I think a lot of the autistic screeching that comes from Holla Forums about muh idpol is retarded.

Obviously there are good criticisms of identity politics when idpol is akin to fascism, right wingers. But you fags whine about muh essjaydoubleyous and muh feminadsis ruining my life is really pathetic, almost Holla Forumstier

Left idpol is based in anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism, and liberation of marginalized peoples. To this day these groups still are oppressed and not given the rights they deserve.

You charlatans act like feminism and black liberation movements are worst than fascists, as in they are scaring off the reactionary white males who would be socialists. That's the level of delusion Holla Forums has about idpol

Other urls found in this thread:

lurk please

Globally, yes. In the first world, women are not fucking oppressed and racial minorities have it worse off because of mass media using them as a scapegoat for capitalism's failures, which means directly attacking capitalism is necessary to end racism, not merely ideal.

The people here who actually know their shit do have good critiques of idpol. (see:

You're forgetting however this is an image board. It's full of retards who just regurgitate shit they hear, get angry and take things to stupid extremes.

Just keep strawmanning, that'll show 'em

why not both? getting women, people of color, and sexual minorities (who get fucked the most by capitalism, and are a majority of the population) on our side is important.

finally a good post

I don't think most Americans are racist. If a majority of blacks are poor, this is a problem of capitalism, thier skin color is irrelevant.

The way sjws acts like racism is a big scary ubiquitous thing that we must fight is a delusion sustained by a disconnect from the Actual concern of the working class

Same goes for Holla Forums, thier delusion that almost everyone is actually racist deep down and that Nazi masturbation fantasy is coming soon comes from never going outside

Come on fam, at least put some effort in.

Then reason with them as thinking human beings instead of pandering to them like idiots, you condescending faggot.


shit I mean /r/fullcommunism

Why are you calling all politics identity politics? I blame liberal brainwashing tbh.

So criticism of identity politics is only valid when applied to the right, even when the critique rightly applies to both? That's rather inconsistent.

You had it right the first time.

Well said. No one here denies the existence of cultural failures like bigotry, but they do not understand our perspective because they cannot let go of the pomo liberal bullshit that is designed to be an inescapable bubble.

The fact of the matter is that these marginalized people feel the brunt of capitalism.
Just because other groups are more oppressed than you white males doesn't mean will muh whye genocide you all like Holla Forums says.

Delusion. I dont agree with OP that "left idpol" even exists, but saying that racism only exists in the west because of "media scapegoating" is absolutely retarded. Systemic racism is real, it's not an accident most of the slave labor happening in prisons is done by blacks.

Idk m8 the rate of rape, domestic abuse and women killed by their husbands disagrees

I r8 this b8 1/8

What the fuck does this even mean? What is "marginalization"? You are using terms that simply lack relevant connotation in far left politics and are shocked when it turns out we aren't just edgier status quo liberals.

we spend far more time talking about right idpol. Also in case you hadn't noticed there is a sizeable proportion (probably a majority) Who would consider themselves a feminist/anti racist, they are just a communist first. We largely consider the struggles these people face as real, however we just wish for a more inclusive rather than exclusive politics

This is obvious bait. Stop replying.

Is strawmanning all you're good for? Your OP's just a statement that "this is true, believe me" laced with insults. You haven't made any arguments for your position.

Good work championing feminism, OP. Pretty soon you'll be swimming in feminist pussy!

For example, it is a fact that women in places like India face a constant threat of sexual violence. However, it is also true that it is ridiculous to suggest women should not have to prove the words they say when accusing someone of rape

Non-white here, you need to kill yourself so that the Left can be rid of your kind of stupidity.

White Gen0cide is considered a joke here. Just like Holla Forums you don't bother to lurk before sperging at a strawman. Fuck off back to reddit or tankie twitter.

