Is it me or has the Anti SJW rhetoric spread everywhere? Like even the Anti SJW youtubers like Sarcuck of Akkad and the H3H3/JonTron/PewDiePie people are talking to each other on livestreams. How do we take back youtube and the internet?
Can the left take back the internet?
were not sjw Holla Forums
put a knife in front of you
and slam your head down on it
hi Holla Forums
you need to go back, Holla Forums
we're anti-sjw too, dumbfuck
We let them finish the job with rainbow hairs.
shut the fuck up
your probably a fucking troll, but ever since pewdiepie linked sargon and kraut in his description bar and jontron been going on the whitenationalist train
shits been fucked
Anti-SJWs are my comrades.
Yes, Sargon is a fellow comrade of the left!!!!!!!
First day on the internet, eh pup?
Just like when YT was young a bunch of youtubers (thunderf00t, amazing atheist) got big off atheism, it'll pass.
assuming this isn't a troll, the bubble will burst soon enough.
I don't think the bubble will burst. If Trump goes full neocon Holla Forums will have a new crusade despite its embarrassment. The alt right at its most vulgar has three primary selling points- resistance to Muslim immigration, resistance to demographic changes, and race intelligence differences. The first two probably aren't going to stop being policy issues, and the third will very possibly become more substantial as computer pattern recognition isolates both gene sequences related to intelligence as well as gene sequences related to geographical ancestry. If the pendulum does swing in the human biodiversity direction, race will be commonly understood as a social construct, but one that relates to human subpopulations which substantially differ in their capacity to build advanced communities and institutions. Egalitarianism will be considered retarded, and the left will have to change or die, at least among people who browse the internet.
The problem with even the most vanilla anti-SJW youtubers is that they play right into the aut-right agenda. If you read their comment sections you'll find just what kind of audience they attract.
All would be well if they openly condemned the aut-right which I'm positive many of them would do if only it didn't mean they'd lose a huge part of their fanbase as a consequence.
So they just keep feeding the aut-right idiots.
I also find it retarded how a large part of Holla Forums would take them in defense because of their "anti-SJW" views despite them being huge contributors to the aut-right problem. It's almost as if it's more important rejecting SJWs rather than fighting for a classless society.
People aren't black and white. I can like their criticisms on certain issues while simultaneously detesting their positions on others.
I don't even like Sargon or any of those guys, but I don't think you can single them out and blame them, the individual, for a problem which is much deeper than that (probably something more to do with the human condition)
Stop worrying about the internet and worry about IRL.
They choose to be a part of the problem by ignoring the aut-right insanity going down right under the videos they upload. There is no way they could've missed how a big part of their followers are literal nazis.
They're too fucking afraid to lose out on revenue to do anything about it. That or they are more or less nutty aut-righters themselves in private.
Wtf are you talking about?
TYT, and lefty broadcasts like John Oliver, Bill Maher, Colbert, SNL etc are all like 200x bigger than Sargon's channel. He is a fucking gamergater after all.
They're still cancer m8
Liberals leaned left in the 18th century
OP is crying about the "anti-sjw" domination of YouTube when in reality it's the opposite
How? Probably the last actual SJW video I saw on youtube was in 2012, yet I keep seeing the anti-sjw "radical centrists" everywhere for the past 3 years
Holy fuck read the reply chain
I think what OP is trying to say, and it's fair, is that "anti-SJW" has become an internet ideology in and of itself. "The Rationals" - IE Sargon, AA, and the likes - basically have hegemony at this point, and we can't really begin to fight any kind of ideological struggle until we recognize that. As much as screaming at SJWs is fun, they're pretty much extinct outside corners like Tumblr which are too deep for us to plumb. At this point, we have an Enemy Number One - can we beat them?
As for that, the most we can do is keep putting in effort to refute people. There isn't a real strategy to taking power on the internet. They'll tear themselves apart on their own, and the most we can try to do is attack them wherever possible and hasten the process.
He's just a dumb Holla Forumsyp shitposting.
John Maher spent the entire show sucking Milo's dick, Colbert and Oliver generally stay around the Bernie-bro corner of liberalism.
SJWs are fucking dead and a great deal of anti-statusquo urge died with (or through) them.
