post cool militant pics in Rojava, India, Zapatista, etc
Far left militant porn
Nice photo op, but being on guard duty is shit and there's no way he would be doing that for long. I want to see how these guys act after a full shift.
wow nice
US backed AFTER they run out of "moderate rebels" to back, causing Turkey to whine and threaten to side with Putin.
And they are still ordered not to move to far and Turkey still doesn't like them and wants them out.
Things are not that simple.
pretty sure it's just a shooting range not a person on guard duty
every revolution has to get funding from somewhere, the soviet union got it from Germany, rojava gets it from America, doesn't mean either of them aren't communist
I've been wondering how something like spooks (CIA, not Stirner) would work to a revolutionary advantage in the event of a rebellion here. I've read all sorts of stuff on interrogation and intelligence, and there's always guys on the inside and on the "outside" who mostly aren't even a part of any organisation from the "inside."
so either
the moment the US stops backing them the kurds fold like a house of cards. the kurds will do anything to keep US support. including becoming a Capitalist western backed state. if nothing else to keep turkey in check.
so rojava is basically the USs pet project. funny how " leftists" live side by side with western intelligence agencies and imperialist western soldiers in rojava.
Only the mountains.
"Who here watches anime? Raise your hands."
You have to understand these guys look incompetent to anyone that knows. The one shouldering the rifle has mad chick lean too.
They're doing pretty well fighting ISIS. Probably just posed for a pic is my guess. I doubt they're handling weapons like that.
ya bloody autist
Easy way to spot a dumbfuck
go back to r/gaming, poser. only one of them has bad trigger discipline anyway.
why does that dancing guy have a rope tied to his foot?
No, that's like a basic thing. It's the reason I knew the Oregon "protesters" weren't going to do shit and weren't a competent fighting force. They couldn't even do basic shit like keeping their shit strapped or dust covers shut. That shit should be like breathing.
Nobody is shitting on them. Acknowledging that they aren't up to standard for western militaries doesn't mean that we think they suck. They could vastly improve, though. They are better than the ANA, though. Those guys are fucking shitheads.