What is Holla Forums thoughts about /mlpol/?
What is Holla Forums thoughts about /mlpol/?
I think there was 100% overlap, them's my thoughts
Peak autism.
Didn't even know that was a ting
I liked how the_donald spergs were pissed off about cartoon horses, but the day after it started to get predictable again.
I thought Holla Forums were already bronues anyway
I want to say it's an improve,went, but then again Holla Forums and /mop/ are shit
as a ponyfag and a leftist, i think it was a insult to the pone, which is a cartoon about love and peace. An aberration pushed by the few basement dweller who have nothing worth in their life. The real /mlp/ userbase is not happy about mixing nazi politics with ponies.
So was /mlpol/ also restored before Holla Forums?
I had a look and it seemed to me like everyone was mad, but apparently both parties were happy with it in the end, but that might just be Holla Forums trying to spin it in their favour. I hardly post on /mlp/ anymore but I know it has a lot of edgy rightists on it, 'ironically' enough, probably because of the Holla Forums origins and it seems to have a bit of a Holla Forums overlap.
Why do Holla Forumstards have to take over fucking everything? Can't I have a cute show about horses being friends without fucking Holla Forums hijacking it? Fuck.
I'd like to believe that. Holla Forumsshitters just tend to be so vocal that it can distort the perspective.
no is definitely kill, fortunately
Twiggy a cute. I'm quite certain that she would have despised all that racism and bigotism.
the vast majority just hide and report. in the last hours many /mlp/ers are replying against Holla Forumstards due to nausea, and /mlpol/ threads are getting slower and slower.
MLP is everything but a right-wing cartoon. Nearly everyone in the cast pubblicly admitted to be lefty in a way or another.
MLP has a strong femminist, enviromnental, equalitarian, pro-workers message without falling in the SJW and idpol trap.
Love and tolerance don't belong to nazism.
I would really like leftypol to embrace the show more often, it may teach us many good lessons that i'm sure we are able to understand better than the Holla Forumsyps, who just strumentalized the fact that the pone pushed the redditors away while having the courage/hypocrisy to talk about "friendship".with us horsefuckers.
It was funny seeing ponyfags supporting an ideology where they would be killed for fun
Damn filters
It's got nothing on /fitlit/
The left's greatest enemy.
I'm frightened of their power tbh.
why not?
Neither /mlpol/ would have never existed if it wasn't for an idiotic forced merger.
What i saw is that there were many leftists ponyfags and i believe that many of them are ready to react against the /mlpol/ idiocy to defend the pone.
The difference between us and /mlpol/ is that /leftypone/ will accept and treat genuinely the show as it is because it is more akin to our side. It will have the taste of the novelty and will be prone to a real discussion about the significance of every episode, than useless racialism apology.
/mlpol/ was just as noisy and empty as Holla Forums.
This tbh
No ponyfags allowed
Purge bronies from existence.
they all are Autistic conservative reactionaries neo nazis and racists.
Try and stop us, friendo
go away and then do us a favour and kill yourself.
nice baiting
oh boy here we go
Take your autism to >>>/trash/ or the >>>/gulag/
you smell of Holla Forums who fears that we may effectively take over on the pone
I like it
That autistic piratefag does this every time. Is it you, Lee?
I really mean it I have seen them you name it from ponychan to /mlp/ /pone/ or /trash/ all of those places infested with right wing scum.
if you are lucky you might find that some of them are libertarians or "anarcho" capitalists but overall they are all trash.
go ahead idiot, waste your fucking time, you will be fighting in a losing battle, those places are infested with right wingers.
So cringy
he says that not because /mlp/ is infested of right winger but because he doesn't like the pone.
Ignore him
No clue about /mlpol/ but i didn't like how /spa/ turned out, it was fun at the beginning but now everyone want canucks banned. Seemed like a lot of asshurt Holla Forumslacks
Season 5 Episodes 1 and 2 are a misinterpretation of socialism and deionizes it to crow please their right wing conservative audience.
crowd please.*
This shows how low is your knowledge about socialism.
For being someone who doesn't like the pone you know too many things about it.
like WTF man that's not even up to discussion.
Sargoon and other conservatives endorsed those episodes because it deionizes muh evil SJW's and muh cultural Marxism.
maybe you are right maybe I'm not that well read but there is no doubt about it My little pony is targeted towards right wingers.
and I'm not going to look to the video that Sargon did because I'm not giving him a view.
To be honest it really isn't much of a Socialist show
After all, Feudal titles still do exist
The episode is an attack on authoritarianism, not Marxism
The writer of the article has no damn clue what he is talking about
The Cutie Map was just a parody of 1984 used to introduce a new charater. It had nothing to do with socialism.
But of course Holla Forumsacks will take a family show seriously and do all sorts of mental gymnastics to convince themselves of how 'redpilled' it is.