Whether this constitutes "systemic racism" is debatable. Capitalism is opportunistic, if it sees a more easily exploited demographic it will hit them harder, and blacks have always been de facto worse off regardless of any cultural biases against them. De jure racism for its own sake is different entirely.
Rape and domestic abuse are pretty even between genders, actually. People are dicks and marriage is stupid.

who is this bitch? What is even the problem here? Only POC can bash the fash? What?

because some groups have actual struggles at the hands of institutionalized bigotry

I see a lot of casual racism and sexism from Holla Forums users, refer to the OP

here we see sexism

quit sucking up to these losers

I believe in systemic racism. But it isn't tackled by focusing on one symptom of that symptom, its solved by dissolving that system (capitalism) entirely

he means american negroes, homosexuals and women. 99.9% of all liberal whining about "racism" and "oppression" is concerned with those three groups

seriously wtf, that banner is great, a modern unity between woke minorities and redneck whites is what the western left needs to be relevant again

or are these people just hypocritically racist against whites

A tankie who supports Assad.


I'm gay and disabled. pls save the jokes nazbols
Go to hell if you think liberal feelings talking has ever made my life easier. Capitalism needs to fucking go first, period.

response 1: strawman
response 2: insult
response 3: insult
response 4: insult

Here's another insult: you're worthless.

I'm a black grocery store worker. How do I feel the brunt of capitalism any more that my white co-workers?

Stop sucking up to cishet white males you fucking orientation traitor.

t. woke straight white male

But men in India have it made!

I would love to see examples of institutionalized bigotry in the United States. Do you mean how affirmative action disenfranchises whites?

such scum will be killed

idk more likely to get stopped, killed, arrested by racist police, not to mention less likely to get a job against whites

And to address OP, there is no such thing as "left identity politics". Identities are constructed, so are real and need to be addressed in a sense, but are not material. People do experience them in a material way when theyre attacked for being gay or black or whatever, but those constructed divisions have their root in capitalism and the many ways it has found to divide the working class.

Identity as it exists now is almost purely a capitalist invention. You can recognize and oppose racism and sexism without imposing new heirarchies based on fetishized suffering in which black trans parapalegics roll down a catwalk and a crowd of pasty white academic judges decided which of them is most allowed to have opinions.

there is literally nothing wrong with left wing white nationalism

I think you need to understand the context of where you reading.

1) People often post deliberately inflammatory comments

2) People often pose ironically

3) People can make casually racist or sexist comments while still believing firmly in equality of community participation, a lot of the time I suspect what you consider casually racist or sexist would not be considered casually racist or sexist by them.

4) The fact that we have an open board where you can say whatever you want means we can tackle these issues completely in the open. You are never going to stop people doing something just by telling them, they have to come to the realisation themselves, creating an environment where you can't express these sentiments leads to them being stuff away, and resurfacing in places like Holla Forums where they fester and ferment.

This board makes me sick sometimes

you're right, "identity politics" are just a popular buzzword here

40 posts in and the first nazbol shitpost

how dare I demand intelligent discussion?

fuck off and kill yourself

this is the company u keep OP

unsavoury language ≠ sexism and racism. dumb liberal

Is leftypol nothing but a bunch of butthurted reactionaries?

Hint: Yes

It's odd how idpollers think every form of bigotry is wrong unless you're poor. White just makes an insult against the poor acceptable because it won't be seen as racist.

Whites are more likely to be shot and killed by the police relative to crimes committed.

While I think that's important, I also would like to find a common ground with him in opposing the police state in general. We're all more than just statistics.

you fucking hate whites

drop the pretense already



pic related


This better be some pretty advanced b8, because I refuse to believe anyone can legit argue for "left idpol" without realising all idpol is the same, and it has the same results.


Considero questo esca 1/8

I'm just pointing out your stand against "bigotry" is utter hypocrisy. You don't have a proper response so you post a meme. You're just trolling.


Comrades please, these is no reason to be so sectarian.

We've been here before. I've said this before.

