Politigram anarchists are just edgy democrats

Instagram anarchists are mostly just idpollers.

Theres the problem fam.

I got ip banned for saying I was a Nazi on April 1st. The administration and community are cancerous

just say fascist

Idpol is bad but the person you're talking to is otherwise correct, gender and race struggle (as well as other forms of struggle) are relevant to the leftist cause.



I wish I knew you in real life just so I could laugh in your fucking face, OP.

Hello Reddit

You're wrong here, fam.

Anarchism itself has become a meme

t. Holla Forumsyp


it really is dumb how anarchists are always backing away from class.

i once talked to an anarchist and they were all like "huh anarchism isn't even about abolishing the state and capitalism dude… its WAY beyond that, its abolishing hierarchy as we know it!"

like he was blowing my mind or something.

i just find that super funny how anarchists want to "abolish hierarchies" and then gloss over the fact that the state and capitalism are stronger than they've ever been… but they continue to focus on bullshit abstractions

Seems like somebody got upset.

No, it's well-established that identity politics is designed to divide and conquer the masses. Pandering to the "minority causes" or "gender wage gap" type crap just perpetuates the division like the bourgeoisie want.

The problem is that OP has given zero context to or argument as to why an analysis of class *includes* and transcends the analysis of various identities. Responding with "the only thing that matters is class" makes you look like an autistic class reductionist.

No disparate identities, no identity politics.

They ALL have to go back to achieve socialism.

Take the ethnostatepill Holla Forums

I mean certain minority causes are just. It's not a matter of the bourgeoisie dividing the proletariat here but instead it's you who divides the proletariat by refusing to give a hand. No one expects you to accept things like the closing of the wage gap or ending police brutality against black people as the ultimate form of justice but for a few people it makes life in our capitalist economy a bit more bearable. The key point here is to view identity politics from a radical leftist perspective and not from a liberal one. The former sees idpol as cold water on the wound while the latter sees it as the means to close the wound. Ultimately we need the black and female (etc.) proletarians in our movement and we won't convince them by telling them that the problems which specifically affect them are merely bourgeoisie propaganda. Besides coming across as condescending it makes our cause less attractive. That way a lot of people feel left out and stay within their liberal bubble. In times like these we simply can't afford such a mistake.

Ps: It's obviously fine to emphasize class as the most important aspect.

we need to lie to them?
racist police brutality is true but the wage gap is total bs.

You were the original idpol cancer. Get the fuck out.

In how far is it "bs"? The occasionally appearing narrative that confuses the unexplained and the explained wage gap is but the wage gap as an unjust phenomenon isn't.

nobody is really that autistic about muh wage gap except professional class white women

Maybe wage labor is inherently unjust. Liberal utopia is just smooth functioning 'meritocratic' capitalism, purged of all 'irrational' biases. Every human being should feel equally motivated to be an engineer or a finance executive shithead, regardless of their actual preferences and inclinations, this is what we should strive towards as a civilisation. What if the irrationality is hardwired into the system? Wonder why no one talks about the massive income gaps between the rich and the proles or the third world and the first world. Those are just seen as the innevitable product of cold economic rationality, no 'discrimination' involved, so it's alright.

it doesn't work like that. people used to literally believe women were paid 30 cents less than men. then it actually got debunked and they changed it into "no no the problem is that we don't have enough women doing [insert high paying job]".
It was very dishonest from the start and it got worse when people started questioning it. And, as the other user pointed out, it's band aids on a cancer patient anyways.

I agree with this statement. My comment was working with that premise and I also think that the liberal idea of the wage system fundamentally flawed.

Yes and that was wrong. It isn't necessarily dishonest since myths don't always spread just because of some sort of bad intent. Anyway, while the false claim about the 30 cents was debunked, the claim from which it originated wasn't. You have to keep in mind that the 30 cents never have been a matter of academic discourse since it's really easy to proof wrong. Academics have always dealt in terms of the unexplained and the explained gap.



Trully makes you think…

Go back to >>>/reddit/ OP, you can have your safe no name and shame torture chamber policy there
and while you're there
McFucking kill yourself

Nazis get the bullet too