Any of you Antifa faggots living in Sacramento want to fight?
Any of you Antifa faggots living in Sacramento want to fight?
cool slide thread
wow this is pathetic, literally fite me irl. Get a life you fucking loser.
I'd tell you to grow up, but we both know there's no way you're passing 5'4".
i thought rapefugees were bad because hurt women?
Holla Forumsyp babby thinks we're antifa
remember this?
damn you fuckers are easy to bait
relax, here have a pepsi
Nah, I'm not 5 foot 1 and a woman.
It wouldn't be fair.
Are you going to run away before your enemy can get up like the guy in your picture?
sense when have you ever wanted a fair fight?
bring a few friends, we will have a cookout, talk abit, and then ill cuck you
You know, At least Trump supporters have the decency to not take it too far. Antifa beats people half to death. that isn't cool :(
I just want to make sure you can't bitch about it afterwards, small fry.
hows about this?
*barks in your general direction*
National Manletism
Not really, at best it excuses him for looking for the one person there smaller than he is.
But he didn't kick anyone's ass.
Hah, you wish.
So what happened to that 95lb porn star?
yeah took a lot of strength to blindside a chick the same size as him surrounded by his goons
My grandfather literally killed Fascists, and he was called a patriot, and given a medal for doing it.
Blow me.
Communist Manifesto toilet paper, INBULK.
Yeah, it does.
Especially when she's 5 foot 1.
But you deserve to be real proud of your accomplishment's, Holla Forums. All you need is a good pair of elevator shoes to goosestep in. I'm sure Midget deathsquads will be real terrifying to the opposite gender.
Next Stop, Reno Nevada
You think she isn't smaller than him? That makes no sense as a rebuttal
Your granddad sounds like a faggot. I bet he was something gay like a logistics guy
What did he meant by this?
god i wish i could be that close to her, fuckin brown qt there
And run away before she could get back up.
White supremacy!
all i see is a nigger
A thread died for this, and more continues to die when you engage in this retarded, Holla Forums-tier tribalistic shitposting.
It's not nice to call the liaison officers that.
mission accomplished
dumb mods need to wake up
I'm pretty sure after the 15th a few of them are still in the hospital.
Please spread that image more. It clearly shows the guy charging at her and wanting to punch her. That will definitely get people on your side.
He was in the infantry, and killed his fair share of scum.
But you can think whatever helps you jerk off at night ;^)
quite white knighting
shes not going to sleep with you
Wait, so this guy punched a woman without her punching him first? Manlets gonna manlet.
Nig's gonna Nig
He might be one of those Irish fags.
You're in a thread discussing white on white gang violence
you mean πππthemπππ
Communist are not people, and there for are not white.
Nobody cares she was a girl. The fact the midget ran away immediately after hitting her is what makes Holla Forums worshipping him so funny.
Thank you, oh master race man. Your superior intelligence is a sight to behold. You sure showed us dumb communists. ;_;
Communism is a flawed philosophy.
Can you tell us what you think communism is?
Yeah?? Well my dad works at Nintendo
Checkm8 commies.
A flawed philosophy thought up by someone who was never able to hold a job at any time in his entire life.
You didn't answer the question. What is communism exactly. Do you know?
Nope, just here to troll.
Hell i'm not even from Holla Forums
Reminder that all your Commies, except for Fidel, are shorter than me.
Mussolini was 5'4"
Then go correct Google on that. Not my problem.