Even tumblr has fashy blogs these days.
I'm not saying we should come for the rescue of muh privilege checking identitarians, we shouldn't, but most of what they strived for the last ten years is either gone or threatened.
Aut-right sentiment dominating social media is still a very real problem worth discussing.
Except those people are not leftist you moron.
Colbert and Oliver aren't even Bernie tier they are Hillary style liberals.
You mean like literally everybody?
Everyone tolerates all kinds of shit when the alternative is losing their livelihood. Many of these people make their living doing opinionstube and they will do, say and tolerate whatever is required to effectively keep their job. In this way they are no different than any other person working in entertainment or news media.
you missed my point.
Colbert and Oliver don't touch on deep academia genders/womens/microagression studies shit, "Regressive" Liberalism is being phased out within the liberal media.
My guess is the right will manage to make racialism mainstream with some crackpot study and that's where the new controlled opposition will fight.
yaeh we should go by """lefty""pols definition of leftist, which is basically tunnel vision class-reductionist crypto-strasserism. like 90% of you guys agree with Carlgon's Pretorian Guard on every issue except captialism, just admit it
Nice appeal to majority.
Since when was complacency okay again?
It's not - but their is an inherent predisposition imbibed on people when born into the current economic system we currently have.
Calling them bad because they don't want to give up their livelihood fails to 1. extent some form of empathy and understanding as to why they are acting like this 2. misrepresents the true villain
I don't wholly disagree with your point, like at all, I'm just saying it's bigger than that and people are only so big
Get the fuck out, you capitalist-apologist, idpol-tolerating piece of shit. Go backstab and defuse left movements some more, see what happens when the world falls apart because you pieces of trash stopped the revolution!
Well in my opinion you're real spineless and/or scummy if you allow fascists to use your content as ideological cannon fodder while not doing anything about it.
ahaahahah you're not mad
i'm actually fine being an idpol-tolerating piece of shit since 95% of "lefty"pol operates on the definition that idpol = not being racist, sexist, homophobic, speciest – basically a good, compassionate human being
looking forward to a future of social solidarity AND the meidner plan slowly advancing us to socialism. and you'll be sitting on the sideline, making bedfellows with fascists and hateful vulgarians, all because you agree on the evuuul IDPOL menace. that, and of course your insipid class-reductionism, edginess posturing and 100% lack of actual activism in real life can lead you nowhere but a mutated form of chan-strasserism
Welcome to capitalism.
We need to stop treating opinionstubers as if they are citizen journalists with day jobs who are doing videos for fun or for activism for no reason other than sincerely held political positions and can be persuaded by sincere argument. Many are effectively commercial media entities and they will act like it.
If you aren't just moralising and you want to actually change the behaviour of some of these bigger channels you will have do it the same way that you do have to with traditional outlets. You either convince them that they have more to lose by keeping on the same track they are on than they do by alienating the portion of the audience you don't like or you can go after their advertisers (usually YouTube itself in this case).
But realistically, the first option requires that the makeup of the majority of their audience actually change first and the second has a pretty high risk of backfiring and hardening their positions while making them bolder and more popular.
Beyond that, stop consuming their product and save yourself the hassle because they are making money as is and your opinion is irrelevant to them or their audience.
Once the specticle discovers the TAZ it ceases to be the TAZ
Live in obscurity.
Blaming people for who their fans are is pants on heads retarded, comrade. As long as they don't put out any nazi/racist/… content, you have no grounds for valid criticism. Demanding that they "renounce" this or that part of their fanbase is the kind of virtue signalling cancer that makes many a social justice advocate so god damn obnoxious.
So wouldn't have any problem with nazis appropriating the content you put out?
You don't see any problem with fueling nazism into oblivion?
Literally the opposite definition. We are not for racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. but against it because it it IdPol.
you're as retarded as people who celebrate right-winger losing to a neoliberal
actual 4pol here. this shit aint us. wev'e been getting hit by astroturfers hard. they seem to be trying to start flame wars after giving up on forum sliding. and it looks like you have some on your end. yeah yeah, fuck 4pol, start a commie general if you want, its an ocean of piss over there, but be warned of shills. i can spot some pretty recognizable crew sample memes here and there.