I feel really emotional and excited about the latest sondage. He's really going to do it, isn't he?
My God, he's really going to do it!
I feel really emotional and excited about the latest sondage. He's really going to do it, isn't he?
My God, he's really going to do it!
Other urls found in this thread:
He really is going to make France great again!
WTF I love melenchon now!
I do what I want, baby! The Left Is BACK!
This is the best we're going to get for at least five decades.
please translate what he's saying at the beginning
good luck french anons too bad our left wing candidate has many people wanting to get rid of him
"I present myself before you and wouldn't want to forget who I am, and what has always been my fatherland. Therefore, on the birthday of the Commune, I will sing with those who know it for freedom and the struggle (?), the Internationale."
My French isn't 100% though.
Vive la France!
wew lad is he /ourguy/
It's good enough! Cheerful persistence, lads!
Say it with me!
Mel en chon
Pres i dent!
You can do it France!
Nope, I'm not a communist, and I'm not a political memer.
Melenchon will make life materially better for millions of people, and fundamentally transform Europe.
I support his project, and I am excited for him to win. But vote for Poutou I guess, if you want to bomb Syria.
This is a positive thread, mes amis!
she is though.
so you're the r/the_donald to our Holla Forums?
Whatever gets you through the night!
Socialism will win.
Is Melechon for real or is he just the same old typical sucdem """""leftist""""" type?
If he is just a sucdem them Le Pen is obviously a better choice in the long run because more sucdemism will just turn people to the far right while a far right government fucking things up will have the opposite effect.
you do realise Marx used socialism and communism interchangeably
For fucks sake lads, he's not going to become president.
And besides he's a shitty soc-dem. Do you honestly think he's going to bring monumental change?
SocDem is an improvement and is more popular than communism sadly
your life is only quantitatively less shit
Accelerationists don't actually care about people.
Marx is dead, I agree with economics but not his philosophy. Socialism implies something very different from communism, you know this. Let's not get into an obtuse little back and forth.
Literally why do you think this? Something historical is happening and you're sitting on the sidelines.
Itt: increasingly nervous liberals.
Are you familiar with the project of France Insoumise?
Pretty much
Yea I bet the Tennis Court Oath started with the execution of the king and Lenin leading the 8 May riots
I'm more confident that Marcon is going to win, as he tends to act in bourgeosie interests, and I think by hook or by crook he or Le Pen is going to win.
And besides, say he does win, what won't stop him from going back on his word or being neutered when he takes office?
It is a possibility due to the French electoral system.
A few years back, i was completely into him. But now, i think he's too soft and he'll probably not deliver a lot.
Growing old is shit, i wish i could get hyped again
lenin made the distinction between socialism and communism not Marx. SocDem isn't socialism
This is the pathetic state Holla Forums is in, getting all excited about a boring social democrat possibly making the first round in French elections, with even 2 more "radical" (Trots) leftists in the race.
Revolution any day now.
Voting for a social democrat in a bourgeois election is truly a revolutionary act, comrade. Why not smash some windows while you're at it and show those capitalists where it's at.
Why can't all the grumpy left-wing candidates hang out in random circumstances like Trump and Farage and the rest of the aut-right heroes do?
so you weren't here for
good to know
Back then there were a number of people telling Berniecrats to fuck off on the regular, but it seems they all left.
The french president has almost unilateral power compared to other western democracies. This isn't burgerland, your "lol not like the president can actually do anything" equivocation is meaningless here
If you have no idea of:
please don't comment
You're all fucking opportunists
Might as well ask for the tide not to come in
I hope he wins so that you can slowly realize what damage he will do. He will be dragged through the mud in the media, blocked at every way and eventually be associated with ineffective politics and failure.
At best softcock social democracy is back. Learn the difference, understand Marx's hatred of Lasalle.
That's a funny number you know. 50 years. Hear it a lot. Either everyone but me has received a vision of Mecha-Lenin's landslide win in the 2067 election, or fuckwits reaching for a number of years that would preclude them from doing anything useful without being outlandishly far into the future tend to settle on 50 years.
Fuck, you're a special one.
