What's your stance on Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Holla Forums?

What's your stance on Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Holla Forums?

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How come we never discuss Israel here?

There are 3 theocratic States in the world.
Vatican. Israel. ISIS.
At least Vatican doesn't want to drive other people out of their homes, mix religion with ethnicity and has support of economic conglomerates.

Nuke it, create a secular state called Levant without any religious or ethnic connotations and same rights and freedom of movement for everybody.

to avoid indesirables

here's the quick rundown tho: israel is shit

Most Muslim states are technically a theocracy since political and religious leadership is the same in Islam. Exceptions being the ones decidedly secular like Syria.

The Jews deserve everything they can hold.

Vae victis

Antisemitism and Zionism really do have a symbiotic relationship don't they


The PFLP needs to come back tbh

We have this thread every week, comrade.

Basically the current clusterfuck is a result of pan-arabist imperialists trying to stop anyone except themselves having any self-determination in the region. The Jews are basically the only lot who managed to get anything halfway decent out of the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire- the question isn't why Israel exists, it's why none of the other minorities (Druze, Kurds, etc) all got states as well.

tl;dr: the Israel/Palestine issue is almost always an excuse for people to throw tantrums about how much they hate Jews, under the guise of caring about "oppressed" people or as some kind of deformed "anti-imperialism" that reinterprets Jews as being whitey or something. The vast majority of people who care about the Israel-Palestine conflict don't give a fuck about Palestinians, or even Palestinian workers, it's an exercise in indirect anti-semitism and nothing more.

Answer should be obvious enough

Gas yourself schlomo

I can't believe cucks like you call yourselves leftist


Well that's exactly what Netanyahu would say.

These threads are nothing if not predictable.

He's the one spamming the German thread as well with Antideutsch IdPol claiming that racism against Jews is somehow more vile than racism against other people because muh history or antisemitism.

Pic related is what we have to deal with in Germany. Kill me


wtf, thats rare

You are the reason people become Nazis

Assad did nothing wrong and you know it you imperialist faggot

Thanks to the Jewish settlements, the West Bank is basically divided into three sectors.
You can't move from one "sector" into the other without crossing Jewish territory (and getting shit for it). Of course the settlements exist to create precedents.
You can't discuss that though, for it would be anti-Semitic, but I recommend you to visit Hebron. You have to see it with your own eyes, for you to believe it.

An independent Palestine will NEVER EVER happen. Whoever tells you it will is a smokescreen throwing deceiver.

"Anti-imps" are worse tbqh

do you know what tl;dr means


They are a small but (strangely) very wealthy minority.
Thanks to their wealth they happen to be very annoying though, and right-wingers love to pick them up and depict them as the sole representative of leftism for how badshit crazy they are.

Definitely COINTELPRO.

Yes, but only Israel and ISIS have religion above the state. And identify more with the religion than the state.

based ypg poster

Fuck off samefag

really there is nothing dumber than antiimperialists that cant explain why anyone would dare to disagree with them

I don't understand why these filthy mudslimes want to fight back when they village gets leveled by a hellfire missile

Man just kys

Yeah, even the father of Israel said that the jewish state was one set against antisemitism. If they stopped their genocide and imperialism, they would lose the hatred which gives their country meaning.


And people wonder why tankies take Rojava with a grain of salt considering that JDIF shills use their flag

I wonder what he will do when Rojavas interests clash with Israels expansionism at some point?

You should at least grant that this dude is particularly cunty. I tentatively support Rojava but anyone who thinks Israel is worth supporting even in lip service doesn't have any business even pretending to be on the left

like pottery

so you don't like rojava cause a rojava poster on a mongolian rock carving board posts pro isreal shit?

They where are you getting your money from?


God promised them Holy Land, but Canaanites already lived on it.
How did they "fixed" the problem? Read the bible.

This is what tankies actually believe.

w e w l a d

Pretty weak reasoning though.