What makes you so sure that discussion that is clipped down by arbitrary standards is more "intelligent" than a discussion that is completely free?

You realise your embedded notions of what constitutes an "intelligent" discussion will ultimately be tied up in white western muh privileged notions of intellectual superiority.

What is an "intelligent" discussion in the formal sense of the word? One where every body is hyper educated and speaks in received pronunciation? Okay, well in that case you have just excluded the majority of the working class from what you consider "intelligent" discussion.

Do you think POC are all extremely politically correct? Because they aren't. Do you think they all speak "properly" "intelligently" ? Because they don't, they use slang and dialect and rough discourse. Most people do. There is nothing less intelligent about it, for the majority of people, poor people, deprived people, language is colourful.

Even though you unironically believe this when it concerns others.

Here's a newsflash for you: your little hovels of progressive wokeness are the straightest, whitest, cisest and malest political tendency in existence.

We specifically use the term 'idpol' for particularism which goes against socialist ideas of universalism and internationalism.

Nobody here actually believes women don't deserve the same rights as men. So yeah, fuck idpol forever and always. Google Bookchin and read Zizek.

nice argument

Do you remember that video of Annaliese Nielsen berating that Lyft driver? One of the things that she said was that he bought his doll at Goodwill, an obvious and obnoxious dig at people without much money.

Insults of any kind can suck, but the ones that are arguably the worst are the snide ones aimed against the honest poor.

if I'm not making it clear, why do you ascribe to muh privileged notions of "correct" language, when these notions are dictated by the capitalist empire and always have been? Is saying it white saying it right? If not, what IS saying it right? In your opinion?

It's unbelievably how prejudice against the poor is, it's more common than prejudices based on race or gender, but don't tell the idpol liberals that.

*unbelievable how common

you don't want discussion. you want everyone to convert to your way of thinking and unquestioningly parrot your fantasies about "evil white men," the eternally victimised black man and how "oppressed" women are

i'm convinced people who praise idpol are just capitalists shills subverting the left.

Even Zizek and any other leftist philosopher says this stuff hurts the left.

Everybody knows it hurts us. That's why the bourgeoisie is so much in favour of it. It takes attention away from their bullshit, and makes us focus on petty issues, and make us fight each other, instead of having us unite.

Shit, retards who do that are the base of the Democractic Party in the United States. They're fucking legion.

leftypol position is pretty much the black panthers position. The mainstream """left""" (liberals in red cocoons) use a reversed version of the same logic that the capitalists use, the difference is that one blames blacks, while the other blames the whites, nstead of focusing on the real issue of oppression that created the powers that be -> a class based society ruled by the bourgeoisie

SJW "left" remains as retarded as always

Thanks retarded mods who banned someone making a perfectly good and reasonable post, I think it is time to stop considering white males as proles.

IdPol is necessarily Idealist and incompatable with materialist socialis.

Yeah. And on the other side of that, the right also does idpol. Only the bourgeoisie benefits from it.

David Graeber also mentions it in passing in relation to Occupy Wall street

Nice shitpost, dude

Mods should not have banned OP. Fuck off retards we put up with like a dozen Holla Forums threads a day, we can deal with a redditor, instead youre making us look like those banhappy censoring faggots

Holla Forumsyps are actually more tolerable than these fucks. Their shitposting and baiting is funny, whereas the shitposting from these guys is just plain anoying. The mods did the right thing.

I wouldn't mind an argument, but it's pretty obvious OP was trolling. We were responding to him, but he didn't once offer an argument anywhere. He merely stated things and insulted people who disagreed with him.

Can we get Fred Hampton on our banner or something plz.


american liberals are far more insidious and dangerous than moronic rightists screeching about niggers

combat liberalism

The problem is that so many philosophers who call themselves "leftists" like Judith C. Brown, Michel Foucault, and the endless list of professed "former marxists" like Thompson and Baudrillard try to lay claim to being the opposition to the status quo without actually advocating anything that will change it.