You get a pass. You're not a communist, you have no reason to expect better than the scraps from the table that your 'representatives' deign to give you. Everyone else should be fucking ashamed of their constant, multiple-thread-spanning cheerleading.
I hope the French vote for Le Pen.
Don't bother, those who scream "succdem" think socdem just means "person who is running for office and leans to the left". They will never think someone running for office isn't a socdem by default
oh fugg
No, those are just liberals. Succdems are people who run for office and believe they totally can change and revolutionize society, inevitably are confronted with the restraints bourgeois democracy puts on them and end up doing nothing more than pitiful reformism that eventually ends up strengthening the capitalist system.
In either case, no member of a political party will ever be more radical to you than SocDem. Ignore the fact that every revolutionary you admire from the past was involved in the parliamentary governments of their time in one way or another.
There are tons of people shitting on Memechon in every thread about him while and Bernie was getting enough "muh Overton" support to the point of phonebaking threads popping out, stop trying to be so autismal about this.
He is running on a constituent assembly.
As I see it there are two competing definitions
Originally soc-dems where people trying to achieve communism through the parliament.
Later on it changed so that soc-dem in Europe simply meant center left
If you apply the first definition JLM is running to the right of OG soc-demism
Isn't he running on the idea of heavy constitutional structural reform?
Really? That's even worse actually. Constitutions serve to strengthen and legitimize the liberal state only. What a bunch of idiots you are.
Yeah but he has explicitly said that he wont seize the means of production
tbh reversing neoliberalism and reforming government can be considered 'communism through the parliament'
Good, saying that directly is probably the most autistic messaging for normies I could ever imagine
Does he have policies regarding the muslim problem?
Laicite, and stop bombing the Middle East to hell and back.
hello Holla Forums
Yep, forced conversion and instituted sharia (and not the sharia where moderate muslims just decide how to split up assets or boring shit like that, full on ISIS level sharia)
Hel also plans to offer white babies as food to the immigrants.
sad that lefties are in such a position that we cant say what we want
haters BTFO
France isn't exactly burgerland, but you'd be a fool to think the propaganda isn't almost as strong. It is sad, but it's the reality of the last half a century
Yup, he is going to do it. Polls are being herded according to Nate Silver. He might actually do it, and would win against anyone but Macron actually! (and vs Macron it would be close)
Spain failed but France might actually do it! Good job French people!
imagine a run-off between Le Pen and Melenchon, the liberal hand-wringing would be off the charts. we'd see a lot of true colours
It's actually sort of funny seeing how intiminated the liberals are by him. I imagine this is how Holla Forums felt during the American election.
when will this actual succdem just fuck off and endorse melenchon?
This is what I'm expecting too.
He can't. He will endorse Melenchon if he gets to the 2nd round iirc though.
Only in the second round, it's a traditional center party, what do people expect?
But it might actually be a good thing, it could have the effect of what's left of the PS bases going to Macron
This people keep shitting on Melenchon for being socdem when this actual socdem is Melenchon's only obstacle in the first round
And even if he does do lefty stuff, it will be like Portugal: top social-democracy, peace among classes, and so on. The very opposite of what we want.
i dont know whether ol nate silver has leg left to stand on when it comes to polls
For all what's worth he came the closest with Trump even if he still failed miserably
Fucking hell, stop shilling this fucking morron, he won't win against Le Pen and he's weakening a reasonable letist candidat. this should have been a walk in the parc for Macron.
Must be nice for your leftism to just be a hobby. You must have no struggle at all if you believe in accelerationism. Bunch of children who just want to see the world burn and don't actually give a damn about anything.
Sorry Holla Forums but she's gonna win.
Dream on
You can't make this shit up.
Pick one. He is a centrist liberal. Even if you are a moderate, you should vote for at least Hamon, even if he has no chance.
Melenchon has an equal or greater chance than Le Pen of actually becoming president of France.
Except they're both awful.
they're both for leaving the EU, against globalisation, have stupid economic plans..
Macron is from the finance world and he can actually realistically think in the order of "at what cost" and make compromis and not just a populist that plays on people's feeling and will lead France straight to a wall.