I don't know who to support. Borders are bad, so in principle as many Israelis should be able to move into Palestine as they want, as rightful clay is a spook. OTOH Palestinians are anti-imperialist and more oppressed than Jews, who are not oppressed at all.


Dude, the department leader of the German secret service (Verfassungsschutz), which has been making headlines since they apparently have actual Nazis employed who murdered a dozen Muslim people, has literally praised the Antideutsche for their stance against the radical left. Same guy is notorious for hunting down communists.

You can't get more COINTELPRO than that

"w e w l a d" and a lazy strawman isn't an argument

seems legit


I don't hate the jews. Or even Jewdaism.
I only hate the state of Israel and those who support it.
Does that mean I hate Israelites? Ok then. Still not hating the Jews. IT'S NOT MY FAULT THEY MIXED RELIGION AND STATE!

The entire region is a clusterfuck, but papa bookchin was correct in his analysis. Or, at least, more correct than the kindof knee-jerk "jews are bad" stuff you see coming from tankies and the like every single time this thread pops up.

Israel sucks and so do the their Arab neighbors using the Palestinians oppression as an excuse to gain more territory. The difference between Druze and Kurds is that they have always lived in their regions while most non-Mizrahi/Ethiopian Israeli Jews descend from European colonialists. Regardless of Israel's history, the present Apartheid state, constant belligerency and aggression, it's inherent nationalism, and illegal occupation of territories is enough to say it's a disgrace that shouldn't have been created and shouldn't exist.

One retard with a YPG flag who unusually supports Israel is not representative of a non-ethnic Leftist state.

You're literally using the propaganda and reasoning of Zionists and American warmongers. It's like a Nazi saying that if you if you hate Nazi Germany that actually means you hate Germans, or if you hate the Russian Empire you actually hate Russians.

That's true, Jews should/should've be allowed to move into Palestine if they want/wanted, but they don't have the right to force people off their land, create a nation-state that protects their interests over the original inhabitants, or engage in warmonging and imperialism.

Again, pic related

Also, why do you think a conflict of interest between Rojava and Israel is so unlikely? With the erratic nature of the conflict this might very well happen.

lying cunt


How Black Lives Don't Matter in Israel:

Muh right to self-determination is liberal ethnic nationalist crap.

Yeah let's just separate all ethnic and religious minority groups instead of trying to live together.

Proud to be anti-Jew, not because of their "race" but because of their fuck-up tribalistic ethnoreligion.

Jews are literally worse than Hitler. They genocided even their fucking pets!

Nuke the kikes.

Nuke them right.

What's with all the obvious shilling ITT? Ethnostates are not leftist, end of fucking discussion. Israel is no more "owed" an ethnically and religiously pure state because of the holocaust than ISIS is owed theirs because of the Iraq war.

I'm glad your strawman was so obvious this time

Haaretz, which is locked behind a paywall and has 25% of its shares bought out by a literal Nazi family and has lied before.

Democratic Underground, literally a Democrat echo chamber with one guy just throwing around the quote

Twitter, just another guy throwing around the quote

Guardian, which does not give the source, again.

So no sorry those don't count as sources. Learn 2 research.

Those are some weak google skills user

Now I see what Hitler did when hated arguing with Jews




of quote

Still true. You still haven't given me the source.

You're sounding like neocon right-wingers who are acting as if the Middle East is just naturally in that state completely ignoring the last 100 years of imperialism.

Imagine I'd come into your house, rape your wife, nuke your living room, lock you in the basement and put barbwire arround you and then when you ask me to stop I answer: "Well this house is a mess anyway, you shouldn't use this as an excuse to try to be aggressive against me, since I'm of superior ethnicity due to my grandfather who got shoa'ed 70 years ago on a different continent which gives me the moral leverage to fuck you in the ass"

Fuck off back to whatever reddit hole you came out of, paid shill

why does there need to be a """""""source""""""" beyond what has been provided? what the fuck is wrong with your brain? what are you talking about?

kek keep posting that video bucko only makes you look bad to anyone with half a brain

Btw no one has yet refuted this based ypg poster

It's the "fake news" defense but without any charisma for follow through

We all know you're samefagging. When offered a source you just changed the definition of source. Your brain has too many holes to argue with it seems

the eternal kike, everybody

Don't mind if I do, child killer

You can't be fucking serious, this is either meme'ing or some next-level delusion. Source is literally couple of posts above you, I don't even know what's your point anymore.

