I consider myself an anarcho-transhumanist. I'm way, way off in the left-libertarian corner of the political spectrum. My economic views are some variant of the technocracy movement/Venus Project and their abolition of the price system. Some of my favorite thinkers are Thorstein Veblen, Mikhail Bakunin, David Graeber, and so on.
Why do I find myself increasingly sliding towards the right on so many issues? I'm personally opposed to Putin and Trump's persecution of LGBT people and minorities. I am, in fact, bisexual and trans. However, I keep seeing the left-wing establishment lumping the working poor together with fascists, labeling them a "basket of deplorables", and so forth.
What kind of crazy world do we live in where wannabe anarchists and commies rub shoulders with billionaire bankers and industrialists? George Soros and the Koch Brothers are not our friends. They live to make money. That's all they're interested in. Making money, at any cost, even human lives. Even human decency. Money, money, money.
The Arab Spring was a giant astroturfing campaign crafted by DC think tanks and rich billionaires so they could plunder Arab nations and kill innocent Arabs. Why does it seem like only the alt-right and the fringe wingnuts even bother to mention or notice this? Why are we siding with the CIA against Donald Trump, the same CIA that has a history of literally murdering, torturing, and raping innocent people? They raped people in Vietnam. They raped people in Gitmo and called it "rectal feeding". Are our memories so short that we don't even remember their crimes?
I feel like I'm going insane. Nobody cares for the wellbeing of innocent Arabs who are murdered, enslaved and displaced by Pentagon-paid and CIA-armed "moderate rebel" mercenaries. Nobody seems to care that we - along with Sarkozy's government -
helped George Soros and CANVAS, and all those little DC think tanks destroy Libya, an actual socialist country that was well-developed and provided for the needs of their people. All people care about are getting in that "gotcha" against the other side. Right, or left, it's all the goddamn same. Neither side gives a shit about the downtrodden and the oppressed anymore.
This is really fucking me up. I'm having a hard time holding on to what's left of my sanity.
Read the damn Wikileaks global intelligence files. Read about how Stratfor explicitly described groups like CANVAS as "export-a-color-revolution" groups. And then think about the web of money and lies that is currently killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Arabs who have no power to resist us. Please, I beg you.