I'd like to see what peoples thoughts are on this
The whole pepsi advert thing
Give pepsi to cops after boiling to 500 degrees.
Just standard advertising
It's only upsetting to liberals since it belittles their idpol protests
babbys first co-option
wholeheartedly agree, just run of the mill shite, nothing really too special. From what I'd heard i was expecting it to be a big deal but it really fell short.
Thankfully I have no idea what's going on and don't drink soda anyways.
They tried to side with sjw's and other trash, now Pepsy is under attack by sjw's themselves
It's beautiful
This is why people don't vote for you
Go be liberal somewhere else
when will liberals finally realise that companies only support progressive causes because its good pr?
It was successful. They put out an advertisement and got a bunch of publicity.
I'd like to see you use the catalog
Is it really? The people they wanted saw through their scheme and were insulted of being used to push liquid candy, and surely the right-wing types no longer want to touch it because they hate PC shit without realizing the porkies don't believe in any of it and just want to milk money from the most amount of people.
Advertising is the purest and most beautiful among the products of our culture industry. The Pepsi ad can be used to attain deep insight into the deepest fears and desires of late capitalist civilisation, far beyond anything 'critically acclaimed' 'serious' movies could ever teach you. In the end, those 'critically acclaimed' movies are products of Capitalism just like advertising is. The problem is they attempt to be 'serious' to convince you they are more than just products. But ads are pure. An ad, specially a masterful one like PepsiCo's functions as a direct line of communication to the Brand. You are invited into the world of the Brand, you have the chance to be delighted with its utopian vision.Other, more primitive cultures would consider it a Mystical experience, a direct form of communion with the sovereign commodity (''God").
This is the most accurate and poignant portrayal of late 00s social movements I've ever seen. Riot Grrl Hijabi, AZN Cello Guy, Kendall Jenner, all pure mythical archetypes out of the consumer imaginary. Heroes for our time. The Brand functions as a catalyst for Redemption, a substitute for that which might not be spoken (ie. communist revolution, downfall of capitalism). even the State,represented by the cop, is redeemed. In the end, it is deeply Utopian and Moving.
It was quite successful. Why do people even purchase this particular brand of liquid candy? They get in the heads of individuals on a global scale.
I swear I've bumped into this topic on every website I've visited for such a benign beverage commercial.
Am I supposed to know what the fuck you're talking about?
If the advert wasn't so cringy and done so poorly no one would of noticed or cared
This essentially. Capitalism at it's finest and "truest."
Bill Hicks on "Marketing"
Anyone here in marketing or advertisement… kill yourself. This is not a joke, there's no punchline….. Kill yourself…"
I hate with every fiber of my being that the alt-right highjack's this man image. Lots of them believe he's really alex jones.. so fucking sad.
What the fuck, really?
Anyone who is "anti-mainstream" can be hijacked by the alt-right because of the current climate. Also Bill Hicks would see right through Alex Jones as the fear-shill he is.
Fresh off the block with this I D E O L O G Y.
Check me out if you haven't seen my spam before:
I hate all advertising but I have some kind of weird urge to work in marketing. I hate myself, but I want to use my brain and be creative.
There's no creativity in adverting, my friend. You do as you're told till the day you are sold.
More idpol.
You have to have a really one-track mind or be super dense to think the problem with this commercial was idpol.
as I understand it, the problem with the commercial was the fucking irony of a CORPORATION co-opting the idea of a revolution to sell more drinks. idpol is what allowed them to make the advert in the first place, because they sure as fuck aren't gonna make an ad about class struggle.
Corporate interests co-opting social movements for profit, nothing new, still shitty.
This is mostly it, but if it coopted revolutionary ideas/imagery without evoking any reference to race (and it wasn't really the message in the forefront so much as "peace and love hurr durr" was) it would still be anti-revolutionary garbage.
It's hilarious. Liberals love consuming commodified shit from the fringes, but they hate it happening to their hobby protests.
All protests are hobby protests
Fuck off leftcom.
Are we about to get pedantic or do you disagree with protesting itself? Liberals don't march for change, they live in their ideal world already and can't admit it's shit.
I meant like do my own thing sort of with guerrilla marketing. I've been reading all kinds of psychology and propaganda books too. I do "advertisement" for my mom's church's hot dog stuff, and I enjoy doing it. I enjoy being able to think about something and then see it happen and in real life outside my brain.
Have you read Guy Debord?
Anyone remember Chris Chans brand loyalty?
Bill Hicks would wreck Alex Jones so fucking hard.
I try not to.
I've read some of Baudrillard. Debord is in my list.
I know that's my point. It's fucking infuriating to see people hijack him for their own shitty ideology.
When I suggested you use twitter I meant upload these to it while they're topical, you won't get a following on it uploading the NFL footage after the games are weeks past. Look up relevant hashtags and get someone like Bat'ko or Muke to retweet you.
Look at this fucking bullshit
Yeah I have a Twitter, I'm just bad at using it. I feel old when using it.
I know it's a fucking shitshow, at least you can make them quickly after something happens though. It's some good detournement material, but not suited to a youtube channel where people binge watch, with twitter you're interrupting someone's daily ideology and pointing it out to them every time something like the Pepsi commercial happens.
What's wrong with having children?
Do you think it's possible to never die? Do you think this is a good idea?
Or is it ONLY reproduce and then die, with nothing in between?
Water doesn't boil at a higher temperature than 212F.
He meant 500 calvin
The latter.
Makes sense, I always feel like I'm tweeting in to a void but I guess that's the point of hashtags.
Holy shit. I knew it would be bad but what the literal fuck. If a neolib got a degree in neoliberalism, then shut himself away in the Himalayas for life to create the most neolib art in existence, he would still lose to this.