Not him, but I honestly didn't see the actual source either. When and where did the general actually say that?

really makes you think

Israelites came into Canaan (the promised land) and started to behave like they owned this place. Far worse, than the worst rapefugee caricatures made by right-wingers.
Of course this will draw some opposition by local residents.

The Amaleks went out of their way to attack Israel first as they were still journeying out of Egypt. They struck first so it was justified.

what do you want, gps coordinates? does every news article provide a timestamp? have you even read news articles before?

really gets the noggin joggin

How Black Lives Don't Matter in Israel by Abby Martin

Reposting in case people missed.

Killing and brutalizing chickens like that for some spooked ritual is pretty fucking shitty, but it's also pretty ridiculous how upset it's making the protesters.

Anyway, hating Jews because of what some of them do is the same logic Holla Forumstards and SJWs use.

Ya, news articles are fucking shit in how they rarely give sources, but saying that secondary sources are the actual source is shitty research.

Notice how the shills desperately memorize talking points against any media that dares criticize their ethnostate? Never did a single person engage with any substantive claims about the video in . They just tried to send everyone on a goose chase for an irrelevant source. Because they know their position is absolutely untenable if you talk about any material claims

And let me guess. It's the reason it took them 40 years to cross Sinai?

Fixed one.


I think most ethnic jews hate orthodox jews for being evil backwards idiots.

And you don't have to explicitly hate either to despise Israel. Making it about jews is just a deflection from idpol nazis and zionists. Two sides of the same coin that would die before ever admitting it might be a separate issue.

See, this is why nobody can take you seriously. There are way more Jews in Israel who are there because they were purged and pogromed from other former Ottoman Empire territories in the early-mid 20th century, than there are ones who are European. About two thirds of Israeli Jews are there because they were made refugees by various surrounding dictatorships and theocracies, they're not there because of anything that happened in Europe.

If you want to lay all the blame on the West, you have to say that breaking up the Ottoman Empire was a bad thing: which raises the question why "anti-imperialists" refuse to attack every other state in North Africa and the Middle East with equal vigour. Alternatively, if you think the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire was a good thing, the criticism lies in the way the Western powers drew the boundaries in the aftermath of the first world war, which again means focusing on how various pan-Arabist and nationalist groups undermined attempts to give oppressed minorities in the region their own countries, such as how Jordan annexed the entire West Bank for almost twenty years after Israel was founded, or how Egypt did the same with Gaza.

The only way to be critical of Israel and maintain a remotely defensible position is to argue that we should be looking towards building some kind of confederal system, while giving equal attention to the imperialist actions of other actors in the region. Otherwise, it just ends up with people targeting one particular country based mostly on the fact that they just happen to be Jews, rather than it being a legitimate criticism based on Israeli foreign policy.

The reason why quite a few leftists tend to lean towards Israel is simply that we understand that one random nation state isn't the issue, and that if Israel stopped existing overnight it wouldn't change anything for the better and would only empower the dominant imperialist forces in the region while removing a semblance of self-determination from an oppressed people. Until such a time as we don't have to worry about Jews being massacred and wiped out, then Israel existing is better than the alternative. If you want people to stop supporting Israel, you need to remove the conditions that mean Israel has to exist in the first place.

Based Finkelstein

That's not what the "israel is just fascists + promised land" left is about.

Now that's where you are wrong!

Israel's sole purpose of existance is to promote US interests on the area.

