Which political ideology do you hate the most? Why?
Which political ideology do you hate the most? Why?
Anything to the right of socdems.
That's not a specific or cohesive political ideology.
this fucking flag
Probably Egoists tbh, but most post-Left anarchists are insufferable in general.
Its so unfathomably arrogant and condescending as it steadily destroys the planet. But hey more woman CEOs right?
The only true answer. It really is the single most shit-tier ideology imaginable, at least Nazi's are acting in self-interest.
Same. Ancaps are the ultimate in lacking self-awareness.
Maois or whatever the Anarcho-Tankies of Reddit subscribe to, merly extending Liberalism with some "Bash the fash" and "stalin did nothing wrong".
socialism, marxism etc anything that gives government alot of power.
liberalism and identitarianism, especially feminism. pure cancer
I'd take a SocDem society over Ancap or Fascism any day of the fucking week.
Read a book
Liberalism. Their faux progressivism is more annoying that wholesale and honest reactionaries.
Ancap or Fascism
Anything tainted by bolshevism.
you clearly have no idea how socialism is implemented. just look at Venezuela.
Any collectivist ideology imo.
any one who considers themselves hoppeian """""an""""-caps must be executed on sight
Venezuela is as socialist as Denmark and Sweden are ie not at all. In scandanavia and venezuela most of the economy runs on the capitalist mode of production but resources have been nationalized.
I respect them more than other ancaps because they are smart enough to figure how their proposed system would work and they don't hide it, after all they're all reactionaries in the literal sense, except they have black-yellow painting.
Everyone else I have a little bit of time for, even fucking Ancaps and right-libertarians (who'd be second on my list of people to kill when the lights are out.) recognize that fundamentally, the world as it is now isn't functioning properly. Sure, some think the solution is to abolish the government and replace it with corporations, others think the solution is fascism and gassing all the Jews, and others still have this weird idea about worker ownership of the means of production (Personally, I just want to LARP the 1970s forever.), but fundamentally they could all agree the world right now is broken.
Not Neoliberals. You show them a graph of rocketing personal debt - doesn't matter - you show them that unemployment has never dropped to pre-1971 levels - doesn't matter - You show them that all sorts of quality of life indicators have dropped, and they'll come back that none of this matters because life expectancy in China went up, and if you have any objection to the killing of the western working class then you obviously just hate the global poor.
If you think that the world right now is fundamentally okay, and it only requires minor tweaks here or there that could be done within the scope of "electability" (i.e. in UK terms, Blairism for Labour.) then I hope you get an incurable flesh-eating disease. No ifs, no buts. The only people with any right to live on this earth are those who recognize that right now, it's fucked.
Pretty much this.
If you care about what the name of the dog is for the American first family, then you occupy the lowest rung in hell.
Fascists tbh because they are the only people who will legit murder me because I fuck dudes in the ass and my communist ideology.
Anything related to liberalism and capitalism.
If that's socialism then the U.S. is socialist.
Any flavor of indentarians trying to reconcile their spooks with socialism without getting a brain anyreusm, but 'Islamic Socialism' the most I guess.
I hate ancaps for their retarded easily exploitable system
I hate ethno nationalists for being unbelievably spooked.
I hate liberals for being so naieve and not being completely willing to admit to everything that's fucked about capitalism.
I hate anything revisionist
Self hatred is a bad thing, you should learn to love yourself instead.
ancaps, nazis (strasserites/nazbols included), fucking leftcoms.
ml duh
Radical cuckoldry.
To sum it all up Authoritarianism.
but oh boy I hate a lot of political Ideologies.
As if leftists know shit about politics.
what are you, gay?
Maoism is cancer. I am fine with regular tankies though, given that they are not idpollers.
Ethnonationalism is absolute garbage, just like Islamism and any other form of poitical ideology centered on religion.
The whole world is fucked by capitalism and it constantly gets worse, but let's just focus on white people fucking black people instead, because that's so much more important!
MTW in the third world is okay imo. MTW in the first world is the soicalist version of white kids calling you cracker
What does capitalist mode of production even mean?
Google it user.
private ownership over the means of production. or to put it in english, individuals or small groups (shareholders/the government) owning the things we use to make wealth such as factories mines or farms
I am confused about the whole thing but from the texts I've read I am starting to hate Marx and all other 'all together' ideologies.
