There's a slight chance of Bernie becoming POTUS guys. Think about it, once the orange guy starts messing things up left and right, impeachment will become inevitable.
Drumpf impeachment soon
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there is absolutely no path for Bernie to be president currently unless he makes a coup or something
Why the fuck would we want that? Let Trump captain the sinking ship.
I'm good
fuck off TYT
t. no understanding of the presidential succession act
Isn't there though? Isn't there?
Bernie already went down that road when he backed Hillary.
Don't use my flag Holla Forumstard.
Think again– Dictator's don't just laugh themselves out of office, and your rhetoric is violence. Millions need to get out in the streets like Egypt, South Korea, Ukrane in order to create a crisis that the powers at the top have to respond to in order for impeachment.
Hi reddit.
He probably already is for all intents and purposes.
I thought the CIA stopped shitposting
Holla Forums pls leave
Just like when that time when Bush. Jr fucked up things and was impeached. Oh wait…
Please don¡t give him the nuclear codes
If Bernie were to still win, it would have to be by a violent coup, which would thereby prove he is actually a bad ass.
Trump will only be impeached if we impeach him ourselves - along with the rest of the bourgeois government he represents.
Trump isn't going to get impeached now that he has proven himself willing to toe the establishment line and do the bidding of the military industrial complex.
congrats on the libtardation, op
why has this not been taken down already its an obvious false flag?