Lol at being this lawcucked. No, the analysis of the situation doesn't change depending on which porky state divided and oppressed the people within their constructed regions, "socialist"

Sorry bro, I got it off a webm thread way back

Why? Don't you have compassion? What if it were cats? Heck what if it were any other type of bird, like peacocks or parrots?

Obviously I don't hate good jewish people, including those who mistakenly believe Judaism is also a universal religion, not the tribal religion that it is.

Seems like arguing with your typical alt-right white nationalist.

We have a word for people like you over on Holla Forums

Does it start with a "c"?

We have a word for people like you here on Holla Forums. It also starts with "c".

More post truth zionist bullshit

hello PissPigGranddad

Untrue, half of Israeli Jews are Ashkenazim, while Mizrahi have a higher birthrate, skewing the demographics, and only immigrated to Israel after it was founded. Perhaps Europeans creating a new ethnostate in a land that was already established might've caused a surge in antisemitism.
They usually do, typically for being theocratic dictatorships; Israel is unique in its colonial history, its Apartheid state, and its constant aggression against its neighbors.
No, that's not the only way.
Yes, plenty of Leftists also shit upon KSA and Turkey.
That's neocon Zionist bullshit.
No Leftist supports an imperialist Apartheid nation-state.
It would for the Palestinians.
Israel isn't in conflict with KSA or Turkey.
Jews haven't been oppressed in the West for half a century while calling their imperialist state "self-determination" is blatant Zionist newspeak.
In most of the world, there is no such worry. This isn't the '40s anymore. Now it's the Jews doing the massacring.
I believe everyone here is against imperialism and capitalism.

Kosher opinion discared

Sure I have compassion, and if it was any other animal I'd feel the same way. But crying and singing vaguely holocaust-ish songs while there's much worse shit going on in the world is just being an oversensitive liberal. I don't like chickens being tortured, but I dislike people being be slaves or dying from preventable famines and diseases much more.

I don't much care for Israel and to-a-man their defenders have been awful people, but this image has always annoyed me.

What happened in 1947?
Oh yeah, the Arab states started a war instead of accepting the partition plan. Then they lost the war. Oops.
What happened in 1967?
Oh yeah, the Arab states geared up for a war and got pre-emptively BTFO. They lost the war. Oops.
What happened in 1973
You'll never believe this, but… the Arab states started a war… and… got BTFO! actually they did relatively okay and the war was basically just Egypt trying to undo the humiliation of the last war but shush. Then the Americans helped supply Israel so Saudi Arabia did the oil embargo and social democracy died. I blame the Saudis, though. FUCK the Saudis.

I've some sympathy for Israel's right-of-conquest argument to the territories in the image for that reason. If you start a war, don't complain when you get beaten by the other guy.

Saudi Arabia surely counts as a pseudo-theocracy.
(And maybe Iran, on paper at least.)

My grandma was born in palestine. her childhood neighbors and best friend was jewish

Then in the 50's a bunch of zionists came and stole her home and all her parents jewlery and made her and her mom ride on a donkey all the way to syria to live as refugees from the land they lived on since the dawn of time. Oh yeah they also straight up murdered her dad.

Ever since then she's hated "Yahood". all she does is shit talk zionists.

Why would anyone in the world think this hatred of zionists isn't justified? If a bunch of fascists stole all your shit, kicked you out of your home, and murdered your dad who was a mayor of a small town, all to build a racist religious state and you said you hated that group of people for it and someone said "NO DUDE BEING ANTI-ISRAEL IS BEING ANTI-SEMETIC YOU ARE A RACIST" wouldn't you want to punch them in the fucking face?

pic related, her

Israel is an irrelevant USA colony. If we get ride of USA…Israel will die fast or accept his status of irrelevant contry, thus stopping killing nuclear scientists in UAE and Iran and god knows what more has the Mossad did under the protection of USA.
Israel is also a very racist country as we can see how they treat the jewish community from Ethiopia.

israelis are incredibly racist people

the one thing muslims had going for them is islam getting rid of racism in the middle east (blacks and whites are seen as equal, malcolm x talks about this in detail in some of his last speeches as well)

but israelis are incredibly fucking close knit racist people, more so against blacks than light skinned arabs/turks

Friendly reminder

Israel-Palestine is an apartheid state whose continued unwavering support in the US is the very reason everyone in the Middle East hates us.