Holla Forumslacks make some shitposts and leave on their own, redditard liberals on the other hand might try to subvert the board with their SJW cancer, they must be combated at any cost

You sound like triggered redditors saying that banning people for drawing cats is fighting fascism. Please explain how the board cant survive retarded liberals but can survive humoring NazBols as if their racial nationalism is compatable with leftism?

except nazbols aren't racial nationalists

give them an inch and they take a mile. sjw garbage cannot be tolerated. plus way more Holla Forumstards than liberals are banned from here every day. so if tolerance is your goal you should advocate it for the Holla Forums tards too

This kind of shit might have a point to it except "anti-imperialism" to tankie twitter means supporting anybody who is aligned against "the west". Even opposing capitalist imperialism shouldn't take precedence over eliminating class. Imperialism can't exist without class but the reverse isn't true.

mods did nothing wrong

Was the OP really banned? I think that is not good

this. The mods are being niggerfaggots for banning this

Liberals are unironically more dangerous than rightists at least as far as ideology goes. Ex-liberals should always be viewed with suspicion that not even ex-nazis deserve. Liberals tend to buy into "centrist" ideology and not only are ready to turn into fascists when shit hits the fan, but even as "ex-liberals" have a tendency to slip back into liberalism in response to violence or economic turbulence. Liberalism tends to feed on insecurity by offering an easy solution by trusting the status quo, the inherent good in people, or some other bullshit. Other ideologies like nazism and conservatism have to be completely broken down before an ex- can even competently fake being a leftist. Liberalism can survive the transition mostly intact, like a time bomb waiting to subvert leftist movements.

I'd agree with you normally, but, honestly, try to find a single argument in any of the OP's posts. He was just baiting us with his responses, and this thread would go on forever with more bait and us arguing while he just continued baiting. Liberals and identitarians generally shouldn't be banned, but OP deserved it.

drink bleach cunt. Anyone who can't see that divisive idpol is holding back the left is bling.

you would see literally identical "feels over reals" related memes on Holla Forums man this just gets deeper by the minute, they are some perverse reflection of each other, and it all centres around not giving a shit about the feelings of people in different biological groups than you. They are literally ape tier, both of them

Yep. Banning opposing arguments is bad, but OP was not providing that. He was just being a faggot for faggotry's sake.

I'll say the same to you as I did to him. Who decides what counts as an argument and what doesn't? The mods? Stefan Molyneux? What is correct? Nothing. Correctness is extremely spooky.


More like
Except nothing like these conversations ever happened because the psychology of slavery, indentured servitude, and precarious work is far more complicated than that.

this is next level stawman. Saying you don't want to be a slave is a specifically economic statement

Your argument is literaly self-defeating.

The first person wants to be free, and the second person tells them that their freedom will only come once the conditions that maintain their oppression are destroyed. This is factually true.

Also complete misrepresentation of what idpol actually is. It is more like "I don't want to be a slave anymore, so I'm gonna blame whites who are also slaves for this, while never actually blaming the slaveowners or doing anything at all to actually free myself from slavery".

Providing support for your views would help. Try to find where he did that:

All I'm seeing are statements and insults. Whenever anyone offered an argument, it was ignored or they got a single sentence strawman and were insulted. When confronted by his own hypocrisy, he called other people racists. It's just trolling. I wouldn't be surprised if OP was a Holla Forumstard.

What's the point of making posts like this?

Here's an idea. Let's define the word "argument" so that it is actually useful. Webster says:

"B" looks pretty functional on an imageboard. What do you say we go with that?

You dipshits don't even know what class is. This right here is what focusing on identity gets you–a class-illiterate group that looks at slavery as an identity issue.

Really roasts my chestnuts.

yup so who decides what a coherent series of reasons, or a fact is?

Idpols legitimately believe class is an identity.

