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WEBM thread
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Gaughan is a legend.
flood bypass
Music Edition: In Wobblie and Tankie Flavors
Now in SocDem!
Be lazy Comrades
This max file-size is killing me.
Muh incentive
I wish the second was ironic, but I've checked the nigga's youtube channel and he is not being ironic
What actor is playing count Dracula here?
The true horrors of communism brutality has been revealed.
Even worse, he had to listen to an inspiring speach and send his children to a state school.
Is this webm actually any true?
was he actually saying that or are the subtitles just clever with the two words we can understand?
Are you retarded?
Honestly, fuck all US soldiers, all of them, past and present. I don't care anymore, they died for shit and killed others for shit.
If you're a US soldier, kill yourself, you know what you're working for. I'll stay a poor NEET or dodge drafts before joining them.
I dont know other boards told me a different story about intl
I understand, but what of the soldiers of the Tsarist regime? Many who then became class conscious when joining the Bolsheviks? Soldiers are like every other exploited individual on earth.Your pic related even shows you it is possible for them to be class conscious. There is a mistake in rejecting them.
Train videos really me right in the feels.
There is no comparable concept of having the crushing feeling of despair returning home on a train to your one or two hours leisure time after wasting your entire day, your entire year, half your adult life selling useless shit to people for people who don't care about you for so little in return.
Just knowing you are going to get the same feeling the following day coming home from work after wasting yet another day of your life at work.
someone pls post the Matrix Zizek THEORY PILL webm pls
I didn't know it was done before, my bad
damn, what's the song?
This is satire right? I can't tell anymore.
I'm afraid it's not.
Oh fuck you nazbol. The confederacy was a 'rebellion' of plantation owners assblasted that they couldn't own people. The only thing Sherman did wrong is stopping at Atlanta.
Cmon now
If you reject entire groups based on occupation, religion, past poltical affiliations or whatever nobody's going to join your revolution.
In the military people notice the class divide between officers and enlisted men. They are also forced to work with people of different races and religions. Many men joined because they just wanted a decent paying job that provides education and Healthcare.
You're going to get slaughtered when the revolution comes if you reject every professional soldier as an imperial war criminal.
Even liberals know it was about slavery.
Look, I don't know what country you're from but don't grandstand on this shit.
Eastern european one, and even in my university classes they told us that it wasnt about slaves
Well, they're full of shit. This is basically the one time we were heroes. Here are some quotes from their declaration of causes:
South Carolina
The VP of the confederacy said that the cornerstone of it was slavery:
Fuck off with your states rights bullshit.
And they say Americans are poorly educated.
I need the song for this video. Anyone have it on hand?
pt 4
pt 6
pt 7
pt 8
pt 9
pt 10
pt 11
pt 12
pt 13
pt 15
pt 16
pt 17
pt 18
pt 19
pt 20
pt 21 … fin
If you haven't read Capital you should watch every single one of these.
2nd wemb though, sauce on screaming was a lefty faggot though
We need to make an updated torrent with webms, they're great for discussions. If nobody feels like it, I'd add the videos from this thread to the existing collection, and upload it.
Can I find this on youtube?
The labour value of gold is quite low because you only have to pick it from the mine. However, gold is far more expensive than steel which requires lot of post-processing.
How do marxists explain that?
Use value versus (exchange) value, the latter of which is not synonymous with price.
Andrew Roberts? WHAT THE FUCK. I'm reading his biography of Napoleon right now… and suddenly I regret ever buying it. :(
you the guy who makes a lot of these? this one's pretty good.
btw that fucking song is horrendous, it's like they purposefully made the ad as unappealing as possible.
Agreed, but unfortunately it's a parody so you sticking to the original song choice is the obvious choice. I'm sure they just searched some generic song catalog for a vaguely protest-related one and then just went with it.
holy shit that's fucking hilarious
The richest 85 dont have as much as the poorest 3.5B
Its the richest 8
Discussing memes in public should always result in a sucker punch
Jesus fucking shit.
wtf I love the Iraq War now
I've fallen in love already. And apparently this dude is the grandson of Paul Lafargue, who wrote "The Right to Be Lazy" and was married to one of Marx's daughters
Fuck, got mixed between the webm thread and the screencap thread.
It's rarity means that it also requires far more time to acquire the same amount of gold as steel.
He was against the iraq war tho
But user it was about states' rights…to uphold slavery ;^)
That's his revised stance, him and hitchens were incredibly pro-iraq war during the time when an opinion actually mattered on the subject, and he went as far to correct when questioned that Iraq wasn't actually behind the terrorism of 9/11 that "we are not at war with terrorism, we are at war with islam"
I enthusiastically support drawing and quartering that man, holy mother of god.
Fuck why do shitty people make the catchiest songs? Honestly better than any abolitionists songs I can think of
If the nature of the occupation is to invade other countries and kill people without questioning then yes, I reject entire groups based on their occupation. Even more so if the employer has a history of fucking up other countries this way.
this is just sad