This should work
Then create an atheist state

Ionizing Radiation causes too much damage to DNA.
giant bombs kill too many innocent people, animals, and plants.
Just assassinate leaders.

Abby's getting a lot bad at reducing the annoying spooky bullshit in her videos. She may be a respectable journalist yet.

But it is fun

a lot *better

That was probably her most professional Empire Files I've yet seen.

Fucking cute little commie girl just wanting to blow everyone up.
I'm going to have to hold your hand, hold you in my arms, and whisper in your ear about how our future children will live in a communist utopia until you learn to love life more than death

Israel is a fucking mess and has been for millennia


based ypg poster btfo everyone itt

Intermarriage leads to there being a proportion of people who are both part European and part Mizrahi, but overall Mizrahi outnumber Ashkenazim. This isn't rocket surgery. Do you also think black people in the US are magically considered "white" if they have a white grandparent or a white great-grandparent?

"I side with workers instead of nation states" is leftist. "I don't agree with Israeli foreign policy but I support Jewish self-determination" is leftist. "Arab imperialists and theocrats use Palestinians as a scapegoat and we should oppose them" is leftist. "We should target the conditions that cause Israel to be necessary, like stopping anti-semitism" is leftist. What isn't leftist is regurgitating retarded tin-foil infowars-tier conspiracy theories.

Jews are being knifed, shot, and having their places set on fire in muh privileged first world liberal democratic countries like *France* among other places. None of them have anything to do with Israel besides having a religion in common. I've been assaulted myself for having Hebrew writing on a shirt, it was a fucking Israeli soccer club and that was enough to have someone I've never met in my entire life try to punch on.

The US built Tel Aviv and were behind the Kibbutz movement? Haven't heard that one before.

I only wish I could be that cute ):

It's incidental. Israel's sole purpose is to provide a homeland for Jews and act as a physical deterrent to future attempts to Remove Bagel, as happened in most of Europe and the Middle East in the mid 1900s.

But it does, though. Pro Rojava group in my city maybe gets a dozen people. An Assadist rally held today had about 20 people. The last anti-Israel rally got about a thousand. In context, however: the Syrian Civil War has killed twenty times as many people than the entire Israeli-Palestinian conflict has in the last half century, yet people don't care as much about that. Hell, where are the people protesting against Saudi Arabia's imperialist actions in Yemen? Where are the people protesting Erdogan? They just don't fucking exist. They only care when they can point their fingers at Jews, and that's a problem. Even in this thread, a far more moderate position than my own, that leftists should side with workers regardless of nationality, instead of being spooked and supporting a bourgeois or nationalist group, is considered wrong… and it's difficult to think of another conflict in which that's the case.


I'm starting to understand why Hitler hated you fucks

if it's true that history always comes full circle
then I look forward to the second holocaust

Israel is also a theocracy CIA shill.

I'm having trouble finding specific numbers for the current population; what I know is that Israel was created by Westerners with the West's help, and now serves as the West's proxy state in the ME, that Mizrahi came after Israel was founded and the war ended, and even if they immigrated because of antisemitism in their land, (which is ignoring any economic or ideological reasons) likely spurred on by the creation of Israel, that does not justify taking the land from the original inhabitants, imposing a state they didn't ask for, and creating an Apartheid state for the ones without citizenship, which while automatic for Jews, is not for Palestinians who have lived there for generations.
This isn't a question of race, it's a question of the origin of Israel and the source of its modern Jewish inhabitants.
Jewish self-determination is just a polite way to say Jewish nationalism which is decidingly not Leftist.
Yes, but that does not mean ignoring the actual oppression of the Palestinians, which are unfortunately are also mistreated by other Arab states.
Yes, like Imperialism.
No. The answer to idpol and oppression is not idpol and oppression done by the former victims.

