Reddit socialism


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This board is run by reddtior mods too notice how much relaxed the atmosphere got when they started their exodus. Good riddance.(lmao)

They moved already? Wut, is BO gonna shut us down or something?

reddit socialism is a psy-op

I like how /r/fullcommunism is banning people for questioning Assad

Someone posted on /r/socialism that their ban was unjust and that Assad shouldn't be supported just because "muh anti-imperialism" and he was banned because of it.

tankies deserve no respect tbh

The Nazi is right fuck this board

Hmm…who's behind this post?

Overmoderation, a mentally unstable BO, Reddit recruitment… you're right. Fuck Nazis though, even if the vols anchor antifa threads

What are you gonna do when Trump sends in troops? Go full cruise missile socialist like your discredited comrades Graeber, Chomsky etc. did in Libya and then forget the whole thing ever happened when it turns out badly?

Or will you be one of those who impotently stand there with a sign that says "neither Assad, nor America" while everyone else is marching and demanding a stop to the intervention. Kinda like those leftists who meme "neither Israel, nor Palestine" every time Israel launches an aggressive war and how big of a laughing stock they've become lately.

The anti-anti-imperialist leftists are honestly disgusting, people like you wouldn't have marched against the Iraq War. You would have fallen for the same transparent tricks that the liberal left did in 2003–they are literally using all the same memes they did in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya.

You wouldn't have marched against the Vietnam War because "muh Soviet imperialism" etc. Ho Chi Min is an evil dictator etc. "neither Diem, nor Ho!" just all the same shitty non-arguments to avoid taking a side against imperialism.

The tankies (in the sense of the real definition, not the shitty Holla Forums definition that just means "anything I dislike") who support shitty regimes backed by the BRICS imperialists are actually more respectable then the Pro-West cruise missile socialists who nod along to every bit of Pro-Western war propaganda even if they say they disagree with what inevitably follows it.At least their turning their backs on the crimes of their own countries, on the propaganda spread by their own bourgeoisie, perhaps this leads to problems where they embrace scenarios and regimes equally excellent.

But here's the key difference, the cruise missile so-called socialists are nothing but bootlickers, detestable happy slaves saying "yes masta, whateva you say! Assad really don gas'd dem kids we gots to do somethin'!"

The cruise missile socialists are the ones delaying their own liberation and doing the most to promote class-collaboration in their own countries. They try to play it neutral but its a false-neutrality because the ruling classes of their countries are gearing up for war. Russian and Chinese-backed regimes are alleged to be worse then pro-Western regimes because the latter two countries are "less democratic" so in short they believe the lies of the ruling class when they say that bourgeois democracy is true and real democracy.

The unironic tankies certainly are holding back the struggle against non-Western imperialisms but the pro-Western leftists are nothing but happy slaves trying to bail out their own masters now that they've fallen on hard times and trying to agitate the other slaves to help agitate against the other masters and restore the lost era of unquestioned Western hegemony.

*equally pr0blematic

For the record, someone said "Porky is Haram" and my comment was "Found the Ba'athist."

And the only reply from the mods was to mute me.

this stance is the only defensible one for a communist tbh. u can be against the war while not being pro-assad. if you're gonna go lesser-evilism, you might as well go all the way and become a democrat.

Fucking hell, you really believe that don't you? That unironically supporting Bashar "barrel bomb" Assad on some third-rate tomato socialist subreddit is going to accomplish anything meaningful in terms of halting imperialism or advancing the socialist cause.

Imperialist wars are going to happen whether people like it or not. The only thing you can do is pick a stance that is morally defensible after the fact. Tankies unironically supporting the USSR after Hungary, etc. destroyed and discredited organized Communist parties in the West. In this day and age I would much, MUCH rather be a principled anti-war "laughingstock" than a walking fucking joke of a human being who unironically supports shitty dictators out of a blind hatred of the West, looked upon with disgust by everyone except a vanishingly small clique of self-hating sectarian ultra-lefts.

fuck off bootlicker

it was one of the sentiments that created 1968.

I'll be looking forward to seeing you and your five-man party stopping the upcoming Syrian War, user!

Yes, you are definitely "stopping the war" by engaging in imperialist jihadist propaganda.
congrats user. maybe nato will aid you in your peacemaking efforts?


Is that supposed to be a parody of my position? because yes, that is my view, and i'm sure any sane person can see that it is valid

Well, we could try creating a broad-based antiwar movement focused on a negotiated settlement that would eventually remove Assad from power.

Or we could flail about and shitpost in Twitter and Reddit about imperialism, making ourselves look like fucking dumbasses to every English-speaking person on the internet. Oh man, your r/socialism friends will love that!

Yeah! IMO, as westerners, we are the perfect people to determine the future of Syria and it's leader. Isn't that like, our divine right or something? Ah well, who cares, if we can't force them into submission we can just bomb the shit out of them, so who cares?

Fuck off imperial lapdog, continue licking porky boots you scum.