I dont know anymore. I just think that our world is fundamentally objective, that we can figure out what is true and what isnt. And I think that this truth for politics is strength or might. Simply, first thing that makes 'all together' ideologies logically impossible for me are resources and number of people. There is not enough for everyone, if you are in a cell with 1 bread a day and 20 people, someone has to starve here. 'All together' ideologies offer no solution here. They just wank about magical luxurious gay space communism that's going to happen any moment now, that they are magically entitled to, and tolerate all weaknesses, making themselves weak. Right wingers, ancaps, fascists all recognize that there's some truth in this world, and that those truths are that only strength can guarantee you your rights and what's rightfully yours. You dont have any magical rights you cant earn. You dont have any excuses. You arent entitled to anything. Not even air. It is demonstrably false that all people are entitled to air, just look at someone suffocating for half a second, or to death, he wasnt entitled to air, and couldnt figure out a way to get air either.
So I dont know, I feel like this whole ideology wankery is extremely counter productive, I should abandon politics, focus on something else, on my own life, avoid all 'all together' people because they pull betters down, tolerate weakness and iresponsibility and believe in magical entitlements, and just focus on my life.
That sounds more like a definition of what property is. I guess my question is what other 'mode of production' is there if individuals don't own the means production and the public via the govt doesn't own the means of production?
Can someone for the love of everything debunk me this whole "might is right/equality is a false good/dog eat dog" thing?
I just FUCKING CANT think the other way. I think this is simply the truth. This is simply what happens. This simply describes and predicts reality.
Wolf eat sheep, bigger fish eat smaller fish etc.
I just CANT THINK ANYTHING ELSE about our world, and I am posting here because I think all of you debunked it, and now I need the debunk myself because I dont know anything anymore.
Either you know something I dont and my whole worldview is flawed, and I should learn this. Or you are all weaklings who perpetually find excuses to justify your existence, consider the world "unfair" to make yourselves feel better, and that's it.
What if porky is simply mightier, intellectually, or somehow otherwise, and if you dont suck at life you become one, and THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT??????
God damn I am sick and tired of wasting hours on reading books I have other shit to do I just need a yes/no to get this shit behind me and be free of it.
Obligatory image.
Marxism-Leninism and tankie thought in general. At least capitalism is honest and tells us that it is, in fact, capitalism. But when taking the form of state capitalism hiding behind socialist ideology, it is much harder to identify and eventually get rid of.
the one that we want, socialism, is where the workers own and control their workplace collectivly.
That sounds a lot like individuals owning the means of production though
yes and rams with horns gore wolves and wolves limp off to the forest and die. Musk oxen trample wolves to death. Elephants do the same. Dolphins laugh at everything in the sea except for Great White Sharks and they rarely bother dolphins
Herbivores are usually the dominant creatures in their ecosystems not carnivores. Herbivores grow to enormous size not omnivores and the very large predators are almost always harmless to other creatures (like Jelly Fish and Whales, they just extremely small organisms who are massively overpopulated if not consumed in large quanitities)
Next, within species especially within intelligent species, the more cooperation, the less conflict and chance for fragmentation of the whole group. The more competition and alienation, the more likely civil war or social unrest is.
The world is not fair, porky is often more intelligent than the workers. Strong, tall, good-looking people will always have an upper hand in socializing in groups (especially among stupid people who are insecure and sexually unsatisfied). But, the Bronzeage collapse was perpetuated by Semitic pirate manlets and manlet farmers raiding city-states run by Chad-Alpha warriors. the little guy has a tendency to get the last laugh (little Slavs storming Berlin, little manlets destroying the Bronzeage civilizations). And again, once predators get to a certain size they usually feed rarely (anacondas, great whites) and often only feed on very small organisms (whales) and usually the largest creatures in an ecosystem are herbivores not carnivores. Finally, to recap we notice that in subcultures where cooperation and collaboration is encouraged there is mutual investment and thus disincentive to rebel and fragment the group, in a competition based society there is constant rivalry and fragmentation of the culture. Philosophy and Religious cults often see fragmentation due to infighting between competing faction leaders and ideologies, whichever is best at persuading the masses wins (not necessarily the most correct).
Man, at least you are questioning things, which is way better than most.
It works great until you come across someone bigger and stronger than you. If you read Richard Dawkin's Selfish Gene he has a chapter about game theory were he shows mathematically everyone getting along is the best long term beneficial strategy for survival.
The problem with whining about entitlements is that it's manifestly possible to provide them. Hence why they're here.
The position thy take is essentially that you should never board an airplane because it involves countering gravity. Don't try to build anything nice, because suffering will always be here! If one person starves under communism because he tried to climb a mountain without packing lunch then it's just as bad as capitalism!
