PPG's twitter got suspended.
And absolutely nothing of value was lost.
take it to /leftytrash/
wtf he do?
and yet Richard Spencer's is still up
they probably took his shitposting serious
i bet it was his tweet that said "referendums big and small" and had the pic of the pkk soldier with the rocket launcher before shooting down the turkish helicopter
Good. Jewish twitter deserves to be suspended
apparently he made a holocaust joke or smthn, I just got banned from a "leftist" fb group, where I inquired about it.
This is acceptable to Twitter.
This is unacceptable to Twitter.
It was an anti-Erdogan tweet
I would ask about it on socialist reddit, but…
/r/FULLCOMMUNISM banned me for saying "Found the Ba'athist" when someone said "Porky is haram."
/r/Socialism banned me for being a USMC veteran and saying we should salt the armed forces to recruit people
/r/LateStageCapitalism banned me for using the word "insane"
The idpol liberals have coopted mainstream social networks, user. They're trying to use them as a containment area for leftist sentiment, but all it really does is drive leftists… uh… here. Where they can move past
and actually read some fucking Marx, read about how Socialists have been murdered by the FBI and CIA around the world, and become radicalized.
The only sensible places left on reddit (to my knowledge) are /r/SocialistRA and /r/LeftWithoutEdge, and their user counts are a joke.
Got the text of it?
Ask on /r/anarchism, liking PPG is still mainstream there
… but I advocate for a socialist state :(
Somehow I don't think that's going to be relevant enough to come up or would change their answer if it does. Anyway, they took in tons of /r/socialism refugees after the catgirl drama so they're not that stringent
Fair enough.
i asked, about it because there was a thread. no answers, just said he is ableist homophobic ,something something.
I said it was a shame that there was potantial, and that I would like to see any links about his crime.,
then some kids ganged up told me to delete myself for defending him etc. after an argument then they called an admin and she banned me.
I always tell myself to not engage in discussions on leftbook, and so here I am back on Holla Forums -.-
it was a good group so it is a shame.
You talking about a normiebook group or a subreddit that banned you?
Also someone found out PPG's REAL identity. twitter.com
COMPLETEANARCHY is the only bearable leftist subleddit
kek ←— this one
Every time they do "detective work" it gets worse, doesn't it? I mean there was the Richard Spencer thing, and then there was the bit where they found the chick that wasn't wearing a mask that got punched and got mad about an ironic post, and now they completely misidentified a guy who's been 100% smearing his face and identity all over the mainstream media for ages.
We may do nothing, but at least that's more than Holla Forums
thank you gloria steinem for splitting the left into a million pieces by playing on fears of sexism and racism among the left.
Some are saying that he was suspended for that Turkish tweet with the bazooka yesterday.
But it could also be the alt-right trawling through his twitter feed to find anything offensive and then reporting it.
https:[email protected]/* */,-122.4187928,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8085809c6c8f4459:0xb10ed6d9b5050fa5!8m2!3d37.7767964!4d-122.4166041
anybody live near here? These cunts need a brick
Meanwhile R. Spencer gets a verified account.
Qataris own a large stake in twitter.
Seriously, once they identify real leftism as a real threat, they will fuck with any of us using their platforms for activism, makes us disappear. That's something we should all be mindful of always.
paranoid infowars contributor Phil Greaves gets to maintain his Wonderful Concise Method of Online Communication for Effective Discourse Account because he is a True Komrade whose words are of utmost revolutionary potential
this is the same retarded faggot that bears Lenin for an avatar and thinks all association with any bourgeois disqualifies you from proletarian activism or thought
Probably one of the Saudi backers asked @jack to take him down.
for real? BASED AF. post that shit nigga
Probably this since he started the "manlet leader of Identity Evropa" meme.
Not to be ableist, but is Phil Greaves literally schizophrenic?
i legit think that the worst twitter tanks are
respect our troops bitch
Silicon Valley is ISIS-tier arbeit macht frei shit now.
it's gone now. what did it say?
"oh no, twitter liberals are overreacting!"