This has to be satire.
I think Mélenchon's the most supported by economists.
Also good
Unlike Macron's plans for tax cuts and austerity
Please kys
Honestly I'd rather have a commie than a neolib at this point.
its another episode of edgy liberals aka Anarchists of Holla Forums getting wet for a scumdem again before they pretend this never happened after the "revelation" that they cannot and wont change anything
woop de fucking doo
you guys never learn, this is exceeding trump-cuck levels of embarrassing denial
the ride truly never ends
Defeatism is not healthy.
I can't wait for all the financial people who have been screaming bloody murder at Le Pen to turn around embrace the nationalist fascist because a commie is in the race now.
Why don't you just kill yourself if nothing will ever change?
you might as well promote Merkel for 2017 german elections and tell everyone else to be defeatists for not believing in her. jesus fuck you guys are retarded.
Globalism propelled 400 million chinese out of povrety and into the middle class.
you might as well have been Clinton shills, no fucking difference
you probably should wait after the election.
where you from, user?
Is anyone else worried about euroskepticism and Russophilia expressed by Melenchon?
i unironically want people who actually believe this shit to kill themselves.
He's not a socdem in the modern sense of the term. You should read up on what he's said before you start crucifying him.
Melenchon will help Dugin coup Putin and make NazBol real.
Yes, he is.
Putin is not to be trusted. He has been in power for 18 years, he has invaded Georgia and Crimea, and it would be to his benefit for Europe to be weaker.
nah, Europe is a system built to hand over countries wealth to big corporations.
yes, very much.
Russia is an imperialistic country, just like the US except they're broke and don't really have the means to militarily expand for now.
i don't think Russia is the devil but i wouldn't associate with them either.
Why would you expect tankies to read? They're not leftists, they just want an internet club house.
gr8 b8
He isn't Lenin, but he isn't a 'capitalism-is-the-best-we-have-so-here-are-gibs' liberal socdem either. He is clearly not wedded to capitalism as an ideology.
I don't believe in the reformist cause either but using the liberal political framework for legitimacy for the left and class consciousness is a worthy cause.
How is that pic different than any other activist or career leftist?
false flag/baiting bullshit
inb4 Melenchon wins and then France gets freedomized by the US military
If he wins, will there be a Frexit referendum?
Melonchomp would Make Europe Great Again
IIRC, his plan is basically push for reforms in the EU to democratise it, and if that fails there will be a referendum.
Left my shitposting flag on
accelerationism gets us robots dummy. then we FORCE the crisis of ownership of the means of production that will replace all human workers. That question is answered with communism or mass people die.
i dont even know what im happier about
Chon rising or lepen imploding
this is truly the greatest of times
French military would be the ones chimping out most probably; the history of the French massacring other Frenchmen goes way back.
literally /ourguy/
Me siento optimista.
What's the point then?
this is why socdems are first on the firing line.
Macron's not even a socdem. It's a troll post.
good god, your neolib is showing
Honestly I think socdems unironically can come up with something like this.
he definately is /ourguy/
WTF I love France now!
And look what happened to the bolsheviks and the USSR, friend. It's not about ideological purity, it's that any "leftist" movement which relies on the institutions set in place by bourgeois society have ended in either a stagnant impotency, like what we see with nearly all western left wing movements today, or state capitalism. Communism is the real movement which abolishes the present state of things, and if the present state of things, be it bourgeois social interactions, commodity fetishism, the value form, wage labor, the state, money, etc., is not abolished by the whole of the society itself then you will still have capitalism. Communism is far more revolutionary than it is made out to be by even the most violent of leftist tendencies.
So what exactly is the option that you're advocating for? Surprise attack with no prior experience in current government is the only path to communism?
Armchair revolutionaries. They don't actually want any change. They just like talking about it.
Socdem policies will be neutered into oblivion because France is still under the EU, because antisocialism is built into its core, all you are going to get is Hollande 2.0 while the Left's image is destroyed even further.