Anything involving politics centred around the identity. I swear, the people who spew idpol sound either ultra condescending or something out of a D and D.
These are all just pointless what-aboutism that I can always counter with a different flavor what-aboutism and so we go to infinity. Does nothing to change my worldview.
You construct an example favoring x, I construct one favoring y, we never get anywhere, we all get angry, or at least I get angry, I just cant keep doing this shit anymore.
It's literally bad for my health.
Fucking mathematics. Finally. Thank you. Cant bullshit math. Cant bullshit mathematical axioms and proofs. Cant pull any whataboutism in math.
Game theory. This is my cure for "might is right/dog eat dog". Guess at least I am progressing towards somewhere.
lmao ok go take your game theory autism to Holla Forums dude I hope you have fun debunking "might is right" the foundation of all right wing philosophy and darwinian theory. Have fun with that, oh and make sure to mention you got it from the Selfish Gene. I'm sure those dumb Holla Forumsyps who aren't mostly STEM majors and a large number of whom have degrees in Stats are going to fall for that.
holy fucking shit you are fucking stupid
honestly you make me want to vomit, you stupid fucking guillable autist. I gave you actual irrefutable counterexamples to might is right. They can't go around what I said. The biggest predator on Earth is a fucking Whale-Shark it doesn't bother other fish at all, it eats plankton. The biggest land animals are herbivores they don't eat other animals or give two shits about them. Wolves will mourn the deaths of their fellow pack-mates and other mammals and even reptiles will do the same. If it was truly ruthless there would be just predators all the way up the food chain
Seriously go to Holla Forums with the game theory post I am jumping out of my skin waiting to watch the math majors tear you a new one for being that fucking stupid and reductionist you idiot
burgerland """"""liberterianism"""""""
Statism anything, especially the ones on Holla Forums and Holla Forums who sit on their asses preaching all day.
What's the difference :^)
So much this. The neoliberal is not only terribly wrong idiot, he is an arrogant and aggressive one, and will use violence to further his exploitative class, while claiming itis benefiting you. All other ideologies, capitalist and socialist, are at least honest that some part of society will get the short end of the stick.
Ancaps are the absolute worst
Nazis or bordigists. I honestly can't tell.
Nihilism, hedonistic self obsessed a-political nihilism is the cancer that is rotting away the proletariat.
every ideology is shit
in my political system will be no pleace for ideology
This is the worst strawman I've ever seen on this board.
pure ideology
I don't think you understand what Maoism is. Reddit doesn't have any real ideology, they think Socialism = higher taxes and regulations. They're like Bernie identifying as a Democratic Socialist when he's a succdem.
It's people who actually work who own them, not some corporate fat cat who sits in an office all day getting rich off of things they don't do themselves.
Social Justice and those parts of leftism under its' spell - mostly Anarcho-Syndicalists and Left-Coms.
It's not explicitly spelled out as such in their platform, but they seem to consistently come out against everything that is good in life - the trifecta of Aesthetics, Lulz, and Feels.
They seem to always want to take away harsh edges - make things safer, more boring. No edgy dark humor, no playing rough. Laughing tends to come at someone elses' expense- that's excellent. Aesthetics implies judgment of superior and inferior quality, which is excellent. The polarity of masculine and feminine, hard and soft- complementary but opposite forces, feels normal and beautiful on an instinctual level, and yet we're supposed to hate our own instincts.
Tankie militarism in socialist or fascist forms- the spartan ideal- sacrifice for the cause, great conquest and adventure, saving the princess or returning from the front on victory day to embrace your sweetie, exploring space and annihilating dangerous xenos- it looks cool, it is emotionally resonant on a deep level. But these deep feels come from spooks like family, religion, or nation, or bourgeois notions of romance- they have to go.
Their views line up just often enough with neoliberals and no-borders libertarians to make things seem awfully suspicious- Of course there are hardliners who will decry any form of 'selling out' and collaborating with 'the man', but there are more than enough of them that go along with vapid normie idpol lib activism- facebook filters, clickbait articles, pictures of starving brown children with sad puppy eyes. I guess those technically are 'feels', but it seems so lacking in depth.
Neoliberalism is evil as shit, but to me, it seems too lacking in individuality to hate- it's just empty suits, a machine chugging along, devouring resources and spoiling the planet. Social justice is people of strong convictions, believing they're saving the world, while actually turning it into more of a bland, gray neoliberal shithole than it already is.
Baby Holla Forumsyp's first post
I feel like that's a very vague question, though perhaps that's intentional
Neo-liberalism is honestly the only right answer and this perfectly describes why.