"hehe fucking autist losers, serves them right"
t. Holla Forums fags
And you wanted us to do what exactly about your frogfag friends? Thanks for the irrelevant tantrum though
What the fuck is your retarded greentext even supposed to mean
$$$deep-state$$$ scum get out
I only really heard from it via Jim's videos tbh. Plus, I don't care about any of you loser incels.
lol you fags showed your true colors, it took one tweet. Face it frogtwitter was banned systematically over and over again because they attacked the deep-state and techno-capitalism. Meanwhile weird twitter doesn't do anything of the sort and just calls Drumpf names and makes stupid idiot commentaries about easy targets, low level targets like right-wing journalists and liberal pundits.
Low energy, weak, pathetic
Greentexting and strawmanning four different posts at once is more pathetic.
A true legend.
bumping to broadcast your humiliation
kek, underrated
There is nothing but truth there, it offends you because you're one-sided and don't show empathy to anyone that's not a part of your clan, clique or collective.
Fact is that frogtwitter, specifically the most active accounts consistently attack and critique the real establishment and they do biting commentary on our culture. While weird twitter thrashes around in its own degenerate nihilsm and of course its allowed to spread that degenerate nihilism without worrying about being banned. But, the entire Frogtwitter twitter group was suspended and accounts were permanently banned off the site. That's political repression of the freedom of speech and expression. Fuck yourselves.
Has schizophrenia gone too far?
fuck off back to reddit you fucking retard
A strawmanning meme arrow isn't "truth".
daily reminder to report all Holla Forumsyps, this isn't Holla Forums.
Take your mess and learn to argue, in that order
There is no strawmanning, you guys said nothing when the entire group was silenced within a week of each other. They weren't attacking gays or communists they were attacking the deep-state directly and they were banned for doing so. That's political repression of free thought and expression. you guys said nothing because you don't care, its all about creed, clique, collective, in-group vs out-group to you guys. you don't feel solidarity with anyone who isn't explicitly neutral or on your side. Which is pathetic.
Sorry but attacking "degeneracy" and "da juice" isn't the same as attacking the system lol
who would've thunk?
frogtwitter is unfunny though
Leftypol did not defend frogtwitter when they attacked the deep state, leftypol supports weirdtwitter and chapotraphouse who steal content from frogtwitter and are connected to deep state by familial and business ties. Finally when someone points out that sperging over a deep-state connected irony poisoned liberal being banned for "being too edgy" is hypocritical, you all drop our spaghetti and start blasting rhetoric about being "butthurt" even though there are legitimate grievances for being silenced for political thought. So, Leftypol is hypocritical and has no empathy for people who attack the establishment media-narrative. Therefore leftypol is disingenuous and not an ally of people who wish to dismantle the establishment media-narrative.
That's an argument you fag
Do you guys want purple heats for your efforts?
You heard it here first folks, shitposting on Twitter is more radical than fighting ISIS.
Frog Twitter is still around and thriving you histrionic faggot. If you want to talk about frog Twitter posters you like which you think should have value, post about them and make your case. Otherwise you have nothing of value to say
They're significantly funnier than anything that weirdtwitter has come up with. Dril isn't funny. Faceberg and TV_Amerikwa are funny
Anyone who says "frog twitter" and "weird twitter" unironically needs to kill himself pronto.
Reddit will be kinder to you. Please go home
No they lost mulitple members, and a large number of them have to protect their accounts now. They also lost most of their followers, especially the biggest two accounts (BAP and M4). They're also shadowbanned and don't show up easily on google or twitter searches. No one from weirdtwitter has ever been shadowbanned or had their search results filtered. But BAP and M4 have.
Most of you are Elon Musk fanboys and your criticism of the "deep state" is limited to what you perceive as its rejection of Donald le Trump
Anyone who thinks using the terms that a group publicly uses to denote itself on an alternative forum of discussion, is somehow "uncool" should consider watching less TV.
Holla Forums thinks that anything that's not it is either Holla Forums or reddit
no, they like Peter Theil for esoteric reasons. I think only Akira and a few others genuinely admire Elon Musk.
no its a rejection of neo-cons and neo-liberals. Which is legitimate and suppressed in the intellectual sphere.
