about security (even if that security costed your freedom) and power over others.

Give my regards to the wall then. Will that be smoking, or non?

That's the whole 'bootstraps' meme. It won't work. You won't believe me, until you've wasted your life away making some other motherfucker rich. They don't care about you and you will never join them. You'd have a better chance buying lottery tickets.

Acknowledging your oppression and status as a slave doesn't mean you should stop on fighting for freedom. In fact, acknowledging said oppression is usually used as a motivation to fight for freedom.
I have no idea where you're getting this view that people just say they're oppressed, yet don't struggle to free themselves from it.

good post

A better question is why did anyone find a fuck as ugly as hitler aesthetic

But to answer your question its because aesthetics don't matter outside of the arts and all politics and resource management belong in the realm of the material.

The clothes make the man

I would add to sound like you would be more content with the slave shutting up and ignoring his slavehood than wanting to see him fight for his freedom.

You're making it very hard not to want all higher-ups slaughtered. Doesn't seem like a thing most right-wingers would like to uphold, cheating your way into the ruling class. Though getting away with disgusting shit just because you're of a wealthy class does seem very right-wing, though.

so he was like /fa/

An ugly person in expensive clothes?

They had better music though

Because of what he had to say. Because of his vision, his promise. Because he took weimar and gave the reich. Because he was telling you how he is going to ask you for obedience, and use it to make an overman out of you, how he will teach you to be stronger, mightier, to conquer your enemies, to free yourself, to rule, how you are evolution's favorite child, and how the world is rightfully your bitch.

t. esoteric hitlerist from Holla Forums who got bored of the same old over there, and just wants to have a polite and friendly discussion
We dont like him for his looks ayy lmao.


He looks like a fucking alien

*jack off motion intensifies*

But if you had ever read Nietsche, you'd know that an uebermensch would never follow a slave morality like nazism.

Aren't you a lesbo? I don't think your opinion on men's looks matters tbh

You claim to be against the establishment but you've fallen for their ideology hook line and sinker. You will never be a member of the elite. That's just a lie people tell you to keep you toiling away and feeding the vultures. It is in your objective self interest as a worker to not only overthrow capitalism, but to eliminate hierarchy in general. Hierarchies by definition mean that the few rule and the many are ruled, meaning that statistically speaking you are almost certain to be among the ruled. Therefore, since hierarchy will almost certainly result in the loss of your freedom, prosperity, and humanity, fighting it is in your self interest. Basically all this shit about rising above the unwashed masses is just brainwashing to make sure the unwashed masses never rise above fuck all, because they are all too busy shitting on each other and licking the boots of the ruling class to actually band together and roll out the guillotine.

If you really want to be alpha and exceptional, then free yourself from slavery, and the only way to do that is to destroy slavery altogether.

Yeah he's beautiful on the inside isn't he

Just because I am doesn't mean I can't admire men for their own kind of attractiveness just like you're apparently judging a man being handsome while not being gay.

Hitler was uggo just face it.



Right, make an overman out of you, free yourself, to rule. He's going to teach you all that by bending you over and fucking you? How can you think there is anything alpha about fascism? It literally requires that you surrender your independence, your individuality, your agency, all to a tiny elite who will use you as a worker drone or cannon fodder and dump your used up corpse on the pile when you cease to be useful.

Smash those that rule over you, and in doing so gain rule over yourself.

Following the leader isnt a permanent thing. Right wingers believe in.. I dont know, growth, learning, accumulating power. It's not about the leader. It's about you learning from him. He is like an older guy who knows more, like a sage of the mountain or some shit like that. He will teach you stuff, he will give you the tools.

After the service to The Reich, there would be Lebensraum, the 'living space' where all deserving servants of The Reich, all the brave soldiers would earn a small farm of their own. A small farm, all to themselves. They could do what they want, grow what they want, start a traditional family, get the fruits of their labors, maybe go into science, into music, into arts, into whatever they might find interesting.

