What do? Nazbol? Asserism?
Nazbol? Strasserism?
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i didn't realize that the geniuses in china were worth less than pure snow white aryan cletus and his sister/wife
Privatized industry is usury you stupid cunt
Stop being so spooked.
Or become an asserist. Nazbols are not by definition racialists, just nationalists.
Also just be an asserist if you can't let go of racial stuff
Either should be fine, although Nazbolism gives me less of a "genocide everybody with too long nose" vibe.
Let Christ into your life and stop being racist.
Nobody here knows what National Bolshevism is to be honest. It isn't ethnonationalist and being one when you aren't from Russia makes no sense.
Also, I agree with Get unspooked m8
They aren't, but I'd rather not live with populations that in aggregate have lower Autism Levels. I'm not even racist towards Asians tbh.
That was the conclusion of my OP.
Kinda ironic given that the Bolshevik leadership in Russia was overwhelmingly Jewish. Then again, I guess that could explain why Nazbols hate Jews so much.
Tried reading the bible, but it was kinda gay.
The group that directly dirives its ideology from supposed jew filled/founded party hates jews and that somehow makes sense?
Should I just forget about the other communists who didn't have Jewish influence amongst them?
Would it make you less autistic if I gave you examples?
Examine the history of race ideology and grasp how it ties into legitimatizing capitalism. Realize that the white bourgeoisie doesn't care about you. Realize that things caused by capitalism (such as childhood malnutrition) tank Autism Level and are a lot more fixable than "race".
And realize that you'll never destroy capitalism if you only want to organize white proles, because it's a global system that can use non-white proles to survive just as well. You don't need to like people on an individual level to show solidarity with them and fight for their emancipation.
I'm assuming Nazbols see the Jewish takeover of Russian Bolshevism as the reason why Bolshevism failed, thus they hate Jews.
Vid very much related.
I'll keep an open mind and take a look at these.
Not really, their influence is pretty adequate with their general percentage in Russia.
In the end it doesn't matter because Stalin-kun decided to decrease those numbers lel
I'd say it has some slavic vibes even despite stressing left-wing nationalism/soviet social patriotism, which fits with Stalin's idea of Russians being elder brothers of soviet nations pretty well.
Does not go far enough, we need to abolish wages entirely and produce goods for use.
But it litterally started out jewish.
The bolsheviks were "jewish" from the getgo. It was never "corrupted".
How do you ensure fair distribution of goods/services without a means of representing what someone has earned? Why not just slack off at the commune and get the same as the hardworkers?
I don't really disagree with what you're saying other than Autism Level discrepancies being caused solely by malnutrition' but why not ally with non-white paroles while maintaining national borders though?
Fuck off.
Jews were actually more attracted to the actual Jewish party in Russia, known as the Bund, which got later fucked over by Bolsheviks for a) siding more often with Mensheviks than Bolsheviks, which made Lenin and his friends bitter b) promoting Jewish identity and trying to be the only group representing Jews in Russia, which went against internationalism. In 1918 Bolsheviks even established a special counter-organization, called Yevsektsiya.
I didn't mean to imply it was solely a matter of malnutrition, just giving it as an example. There are other environmental factors (childhood lead poisoning and some parasites, off the top of my head) and maybe even a genetic component. But short of unpopular and coercive policies or genetic engineering that doesn't exist yet, we can't do shit about any genetic factors, while environmental factors are very fixable if the money's there and track closely with world poverty.
Why keep national borders? They're imaginary lines. I hang out on the internet, I've befriended people in a lot of countries - why should I be required to stay within my borders? Why should you?
back to Holla Forums you go
Way to earn new converts. How do you expect to get your proletariat revolution if you turn away potential converts?
I know you don't believe in race, but if you did the reason would be to keep low Autism Level and high criminality populations from ruining your socialist state. Not denying that the factors you listed have a marked effect on Autism Level.
[email protected]/* */ wasn't a socialist. He was a filthy reformist . Nazbols, contrary to socdem and trot lies, are actual communists. Embrace national bolshevism and the future that only socialism in one constantly growing state can provide.
Are we talking physical grown here? As in lebensraum?
Any good nazbol literature you'd recommend?
Ignore the troll cunts. Lots of edge.
Also digits checked
Fuck off.
ignore them, they're probably anarkiddies
Ignore the newfags, we have a Reddit infestation today. You can tell he's new because he thinks sage is some kind of downvote.
Bolsheviks weren't Jewish-majority at all. If we're going by ethnic representation, then Lithuanians were conspiring to establish… what again?
t. tankie
Fuck off, why do you always need to start these fights?
fuck off with your SJW identity politics
as far as im concerned neither tumblr or Holla Forums are welcome on the left until they renounce their most retarded beliefs in full, and high on that list is the worship of arbitrary identities
Strange how there's so much conflicting info on this, definitely will research it further. Good screencap.
Back to Holla Forums u go
read up on alexandr dugin
Congratulations, you're retarded.
If you like your borders, you can keep 'em. There are plenty of leftists who support socialism in one country first. Dissolution of borders is a part of the communist future, but there is no agreement on exactly how quickly it should be pushed.
You can always contribute to the debate by developing arguments as to why national borders should be maintained for the time being.
Huh. The first time nazbol has ever sounded appealing.
Join us.
Fuck communism. National-SOCIALISM is the way to go.
shoo shoo thread of poo