are you preparing for the revolution?
at least lift your body
Are you preparing for the revolution?
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Do some cardio, not this vanity training. A big stick or a stabber quickly compensates for a lack of muscularity. You NEED to be able to run for a prolonged period when the other fucker is trying to serve you a lead salad.
Yeah, 3 days a week. Was kind of messed up last week though due to an injury at work but I'll be back in the gym this week.
Also shamelessly posting this thing I made for revolutionary preparation.
Bodyweight training isn't going to make you look very muscular. It's a very basic level of strength you should strive for so you can at least carry that big stick.
Fucking plebs.
that video allways make me laught
shake your balls, user
Running away isn't going to be very effective in overthrowing the bourgosise come revolution now will it?
For running, starting from the coach.
Sorry, couch.
i like the animu girl version
I started on this routine a couple of months back, it has been very effective for me.
Also this. I went from never having run in my life to doing 3 5K runs a week following this routine. I wager even the fattest weeb cunt on this indonesian embroidery forum could follow this and succeed.
Can't recommend the 100 pushup challenge, though. You're better off progressing through to more difficult pushups (eg diamond pushups, incline, one-armed, etc). Training endurance with 100 pushups will come at the cost of strength.
Might as well ask again.
Count your fucking calories.
Nice autism.
Also it's not that there is no such thing as localised fat, it's that there's no such thing as spot reduction, ie targeted fat reduction.
Also also what's your routine? You're not gonna get gainz doing 10000 x 1kg bicep curls.
The most satisfying thing about the apocalypse will be knowing that my race is run. You guys have fun though.
Lifting is a meme. It will get you killed when your grip slips and you drop weights on yourself or fall. Do lots of cardio and eat very little and watch that ugly muscle waste away. The thinner you are in a revolution, the harder you are to see.
This is cool and all but why waste all that time when the best cardio can be done in 4 minutes (plus warm-up and cool-down). And you can do it with any exercise as long as you go maximum effort.
Does that mean I can become invisible if I do enough cardio?
This, where you lose fat is determined by your biology not your activities. I have noticed that sometimes I seem to lose fat from one area and other times I seem to lose fat from another, so maybe if you figured out your personal intricacies you could plan workouts around a schedule but that's speculation. You actually can do spot reduction, but not with exercise. If you make certain spots cold for extended periods, it will cause some fat to be converted from white fat to brown fat, and the brown fat to burn the white fat for heat. The solution is to get in the shower and do what women do masturbating with the shower head hitting your crotch area, but put the water on cold. Do as cold as you can stand it for as long as you can stand it.
I am counting calories. How else would I have become 6kg underweight in the first place? The problem is that no matter how damn much weight I lose, the fat in those areas never goes away. I know that every body has different priorities on the places it stores and removes fat from, but this is ridiculous. It's like my body chose those 3 areas to deposit all my fat.
My routine is run-of-the-mill 3-4x8-10, max weight possible. I reckon my diet has been less than perfect, but no gainz at all is still kinda absurd. My strength tripled by now, yet no muscle. At this rate I'll end up like a cartoon character, an ugly skinnyfat fuck with Superman strength.
Yeah that's what I'm afraid off. /fit/ keeps saying "everyone can get results breh", yet the only cause I can see for my predicament is genetics. If my body insists on prioritizing those 3 spots, then as far as I can see, the only way to finally trim them down is to reach fucking 0% body fat, then pray my body spreads it better as I go back to average weight.
Have you considered suicide?
Are you sure it's not just loose skin? Also, read this again. You can spot reduce by exposing the area to the cold. Google it.
Yes, 6 days a week. Get your sleep and lift heavy
SS is better recommended
made me crack an irl smile, thanks for that user
Often, yes.
I looked for photos of the infamous loose skin, and every time I do I have to conclude that it doesn't seem to be my case.
Oh yeah, I also forgot to thank for the cold spot reduction thing. Thanks to you both.
Unironically thanks for this. Ive actually been looking for workouts I can do without equipment since Im I poor american that lives 20 miles away from civilization.
Localized fat DO exist, but is rare as fuck
See a doctor, he will know
I reckon you'll find that running away is going to be pretty basic strategy in guerilla warfare against a superior enemy.
Two gastrologists and a nutritionist saw nothing, to say nothing of doctors of other, non-related specialities. Which one should I try next? Endocrinologist? Sports doctor?