Service is a just and small demand, for which you would be righteously paid (payed?). Service is a honest work for honest pay.

Believing and accomplishing aren't the same thing.

Even if you could get what you want, in America, you would have a hell hole.


Oh like the German Army who wanted to revolt against Hitler early on, all the ones the regime assassinated for disloyalty, and half the U-Boat Navy being fucking killed because of terrible strategic planning?

Really, Nazi Germany was not at all a series of Benny Hill like choices, and they really respected their soldiers when it was convenient

Right, because "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nobody against the state" sounds so liberating. Not like "No gods no masters!" or "The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains! They have a world to win!".

Your ideology is the most cucked their is. Left individualism is the only non cucked belief system.

Hey, I came here to talk with opposite ideology in good faith, not meme how Soviets wanted to kill 1% but ended up murdering 50%.

It is our belief. That different climate and different geography and different diets made different peoples different.
An African never had Ice Age glaciations, never had to develop better tools, better clothing, better shelter, or prepare for seasons or think in the long term. Aggression was all he needed.
National SOCIALISTS believed that space communism could be achieved, but that such a great task could only be pulled off by great individuals, and before everyone could be given everything, before we have enough for all, we have to differentiate between the worthy and the worthless, between the deserving and those who would waste it, between those who would use the limited resources better, and those who would squander them.

An army cant operate without its ranks. You wont win a war if every soldier did his own strategy. It's not a permanent thing. You just gotta swallow the bitter cure now, to get better later.

Honestly you would probably be assassinated or imprisoned in Nazi Germany.

Fuck off.

What matters is who the war is being fought for. Fascism, or any system that maintains oligarchic class domination, would be a system in which all actions of the state are carried out to maintain the interests of the elite. That basically means that your war would be fought for their sake. Your blood would fill their bank accounts.

Well the way I see it is, I'd have personal incentive and a piece of Lebensraum to fight for the Reich.
I still fail to understand leftism. I guess I do believe that the system oppresses people, but I dont believe in the part where I wont be able to make it into the oppressor tent.

Hey, I still didnt meet complaining medical doctors, chemists, engineers, or computer scientists over here. They all seem to be happy. They all seem to profit. They all seem to have it good. They arent doing the complaining over here. They quite enjoy everything, and it all seems fair. They worked hard, now they enjoy fruits of their labor in the private sector.
And this is eastern Europe, its probably 10 times better in the west. And physics, math and medicine are the same everywhere in the world, if there is a demand here, there's probably even more of it there.

Yes but he couldnt cooperate with the Soviets for political reasons, he wanted to take their land for the ethnic Germans.
Neo Nazis dont hate Slavs anymore. Now we are just content to have Europe and not pick a fight with any European nation ever again. We think that situation is so bad right now, that bickering with fellow Europeans where ever they are would be extremely counter productive.


You're a fucking dolt lmfao

I think you're onto something here, the left is way to caught up in victim culture (a big part of this is from idpol but thats another discussion.) We should definitely be cultivating righteous anger and driving home the idea that we are powerful when united as a class.

So you fail to understand leftism but you're okay with massacring other countries for racial fantasies

Those doctors and engineers were most likely born into the ranks of the petty bourgeois or labour aristocracy. They may have worked hard sure, but the only reason why that work was able to result in success is because of the station they were born to. Coal miners work just as hard as a doctor does, if not harder. But they don't get the same rewards.

Yes, if someone was constantly telling me I am the victim, I'd punch him in the face. My country was enslaved for 5 centuries, longer than any blacks, and the best way to pick a fight with someone from here is to remind him of his past as a slave.
That's some western kekold bullshit, I think only people who were never enslaved think that there is something valuable in being reminded of this, being enslaved is shameful, disgusting, demotivating, defeatist.

You are no special snowflake pretty princess and the universe owes you no special treatment. If you got enslaved, you were doing something wrong. That's how I see it. And most of my countrymen. We see no merit in being slaves.