So where are all the frog Twitter posters denouncing trump for going full neocon recently?
yes you fucking troglodyte, memewars are more important than playing ARMY in the desert with a bunch of ethno-nationalists who are shadow boxing with Mossad-MI6-CIA proxy armies you fucking autist. This is what I mean. You guys are on a significantly lower level of thinking and praxis than most of the actually radical people on the internet. Fucking pathetic. This board is the cutting edge of leftist memetics and discussion, and its just a bunch of rubes sucking off ChapoTrapHouse and Weirdtwitter. Pathetic isn't even adequate, futile is more like it. Utterly futile,
open invitation for you (or anyone) to post illuminating examples of this wonderful 100% OC frogfags pump out
Ah you were just shitposting.
Time to stop responding.
Literally every single one of them has either called him retarded, said that he betrayed them or that he's saber rattling (the more hardcore Fashy members think its saber rattling, and since there has been no further conflict with the SAA or Russia since the infamous incident I think they're right) but yeah I'm not going to be specific but the majority of the major accounts made extensive tweets mocking, criticizing or chastising trump for his actions. They're nothing like Holla Forums or /r/The_Donald (however you say it, I don't go on reddit).
Time to stop responding.
No, I was being 100% serious. Posting memes and inflammatory content on twitter is more important in the fight against the encroaching techno-capitalist police state than fighting on behalf of US deep-state interests in Kurdistan, setting up oil pipelines and stealing resources from illiterate Sunni farmers. Its much more important. You're all fags for thinking that fighting for the Kurds is in any way heroic or noble. Its pathetic and narcissistic.
Lmao give me a fucking break. What your saying right now is nothing I couldn't get from tankies every single day on here, and while I disagree with them they say it a million times less autistically than you and frog twitter ever do
So you agree that leftist voices are routinely shut out :^)
most likely bait but you could genuinely have schizophrenia
thanks for the laughs m8
ahh yes, the oil pipelines meme. the "I've watched 4 youtube videos about Syria so let me tell you what's up" understanding of the conflict
frogposters are subhuman though, so there is literally nothing wrong with what you just posted.
What was his kill count?
You sound mad.
millions from jerking off alone, but that's only if you're super pro life
muh poor Sunnis
Memes are real, they're units of information that influence the collective unconscious and have real impact on people's thoughts and behavior
No I wasn't denying the holodomer or deifying a fat anti-semite like most of you do on a daily basis
Only leftist voices regarding economics and they're co-opted by left leaning intellectuals. Everything else is always promoted aggressively, left wing social policy and psychology are promoted.
This is good, more stereotypes
I'm laughing at all of you every day
lol sure buddy, those oil shipments to turkey and israel never happened. Keep shilling. I am sure that the spooks who monitor this board are smiling right now
They're all humans, I don't know what this is supposed to mean. Everyone on frogtwitter is definitely a homo sapien
fuck yourself
Nah you guys are mad
t. 90 autism level Holla Forums user
i'm still laughing at you guys. you're fucking hilarious
Holy shit it's Phil greaves more autistic cousin
oh my god, it keeps coming! keep me entertained!
It keeps getting dumber
Who's the "fat anti-Semite"? Also, still not seeing an argument or anything of substance. If you're trying to prove there's anything original or worthwhile coming from frog Twitter you're sure doing a terrible job of it
500 passionate rebuttals in defense of frogtwitter and you could've simply posted an image macro demonstrating why they're funny and why it's wrong for twitter to ban them
show, don't tell, you autist
Karl Marx/Josef Stalin (both fat anti-semites)
You're blind. I'm not a show-dog I'm not going to construct logic proofs for you because you claim you can't derive an argument from many lines of arguments. If you're that obtuse and incurious to what I'm getting at then its better that you remain that way. Obviously the last response I wrote out a well-formed formula for an argument. If that's not enough, then you are not worth my time
Nah fam you're just arguing in bad-faith and dog-piling. Everyone whose been on twitter since before 2015 knows that Weirdtwitter copies frogtwitter and the Wyrd twitter/Weird Sun twitter people.