2 and 1/2 out of 4 isn't bad.
What did I say that could possibly be considered a conspiracy theory?
Same with many other ethnic minorities. As a whole, Jews are more educated and wealthier than the majority populations, and disproportionately more apart of the Bourgeoisie. This is not the '40s, outside of the ME there is not systematic and widespread discrimination or oppression of Jews. Even if there was, this does not mean that the creation of a nation-state is the appropriate or justifiable answer.

You have not managed to successful defend or refute Israel's colonialist beginning, it's current constant aggression, it's oppression of the original inhabitants or it's role as a proxy state, among many other things.

Arab Fascism isn't any better than Jewish Fascism.

How surprising.

Fuck off red liberal.

Yeah, respect the pronouns; It's "authoritarian" and "dictatorship"

Stalin knew how to deal with those pesky little rats.


Apologize for not having Tabasco for this but: AFAIR in Norway there was a survey about harassment based on group belonging a few years ago. Turns out Jews were still the group of people most exposed to harrassment.

quit your guilt trip
jews today are not jews before ww2
fuckers carved their little home and think that sucking american cock will keep them safe
chosen people, my ass
I'm glad that they will be on the front line if shit hits the fan

I said discrimination and oppression, not harassment and insults. In the West's narrative, Jews are the innocent victims, Israel is the good guy fighting against barbaric Muslims (along with being the US's greatest ally), the American religious right worships them and Israel, and all too often criticism of Israel or Judaism is shouted down with remarks of "antisemitism!" Individual Jews do face individual racism against them and that's not good or acceptable, but systematically they are advantaged.

I'd be happier, maybe even sympathetic, if the Israelis stopped with these half-measures and just took what they wanted. The quicker they do this the quicker people will stop pretending they care about Palestine. Look how many people still give a shit about Tibet.

KGB Operatives helped to set up early Israel so it must ok?

Literally spooked by religion
Also didn't apo get caught by the IDF?

Maybe this was Hitlers real plan all along?

The Soviet Union was only in favor of an Israeli state as long as it'd remain in a federacy with a Palestine one, it's why they grew hostile towards what Israel became through imperialist backing.

This is some special case of historical revisionism here. Jews have been living in the middle east since millenia and the states you call "Arab imperialist nationalists", like Syria, are the ones enforcing minority protection over ancient communities of Jews and Christians. The states allied with Israel are actually the ones being islamist imperialist shitholes like the KSA or Turkey. And these states are hated amongst any "anti-imperialist". Furthermore, it's Israel itself that made some Arabs antisemitic in the first place. Read

You'd also support Rhodesia and Apartheid South Africa? Because, untill we stop having to worry about whites being massacred we should support them as they are the better alternative.

Forgot pic

Maybe the discussion should be about how the bourgeoisie and political elite of different ethnicity and religion pit the working class of the respective ethnicity and religions against one another to create a cycle of hatred. Not which state has a right to exist and whatnot…

Also, let's not delude ourselves into thinking there isn't rampant antisemitism among leftists. I'm not talking about antisemitism as religious nutcases or Jewish bourgeoisie or Israeli media defines it, but real hatred for Jews. I know plenty of would-be comrades who jumps at any chance to unironically trash talk Jews and and daydream about glassing Israel. I honestly don't get the left's obsession with Israel and Jews and not giving a shit about other oppressed minorities besides Palestinians.

Fuck Israel, fuck Palestine, long live to the people.

Just GTFO won't you?

your gran was a qt

Why did you take off the YPG flag faggot? Please try to stick to one (The Feds) flag.

Too bad they didn't kill you. Nobody forces you to associate with Israel.

I would also punch a guy for having Runes writing on a shirt in a soccer club of a white-exclusive country.

