What do?
Tfw I love my parents but they're bourgeois as fuck
Don't worry about it user. Your politics don't need to effect your family life, who you're friends with, or even who you fuck. The whole point of Leftist politics, and the whole point of why it's incompatible with idpol, is because you don't need to worry yourself with changing individuals and changing one person's mind at a time, it's about addressing the actual material conditions of society, and what that looks like isn't you autistically screeching at your parents about the revolution. So just enjoy your time with them and don't take it personally when they have shitty reactionary opinions.
It still feels like cognitive dissonance though when I realise they would die in most revolutions, which I would support in principle
red pill them
Conservatives are 99% of the time the easiest to convert to a genuinely leftist ideology. They are so scared of big government and so concerned with freedom and autonomy that once they realize that socialism is basically all of these things then they are gas the ruling class levels of pissed most of the time in my experience.
You're 100% bourg too my man.
Well, you can always be honest in conversations. As in, don't agree when you disagree, and calmly state your own opinions in a non-confrontational manner, they'll probably respect it and, since they're your parents, they might eventually sympathize, the older you get the more likely this becomes, as they'll come to respect your opinions more and you'll chip away at them, that's how it worked for me. Aside from that, while I know this thread isn't about praxis persay, a revolution doesn't necessitate killing every porky, it involves the abolishment of private property and the seizure of means of production, that doesn't mean porky is some kind of "race" that needs to be genocided, it just means that those who resist through counter-revolutionary struggle (i.e. Civil War) would be an issue, but that hardly means your parents I assume. (unless you honestly think your parents would actively support right-wing paramilitary militias in a post-revolution scenario)
This. You just need to get them to hate the entire State as much as they hate Democrats. That said, convincing them that Capitalism is anything other then the single greatest system known to man might be a lot harder.
Give everything they gave to you to charity.
Yeah they could just point to their mobile phone and computer and say 'this is only affordable to the common man because of capitalism' and there would be nothing we could say to argue against that.
give me all your money via paypall so they can have the true prole experience.
But then you will miss out on the enriching prole experience.
I'm not saying their arguements wouldn't be retarded, I'm saying that Americans (assuming you're American) are some of the most thoroughly classcucked people on the planet, and they literally think Capitalism is directly corlative to freedom, and any opinion that even slightly deviates from that can trigger the fuck out of most conservatives and liberals.
I feel like he already has, now it's just time to redistribute the wealth comrade :^)
You must stop loving them and take up arms comrade.
OP here, my parents aren't conservatives, they're literally just bourgeois
Is class thought of as intrinsically hereditary from a Marxist viewpoint?
Most people would rather be class cucked and have access to the fruits of capitalism such as affordable computers and mobile phones and cars. Rather than live in a more equalized world where only the ruling elite can afford a computer or mobile phone.
what did he mean by this?
Well meme'd user, but you have to go back to Holla Forums now.
Class isn't an identity, it's your relation to Capital and the means of production. The Bourgeoise is born into wealth, the Proletariat is born into poverty.
kill them in their sleep
Don't kill them in their sleep.
Just use their money to invest time in developing commie theory and possibly advertise yourself as a leftist-theorist.
If they don't let you coast off their large amounts of money or you're stupid,
oh well.
But someone bourgeoisie, born into wealth, can become impoverished and need to work for a living, making them a proletariat no?
Sure, that's why the whole "start your business" thing is a non-argument.
And it still doesn't make class an identity.
keep loving them
stop larping pls.
read up on marx and universal basic income experiments before dreaming about giving porky the bullet mkay?
Parenthood is a spook.
My dad is super weird. He is basically a classical liberal when it comes to his philosophy and politics but he also sees capitalism as unsustainable and communism as inevitable.
People who are beholden to thier parents fucking disgusts me. If my parents where bourgeois, or religious fundamentalists, or even conservative, I would just cut them out of my life for good.
So what? Leftism is not just lelele fuck the rich xDDD
You realise Engles himself was bourgeois right?
Just try to limit the way your family exploits people and be done with it. Try to drop le redpills on something idk it doesn't really matter.
==GULAG== them
This. It's not really productive from a praxis standpoint to hate the rich or want to take revenge. The bourgeoisie act in their own rational self-interest, as you likely would in their position, and they become more likely to fall out of the bourgeoisie in proportion to the extent that they don't. It's just, mechanically, how the class works.
It's far from the worst thing in the world for communists to become bourgeois, or for bourgeois to become communist, since all social power traces to production and shuttling it into sympathetic hands takes us closer to revolution. If you just liquidate your assets and distribute it to the poor or to your employees, you haven't solved the contradictions of capitalism. Ditto with turning the enterprise over to them as a co-op. It's essentially either the "anarchist/stalinist approach," since the nominally "worker-controlled" assets or enterprise are still subject to capitalism in its totality and its global contradictions, if ignored, which naturally eat away at and erode such structures (any decrease in exploitation from the optimal market level implies a competitive disadvantage, and the status quo itself is not "liberated" even if you decrease alienation.)
OP, best to sit down and think of what you actually want them to do. It sounds like you're just edgy or trying to virtue-signal. But you don't have to "repent," structure your life some idealized way, or act a certain way to get our approval. If you accept "the basic system is flawed" the next question should be one of how to scientifically understand and transform society to solve its problems, and not how to "virtuously" act within it. If you can win them over, great. If not, they're still your family, and you don't have to be ashamed that's worth something to you.
Besides, you're going to inherit the money.