He's for leaving the EU though.
melenchons literal biggest selling point is he wants the eu to benefit workers over bankers
softeuroskeptism isn't enough, he will still be raped under the EU.
My guess is he's advocating for waiting for the inevitable collapse/decay then rebuilding. Only thing I can think of that isn't revolution or reformism
Read his policy on the EU again. It's incredibly clear he's set up unrealistic standards for the EU to meet and said definitively that they're either met or France is out under him. In practice, that means Frexit.
Absolutely based
It's not exactly *soft* Euroskepticism, but whatever.
Also not going to happen because the EU isn't designed for that, Fascist will take in the mean time.
Okay then, we'll see.
that wouldn't make sense since that probably won't happen during his term. in reality he'll threaten to leave unless France's demands are met. Which in real terms means do what we say or i'm crashing this plane with no survivors
Does Melenchon really have the iron will to see it through or will he fold like Alexis?
You're acting as if communism is a purely political movement, a state of affairs to be established, and not a complete societal shift. Experience in current bourgeois government is completely meaningless to the revolutionary body, maybe except for the early "stages" (stageism is retarded, thanks lenin) of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
And what, exactly, have you accomplished? It's really hilarious when an ML (assuming that's what you are) tells someone that they're "afraid of the revolution" or "don't want change" when it is them who are frightened of abandoning class society in its entirety, at best advocating for "seizing the means of production" and nothing more
I am advocating for revolution, but revolution can come in many forms, like, as you said, decay, or armed insurrection (likely be a combination of both). The one thing that a communist revolution MUST be is international.
Greece is small and irrelevant and was already subservient to the Troika. France is the 5th biggest economy in the world and the only geopolitically relevant country in the EU besides Germany.
I doubt he'd go full Bane and demand all-or-nothing, i can't imagine how things would unfold if that happened. Realistically though i can't see any reason why he wouldn't force extensive reform
Screencap this.
He's going to get shot down in office. Literally or like Trump, Syriza and like Bernie would've if he got elected. He may be /ourguy/ but it remains to be seen if he will be ABLE to do anything if he wins. If anything if he loses than Le Pen will fuck up like Trump and he will leave a sizable majority of people angry at his loss.
Bullshit. never trust a politician to "figure anything out", if something hasn't been explicitly promissed it has 0% chance of happening.
Once again, French president has more power than those other respective offices. And Le Pen is way less incompetent than Trump, I wouldn't count on her making immediate bumbling mistakes.
What? This isn't fucking 3D chess or some obscure puzzle, it's what he's said and something so obvious that all the neolibs are throwing a hissy fit over him "basically promising to leave the EU".
Seriously. Any state-centric approach to communism is gonna have to go hard and fast. Break with the banks, break with the eu, break with NATO, establish a Southern European nationalized economic-union aiming towards complete socialization, calling on all communists to either kick out the opportunists or split, form a revolutionary international.
Gotta realize you're waging global civil war. No half-measures.
Read Marx.
I want a Melenchon vs Le Pen for the second round.
I want to see if the "democratic alliance" holds value, once it is left-wing rad vs fascist.
Usually it is demanded by the leftists to automatically vote for conserfs or socdems if they are up to fascists, will they now return the favour?
Will someone like Macron or Fillon actually endorse Melenchon to prevent Le Pen? Because I actually have my doubts.
Better brush up on your french, buckos
What he says is great and stuff, but what did he do, before he even considered to become a Presidential candidate?
I first learned about him when he defended Robespierre against the negative portrayal in Assassin's Creed, and that's enough for me
It's almost funny, my bf's grandpa was a french commie.
