Hey guys, I have a crazy idea. No, really, hear me out

Hey guys, I have a crazy idea. No, really, hear me out.

What if, instead of nuking the board and running away somewhere else, we just split? All of the newfag redditors who want Holla Forums to grow and love making and spreading memes to start the revolutions can go to bunkerchan, or endchan, or petition for a 4/leftypol/.
Meanwhile, the rest of us who actually use Holla Forums will just… stay here.

I think that's a win/win - everybody gets what they want and everybody's happy.
What do you guys think?
No, really, I'm being 100% sincere.

I'd prefer to keep bunkerchan as back-up for when we get nuked, and use it as vanguard aswell.

Of course, that's obvious - I was on Bunkerchan over the weekend. But that's all it should be: a backup.

I want BO to suicide for being booty blistered at banter like an oversensitive newfag bitch.

I agree with you as well, user.

Why is the board getting nuked?

Are you retarded? The people who want the board to grow want to stay here

Don't worry we will make leftypolk as soon as board creation is up. Stupid bitch.


No, this board is obviously finished since the BO is shilling for another chan and the vols are all behind her. She is obviously too neurotic to relinquish this board to the userbase, so the only way to ensure we are free from this subversive cunt is to make a clean break.

i do not want the community to be split but we need to make users aware that there is a backup if 8ch goes down again.

how many layers of trotskyism are you all on right now?

in all seriousness, the BO is 100% right about the possibility of us getting deleted
that doesn't mean we have to delete it ourselves, but we have to improve bunkerchan as our backup, and make it clear to everyone that it exists

you are either a vol or BO, fuck off no one wants your inferior chan

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Says the guy who has a cuck fetish for Holla Forums if you think staying on a imageboard that isn't even indexed by Google is a good thing then your delusiomal

There's no way I will ever use the bunkerfag retards' piece of shit website.

I'd rather Holla Forums cease to exist than go there.

Why are you sucking Google's corporate cock so hard? Go post some Google Ads for your new website, faggot.

Why not?
It has a Yotsuba B theme

one of your arguments is MUH GROWTH
Stop contradicting yourself cuck

The board engine is garbage and the people running it are retards. Even codemonkey's team is better than them.

Have you actually looked at the source?
It's clean as fuck and actually works

Mean while infinity has holes due to poor cofing

Here's an idea:

Kill yourselves 7th tier commies

What the fuck are you babbling about? I don't give a shit if the board grows or not. Learn to read.

I wish I was BO or a vol, I'd put up a bunkerchan sticky.

The site is run by literal nazis.

What's your point?