Can someone post Bookchin pdfs please, having a hard time trying to find reliable stuff (more importantly the book The Next Revolution)
Anything in pic related would be great thank yaw and sorry for killing a thread
Can someone post Bookchin pdfs please, having a hard time trying to find reliable stuff (more importantly the book The Next Revolution)
Anything in pic related would be great thank yaw and sorry for killing a thread
Here you go fam
god bless
I can't post epub files, I guess… Look up "anarchist library" on the pirate bay, there's an ISO file with thousands of ebooks related to leftism. Lots of stuff by Bookchin included.
Here's the other two from the introductory works:]
thank you both!
How did you get so many? Bookchins books on amazon are so fucking expensive man :(
I spent a lot on them, though most of the Bookchin titles were purchased a couple years ago before the Amazon sellers had cranked up the prices due to Bookchin becoming popular again while being mostly out of print
Not a pdf, but something even more special - a thing reddit did good:
They're currently recording our reading guide, and publishing them for free, so there's something nice
found the fed
They were rather specific stickers, that would reveal both my city and social circle quite easily.
You've already doxxed yourself :^) I'm gonna check every bookcase in america. Prepare to get heemed yank
Are "Re-Enchanting Humanity" and "From Urbanization to Cities" worth reading? Has anyone here read them? I hunted down physical copies online but can't decide if they're worth getting and I can't find pdfs
Also, any information on The Modern Crisis and Remaking Society would also be appreciated
From Urbanization to Cities is a necessary book to read if you want to understand Bookchin's political strategy. Re-Enchanting Humanity is also very important, wherein they BTFO a lot of the alt-right's points decades before they even existed.
The Modern Crisis is an important read about dialectical naturalism and its ethics, and the relevance of populist politics. Remaking Society is an introductory read to Bookchin's works, but is quite good.
Is there anything in these texts that can't be found in The Ecology of Freedom?
They are completely different books, my dude. EOF is Bookchin's definitive text on the emergence of the idea of dominating nature. From Urbanization to Cities is his analysis of the social ecology of the city.bRemaking Society is kind of a mix of all of the above at an introductory level.
But EOF isn't really an introductory text, and if you read it before reading introductory works and "The Philosophy of Social Ecology", you will miss a lot.
But used copies are so expensive user, and EOF is still in print… where can I find more pdfs?
I'm working on getting From Urbanization to Cities and the new edition of EOF scanned, but here's Remaking Society and The Philosophy of Social Ecology.
Thanks user!! This is extremely helpful, the Communism vs. Communalism thread has gotten me very interested in Communalism!
I'd also be extremely interested in reading Re-Enchanting Society, as I enjoy watching postmodernists get BTFO
Shouldn't there be some Apo on that reading list?
Didn't Apo develop his own variant though?
Do anyone know the differences between communalism and democratic confederalism?
Has anyone here read the unpublished book? It's called The Politics of Cosmology I think. I haven't read enough Bookchin to dig into it yet, but anyone who's read it wanna say if its worth a go?
I've been looking for "The Third Revolution" and it seems that it's only available at the cost of 170 bucks, and that's just for one volume. Anyone know why this is?
No one has ever given this much of a shit over a vulgarist.
Only explanation is that one or two $$$redditors$$$ are astroturfing/samefagging this entire thread with a few obviously similar posting styles.
Head over to the communism vs communalism thread if want to pick a fight. As it stands Communalism is currently one of the most popular tendencies on this board.
If you can google bookchin, you can torrent his books too.
Popularity on the rise + scarcity of printed edition = Maxi profit.
Stay burhurt over the only promising strategy that actually learns from the past.
Some of his books aren't available for torrent sadly.
Does anybody have From Urbanization to Cities?
Sorry user, I only have volume 3 of the third revolution as a pdf. It's too large to upload here, but I put it on mediafire for you:
Man I love all of these buthurt Leninists triggered by the fact that their retarded attempts to make Leninism the standard ideology gets pushback. See you in the next thread where you guys try to shill “left unity“.
wew, are you one of these “neither left or right“ retards?
i think he is one of those "we call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things" you filthy liberal
forgot the retard part but oh well
The reason you see so much bookchin is because he has the best memes. Everything you don't like isn't magically reddit astroturfing.
Honestly, I have a suspicion that some of the anti-Bookchin sentiment on here might by Holla Forums subversion
Anyone have a pdf of Luxemburg's Reform or Revolution?
Implying that this idea doesnt rest on a whole lot of ideology. Man the being blind to your own worldview is dangerous. Reflect man.
Ideology is the cultural logic of Capital my dude, Communism is the negation of Capital, not a worldview you pick up off a shelf of ideals
Ideology is not just another word for "spook". It is specifically the logic of the Bourgeoisie, and by extension Capital itself, not just something that's "made up" or a "social construct", which seems to be how most people on this board use the terms spook and ideology, and do so interchangeably.
How can someone be this arrogant when they clearly know so little?