Can the 'Chon do it?

Can the 'Chon do it?

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I think so. The more Le Pen speaks, the more the public dislikes her. Fillon has been sinking because of the controversy with his family. Macron is the only threat to hsi rising popularity.

polls place him on 19%.

Just 4% away from second round

Fuck, can someone leak some shit on Macron or Le Pen already?

They did, it's just that people really don't care.

No, unless Le Pen, Macron and Fillon died.

What is she saying?


If Macron dies, he's gonna be replaced by Valls.
Socdems have a clone machine somewhere.



He was Minister of Finance in Vall's cabinet.
He left the party, because socdems in France right now are unpopular.
Him being endorsed by right-wing socdems like Valls (rather than their own official candidate) doesn't help

melenchon confirmed anarcho-transhumanist

Dude on reddit said Macron is strong because of MLP. If she sinks, Macron will sink with her.


it's pretty crazy how much he doesn't actually.

Reminder that momentum and velocity in the polls are critical. If he's shooting up in the polls right now, chances are the polls will underestimate the votes he will get on election day.

Pas des freins sur ce train.

It's been entertaining to see the neoliberals screaming now that wonderboy ex Rothschild Macron is dropping in the polls. Pushing the Mechelon wants Frexit narrative now.

He kinda does, but he wants the constructive "we need to make the EU an internationalist entity that's democratic or we leave" rather than brexiteer "TAEK BACK CONTRUL FROM THA ORRCCSSS".

Yes but this has to be explained every time – "Mechelon wants Frexit" is easier to grasp than "he wants a constructive transformation into an internationalist democratic entity" for most outsiders unfortunately.

No. Just like in 12', medias said he had 17%~ when he actually polled 11%. And with Hamon/Poutou killing him even more, no chances in hell.

Most likely be a Macron/Le Pen or Fillon/Le Pen. And the latter is still really unprobable.

Nah Harmon grows weaker especially when he said he will vote for Melenchon in the second round. But yea Harmon dropping out is the most guaranteed way for Melenchon to be president

only in debate, she does fine in her echo chamber but once she gets out she gets btfo by pretty much everyone and fail to defend her position.
tbh she has poor debate skills and lacks appeal and charisma, she comes off as an untrustable bitch

bank in 2012 He literally had 1(ONE) pre election poll at 17%
most of them had him at 13-15%

Fillon and Lepen reached their "echo chamber" approval rate level. For the remaining supporters, whatever is said about their champions is the system's conspiracy.

just cooked up this low-effort OC comrades, enjoy

why the fuck is Hamon running


Because political parties under bourgeois democracy are more about providing statecrafts jobs for their members than seriously promoting an ideology.

Because they need to steal votes from Melenchon so he doesn't win.

He was the socialist golden boy, really authentically left-wing. People were comparing Hamon to Bernie before the 'Chon rolled around, because his goal is to reignite anticapitalism within the French socialist party.

He probably feels really cucked right now…

next up in neoliberal news:

his party is basically called uncucked france

Red scare, 2017 edition

actual The Guardian editorial from today. won't even link it, fuck them

this has been happening a lot with the FN actually
supposedly the banks wouldn't lend to them so they went to a russian bank



He isn't even pro-Russian but calling him "anti-Western" really is one of the most retarded thing I've heard of as of late.

yeah I love it, I've been saying this exact thing for a while

makes the fucking Guardian sound like a white nationalist rag


lepen's defeat will kill the neofascist rise in europe for good

post yfw she loses

New IFOP poll:

Le Pen: 24% (-0.5%)
Macron: 23% (-0.5%)
Fillon: 18,5% (=)
Mélenchon: 18% (+1%)

2nd Round
Macron 58%
Le Pen 42%

A 2nd round between Mélenchon and Le Pen would be the tits

If Macron wins and is going full neolib, Le Pen will still have her chance in 5 years.

Also i really hope Mélenchon won't give voting advices if he's eliminated in the first round. That's not even giving ammo to neofaschists, that's handing out nuclear codes.

What do you mean?

He's hopping Melenchon won't says to vote for Macron to oppose Le Pen in the second turn

its all about momentum fam. this is their best chance. trump is largely what made brexit possible, and they already had two upsets with hofer and wilders.

this will be the final nail on the coffin

If they suck Macron's dick any harder they'll rip the skin right off the shaft.

who the fuck is still voting for Fillon? isn't he facing corruption charges or something

Old christian conservative

People thinking it's not that bad if he's corrupt because at least he's realist when it comes to economics.
I wish i was joking.
Also you have people thinking corruption charges are state conspiracy.

Most polls put JLM above Fillion.

Polls show that Melenchon would win against Le Pen or Fillon in the second round but lose to Macron.

The medias new favourite meme:
-neo-liberal economic policies=diversity and openness
-against neo-liberalism=populist racism

By how much? If Melenchon loses to Macron in the second round I will be deeply triggered

6% I think.

Friendly reminder to not thrust the polls.

Dropped. I would vote for JLM if he was less radical, I assumed he was a more vocal and charismatic Valls but I was wrong. My vote is going for Macron, I'm not letting your stupid LARPing destroy my country.


i'll thrust my pole

There is no gulag harsh enough for socdem scum.

We need to get Macron to sink like a stone, any ideas?


I can't even tell if Socdems are all trolls at this point anymore.


Let's be honest, his program is intenable, he is wants to lead France to the wall. I'm for maintaining our "socialist" ways (Free healthcare, a lot of government jobs, welfare) but we don't have the money for that and Fillion sounds the most resonable candidate that doesn't sell dreams to french people but I'm not voting for the right since he's harsh on the immigration stuff, the next best things is Macron. these are the only two that have realist programs and know a thing or two about economics.

Have you people even watched the last debate? there were 3 communist there that are candidate and aren't even trying to gain support "What is your program?" "Fuck capitalist we need a revolution I don't want to be president but I'm here to complain about everyone here and tell people to revolt being a rich woman"

That sounds fuckin lit, you french don't know how good you have it.

Stop making excuses and admit to yourself you're a hand wringing liberal.

protip: you do

if you think Melechon winning will bring a socialist revolution you're (unfortunately) delusional, he's the best thing for actual social democracy

Reminder that socdems are reactionaries who do not belong on this board.

Not the time or the place. The woman was attacking Melenchon most of the time anyway so she's not helping the leftist case.

At least the Anarchist guy was funny, he was there to make make fun of the whole process and took some good jabs at Le Pen, Nathalie Arthaud was only there to bitch about how she's the only real communist there and to bitch at Melenchon for not LARPing while he's trying to run seriously for the post.


What did he mean by this?

Three communists, what even? The only commies there were Arthaud and Poutou, Melenchon isn't a commie ans never claimed to be one
