Can we at least agree that Karl Liebknecht deserved to die?
I just noticed that whenever I post something "controversial",you commtards go >hurr durr blood of Rosa
Never ever did you mentioned Karl though. Do you accept that he was a treacherous snake and deserved to die like one? Can we agree on that? You are welcome by the way.
Can we at least agree that Karl Liebknecht deserved to die?
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People don't car about him because even though in his time he was politically as important as Luxemburg, his theory is weak and pretty much no one is influenced by him today.
also not a qt3.14
Engels at least wrote moderately important works like The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.
I just noticed how Groucho Marx is similar to Karl Liebknecht.
Tell me more on how well SocDem reacts to crisis of capitalism, and how letting the FreiKorps roam didn't help Hitler rise.
Or how they were united with the rest of the left, or are at anytime, against threats to the working class.
SocDem is a foolish compromise that can only work in places like Sweden, Denmark and so on, that have established and unified populace, strong economies and are able to support their population. … UNTIL capitalism fails and "OH MY GOTT! THE SANDNIGGERS ARE COMMING TO TAKE MY SOCIAL SECURITY!"
Those countries only have "strong economies" because of the third world.
truly, there is no greater form of cucking than that of the center-left reformist
No. Where did this meme come from? International trade with underdeveloped countries only really took off around the 80s with China opening up.
Literally a century ago
Yeah that's totally reasonable I mean just look at how well anarchists and marxists get alon- oh wait.
And Spain, and France, and Germany, and Canada and Ecuador and Bolivia etc.
This again is just an excuse. It's merely because it's the most opportune time to roll back reformist gains since people are panicking. Anyways your original argument was that social democracy causes fascism but this is laughable only an upsurge in revolutionary spirit and activity causes that. And no I wouldn't classify Trump/Le Pen/The boogeyman of the week as fascist just because it's cool.
Tbh the SPD is even more traitorous than I imagined.
The SPD is literally the reason why Socialism isn't the dominant system today. If both Germany and Russia had gone red then the we would have gay space communism by now.
Karl is underrated and underappreciated as fuck
Hmmm! I think we are onto something here!!!
You mean SocDem only works when Capitalism works, AKA by exploiting the third world? And what would happen if, say, China, became too stronk and they couldn't exploit as much.. makes you wonder…
Spoken like a True Future Nazi.
Yeee.. SocDems light. Still failing. Still far right rising, BECAUSE FAILED SOCDEM. And failed neolib.
Same as Nordic.
Same with Spain.
PS. Le Pen is fascist. Her father was too. Not Nazi. fascist. And proof that SocDem leads there. Oh, and fascism has nothing "Revolutionary" about it. It's pure manipulation.
Now, back to pol.
To be fair you had to be sort of a fucking moron to look at the USSR in the '30s and go "Gee, why can't we have some of those good times over here?"
Countries like the US were producing fine even before the advent of cheap labour from the Third World and had constructed the majority of their welfare states (not that US had much of one) during that time.
Both have no fascist movements and are controlled by left socdems. Spain has no fascists. Canada has no fascists.
If Social Democracy leads to fascism why is it only AFTER Hollande's austerity that the Front National (that you have classified as fascist) rose up? Why is the Front National programme literally social democracy with anti-immigration?
Your analysis is shit because you're forcing the conclusion you want to see.
TBF, it all started in the 20s and Germany wasn't much better. I mean.. Why would Hitler rise if things were good?
US and GB have nothing to do with SocDem and have gone full Neolib after the 80s.
So, Ecuador is SocDem and Sweden is equally SocDem. …riiiight… It's not like Equador is a strugling third world nation that's used to bad times and has nothing to lose, while Sweden is used to good times and will go full "it's the sand niggers' fault!" the moment the good times are over, or anything.
Spain had Franco. The remrants are too few. And the left has filled the Gap enough. If Syriza couldn't fill the Gap, you'd have seen Golden Dawn colaborating with the right wing, in Greece.
Canada… .. Canada is weird.. plus I don't think it can go under anytime soon.. then again, they are taking in refugees, and… we'll see.
You have LITTERALY just described fascism.
SocDem and Class Collaboration with "Blame the Other". "We would be doing fine, if it wasn't for those evil enemies of our glorius country. Now be fine with your boss and be a good worker".
Christ you people are thick at times
This sounds exactly like what Germany is doing since 2008, to the south.
Sure, there were weider reasons, but SocDem are still to blame for everything, not wanting to abandon their capitalism.
"Slavery is fine, we just need to regulate it, make the slave owners treat their slaves well and everything will be ok".
t. SocDem in the American South, before the Civil War.
What has this to do with SocDem being Classcucks?
This is getting too stupid I'm out you win
Well, I mean… it could be the Jews, or the niggers, or only the communists.. but it's always some external force that "Wants to harm our glorious nation". Plus class colab.
succdems should be lynched tbh