Nah. Over here, coal miners and doctors go to same elementary and highschools. Believe it or not, we do not have private schools in eastern Europe. That's why I dont buy into western leftists story. Our richfags, presidents, ministers etc all went to the same elementary and highschools we went to, all their tests and homework and bullshit is public info.

No one from here even denies that if you dropped out, or failed to qualify for uni, it's because you were lazy. We have the healthcare. We have the libraries. All our problems start after we do school.

How affordable is uni there? That's what really matters.

I think its hard to deny that on the left (particularly in idpol) there are groups who have draped themselves in their victim status and seem to have very little interest in transcending it.

Don't respond to Hoochie tripfag, she is the worst poster on this board.

Lol, all of the best universities are free. That is, they cost zero money. They even give you the books.
However, they take in x amount of students, and you have to do the entrance exam for points, and your highschool performance also costs points.
And these universities are legitimate, that is, there are no better ones that are private, and you really do come out of them as a legit doctor/engineer/whatever you signed up for.
The catch is, only the best 30% of us actually manages to sign up, and even then over half of that small % that made into it drops out.

That's why you dont hear anyone calling bullshit on bootstraps story here. We really know people who made it. In fact we really do set our paychecks here ourselves. It's just that we are all pitted against one another, the best all get picked by foreigners to work in their countries, and most of the people get pushed out fair and square.

I still struggle with personal incentive. We already have free uni. Right wing gives you flattery, calls you evolution's favorite child, left wing gives you insults, calls you a slave. Right wing pictures you better than your opponent, left wing pictures you in teared clothing and your opponent on a yacht.

it's like every post you try to outdo yourself on being a piece of shit

And yet the people who don't make it play an important role in society, without them it couldn't function.

Besides, doctors and other professionals aren't part of the elite, they are labour aristocrats at best, so your idea that you could become part of the ruling class still falls flat.

liberation from class society, personal autonomy, freedom to pursue goals and dreams


Time to fire up Garry's mod, install some anime player models, and soviet flags, and make some dank propaganda that will make Holla Forums jealous.

And those who give it their all and still don't make it, all of their time and labor, all of their life and energy, just worthless right? But hey, at least it was all for the good of the precious state, right?

Your mindset is incurable.

Time to kill yourself lol

inb4 ireland



yes, nick "chinese jew" mullen is a stalwart supporter of leftist ideals

who else here subscribe to onanite ideology?

the Baader Meinhof guys were pretty good at appealing to young people

I want this specific aesthetic back

Lefty pol motivational:


It's pretty simple really.

Leftists have no "real" movement. They have no "real" vision. Their vision is a dull world where everyone is the same.
They can't move people because they can't move themselves. Sometimes literally.

Also their memes are shit and unoriginal.

dumb opinion discarded

Yes, why?

Weren't you banned?

Advice for anybody who wants to make striking posters and animations: Look up Russian constructivism.

My last vid got a lot of praise for it's A E S T H E T I C S and message. Does this count?

CNT posters where great

when alt right propaganda attempts to be serious and moving it usually ends up being shit.

If you haven't realised this yet, the lion is you, you are supposed to identify with the lion. You are strong and manly, much like the Lion. The Jews are to blame for your emasculation.

If anything, it's good for insight into the average Holla Forumstroon's psychology


ABBA+Nazi Propaganda=accidental kino

It is certainly your psychology, just as all this 'political spectrum' is. It's literally two dimensional. Plot your points, I'm up.. I don't like down. I'm across, I don't like the other way.. What childish foolishness. Evolve!

dubs of truth


hitler was right about almost everything

wtf im a nazi now


the number 1 reason leftism won't work is lack of emotional argument.

humans are not rational, appeals to emotion at much more effective than appeals to rationality.


have we had this thread before?
i feel like we had with the same videos in the OP
anyway this is not good propaganda at all
it's more like AMVs or emotional tributes to your favourite tv character
they do nothing but circlejerk

they might claim that, but that's plain false though. Do you have any idea what is sociology ?