Tfw no feminine far left bf to cuddle with and have a lasting meaningful relationship with
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delet this now
You just have to take a liberal and indoctrinate them
Get help
I would feel bad about forcing my political view on them
addiction is just a spook, I can stop anytime I like
besides if you'd be smoking it you would still be okay
No it isnt. Its a literal chemical imbalance in your brain that causes withdrawal and extreme pain and shit. Heroine even slows down digestion. Its like an anti spook.
Bitch I have a job and pay rent every month
You smoke heroine.
Who is more ok?
If they’re liberals and at all “”””politically involved”””” i.e. are intersectional or went to the women’s march or whatever liberal token, it shouldn’t be that tough. Especially with President Capital around
But I mean they’re not interested, they’re not interested
first I would have to get one
Actually, I am.
No but seriously I am not a connoisseur of the heroin persuasion. But hard drugs are awesome and good for the universe imo. Brave new world was actually low key a utopia.
Under full communism we should be provided with free opiates and sedatives so that we can labour away in a state of transcendental happiness
God I hope you never have any power to bring about the nightmare you would surely create
T. Someone who has never met a heroine addict
It is a pain that cuts deep in my soul.
No worries comrade, chemicals are a spook and dying by withdrawal is also a spook
Sobriety is a spook.
Seriously I don't see why there should be something inherently valuable in a neuro-chemical state that isn't influenced by outside chemicals.
Humanity has the potential to create an infinite range of feelings in drug form. And as oppossed to consumption of physical consumer goods it doesn't destroy nature. Its not Muskian trans-humanism, it's a simple subjective improvement in the world for everyone who partakes
How masculine are you on a scale from 1 to 10? I'm twink enough to bottom but masculine enough to top.
Look I know that you're talking to a junkie who's trolling you but literally boasting about paying rent and having a job on Holla Forums is some next level shit.
Only brought this up because heroine addicts can do neither of these things.
But Holla Forums is the most likely to be paying rent or have a job on Holla Forums.
lol just watch me
No but seriously, it is retarded to think that people cant function daily just because they are using hard drugs. Thanks god for the id-pol movement making weed legal and decriminilizing drugs
That means he knows just how hard he's getting fucked, unlike NEETS who live with their parents.
holy shit am I glad my mom doesn't charge me rent
On this blessed day we are all NEETs
We'd name our twin sons after Bookchin and Apo.
I like /leftyr9k/ every once in a while too, but there's the leftytrash thread for that now.
this is true am on 8ch
am engineer
have job
am lefty
What a surprise
Jesus fucking christ.
Beta far left fag here…Sorry i already found my muse to adore.
She's awesome…she also prefers to cuddle and hugging over having sex :D
I wonder who could be behind this post?
Im sorry comrade
he tops
wew this place is faggier than an AIDS-infested nigger arse
If you fetishise femininity you will be fucking eliminated by Fascists and Traditionalists.
It's a fact that this sort of "muh femboy" shit comes in the late stage of civilisations.
Stop being faggots, start lifting and pay attention to Paglia.
You ever been to /fit/, son?
wow im quaking in my boots friendo
It's a way to satisfy my fetishes and not kinship; it's not a be-all-end-all deal. There's so much more in life. He's mental too so I'm trying to kick the habit actually.
especially if you're white now is the time to be strong not weak like me. Hang in there.
What says is true and will bring more happiness in the long run.
Seek true companionship and skip this fetish bullshit, user. If you really must, do it once or for a little while but not any longer.
He's right though. Masculine men get in to power and attain real world stuff a lot more often than us fem-types. I truly believe masculinity for men is the only path to take to glory. I'm just too shortsighted to really work on it.
It sounds to me like you're projecting your faggotty weakness onto wveryone else.
you should read some history
Where did I say that? Just because he's younger and fucks me in the ass doesn't make me a cuck, lad.
I know enough people irl to base this off of. Every feminine faggot I know is a lowbar hanging-in-there type and all the gym buff guys are constantly trying to up themselves(not intellectually so much but you get the point).
Are you me?
Stop. You can't hoard resources like this. One femboy per monogamous relationship, max.
Define "feminine faggot"
what did he mean by this?
The Bolsheviks tried all of that dude weed lmao free love everything is a-okay bullshit in Russia and it went fucking horribly. There's a reason that every AES state on the planet promoted stable and more traditional heterosexual arrangements. In fact it was one of the most important lessons learned from the early Soviet experiment, but if you want to be killed with one kick to the chest in street fights by fascists because you decided to eat tofu and masturbate fifty times a day that's your choice, I guess.
I dated a self-proclaimed Communist once, but she always just agreed with whatever I said and never offered a unique opinion on politics or the economy. So now I require a commie gf who reads, thus I will die alone.
I guess this is as good a place as any to ask:
@ leftist guys who like gentle, slightly dominant, somewhat reserved women, what body in the chart do you like most?
Vote multiple choice above and I'll shoot for the most common answer, since I've been getting /fit/ this year without a real end goal in mind beyond health.
how many thousands are we talking about
i don't dislike any of them, i judge a woman's look based on her entire figure, not just her midriff. it's a harmony kinda thing, some girls look better thicc some look better thin.
How so? the soviet union was one of the first countries to emancipate women and it worked just fine. in fact one soviet fem sniper killed 309 fascists while they were preaching the kinder kuche kirche bullshit back in germany.
lmao you overestimate yourselves a lot dont ya? maybe history is really cyclical as yall claim because youre just as proud as your meth addicted fuhrer and look where it took him.
I can't do much about hips or tits so I disregarded that in favor of women with similar bone structure/fat storage to me and then going by "BF%" (I don't have a good way of measuring that, so I'd just judge by comparing myself to the pictures, which are just guesses anyway). I can't pull off thicc, unfortunately.
tfw no homo anime gf
Not sure if trying to actually solicit an intelligent reply from me or just trying to protect your ego by holding onto fantasies of "if I'm feminine everything will be good".
Feminine faggot = a male who likes feminine things and does all that stuff (not bad in itself usually) but most are just fetishizing the idea. Generally they would fall into the stereotypical bottomfag category. It's okay if it doesn't twist into this imageboard-tier worship of hormonemen who are clearly unstable and seek to right all the wrongs in their lives with this cure called "becoming more feminine". Again this is not nearly all cases but let's say 66% or two-thirds are just youth in distress.
By power I mean political power and power to affect those around you (biologically speaking masculine men are winners so people listen to them more). Glory as in honor, pride, success and these are all things feminine faggots can attain as well but as things have always been in civilizations the masculine men end up at the peak of this.
If you look around you you would see my point is empirically accurate most of the time. Dismissing your question as a bait/shitpost.
TL;DR I'm feminine and being feninine isn't bad and it feels pretty nice but femininity in men can and will cause problems in youth not wholly structured for it (childhood, interests, mannerism, bodytype etc). If people base their femininity off of fetishes and trying to become a trap because it's aesthetic will lead to problems with self-image, esp. if hormones and a toxic community is involved.
A long TL;DR ik