Vols. They will even do it for free.

Indeed, they seem to mistake a subjective identity with an objective identifier

Objectively, the community of English speakers does so collectively through using the words and through dialogues like this. You can deny that for your own subjectivity ("well, I disagree with everyone" or, channeling Humpty-Dumpty, "a word means whatever I want it to mean"), but you can't expect your personal private definition (or anti-definition) to make any sense without explication and mutual understanding.

Oh god, remember when Hoochie came here spouting the same shit? Seriously, everyone who talks about how identities are more important than class seem to have not even the most basic understanding of what class is.

Or, to put it another way, if you want to argue he made arguments instead of trolling, then argue that instead of hiding your views behind a semantic argument.

pretty much anyone who calls themself a feminist before socialist fails to understand that class is a material relation

what if I identify as a slave sinner

youd probably be right

but if you actually follow tumblr femitwat ideology then youre likely a trust fund baby who isnt a slave
and it is exactly you who needs to push the "class as an identity" angle to save your own hide through class collaboration

So, there is unanimous agreement about what reason and fact are, among the community of English speakers, is there? Or is that in fact an entire and diverse area of philosophy itself, with many differing opinions?

Also, the fact that a collective believes something to be so, does not make it so. Fake News debacle being a fantastic example of this.

Definitions of truth and fact and reason are extremely fluid concepts, different to almost everybody.

I don't see why any particular person gets to claim that their "reason" is so much better than anyone else's and should therefore become the adopted model, beyond mass consent of this, but there is 0 mass consent on this issue

hahah wow

No, but there is an understanding of their usage, like every other word, otherwise we wouldn't be able to converse at all. You're getting far too hung up on individual "definition" for someone on a leftist site.

It makes it so insofar as we are concerned semantically. Anything else results in the incoherence of a private language. "Objectively true" (being true for now and for us) does not mean "absolutely true" (being true for all time and for everyone).

This is a truism, and it's a fairly useless one. Every definition is subjectively tinged when recited, resulting in semantic fluidity, yet we still understand what people mean when they talk about "the fact of quantum mechanics" or "the truth behind this story"; that is, we have an understanding of how a word is used, even if we don't subjectively "agree" with it. Any proclamation like "my subjectivity trumps the objective usages of the word" results in nonsense if actually followed (e.g. using "parka" to mean "ant" and expecting everyone to understand instantly).

I'm not pointing to any particular person's single definition being the best. I'm only pointing out that words are used collectively. That is how the definition comes about: through collective usage.

The Americans with disabilities act hasn't made your life easier, or the new legal protections extended to homosexuals. Just because you can find a handful of diasabled, gay or black people willing to uphold ableism, racism and homophobia doesn't disprove it's existence.

Don't worry Trump will see your crippled ass starves in the streets just like in the old days. Ever wonder why the blind person in the streets selling pencils became a troupe in pop culture…you will

I think he's joking.

All the butt hurt this post caused proves leftypols proximity to neo Nazis is making way to many here reactionary assholes. I'm going to be so happy when th migration to bunkerchan happens

What a great example of liberal compassion. "You disagree with my positions. Ableism is real and serious. Fuck your crippled ass. I hope you starve and sell pencils on the street."

Go back to Reddit you fucking faggot. We aren't Democrats.

How the fuck is the Americans with Disablities Act a fucking empty gesture. How is calling out ableism not effecting the superstructure

we don't care about your hipster fetishes, but don't worry we won't oppress you for being gay, transbbq or whatever special snowflake id you think you have however among us you won't get any muh privileges because of your id.

Now THIS is liberalism





We are talking about words, not things which exist in material reality. Following the linguistic turn only leads to incoherence.


Superstructure shapes the base and you know it you crypto fascist

So how is calling him a cripple and hoping he starves on the street helping the fight against ableism again?


Your postmodern babbling is too disconnected from reality to even achieve that.