This fucker would roll right over on world revolution for the sake of social patriotism.
cut the bolshevik LARP love
what the fuck
I remember how he seemed to be polling worse with time, then suddenly he's tied for first? How the fuck does that happen?
implying supporting a socdem as a communist is opportunism
why wouldn't anyone communist in their right mind support a socdem over le pen
that's not opportunism
that's going with the best option
i'm not becoming a socdem, i'm accepting that this has more of a chance to pave the way towards attaining socialism than le pen
and that's that
i'm still a communist and i still had social democracy but it's better than nothing
The debates happened in which Le Pen proved she can't argue for shit, Macron is just saying meaningless shit that people agree with, Melenchon being good at debating and Fillion has is under investigation for embezzlement
gb2pol retard
How would a non-state-centric approach go? I take it you mean that the means of production are collectivized in some manner but not nationalized, and that society would be run in a more democratic approach, right? Because either with a commie state going hard and fast or a relatively peaceful anarchist free territory hoping other countries jump into their bandwagon, international capitalism will treat both of them the same way, as far as I can see
How the fuck is Fillion still a thing? He's a more corrupt, slighly more racist Macron.
Old christian conservative that believe it's all a conspiracy by Holland to bring him down.
Oh and there was a recent instance of his supporter betting up journalists at his meeting
If you are a Marxist, it's true that under full communism these things would be gone, but Marx and Engels didn't say they would all be eliminated right away. There's a lot of quotes on their thoughts on the State at anarchism.pageabode.com
As for money and wage-labor, in Critique of the Gotha Program Marx imagined workers would receive some token that would note how much work they'd done, which they could exchange for other goods (even if you call this 'labor vouchers' rather than 'money'), with some amount subtracted for public goods (like a tax).
And on violent revolution vs. attaining power by democratic means, in an interview at marxists.org
And in an 1872 speech quoted at stephenhicks.org
So obviously he didn't think democracy was useless and violent revolution was always needed, he thought it depended on the circumstances in each country.
that's fucking amazing. MAKE IT HAPPEN FROGS
Wait I just realized
France has the power to shape the world now.
New York, but I have family so it's an easy thing to do.
Anyone have a source on this?
We switched timelines
Mein Gott, he's truly /ourguy/
I wouldn't take that shitstain opinion seriously, but there is something odd going on as Melenchon is apparently is most liked candidate, gaining 22% yet that doesn't translate to election choice
One day mememagic will advance to the point where we can shift timelines at will, and politics will become an issue of autist internet armies launching weaponized memes to alter reality.
He was literally the only person to give Trump a real chance in the election, idk why he gets all the hate
Great post
Melenchon's discord is pretty good, there's daily debates, discussion on helping him.. the game was made by the discord.
there's an english chat channel but I'm sure we can ask for an english voice channel. the french debate channels are lively, not only on the campaign subject but they discuss a lot of communist theory and it's application in France.
Because during the primaries his polls were always predicting Cruz, Rubio, Kasich wins on the republican side and it made him look like an idiot
-Bernard Henry Levy (the greatest philosopher of our time)
Just another reason to vote for Melenchon!
Hey, look who's supporting Melenchon now!
Install Melenchon!
Yeah but the republican primaries were a fucking shitshow like none I've ever seen before in my life. At some point that narcoleptic retarded doctor was actually the front runner.
Now he's secretary of Housing and Urban Development!
This guy is a literal SocDem. What the fuck are you people cheering for? He only seems like a radical because most SocDem parties have shifted so far towards liberalism lately. 30 years ago no one would have batted an eyelash at this guy. Why do you guys put so much faith in this guy when you have the example of Mitterrand to show you just how inconsequential this sort of thing really is?
Well, candidates further on the left would be better but if Méluche is enough to have the French bourgeois intelligentsia shit their pants in fear and has a realistic shot at the presidency… Why not?
It's a satirical website, mon p'tit.
That was hardly his only failing as a propagandist"pollster"
As the German saying goes, hope dies last. He's a mild leftist by 50s-60s standards, but with the Left splintered as it is, the desperate masses are cheering on anybody who gets a two-digit percentage in the polls and has more charisma than a slice of wet toast. I can't blame them.
Just saying there were way worse
Dommage, dommage, mais y réfléchir BHL qui ferme sa gueule c'est effectivement trop beau pour être vrai.
Je suis en d'accord avec vous, c'est un idee genial.
I have a question, why aren't french mainly communist?
If you look at french philosophers in the 20th century, all the big ones were communist (Sartre, amus, Debauvoire, Lacan, Darrida, Foucault, Althusser..) I can't thing of any french philosopher that alligned with the right wing.
