This teacher is woke
Jedi ideology was fundamentally flawed. Mace Windu was basically a sith in all but name, the only difference was that he fought for the republic which somehow made him a good jedi.
I'll admit when I first saw Star Wars the Force Awakens I thought that Luke looked a little bit like Slavoj Zizek
Prove you're human.
The same idea for Luke's experience applies to Samurai Jack.
That letter is pretty sad, op
I'd rather talk about star wars than e-celeb shit. Sue me.
Jedis are just siths with a human face tbh
Gee I wonder if people might believe they already do that, and if they assume the flaws of the system comes from the other party and the other political group.
IMO, his entire argument is invalidated by the fact that this is how he ties everything together. Not only that, but you can feel that despite the angry rhetoric he's carefully avoiding politics most of the time: he rants about things most people would agree with (schools should have money and parents should take of their children, two very hot takes) but doesn't venture beyond that and won't bother searching for the roots of the problem: that way the text won't challenge the reader's political sensibilities and everyone, from a free market libertarian to a socialist, can nod in agreement because they "share its concerns" and of course, believe their solution, whatever that may be, is in the spirit of the text.
And that's precisely why this genre fails and why we're in the shit we currently are: people like that are afraid of politics. Everyone can John Cooper Clarke an angry depiction of decaying public infrastructure and loosening morals and get a round of applause from everyone who shares those sentiments - which is everyone - after all people are very happy with blaming the political class as an abstraction and shaking their heads at parents who smoke too much weed, these are no-brainers. But starting digging up more, start bringing up the causes of underfunding, the question of taxation of the propertied class, the political economy behind the war on the public sector, the idiocy of the american budget and the nationwide efforts to put education on the hands of the market and suddenly some people will be uncomfortable. I mean, some of these kids described are so clearly undesired that even abortion could be brought up, or at least the question of public initiative in child-rearing, but you can't do that without getting some dirty looks, so let's stay in the safe territory of "politicians get too much money!".
So honestly fuck this guy. Anyone knows sentiments like "these parents are not doing their job! These kids are not being raised properly!" very rarely lead to sociological investigation and further inquiry into questions of inequality and economics, usually they lead instead to resentment among the proper citizens at those lumpens and those degenerates, which will only grow until the right demagogue capitalizes on it by suggesting that neoliberal and neoconservative policies as a mean to enforce discipline are needed. This piece is shit and full of *sniff* Ideology.
This. Kreia was right all along.
You're right to a substantial degree, but his letter does have one consistent and concrete demand:
Mo' money fo' dem programs
It's all throughout. Teacher wages, funding for lunches, funding for buses, funding for maintenance, funding for guards, funding for cleaners, funding for supplies, etc, etc.
It has been said that the strongest powers in the Force come from drawing on both the dark side and the light side.
Does this mean that centrism is the proper way to go?
No, the Force needs to be abandoned, so that the dark side dies.
Savage and interesting.
2,4,6, and 9
I see the difference!
Zizek has slightly darker, grayer hair and has tired bags under his eyes. Mark's hair is more silverish-gold and his eyes are still full of youthful optimism, despite having clearly aged.
It's his fault
must be hard for you to type, huh.
Grey Jedi are the only answer to the force question.
The Jedi are the reason we have Sith and the Sith are the reason people trust the Jedi.
Grey or bust.