You have to go back.

No, the superstructure serves to maintain the base. The base shapes the superstructure. This shit is kindergarten-tier materialism.


You know you're responding to OP's meme-post trying to gloss over his insulting poor people, right?


superstructure shapes the base

The Americans with Disabilities act was passed by bourgeois democracy through political activism. Most of you dumbasses are NEETS, I used to work in construction, the ADA represents MATERIAL costs to the BASE like office buildings. Costs porky would never bear without the ADA.

This is shit I learned in kindergarten

I'm not that guy but it's idealistic to think superstructure doesn't shape base in any way, it maybe not the primary structure, but it still has it's effects. Meme pictures are just opinions, you have to look deeper into it.

No I fucking don't

What kind of leftist hopes people starve on the street because they disagree with you? You're no leftist.

I still don't get how anyone could even be attracted to communist and socialist theory without the materialist aspect. What is the appeal? The red flags and Soviet costumes?

[citation needed]

Left with idpol is inconsistent.

The left fights for rights for all genders, including non traditional genders.

Idpol is callout culture and fulfilling the sense of belonging in an alienated society. Ironically, it creates more alienation by making identities on the minor of differences. As a man who likes men, I don't derive my identity from my sexuality, it makes a part of my identity but how that plays out is unique to each individual. Heterophobia and homophobia are more present from people that derive their sense of identity from their sexuality. Similar in form to those who assert their "manliness" as central to their identity are critical of more feminine male people. It goes without saying, of course, that there are exceptions.

Identity politics also sucks because people cannot pigeonhole themselves to the socially and collectively described identity. What if I'm part white, part mexican, part chinese, part black. This leads to weirdness such as the chicano culture identifying strongly as mexican and "over celebrating" holidays and traditions that might not even exist in Mexico, to assert their collective identity. Many mexicans will tell you that chicano culture is vastly different than traditional mexican culture. Some many years later, inject some idpol, you get the Lantix identity which describes basically an 100% american, just a little browner. It's an identity crisis at a collective level.

This obsession with identifying yourself inevitably creates terrible identity crises. It makes hollow people that are only what their identity represents and nothing else, it victimizes and blames the entirety of another "identity" for the problems another identity face, it creates sectarianism that one identity is somehow better than another.

It also creates movements with imbecile agendas such as BLM. All cops are bastards and of course they are racist, even black cops, but the number of black deaths in the hands of cops is insignificant compared to the number of slaves in private prisons and the number of black people murdered by other black people. And calling cops racist does not fix the problem at all.

In general, it seems that idpolers just look at superficial results and point to it as the source of the problem. Then democrats come and put a band aid on the result, without fixing the underlying problem.

inclusive laws are good you imbeciles.
having liberal pity on poor/disabled/gay people is patronizing and oppressive.
Also this:


with a little algebra…
with a little algebra…

ADA = Americans with Disabilities Act

Just like the New Deal, the Glass-Steagel Act, and EBT. It's just little shit to cool your heels so that you don't cause trouble during a crisis. Do you know what the real genius of all that shit is? It's all taxpayer-funded! That's right. The healthy workers pay for the injured workers. Whatever extra taxes the bosses have to pay they make up for by driving down overhead–your pay and benefits. And then, when the crisis is over they start repealing all that they can get away with without starting another crisis while at the same time keeping your wages and benefits as low as they were when you were getting those benefits. It is a fucking scam.

That is why

is bullshit.

You'll be sent back to the gas chambers soon kike

agreed, anarchists have a 1000x better aesthetic than commies


as a reddit libshit, i can confirm i haven't read marx

I think it would be best to round up all the white people and have them killed. They're the one's who typically engage in idpol for the most part. Basically we need a blood letting of everyone less tan than coffee color.