France has a huge Communist history, it's why they're so much better off (despite plenty of problems, caused by reactionary elements).
The answer to your question comes from the history of the CIA.
It was the Communists that led the resistance during the second world war, and it was the Communist Party that stood to gain from this electorally following the end of the war.
The CIA (Alfred McCoy has a great history of this in The Politics of Heroin) funded Socialist parties as well as fascist remnants (most visible today in the Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité, where Communists were banned) to combat the Communist movement both electorally and quite literally in the streets.
A lot of people moved away from the Communists because of quite simply not wanting to get stomped and figuring the Socialists would deliver the reforms they needed. Of course the sea eye ayy was funding those Socialist parties so there wasn't much possibility of them going as far they should, but the Communist presence pushed them rather far as it is.
This is all mixed up with the story of CIA dope-dealing (Marseillaise-Corsican milieu-Southeast Asia), and isn't the whole story.
There's also the failures of 1968 and the Mitterand government, but I attribute those largely to ideal post-war situation being destroyed by intelligence service interference.
Nate did a really good job though. Trump lost the popular vote, his win was unexpected and depended on him barely swinging key states, something that generally doesn't reflect in polls. Nate giving him a 30% chance to win was a good call given the situation and the highest of any predictions out there as far as I know.
Nope, that was le fake news: buzzfeed.com
On the other hand it's true he doesn't like Melenchon: bernard-henri-levy.com
Stop meme spreading this meme. Clinton wasn't campaigning for the popular vote, she was campaigning to win, and in US presidential elections that means the electoral college. Clinton was cheating the electorate, Trump was cheating the electorate, Trump cheated better. That's that.
If the popular vote mattered, Clinton would've been campaigning in the rust belt states, instead of intentionally ignoring them as EC "safe seats" to focus on EC swing states.
Stop overreacting, I'm not a Reddit libshit. The popular vote is not important because "HRC truly won!!1" but because it made her lead the polls. I was arguing for Nate's analysis, not for HRC's campaign performance.
Off yourself.
Where did this pile of moralizing come from? The point is that polls are better at predicting popular vote totals than electoral vote totals
Clinton literally was campaigning for the popular vote and that's why she lost. Her campaign didn't want the embarrassment of losing the popular vote so they focused on voter turnout in their strongest states without realising how close it was in states like Wiconsin and Pennsylvania
Levy ecris la jolie francaise dans cet article, mais il dit rien.
My point is that the presentation of polling data was blatantly slanted, and once-highly-regarded pollsters dropped all pretense of objectivity to stump against Sanders & Trump even as the changing tides of public opinion became undeniable for months on end.
Stop defending Nate, what he did was wrong, and he has to apologize.
I don't believe that, but it sounds like hilarious postmortem apologia for my reading pleasure. Sauce?
He has to apologize for bringing the most sensible analysis to the table of all? Ok. He's not a pollster you know, he only does analysis.
It sounds even better in French.
Not by the looks of it she wasn't
tu deviens tout rouge t'as chaud tu te reconnais
Is there a chance that it's gonna be Melenchon vs Le Pen in the 2nd ballot?
I could imagine this would be an amazing showdown.
Very much a chance. Macron is being talked up by the media. Don't be surprised if he scores lower come election day.
If you had a multi-party system, this wouldn't be a problem.
Hamon has basically the same issues as Corbyn, while Mélenchon didn't even touched socdems and he's doing fine.
Listen to this man.
He knows what herding the polls mean, alright. He ruined his reputation with it.
Only with help of Fillon and Macron.
Bourgies gotta stick together ;^)
Fillion's suporters are already crypto-fascist fuckheads. ( >>1572074 )
Macron's probably gonna be a somewhat even split, favouring Jean-Luc because Pen scares leebruls.
Are you for fucking real?
There are differences in their programmes as well as their past political careers.
Don't be fucking ridiculous.
Sounds like Hollande. Look where he is now.
People like Hollande, Valls and Macron are the reason you sorts are a dying breed.