Stop samefagging you autist

There are entire subcultures and outlets dedicated to almost nothing BUT the Syrian conflict you deluded simpleton. Considering the comparative lengths of the conflict the Syrian one gets way more coverage


With spicy opinions like that prevailing in some spaces, it's almost like the Jewish people need to defend themselves! Maybe they should have like, a bit of their homeland returned to them, maybe with a strong tradition of communistic communal farms, with the ability to defend themselves until they reach full communism? Has anyone thought of that idea before?

Yeah netanyahu is just a few rough patches away from that communist reform

Fuck you, you deserve all the gas.


Come on boy, having runes on your shirt doesn't make you a WN, it could mean that you just like metal

By basically every measure- rights for workers, rights for women, rights for minorities, rights for deviant faggots like myself, Israel is better than most of the other alternatives. Another tinpot dictatorship or theocracy is a step backwards and a step away from communism, as distasteful as the current centre-right government is.

The fact that other places in the Middle East are shit doesn't excuse the Israeli apartheid state.

Israeli & Palestinian proles should arm up and overthrow the capitalists

Lol so NOW the lesser of two evils is a good ideological base? You people are seriously embarrassing to the left


This is really telling. In what way is capitalism with a veneer of democracy any closer to communism than some autocratic regime? Communism isn't more bourgeois democracy. We aren't playing an rts where the communism skill tree only unlocks when you hit bourgeois democracy. Stop spewing headass drivel and read a book.

Leftists side with Israel
Liberals side with Palestine

AIPAC confirmed leftist

Not american but nice try

Why hasn't this Zionist shill been banned? They're promoting a position that anyone with even a vague grasp of history recognizes is bullshit. This isn't funny like basement dwelling neo-nazi ramblings because this is an ongoing genocide he is shilling for.

That would be a rpg my friend

Death to all zionists

Are you retarded? We weren't talking about you

lmao are you retarded

no it isnt

drop that fucking flag

this ypg poster is a fucking fraud

Well I'm not the one who said "leftists side with Israel" and got indignant about it and made it personal when challenged. No, the people who support Isreal (e.g. AIPAC) are largely not leftist in the slightest. Now convince me that you not being American is relevant to that at all you invalid.

Don't freak out too hard, it's an obvious shill come here to troll

Nah this dude is a regular poster. He pops up in almost every thread related to Israel.

I have noticed a YPG flag poster who goes on bullshit "race realism" rants despite other communalists telling them to fuck off and drop the flag. I wouldn't be shocked if it was the same person.

I unironically agree with this poster. OP should be banned for life for making a thread that manages to be this fucking retarded.

however, it was interesting to see the material other anons posted BTFOing this Zionist shill, especially the one about forced sterilization of Ethiopians.

it's not even remotely surprising that the apartheid lover hasn't responded to that.

improve the world and kill yourself in real life OP.


Palestinians don't want a fundamentalist Islamic state.

Then that is a terrible indictment of the mod team. Zionists are just another flavor of racial supremacists, and if they're not here to engage honestly but are instead here to argue in bad faith and spam there should be no tolerance.

Honestly both sides kind of suck

This thread is 170 comments long and over half of them are people having a cry that they have to try and defend indefensible positions about why they target Jews more than other groups, demanding mods grant them a safe space from the evil communalists calling them out for their pathetic racist bleating about how everyone who is neutral or leans towards Israel in the conflict deserves to be gassed and killed. The core problem of the middle east isn't that THE JEWS exist, it's the politicians, landlords, oil barons, juntas and fanatical clerics who have every interest in ensuring people are focused on the fact Israel dares to exist, instead of attacking their ruling classes. Paraphrasing Ocalan, strong communal and democratic institutions within Israel are positive things that give them competitive advantage over their neighbours, and any attack on Jewish self-determination is an attack on the eventual proposed communalist fabric of the entire region. No matter how much you wished Hitler finished the job or fantasize about driving an oppressed minority into the sea, they're not going anywhere, and the only opinion for any serious leftist is to push for a more stringent adoption of democratic ideals throughout the region, from which an eventual confederal arrangement can emerge.

tbh I'd probably have a lot more respect for some of you upper-class liberals LARPing as radicals if you'd just admit you hate Israel because it's full of Jews instead of trying to cloak it behind layers of tankie "anti-imperialism" or whatever.


