ITT We talk what Robespierre did and why it's nothing wrong
ITT We talk what Robespierre did and why it's nothing wrong
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He was a stupid faced cunt who couldn't even finish the job.
I've liked him ever since I read this:
Obviously it got me to think why such a terrible dictator and tyrant (as I was always told he was) would not want military advantage over the people, which is not something I think Hitler and Mussolini would do, and got me to change my views about him.
can someone teach me how to look that smug all the time
Really was a chessmaster tbh.
It requires a lot of virtue, it's not for your kind
He was a liberal, by default that makes him wrong
read Marx
Marx never supported liberalism
sasuga, Holla Forums
your right
but youve also obviously never read Marx
so read Marx, you worthless philistine
Jacobins had no chill
and none of that has anything to do
with me having read Marx
and you not
read Marx
Just go away.
read Marx
If you had read Marx, you wouldn't be an Anarchist
Well, if someone is writing on the premise of a fundamental rejection of Marxism, then I'm going to be skeptical.
Reading Marx is exactly why I can be a good anarchist you cockmongler
If you had read the Bible obviously you wouldn't be an athiest!
if you read Bakunin, you wouldn't be a Marxist xD
Back to the topic of the thread.
Zizek-sama weighs in, I think the most important point is around 5:45
No matter what we do we will be called evil. Popular masses and sovereign citizens have a qualitatively different sort of violence than the rulers.
what have you done to cultivate virtue today, Holla Forums?
The french revolution was still largely a bourgeois revolution
Didn't he crack down on the Sans Coullottes?
Bourgeois revolutions under feudalism are a good thing.
Isn't this exactly the type of nuance Liberals don't understand when it comes to violence?
Robespierre learned it from the best.
Vive les enrages!
step one
1.french it up
Long live the sans-culottes!
Aristocrats deserved worse