So Macron did the smart move and doesn't call himself a Socdem. Amazingly it works, because his voters are morons, there is no nicer way in saying this. But this won't save him 4 years later. He can't distance himself from the party that has the same initials as himself by design (En Marche!).
We try until we succeed.
One day it will happen.
Is he stealing votes from Le cunt or Macron?
This matters because Melenchon could at least bury the far right. Macron is going to win regardless.
Better translation here, but translations of Levy take out all the charm. He's an irredeemable bad guy fuckhead in his politics, but he can write a pretty sentence.
life is good 👌
He did? Source?
Literal fed-posting. I'm seeing a lot of it in this thread. Fucking defeatist, shill mindset. The left having victories is a good thing. People being involved is a good thing.
Bernie also helped a lot of people become more politically involved. He's what got me to start caring & become socialist. I will forever be grateful for that. These people do some good & shouldn't be thrown out with the bathwater.
people being politically involved>not being politically involved
Everyone ITT needs to call out this bullshit more.
Leftcoms really do need to make their own board and fuck off.
I'm sure some of them aren't even leftcoms, but possibly rightists or even cointelpro. Most of us would see this as a good thing & all of a sudden there are doubting Thomas everywhere. Usually it's a couple of leftcoms shitting, but mostly positive.
the leftcoms are right.
getting excited over some social democrat is analagous to facists gettting excited over trump.
do something that isn't useless.
1) Not a social democrat, don't be lazy
2) You don't understand France, don't be lazy
3) Melenchon is a phenomenal tool for organizing. Again, don't be lazy.
It must be nice to be a leftcom or accelerationist and have no actual struggle in life. After all, your politics are just a hobby.
I agree with this. They need to realize though, that we need each other. Tbh when revolution comes, I'll likely be on the frontlines(as we all should), but we're going to need people versed in theory, too. What I have issue with is when leftcoms shit on political happenings because they're not ideologically pure enough. Sometimes you just have to take what you can get & build on movements.
Left should stick together & fight for the well being of all instead of picking & choosing so often. Find the good in things. That being said I'm still convinced there are some rightists/feds posting as leftcoms itt, but they're guilty of these things sometimes.
Shit, they're on to us…
People forget that Nate was getting shit on for giving Trump 31% odds. He was accused of being shook. (due to underestimating Trump in the primaries) Other aggregates fell for the bandwagon and gave Trump 5% odds or lower. Look at Sam Wang's predictions, ffs. Nate stuck to his guns and his mathematical model.
No guys, we need to reject every form of socialism and only stop shitposting when the revolution comes.
At that moment, and at no other moment, our time will come, and we will stop shitposting and do something.
Until then it is vital that we do nothing and support no one, and reject democracy by never voting or talking to voters.
Meeting in Toulouse is live
Who's ready for the 18?
its a terrible feel
Holla Forums supports a candidat that wants to import 200 million mudslimas to France.
What are, gay?
This is all very enticing and heart-warming, but you know the adage. Power is like a violin; you take with the left and play with the right.
Unless the guy is openly saying "I will break all banks and concentrate all credit in the hands of the State and collectivize the means of production by force if necessary", well…
babby's first internet discourse
Go home, Röhm, you're dead.
can't wait :3
To be honest, I don't know if victory at Poland would have been enough. Russia as a whole had collapsed, the civil war was still raging and the only thing keeping the Red Army going was revolutionary morale and ye olde Russian manpower pool. I doubt they could have taken on the German forces and staged a full-blown invasion. Not to mention the German Revolution was pretty much dead by then, and the German people might just see them as common imperialistic invaders, like real Eastern Europe did.
It hurts, user, I know, it hurts.
LOL he just went fulll anarchist.
You sure you are Holla Forums
Sometimes I feel leftism is hopeless… That all I'm doing is bashing my head against a giant brick wall, hoping that it breaks down.
I sometimes wonder how I can continue while fascism makes victories and captialism becomes worse.
Sometimes I feel like I should give up and become a liberal.
But then I see stuff like this and I remember that there are people who understand how I feel and agree with me and I get inspired and feel hopeful again.