No, go read their content. You all know who they are. I'm not feeding anyone anything, do your own leg-work. I'm just pointing out that this board hates its enemies so much that they ignore when their interests align. in the case of the McMuffin tweet (there you go, go try to find it, it was deleted by twitter) that got M4 banned it was both funny and biting criticism of the deep-state and mainstream establishment shadow politics.
know this is retarded "CITATIONS" thinking. You know where to look and you know who and what I'm talking about. The Autistic AI overlord Tweet, the Zuckerberg tweets, the Blackpill tweets all of it is Frog-twitter content and you know where to find it. None of that was created by the Left or weirdtwitter. I'm not posting things you can find with a quick search query.
Hint: Faceberg, BAP, M4, Akira, Hisperic, Neo-Bugman, TV Amerikwa there you go.
I've literally seen frog Twitter rail on Marx for being a Jew and using echoes. Your hypocrisy is amusing and your opinion is discarded
lol what sub is that
Curious, what strain is this?
forgot about shitposting flag
I've also literally seen tankies ranting about how it was good that Stalin purged the Jews from the Party and how Jews are the source of all the evils of Capitalism. Opinon discarded
He was an anti-semite. The way he talked about Jewish character, culture and religion can only ever be characterized as hateful, scornful, racially and ethnically motivated. A vicious racist, is what he was.
don't say SPIRIT or SOUL but its ok to talk about neurology likes its got something to do with Virology or Microbiology. LMAO
Fuck off liberal
How can you be jewish and anti-semitic at the same time? Please explain.
I actually don't. (And haven't you repeatedly said they're banned, anyway?) That's why I'm asking you to post any of their content.
It's far more likely irony twitter paved the way for these memelords. Ya know, since they were there first. But, I'm glad you can stick a KEK! frog emoji in there and post basic bitch Republican humor.
Look buddy, you're here to shill frog twitter and the best you can provide is an even less interesting version of tankie rhetoric. Not only does ragging on tankies more not help your case, it just further illustrates the kind of people your rhetoric draws without convincing anyone to listen to you
Not him but self-hate is nothing new or that far-fetched. Just look at ThatGuyT for a more recent example.
By the way I don't care about Marx shitting on rich jews (rich being the keyword).
More SJW tier shit from Holla Forums, "its not my responsibility to do intellectual labour for you therefore I don't have to present an argument"
it must be embarrassing to come here all fired up from reading Holla Forums deepstate propaganda all year only to find you can't back up anything you say with any legitimate thought or sources.
Where they worship Stalin but PPG is probl ematic
holodomir : worth covering up to secure capitalist dictatorship
someone saying retard on the internet : the left must burn
this is truly fucking disgusting
Bullshit, stop lying. Thousands of people even speaking about the jews even casually have been suspended. But they keep coming back, so you'll always see them.
Remember that the ( ( ( ( ADL ) ) ) ) has admin powers on twatter.
ooooy vey you're being persecuted!
hypocritical crybabies
What happened to pisspig and Richard Spencer on Twitter is literally this picture.
Is he really an infowars contributor
/leftypoz/ gets BTFO again.
when you're so mad at Holla Forums all you can do is strawman everything with greentext lmao
t. butthurt twitter e-celeb faggot
he did it again!
Barely a day after erdogan winning the referendum and this happens
Those people are shitty SJWs as well. That was the first place I tried to post about anarchism, and it was a quality post. There weren't even any responses. I looked to the front page. It was all idpol and "bash le fash XDDDD". Never went back.
/r/completeanarchy looks okay (although I have seen hints of idpol at times), but why post there when you can post here?
Niiiiice. I hated that smarmy bitch Chait for criticizing Bernie some time back in… June 2015? Serves him right.
No one cares that they're Jewish. No one. They're still porkies. Shut up already, no one cares about "da juice" or your smug Chinese cartoon girls.
You've made two posts with these kinds of mental gymnastics so far.
You really are desperate to think "gommie worship jews" aren't you.
Anything on Holla Forums is either half-Holla Forums or reddit, including Holla Forums.
But again, zionism isn't a hive mind to Jewish people
People literally shitposted back then by calling each other nigger Jews in papers
He's back home now fag
t. reddit
Imagine taking pride in being a tattletale as an adult. 2antiestablishment4me
i see that the right still thinks posting is actual war