Once we achieve peak mulatto then the whole race business goes out the window. After that culture is a lot easier to tackle and after the recent (actual) anuddah shoah there will be a greater degree of solidarity between the colored people. I would suggest raping the white women but really you don't want any trace of white people at all so it's for the best to just kill them.

Crush the cracker. End Idpol.

But, it still exists in arbitrary circumstances and these arbitrary identities are being taken seriously by people and the state which causes systemic violence dividing and weakening the people who would otherwise join our cause.
IDpol is called reactionary and overreacting this much isn't?

Luckily, "white" people don't exist, so you can declare victory now!

The way you change that is not by treating made-up bullshit as if it were real because everyone else is acting like it is. What you do is call it bullshit and show people why that is the case.

They're on the decline but they're in the way of progress. That's why anyone lighter than coffee needs to be ended. I would say to enslave them but they're honestly too dangerous to be left alive.

Since Bernie the "i'm a socialist" has lost a lot of its edge and left-leaning austists who feel the need to feel edgy and smart are attracted to communism. Unfortunate since it's just a surface meme to them, they don't understand the underlying concepts and try to marry it with their idpol.

Particularism to fight particularism is stupid
We fight particularism with universalism

I think the better course of action is to show the people with the power that it's bullshit rather than the people who are reacting to being marginalized based on something arbitrary. Telling them to chill out doesn't help anything at all, they're still going to get fucked over.

My whole mentality has always been to let people know that their plights exist, but it is a product of capitalism and imperialism and dismantling those will inevitably lead to their liberation. Any leftover racism, sexism, etc. will no longer have foundational power to hurt them once the revolution occurs.

Look, we know you're Holla Forums, and now you know that we know that you're Holla Forums. All our responses are just going to be jokes just like all your responses are going to be falseflags. Either get gud, or find an easier place to troll.

typical cracker

They already know that it's bullshit. They don't care so long as the bullshit is useful to them.

Nobody is telling anybody to chill out. People should be pissed off, but they should not be pissed off at porky's smokescreen. What they should be pissed off at is the real problem that is aflicting them.

A mass movement is made up of many people. Those people have to be convinced. You can't simply "show the people with the power that it's bullshit" all by yourself, without many other people with similar views.


Reformists plz respond

Showing doesn't mean telling. They would care because showing would mean making life difficult for them, brewing an environment ready for revolution. Look at Rojava, a lot of it is based on the liberation of its people through IDPol which eventually led to leftism. As much as IDPol is horrible, it is what starts revolutions.

Now I agree, getting some random guy fired for saying nigger on Facebook is dumb, but obstructing the police, engaging in tactics that disrupt big businesses, freezing the government's ability to function, those are tactics that need to be used. And a lot of times, what starts that is being marginalized by those businesses and those governments. We just need to brew an environment that shows that reform won't fix anything, that we need it all upheaved

That is exactly what it means. If you make clear what exactly the nature of the real problems that people experience is, they will recognize it. They know that their wages are too low. They know that living in constant fear of eviction is wrong. They know that they work their asses off without recourse to do otherwise. They know that the police do not serve their interests. You do not need to paternalistically pander to their spooks in the hopes of winning them over to the cause. On the contrary, if you start talking about the same shit that the liberals who call themselves "leftists" are constantly feeding them, then they will think that your solutions are no different, that you just like the color red a bit too much.

Put the stuff that they already see daily with their own eyes in proper context, and they will be as focused and as angry and as ready to break shit as you are. That is what needs to be done. That's class consciousness.

No, IDpol is where revolutions die. It's where the bolsheviks become Russian nationalists. It's where communism in China becomes about the Culture War and "Chinese characteristics." It's where nationalists convince workers to turn on the Wobblies.

So do we use hand puppets to "show the people with the power that it's bullshit"? "Showing" in this case implies "telling."