Take your autism elsewhere you are free to watch the trashcan of ideology all you want but dont spread your autism here.
that episode was done by Liberals not george Orwell and have you seen how the right wing endorsed those episodes? the same way they endorse 1984, in fact 1984 has done a lot of damage to the left, not surprising Orwell joined a Trotskyist militia during the Spanish civil war fucking MI5 infiltrator.
Christ, I bet you thought 1984 was about socialism too
no you fucking idiot but 1984 was written by an MI5 infiltrator.
The writers of the episode actually said it was a Harrison Bergeron analogy.
like come on the fucking show promotes loyalty to the fucking monarchy.
get out of here you right wing useful idiots.
The cast is a bunch of Vancouver liberals who think that fighting racism and patriarchy is what it means to be left.
You give the show entirely too much credit. Yes, it avoids IDpol and SJW shit, but the only prole in the cast is Pinkie Pie, who is about as realistic a character as Bugs Bunny. Aristocrats are good guys. Most of the adventures involve maintaining the status quo. The best thing you can say about its politics is that it completely ignores it. That actually is a good thing.
they confuse what is an orwellian distopia to what is the real Socialism. Do you really trust Sargon?!
Many people on /mlp/ were the first one to debunk this, as proof that /mlp/ is not as right wing as you think.
despite there is only the title of princess, which don't represent anything of feudal, and Queens as for "hive Queen" for changelings.
I invite you to watch the show before saying that it's conservative. You'll find out to be wrong.
are you aware that is a show for kids?
It was Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron actually. It was a satirical short story that mocked the end game of 60s liberalism.
are you the idiotic Anprim that considers Varg vikerness an Anprim?
And in which way I may benefit the right-wing aganda?
I swear the first brony was a massive troll who still has a big shit eating grin on his face to this day.
You are spreading loyalty to monarchism.
of course you are not even aware of it you have to be autistic to watch the show in the first place.
I was just asking idiot.
MLP is an utopian family show about friendship. You're the autist that is taking it politically seriously.
please fuck off
this is pure paranoia.
everything is related to politics like it or not.
rarity is the cutest imho
right but you can't treat mlp in the same way you treat a book of Tolstoj. It's a show for kids.
That is the role that Pinkie Pie served on the show. She acted like a Loony Tunes character, which was in direct contrast to other characters that can't do cartoony shit like eat cakes that are three-times larger than they are in one bite or appear suddenly out of a small bowl full of sponges to deliver dire warnings. Pinkie Pie was an anachronism that operated beyond the established rules of the universe.
she is the best example of an elitist petit bourgeois.
keep feeding yourselves from the trash can of ideology you idiots.
Can someone ban this faggot already
But the only way to know that is to have watched the show AFTER 2015. …You like cartoon horses, don't you Pirate Man?
a ban won't stop me.
You and Barneyfag should seriously hook up
She is also the only character that is not a one-note joke.
she maybe a bourgeois, but at least she is enough generous to share to everyone the more that she can.
How about we keep the pony shit in the pony boards and the politics in the politics boards, yes??
Projecting this hard.
I'm not a faggot.
This for fuck sake!
Ahahah oh my god you're a fucking idiot
I may agree with you, but we are talking about the politic implication in the show and we are trying to do it outside of the Holla Forums idiocy.
uh oh you got me!
what next?
you want a fucking cyclical in Holla Forums about your Autistic cancer?
And you are surprised if we are calling you Barneyfag?
She only became petit-bourgeois in Season Five, and nothing made after Faust and Renzetti left counts anyway.
I dont care about you or your opinions about me I don't even know what Barneyfag is.
and if you take the time to write about it I won't even bother reading.
then the fucking cancer should have been terminated since season 3.
I knew something like this would happen tbh, while all the liberals were prasing the show because of >muh female empowerment I could see right through it, far from a leftist show mlp is actually a traditionalist show, theirs is a monarchist society without contradictions, where "the king is king, the serf is a serf" i.e. a society where social roles are fixed from birth. It is literally a wet dream of how traditionalists imagine society actually functions and how it would actually function if it weren't for those pesky ((jews))
im all about identity politics and especially advocating for people who identify as fictional children's tv show characters. i think that a group that dresses up ritualistically and/or is obsessed with charicatures of human personality types is healthy and definitely compatible with leftism. mlp isn't in any way a symptom of debauched late capitalism and the values it espouses are pure, noble and virtuous.
What the shit? Even in this thread about cartoon horses, twitter drama is autistic.
Season Two. Everything after "MMMMystery on the Friendship Express" is a different show.
It's light-hearted fantasy fiction. It works nothing like the real world and applying real world politics to it is retarded.
You're missing the obvious conclusion that liberal feminism is traditionalism wrapped in different packaging. Feminists cannot help but maintain the status quo, which would suggest that they themselves are contributing to the superstructure of the system that tgey purport to despise.
he gets it.
I'm gonna screen cap it and post it every time this cancer shows in Holla Forums
Yesh but ishn't it here in light hearted fiction where ideology continuesh to operate *sniff*
want an argument?