Neo-liberalism more then any other rightist ideology swathes itself in a ridiculous veil of self-righteousness. Its main proponents are the bourgeoisie but its voters and ideological shock-troops are the professional classes in the West who benefit from all its core provisions.
Globalization hollowing out industry, who cares I keep my cushy knowledge economy job and get access to cheap consumer good. Unions being destroyed, cheaper consumer goods, no inflation, and no worry about pesky strikes. Welfare state being undermined, lower income taxes for me. Mass immigration undercutting workers wages, great I can hire a cheaper gardener and avoid any of the resultant social problems in my gated community.
The thing is professional class proponents of neo-liberalism will never admit they support it because it is in class interest. Even more dangerously many of them have genuinely bought into the faux-progressiveness which ideologically justifies it. They've twisted the values of the left and use them as a smoke screen to justify their economic program. We need free trade and mass immigration that is pretty much internationalism right? Plus isn't there something racist about not being open and diverse. Why do you cranks always go on about the working class? I though you cared about the oppressed but you're targeting a group that contains white males. A better policy that targets only the most marginalized is affirmative action.
This is why neo-liberalism is so difficult to fight they use a warped version of genuinely progressive values to defend their positions. This is also why its proponents are so infuriating, many have genuinely convinced themselves that they are on the side of the oppressed and we are in the wrong.
Libertarianism and Fascism are absolutely worse ideologies, but their moral claims are easy to fight against essentially boiling down to "fuck you I got mine" and "fuck you you're not from my tribe." The left can easily demonstrate the superiority of our moral vision when arguing with these groups and I think on some level they know that as well. Neo-liberals are the most dangerous because they have genuinely drank the kool-aid and justify themselves by claiming they are trying to follow progressive values. They remain our most dangerous enemies and they will be for quite some time,
This is why Nazbols, Tankies and Fascists are really the same thing and are all reactionaries. Not the anti-idpol just the retarded excuses for domination-hierarchy and idealistic, dream-like thought which abandons the duty of the mind to stay grounded in what is right and what is real. Aesthetics doesn't at all necessarily imply superior and inferior, especially if your subject isn't common reality or common perception of reality. The spartan ideal is conquering other nations and dominating them, massacring their men, taking their women as slaves and the men you don't kill as shock troops and slaves to work your fields (who you then hunt like animals once a year to prevent slave rebellion). Spartans were fascists.
You're not edgy and you can't see the darkness at all you blind fag
yes empty cavernous marble and limestone temples, empty and cavernous metal suits for knights and mercenaries and empty and cavernous homes and cities built for empty cavernous spooky cultures that have empty cavernous ideals that lead to empty cavernouy craters in EArth, did you forget that warfare now involves nukes and biological weapons? The stakes go up everytime we have a war, and have done so for 200 years now. You don't get to have an endless summer of parties and games and laughs and conquest and invention and marriage, there is always a price to pay for all of your pleasure and the funny thing about entropy is that it outpaces negentropic forces like life and culture. So no matter what you do, the darkness will consume you and your gay culture. Its fitting that Gondola has no eyes, because you can't see anything that's happening and don't want to.
You are right the world isn't fair and might makes right. That is why the working class will collectively overthrow our rulers and collectively take back what is ours.
Why are you getting so triggered man someone convinced him of our side. What you guys were arguing about ie how the animal world works is totally irrelevant to politics anyways.
Fascists. Anyone who says ancaps is braindead. A world populated by ancaps is going to be communist within a single generation, there's a reason free markets were universally abandoned and landlords with infinite overreach were murdered in china and russia.
nah, Biology>>>Culture>>>Politics
While that is a massive oversimplification. Can you explain why human culture is in a constant state of flux and varies all over the world if it is based on biology. I think you need to read Marx mate, pic related.
This. Half assed anarchists that actually think that anarchism is opposite of socialism
because the complex interaction between organism and ecosystem/biosphere as well as human bio-diversity are constantly in flux and shifting all the time. Thus culture and politics are always shifting and in flux.
Lol at being a materialist and not being a bio-materialist.
t. not even a materialist
The real enemy is still neoliberalism. Even if I grant you that idpol and SJWism will end fun, it still doesn't outweigh that neoliberalism will end human civilization. I'd rather throw a bone to the blue-haired crowd than spend precious time fighting them, when the real enemy is still running rampant, wasting scarce resources and polluting the commons.
Actually, homosexuality wasn't even against the law in Mussolini's Italy, whereas in the UK homosexuals were chemically castrated at the time.