You are now the dictator of the USA for one day. What will you do in that short time limit?
You are now the dictator of the USA for one day. What will you do in that short time limit?
suicide by nukes
Become dictator for life.
Amend the Constitution so that it is no longer a legally binding document and then divide up each state's legislative districts using an impartial algorithm in order to decentralize power. Then I would drop a neutron bomb on Wall Street without any prior notice. I would also dismantle the entire American military apparatus and reveal all its secrets to the world. After my reign of terror the American empire would be a shell of its former self.
Also I would nuke every single ivy league school and order the assassination of each school's economics department should they survive the bombing.
bretty gud.
What's wrong with the constitution?
It was written with the intent to keep power in the hands of the wealthy dudes that wrote it. Despite the amendments which have extended voting rights the government is still far more responsive to the wills of the wealthy.
That sounds more like a problem with our constitution specifically rather constitutionalism.
It's an insanely porky document. The American people would be better off if it was forgotten. The only good amendment is the 2nd and that's it.
for sure
I shitposting on twitter and 8/pol/.
Does anyone else have any ideas what they would do if they became the dictator of the USA for 24 hours?
Bomb Israel and Saudi Arabia/Turkey?
Kill bankers and most executives, lobbyists, and their political allies?
Mandatory gay space communism on the international space station
Let's be realistic.
You have 24 hours before the bourgeoise will try to reverse everything you have enacted.
The point is to create irreversible change and make it impossible for things to "return to normal".
Ban the capitalist ownership model of business, and immediately convert all businesses operating in the US to worker cooperatives with elected councils replacing boards of directors.
Ban wage labor and implement workers' profit sharing.
Ban all current forms of welfare and implement UBI indexed to inflation.
Ban political contributions and implement public financing of elections.
Force a one-time reeducation program for all Classcucks who say we should go back to capitalism.
Gulag all the corporate executives and large shareholders.
I destroy all the communication computers with a big magnet after they start making gay space communist love.
In reality, I'd probably just replace all the supreme court justices and alter the constitution in a way that would decentralize the legislative and executive branch of government and any attempt to reform them laws would have to be dealt with by my supreme court.
The only way to do that is with guns and bombs. Most leftists nowadays lack the resolve for that. My plan would be to fuck with the constitution in such a way that porky would have to get rid of it (since amending it would be a near impossibility.) Also I would try to cripple America's espionage capabilities as much as possible.
Purge like no one has ever purged before
Come on Leftypol, if you were dictator for the day in the USA, what would you do?
Declare a national emergency and that our peace is in jeopardy, use the NSA to find mostly everyone who ever posted on /r9k/ and Holla Forums, deploy the national guard and preform genital mutilation on all of them to the tune of what a clown might make of a balloon animal.
That would satisfy me for at least a year.
Pay off Brendans alimony
Good thing you aren't our dictator you absolute cretin.
Not them, but what would you do instead?
b a l k a n i z e
this map is kind of shit but i couldnt find the USSA federation one which is a bit better
obviously balkanization would create millions more problems im just so fucking sick of the politics here i want to make a hundred new identities for people to hate and compete over so we can have something other than slavery legacy racism arguments. white and black people in the US have identities defined almost entirely by not being the one theyre not and weird pathological power struggle bullshit and honestly its so boring I wish we could just have like Californian v. Coloradian ethnic tension insteas
The goal is to destroy America's ability to meddle with other nations for decades to come.
OP Here
I would bomb Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Chechnya, the Gulf States, Pakistan, and nuke North Korea.
I would kill all bankers, corporate executives, all pro corporate politicians, and even execute without trial the Clintons, the Bushes, Obama, Cheney and Co,etc.
I would repeal the Patriot Act and make various amendments to the constitution to make it impossible for the bourgeoise to reclaim power once i'm gone. I would have term limits on all offices, including judges, I would sack the current Supreme Court and replace them with communists/anarchists.
I would abolish the old constitution and replace it with a communist one, nationalize the banks, pharma, agriculture, defence, private prisons.
I would ban all corporate donations and make it the death penalty for any politician that takes money from a corporation, think tank, or organization.