How can I reply to someone who si overthinking a kids show?
at least take the time to watch Zizek videos you fucking idiot.
There actually is contradictions the show just ignores them. Industrialization pops up in the show yet there seems to be no political/economic ramification with Equestria still dominated by cottage industry.
That is not getting into Starlight Glimmer's town that was neither socialist or egalitarian where you had peoples skilled removed for "equality" at the expense of social production.
It keeps me entertained when I'm really stoned
also its really cute
It would be a riot to hear Zizek deconstruct My Little Pony. He has done stupider shit before.
certainly a lot more there than kung fu panda I'll tell you what. unfortunately I don't think he gets exposed to much tv, he only ever talks about film. a real shame considering all the innovation shit that's being going on there.
ok, i giggled
You know there were memes about /mlpol/ getting along with nazis from Holla Forums and there have been raids all over 4chan asking the administration to unfrezee /mlpol/.
that show is cancer, people in the left watching it are useful idiots, it's a shame Zizek hasn't done a video about it,analyze it it and destroy that fucking shit, once and for all so no more idiots in the left keep watching it.
and yet you are repeating the same things over and over again
this is the last time I reply to you.
go away idiot.
fucking grow up already.
this is the lame ass defence that closeted Nazis come up every time they get questioned about their views or their obsession with Nazi paraphernalia.
this because you've lost arguments 3 or 4 post ago.
I sense Idpol in your posts. Go to take a shower, clear your mind and then come back.
is that the best you can come up to? grow up already kid.
I bet your parents must be really proud of you.
One element of the universe upends any attempt at materialist analysis: Princess Celestia. By any practical definition she is a goddess, immortal and possessing a divine portfolio. While real monarchs frequently cited divine right to justify their own rule, but Celestia actually is herself a deity.
Her divine qualities eliminate many of the principle causes of instability in the feudal mode of production (succession, aristocratic infighting), but they do not make feudalism any more productive. Thus elements of capitalism insinuate themselves into society, but due to Celestia's divine power capital is unable to overthrow the aristocracy. Who challenges the living goddess who turns gods to stone, disappears entire cities, and personally moves the heavens?
Even as feudalism falls by the wayside, the absolute authority of the crown remains. A probably completely unintentional point of interest occurs when Rarity made the transition from classless to petit-bourgeois. Notice that the way she was able to open her second boutique was that she received a permit to use an existing building which had become available. She did not get a loan or a mortgage. Such an arrangement would be possible in a feudal society but not in a strictly capitalist society.
I tried to talk to you in the most polite way. You were the one who started to be batshit insane. Don't tell people to grow up.
dis you suddenly forgot where you are posting?
yes I'M MAD at this fucking show and all the stupid excuses people come up to justify it.
blah blah balh divine blah blah blah.
Damn, nigger, and I thought we were autistic.
Oh fuck user, you just reminded me I used to post on /mlp/ around the time it was first created. Good to know I'm not the only one with that degree of autism here.
/mlpol/ was nothing but a funhouse.
Both sides knew how different they were. But that was the point! We exchanged memes and combines them for shits and giggles.
Both Holla Forums and /mlp/ shares eachothers pain. The two boards are perhaps the most disliked. Thus for a moment /mlpol/ just acted together like Holla Forumstards and had fun whilst lightly discussing various Holla Forums and /mlp/ subjects.
tell that to the people organizing raids to unfreeze /mlpol/ and to the people that "ironically" draw the Nazi pony "just for keks and kicks"
There was always a strong crossover, hence Aryanne
t. old horsefucker
ponies are inherently reactionary
this fucking cancer.
I'm not denying that, we've even helped Holla Forums out before sure… But as awhole our culture is fairly different. Again that's the fun side of it all. Combining pepe, hitler and mlp was crazy fun.
here is where i agree with you
ayy, pirateposters remain as gay as ever
I still think that this was just an insult to the pone. Opinion by the way.
it has been going on forever.
it didn't just happened in /mlpol/ sympathy towards Nazis within the cancerous brony community is a long well known fact.
not an argument.
Umm I'm a lefty socialist… yet the thought of turning pone into a hate symbol… well I couldn't resist it. Was too funny, and still is lel.
How many people like you there where in /mlpol/ in your opinion?
Oh, but Aryanne was so much fun, almost as much fun as Molestia was before Joseco made her into a shitty webcomic about video games.
A good question m8. We did a strawpoll and found out that the /mlp/ guys were way fewer than the Holla Forums guys. Most of the active /mlp/ boys posted clop to scare of shills. And the rest made memes n shit… hard to say really. A few without question.
Uuhhh nuuu D:
/mlpol/ was retarded but it was interesting to see Holla Forums split between the ironic internet Nazis who seemed to be getting along with /mlp/, and the autistic spergs and alleged T_D shills who couldn't control their ragefits
Were they really ironic though.