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'Ctrl+ Spencer' No result
Come on comrades, I can't believe we have a thread about this yet
'Ctrl+f Richard' No result
'Ctrl+ Spencer' No result
Come on comrades, I can't believe we have a thread about this yet
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Goddamned OP, here, take my
what happened to the leftytrash containment thread?
richard spencer is a pussy
Surprisingly, devoting 1 hour max to punching Richard Spencer still leaves 167 hours a week for other activities like, say, building an anti-war movement!
I almost pity him.
Read the article, honestly not surprised.
The alt right will forever be doomed to a state of idiocy and self-betrayal. Such is the way of fascism. How do you expect to get someone like Trump to "drain the swamp"? He's a billionaire TV host. How do you expect to back White Nationalism and support "muh deus vult" by opening up to Jews, who are to be wiped off the Earth according toNazism, a belief praised by the Alt-Right. The Jewish Communism thing is about as hilarious (hence why my name is Comrade Andropovstein) and I find it equally as funny how this neofash movement is so willing to open its gates to everything it went against. I can see why people like Bernie Sanders, despite not even being against the electoral college, can gain some support; he is at least integritable and knows (ish) what to do. But someone like Trump? What an honest meme.
The same can be said for pretty much any Nazi. Slavic Nazis in places like Croatia, Ukraine, and Russia? Pfft. Please. I can't believe there are actual idiots out there who back their own genocide. Nationalism fueled the Nazi genocide and if nationalism is a key aspect of Nazism then your culture will be essentially purged.
Anyways, with the collapse and crumble of the Alt-Right under its own hypocrisy and irony, I think it's time we begin moving slowly toward the political mainstream. What do you say, comrades?
the proxy war has reached imageboards now…
russia, china, the alt right, and syria VS. america, Holla Forums, and the FSA
may the best man win
Kek. You think anyone here supports /yourguy/'s misadventures in the middle east?
LMAO if you don't support the Lion of Damascus
Fuck off nazi retard, nobody on leftypol is pro america or fsa
because communists have a long history of supporting american imperial adventures
the antifa in the OP arrived at the protest to silence opposition to the war. no other explanation possible
proof or gtfo
Mao is love, Mao is life.
For one thing, it's sort of plainly obvious that Spencer is only doing this because he's an advocate of that "Assad-Putin alliance against multiculturalism" even though both Syria and Russia are culturally diverse nations and because of the recent "betrayal" by Trump.
For another thing, there isn't any evidence you gave me of Antifa opposition to the war.
It's pretty funny because most of the teenage girls I find masturbating on camera are russian, you really just can't have a capitalist productive base and a feudal and patriarchical superstructure, no matter how repressive your political system is.
Backing, my mistake.
Yeah, Russia is only 80% Russian and Syria is split into a ton of different ethnic groups. Sometimes I really wonder just how Holla Forums brews up their theories. Do you think they truly expect Russia, a country filled with ethnic minorities across Siberia and Central Asia, and Syria, a country with no true dominant ethnic group, are going to lead the battle against muh multiculturalism?
Not when the far right is already framing itself as the antiwar movement and anarchists and Communists as pro war.
Everyone was welcomes, there was nothing hateful or discriminatory about the protests. Except for the anarchists and the communists.
fuck off redditor
Multiethnic is not multicultural. Rome was multiethnic but would you call it multicultural? I mean was there a Punic enclave in Rome? How about a Dacian enclave? No of course not the Romans genocided them.
The answer to that is very complicated, but largely it is "yes".
Rome, the city itself was hugely multi-ethnic with all sorts of people from diffent background living in the same vici, or - roughly - neigbourhoods.
We know of at least two ethnic clusterings - or enclaves as you've put it - the Jewish one in Trastevere and another one called the Vicus Africus, which was an enclave of North African punic people.
Likewise, Vicus Tuscus might have been an enclave of Etruscans, but the evidence for that is highly circumstancial.