So your main thing is you thing an Israeli government would be more lenient on your sexuality than an Arab/Muslim one? I guess I see where you're coming from.



Lol, butthurt over days of blatantly shilling for Israel without a single argument except for calling everyone who disagrees with you racist. What the fuck did you expect? Fucking liberal.

Go back to and watch it until you're shamed out of using the crocodile tears every time you're challenged

ADL: the thread

This thread is 170 comments long and over half of them are people having a cry that they have to try and defend indefensible positions about why they target Whites more than other groups, demanding mods grant them a safe space from the evil communalists calling them out for their pathetic racist bleating about how everyone who is neutral or leans towards Rhodesia in the conflict deserves to be gassed and killed. The core problem of the middle east isn't that THE WHITES exist, it's the politicians, landlords, oil barons, juntas and fanatical clerics who have every interest in ensuring people are focused on the fact Rhodesia dares to exist, instead of attacking their ruling classes. Paraphrasing Ocalan, strong communal and democratic institutions within Rhodesia are positive things that give them competitive advantage over their neighbours, and any attack on white self-determination is an attack on the eventual proposed communalist fabric of the entire region. No matter how much you wish anuddah shoah finishes the job or fantasize about driving an oppressed minority into the sea, they're not going anywhere, and the only opinion for any serious leftist is to push for a more stringent adoption of democratic ideals throughout the region, from which an eventual confederal arrangement can emerge.

tbh I'd probably have a lot more respect for some of you upper-class liberals LARPing as radicals if you'd just admit you hate Rhodesia because it's ruled by white people instead of trying to cloak it behind layers of SJW "Black Lives Matter" or whatever.

for a minute there I thought there was a new wordfilter in play

mods, do Israel = Rhodesia please

Honestly, that's sortof one of the reasons why I started leaning towards Israel in the first place: you can't really discuss what kind of political or social organisation you'd rather have instead of neoliberal capitalism if you're gonna get thrown off a building for being a faggot. As far as I understand, this is the same logic as to why a lot of minorities in the region (Druze, Circassians, etc) tend to be fairly militant zionists- they would rather side with the Jews because then at least they're mostly left the hell alone to practice their faith and traditions instead of being forced to convert to kebabism on threat of being butchered.

You can, actually, critique Israel without being an anti-semite. I don't think even the most hardcore antideutscher would say all criticism of Israel is anti-semitic. I think Ocalan, Bookchin, and other leftists who critique Israel's "occupation" of the West Bank while simultaneously pointing out the kind of arguments I've made in this thread are certainly not being anti-semitic in their critiques of Israel: they have an accurate understanding of the historical and social context and this expresses itself through a constant theme of opposing the traditional domineering forces in the region, with Israel's existence being a secondary consideration. If you read the thread, there's very few attempts for people to explain why they focus on a relatively small state, that just happens to be full of Jews, more than other far more militant imperialist actors in the region, and there's very few people articulating what they'd see as an alternative to the current situation outside of wishing The Jews would just magically stop existing.

I'm not american, but I think a lot of the ADL stuff is grounded and empowered by the fact so much criticism of Israel *is* anti-semitic. If you want people like that to stop silencing their opponents, the obvious weak point is to get rid of the large body of critique that is grounded in anti-semitism so that people who have an interest in defending Israel can't swat away critique by labelling it as inherently tied to hatred of Jews. Even if I did agree with some of the anons here about Israel doing "bad things" I can't exactly express that when that critique is so tied to people who literally think people should get knifed for wearing a soccer guernsey, or people who think some shitty desert on the other side of the planet is somehow the most pressing issue of our time that outweighs every other consideration.