Christ almighty, I understand rejecting US military intervention, no Socialist should support imperialism under any pretext, but why does that always actually translate to literally supporting things like Ba'athism and the DPRK? There is a middle ground between being anti-imperialist and literally just supporting the national bourgeoises of Global Southern nations.

This. So fucking much. I don't like Assad very much but that doesn't mean that I don't support his struggle against imperialism. Politics is not a fucking fashion statement.

Porky was stomped for this post. Based statism.

Describes four boards, I'll let you guess which.

yeah! we should reject imperialism, but also strongly condemn and shame the opponents of imperialism, having the effect of galvanising support for imperial projects. right on brother!

the point is that what you're doing doesn't *do* anything.

Sorry, didn't realise you were the leader of a major world power. Will try to show more respect in the future!

damn I need to make some sock puppets and go wild over there, they're insane

>For example, if tomorrow Morocco were to declare war on France, India on England, Persia or China on Russia, and so forth, those would be ‘just,’ ‘defensive’ wars, irrespective of who attacked first, and every socialist would sympathize with the victory of the oppressed, dependent, unequal states against the oppressing, slave-owning, predatory ‘great’ powers.-t. Lenin Socialism and War

Agreed. But funnily enough I can't find anything in Marx or Engels that says the answer is to sit back in your armchair and feel smug and moral about yourself. Socialists should do everything in their power to stop imperialist war where possible.

Literal Moral Leftism lmao why don't you join the Catholic Church you fucking hack?

In any case, that's not the approach the proletariat should take, in the case of imperialist war Lenin was right, the proletariat should do everything in their power to undermine the war effort of their "own" bourgeoisie and to transform imperialist war into revolutionary civil war.

How does the anti-Stalinist Left deal with the fact that the guy who was most responsible for popularizing anti-Stalinism on the world scale repressed the Hungarian uprising they lionize so much?

Low energy tbh I've never seen this rhetorical approach followed with substantive anti-imperialist content. The people who take this approach claiming to advance a more nuanced understanding of imperialism (like the necessary struggle against BRICS imperialism) usually just throw away anti-imperialism altogether.

Literally the cancer that killed the Left.

That's what i was saying you sperg.

At least add something to your post indicate that your irony-posting a lot of people still believe 68 was good unironically.

anti-imperialism in a nutshell

it wasn't irony
a guy said that what you're doing is bad and i said that it's true because i literally caused 68.

Deep critique. Unfortunately, it turns out the Holla Forumslacks are one step ahead of you and they've concluded that that's basically leftism in general in a nutshell.


So many fucking leftists who say "well both sides are equally as bad/the only people I support are the Kurds, fuck Assad" are so ignorant to geopolitics it's ridiculous.

Leftists who don't support Assad against USA or are not anti-war, I want to hear an argument against this. Seriously.
No "Assad isn't real socialist/Assad killed 100k", give me a serious answer why invading Syria is good for the left.

See the picture.

Just fucking support Rojava, there's literally nothing socialist about Assad, nd there's nothing about him that's worth supporting besides him shooting salafists.

There's definitely a measurable difference between opposing imperialism, which has to do with a critique of the actions of actual imperialist States, and literally supporting and upholding Syria and the DPRK, rejecting imperialism doesn't mean upholding the national bourgeousies of Capitalist states, Assad is not a Socialist, and China literally acts as an imperialist force in Africa regardless of it's status as a nation in the Global South. Use your fucking brain, this is basic Dialectics, the existence of national bourgeouises in colonized nations is a contradiction of Global Capital, the urge to uncritically support Assad is just RT-tier brainlet nonsense for teenaged MLs.

Ya sure Rojava's well and good, I'm not against them but I will support Assad and the Syrian national resistance if America declares full-on war against Syria. I've never once implied that Assad was a socialist so I don't see where people get that from.

I agree with this guy, supporting America's war on Assad won't make the challenges Rojava faces any easier:

What went wrong in 68, exactly?

Would you support the DPRK if they went to war with SK and the US?

Would you support America against the DPRK?

Neither Assad nor USA are the "good guys", but that doesn't mean every option is equally bad. The syrian war won't spark any worldwide revolution, the best we can hope for is peace in Syria and maybe an independent Rojava. While I'm not sure about the latter, US intervention is almost guaranteed to not bring any peace upon the place.

communism in a nutshell

There talking about May 1968 in Paris. I don't really know why people think its bad necessarily don't really know much about what happened tbh, it might be something to do with the prominence of idpol and the student left in the protests.

let's meme about shit without the word police*


you can be against Assad and against the US invading Syria

try harder :^)

“Assad good USA bad”

Where can I collect my fucking Hero of the Soviet Union ribbon?


it was at that point that communist parties in the west began disgregating. capital didn't waste this occasion and used the discontent in the left to co opt the less threatening leftist standpoints, eg idpol. today's porkies were out there protesting in 68.

Unless you are shipping over there to fight or are running fund raising in your own country, your support means jack shit. The only meaningful support you can do beyond those first two is oppose your home country's imperialism. Anything else is LARPing

Posting memes on Reddit isn't LARPing, it's revolutionary activism.