Any link to this from a website that isn't openly associated with liars
Bahahaha gotta love Leftiests
Even though he is against an international foreign war, he's still a nazi that wants a national domestic war on migrants and ethnic minorities, so he is not really anti-war.
They were showing up to oppose the alt-right because they are alt-right, not because they were opposing the war.
It's retarded but if you think actual socialists would support an imperialist invasion in support of a jihadist uprising you are retarded.
Lurk more and stop being a gigantic faggot
Get a life?
Hey OP where's my Big Mac? Lord knows thats the only thing you nappy headed spidermonkeys are good at doing.
Not sure if stupid, or just b8.
Coming from a Nazi, I'd say the first one though.
You're the one who's stupid for thinking that post wasn't written for (You)s
Stop posting and lurk more.
When communists and anarchists come out marching against the war how will you frame the narrative then?
They unironically do, they also have a long history of supporting their own imperialist adventures.
Romans literally built temples to foreign gods in Rome itself.
Can anyone give me a good rationale why shouldn't we give them a cookie when doing the sensible thing, and punching them when they're being stupid? You know, kind of like dog training.
Just like "natsocs" it's just a way to get more people behind their genocidal views.
They had a daily shoah shit bag there as well.
Stop posting at any time
Antifa is just another group of usedful political tools. I don't see why so many people are defending them. They are basically being used as strike breakers to save face for the police. The lot of you are almost as bad as the trump worshipers who will defend his every action.
I don't care much about antifa but Spencer can go fuck himself though.
Because they aren't truly anti-war or else they wouldn't be advocating for a racial war.
Well yeah, but by punching them, you're not actually purging them, so just by punching them when they're doing the sensible stuff is great PR for them. You're antagonizing people for both antifa groups, but also for the antiwar movement.
And no, it's not that we talk to fash until they go away, is to punch them when they're doing rallying for awful stuff, and convert the moderates on their side when they're actually doing sane thing.
I've argued before that war propaganda is so good in america, that there's almost nobody against war, they just don't agree to this specific war. That applies to nazis, liberals, and actual left groups.
Romans were the original multiculti luvvie cucks.
Agreed, they should be shot at.
Who cares? The alt-right and Trump are successful because they don't care what people think about them. We need to be likewise fearless about popular opinion.
Compromise will only make us look weak in their eyes, not to mention it will be difficult for us to fight against our antiwar nazi allies later on. How about leftists organize their own antiwar movement and not make common cause with nazis?
Kek. What a ridiculous rewriting of history, do you think everyone is just going to forget you spent the last year shilling for a neo-con interventionist? More like the alt-right, their daddy, and the american political establishment vs. the rest of the world.
I forgot to say that because of that they will not respect us and therefore will not join us.
"When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse." - Bin Laden
The far right voted for the guy who's starting the war, and most voters did not. They're basically the group who can be singled out for actually buying Trump's bullshit. And like most of the right, they aren't immune to fetishizing military strength - they're just supposedly anti-interventionist. It's really not a very convincing position.
TBH I think there should be a truce between natsuccs and antifa while they're both against a war, that's just common sense. I'll take racist 'isolationism' against 'progressive' imperialism anyday.
hi Holla Forumstard
Hi useful idiot.
Never heard of the Ustashe?
Spencer getting his ass kicked is my favorite meme.
this is you
Not disagreeing with that.
I disagree, Trump and the alt right didn't disregard public opinion, they took advantage that the normal political discourse is pretty disconnected of the public opinion.
Compromise is bad, but I don't support a compromise. Why not take over their rallies? If we have the strength to shut them down, why not co-opt them?
They're a bunch of dumbfucks. Pretty much any collaborators should know that the Nazis aren't going to keep them around for long after the war, especially the Ustasha. In their case Slavs are seen by the Nazis as an inferior race which is only good for slave labor, and the Ustasha regime is simply gone in an instant because they just aren't needed anymore.
lel the antifa counter protest was literally called nowar nonazis