There's much more to be done, I would also free Assange, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, give them and Noam Chomsky medals of Freedom and government positions.
I would create the secretary of the environment and make it law that no one with an agenda hostile to the environment can hold that office i.e. be an oil/fracking executive or previously worked in such industries or ever take money from them.
I would have the killings televised live internationally, nationalize the media, make Jimmy Dore and Noam Chomsky the men in charge of controlling the media.
Slavoj Zizek would become the first secretary of philosophy and would seek to expose and identity all ideology, and educate the masses.
Plis don't lump me in with Texas- I hate those redneck bastards.
So Nazi, what would you do if you were the dictator in the USA for 24 hours?
Establish a dictatorship of the proletariat and abolish all bourgeois institutions of power.
Legalize prostitution
classify lolicon with real cp and make it illegal
10 year prison sentences for spouse or child abuse
Weaken our broken copyright system- things go public domain after 30 years or death of the creator, copyrights/trademarks can not be transferred or sold, and put an end to this "sue someone for thousands if they download one song" bullshit y making the fines only 3X retail value- still allows for strong punishments for pirates that operate on a large scale but doesn't fuck over the small timers who do one thing. And put an end to shit like TPP or anything else that wants to jail people over it.
At the same time, strengthen aspects that are too weak- namely, big corporations won't be able to steal from small people and get away with it. Your defense against immoral or illegal moves by big business should not depend on whether you have the money to hire lawyers.
Legal protection for corporate whistleblowers.
Use RICO to disband the MPAA, RIAA and similar groups and jail their CEOs.
Legalize gay marriage, transgender rights, HUMAN rights basically. No more denying human rights over hurt religious feelings.
Cut all diplomatic ties with Russia, they are simply not worth it. Putin is an oppressive homophobic murderer anyway. Probably cut all ties with Israel and ME countries as well, let them go at each other without our intervention. Being over there isn't helping us. The oil isn't worth the terrorists that we keep making.
Jail time for school bullying, guaranteed NO PUNISHMENT for bullied kids who fight back. That'll solve the fucking problem right there.
Put a statue of Denis Leary in his home town, solely to watch Bill Hicks fans cry even more bitch tears over one goddamned remark about Keith Richards that hundreds of people had made.
Nuke my own nation to dust.
oh and I'd not only pardon Snowden, I'd make him VP.
George Zimmerman and Darrel Wilson would also be hanged.
Because it's totally the same.
It's too late fam
Expel all current politicians and corporate executives and put them on trial for treason, war crimes and other capital offenses after amending the Constitution so such cases cannot be dropped before a verdict is rendered once they've been set in motion. Most of them would get a death sentence.
Pardon/free high-profile victims of political persecution (Manning, Assange, etc.).
Establish a commission of top scientists to explore geoengineering solutions for climate problems.
Legalize weed, prostitution, gay marriage, all that stuff.
Revitalize the space program.
Institute universal health care.
Go after the media and academia, fire every last corporate shill from them and make sure they can never work in their field again. Have the worst of them tried and executed to make a point.
Oh yeah, and kill this asshole and every other drug warrior-tier, freedom-hating chode who thinks they're qualified to run other people's lives for them and screams bloody murder over completely fucking harmless shit regardless of what any of their other beliefs are. Lower the age of consent to 14 in any country where it's higher (because I have nukes) and change the porn laws to where anyone above it can participate, and then create a national holiday dedicated to pissing on this faggot's grave.
What a surprise, the morality policing retard doesn't understand theory and/or is a liberal who got lost on their way to /r/socialism.
You're no better than he is.
Set up a huge set of leaks, of every incriminating document that has ever existed, to be released non-instantaneously and widely distributed (probably including pamphets and such in the mail).
Send a huge cache of weapons, tech and other supplies to every leftist revolutionary force around the world.
Missile strike the parliament buildings in every country in the world, as well as buildings of various other state apparatus, creating chaos which hopefully is enough for some of the revolutionaries to take advantage of.
Have killed various people who would likely try and put things back together after the day is done.
24 hours is not enough to simply remove capitalism, only enough to set its death in motion.
This desu
Nothing people here or in Holla Forums will like.
Do you mean this one?