Who are Leftypol internet celebs if I might ask?
Also sorry for not posting on the "delete all animes" thread I can't find it for some reason
Who are Leftypol internet celebs if I might ask?
Other urls found in this thread:
There's a link with the title "Catalog" at the bottom of the front page. A thread died for this.
Fuck. I regret my newfag faggotry
I will never uses slashes thanks to you
and I will space it all out nice and easy
upvote if you approve ;)
xDDDDDD upboated
I am the supreme leftypol celeb :^)
I'm an e-celeb. There's also Hoochie, and Rebel. Hmmmm…. it woudl be hard to name somebody else, though….. I wonder……. it's at the tip of my finger tips….. because I'm typing instead of speaking……
Oh well! Just settle for those three.
Thanks i guess
Rebel's not on the Internet anymore
So who are you exactly?
Can you stop with the racism. Workers of the world unite. Its not even funny to joke about it. Joking is a powerful tool used to attack our psyche. If you joke about Africans like that people will really become racist. Its not ok.
rebel deleted his account, made a new one and stopped talking about politics. He's a trap now.
Didn't Rebel post on here not that long ago?
updated version
why did they quit? we could of had a beautiful trap teach us Marxist ideology, this is the worst timeline
How do you do my fellow e-celeb
This is disappointing.
He can be a trap, but he's saying such objectionable shit and acting like a carbon copy.
he's pretty cute though
I challenged him to a fight and he posted his address, it ended with some tankie posting his girly pics. Pretty sure the tankie was someone he trusted though.
I just wanted to send him poorly topped pizzas.
internet celebs left or right are literally all trash
Are you shitting me right now?
Tankies and redstart a best
I think it's okay in personal circumstances and even in certain public scenarios,
But people don't seem to understand how irony and joking can change things, especially on anonymous image boards where it's harder to discern others actual opinions than websites with identities.
For instance, if we were to joke about actually supporting Hillary we could attract democrats,
and loose the only thing Holla Forums has left; Its radical edge.
If we joke about racism with an explicitly satirical attitude however, like calling white people "snow niggers",
It might help set us apart from the liberal "communists"; though that sort of thing is hard to control.
Maybe we need a new format :(
ilu :3c
Real Holla Forums eceleb coming through
Is n1x still around? He was probably the only one who knew theory.