This somewhat butchers cause and effect. Oppression of the Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria gave rise to many ideologies, including Kurdish nationalism and democratic confederationalism (via Ocalan and, further, through Bookchin). It isn't simply that one "evolved" into the other but that the Kurds in Syria and Turkey were amenable to it because of the oppression which created both. Iraqi Kurdistan's government turned out quite differently and shows little sign of becoming left.

Identity politics and leftism coexist whenever there is oppression, that's true. It isn't necessarily the case that identitarianism will naturally "evolve" into revolutionary leftism on its own.

The left has been going at this strategy since at least Marcuse's One Dimensional Man. It isn't new, and it isn't particularly effective.

I agree with you for the most part as I wrote here

I was just being facetious replying to OP

pro-IdPol is a symptom of not understanding Communist theory.

I haven't been this rustled in a while. gr8 b8 m8

These are all examples of idpol supremacy and not equalizers. These are examples when the people faced no threat to themselves and still elevated themselves. It is different.

No need to be a jackass. I didn't mean telling. I meant praxis. Look at the second paragraph.

The difference here is that it was focused entirely on race in Iraq. I think that's where identity truly fucks people over, when it's a single identity because at that point it is just pushing for supremacy. You're right though, it can be a random crapshoot.

Oops, didn't realize it was a follow up to that post and not a reply

hooooooly shiiit!

great analysis user, I'm impressed

Hey. Hey OP. You want to help a group that actually is being wrongfully marginalized, instead of blubbering about battles that were won before you were even born? Lobby to have the age of consent lowered to something that doesn't fly in the face of biological science. Until then, cram it.

inb4 complaining about thread derail, the thread was already shit

The only hook in that bait post that works is the call to lobby on behalf of something.

thank you based mods, continue banning these idiots on sight.

I can't believe the mods actually banned OP….

Oh wait! I can!

lol this is b8 and you sound like a plebbit retard



Its funny how this person basically admits they are an anti-communist through their conception of "leftism" being a "whites only" movement, even though history shows us the exact opposite time and time again

this isn't substantiated by reality.
maybe this was true in the 20th century. maybe its true outside of the west. its not nearly as true anymore though.
most actual real life idpol is toxic distractionary bullshit. I dont have a problem with anything that brings up particular identities just on principle, I have a problem with it when its obsessed over as it is, retarded conclusions are drawn from it, and its either placed above shit thats actually real or the shit thats actually real is completely ignored in favor of it.
identity politics is right and valid sometimes but by in large nowadays its just poison.

And that's how I became class conscious :^), praise trotsky (pbuh)


Good post

Identity politicians say they are concerned mostly with inclusivity, but in practice demand minority leadership in leftist groups, enshrined dominance over people of other identities, and a total focus on identity issues in leftist forums. Concessions to identity politicians weaken the left.

The only beings worth caring about are catgirls

Understand that liberals have identified idpol as the most palpable/mainstream/profitable leftist struggle. Understand that the immense focus on this causes more important overarching socialist ideas such as the organization of workers and actual advances into collectivization.
idpol has become nothing more than tabloid alarmist fuel. There is actually nothing revolutionary about it. Liberals are the #1 supporters of idpol. It is a profitable fight, which makes it dangerous to the cause. Liberal trickery at its finest.

Dank as fuck.


t. Quintavious Jackson

Again some more hyperbole and reaction from leftypol which should not be our MO. A lot of you clearly rely on hearsay and fabricated stories about how leftist groups work when people interested in IDPol are involved. Every group I've ever been part of has had SJWs in it, including the Wobblies, but we have never filled any "quotas" to have marginalized people in leadership positions. If anything every leftist org I've been part of has been entirely democratic and there was never a figurehead besides the people in charge of social media, but they were relaying what we agreed on. Furthermore, I want to point out that in the US a lot of the fights we need to take against porky involve IDPol and we can't ignore the proletarian being exploited because it makes it seem like we're fighting for something else. The most famous example I can think of are some people going ape shit here about DAPL or the lead water crises around the US.

Hooves are bourgeois