…I love you comrades and sorry if this post is too sentimental
just no
Would you rather Melenchon turns out to be a Sucdem or a Tanky and ceize the mean of power and production by force persecuting the bourgoisie?
how is that even a question
So you support a dictator just for the sake of being a dictator. nice knowing you're no better than fascist.
kill yourself succdem i genuinely mean it
Both. First the tankie revolutionary period followed by socialism with french characteristics.
I'm pro-melanchon, but lets not go down this path. There are legitimate reasons to be skeptical of what can be accomplished under bourgeois democracy. Calling everyone who digresses from the party line shills and outside infiltrators creates a toxic atmosphere, lets keep this board from turning into Holla Forums 2 lefty bogaloo.
Well, he plain to quit the presidency after about two years.
Wtf I love the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact now.
Imma need some translation for this. Is the 2nd pic about how that Melenchon is a hologram decoy?
Never give up on the struggle comrade.
Its the Mandela Effect, universe switch in progress
maybe this time Rosa will live
what did he mean by this?
The vast majority of people who ever fought for any cause didn't get to contribute to it, I think. Like with so many things, it's more up to luck than anything. Some are born in the right place and time to become a Lenin, some will have to be content with being cannon fodder in the Winter War, and most will just sit down and fume, having an existential crisis because they can't see how they can help the good cause. Them's the breaks. We can only hope we'll live long enough to see an opportunity in helping bring capitalism down.
Think harder user, I'm sure you will get it!
Don't tire yourself, it's a hologram.
Truly a gulag with a human face
humans vs orcs
Poles deserved it.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I just want someone to sail my country safely, no radical candidat that can be a wildcard. at this point I'm even willing to vote Fillion.
like pottery
this but unironically
Fillion is basically Macron anyways without the smiling face.
Fillion has allot of baggage, very few people will fallow him.
everyone will be against on the street at the moment he thinks about passing a reform
Firing 500.000 workers and imposing severe austerity is not safe.
It's time to form the ULTIMATE ACCELERATIONIST Trump-Erdo-Fillon train !!
People like you are the problem radicals exist in the first place.
anti-socdem inquisition when?
Everyone should go buy shares in Melenchon winning on Predicit, we could make a windfall and use it for funding our socialist militias.
Stop spreading this stupid canard. Voting is France is linked to your carte d'identite. It would be impossible to vote twice.
yes he is.
those cucks, wanting to take all the women
The funny part is you think Lenin is a leftist
lol even in that aspect they're moderates
why do people keep saying he's a social democrat?
Y-you too.
americans can't understand what a different culture is
they have to keep projecting their own on everybody
How's he doing in the polls now? Still climbing?
He's sliding down now bros :(
Oh well, the hype was fun when it lasted. Maybe next time when he fire has risen even more the frogs will elect an /ourguy/.
Mélenchon in 2nd place now according to Terrain poll
Macron 24%
Mélenchon 22%
Le Pen 21.5%
Fillon 18%
Hamon 8%
The latest Poll is from a complete diferent source and cited less people them the last one.
seems like this is not reported on wikipedia
They put Le Terrain polls on wikipedia too, I think. This poll will probably be reported there sooner or later.
do threads hit auto-sage on leftypol? this thread is getting too big
The recycle is enabled on this one. So, it won't auto-sage.
The future is not that fucked it seems
It's on the english article now
Neat. It would definitely be fun if he makes it to the first round.
i demand another poll, most people say that the largest voting base of LePen are young adults (18-25)
sauce pls
The post-Dengist propaganda piece The Founding of a Republic, available in full on youtube.
Insane liberals, as usual:
Master Yoda, Harry Potter, etc. ask French voters not to opt for Le Pen
That"s an old poll. His support is now at 44% among 18-24 year olds according to this article released today. The future belongs to us.
this meme really needs to die
So, what are we gonna do to radicalise France?
Having the original polls and their methodology would be nice.
The idea that gen z is going to be more conservative is a total fabrication based on cherry picked stats. We need to challenge it whenever its spread though because it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy if the youth believe it.
The French already have a level of class consciousness that people in other western countries can only dream about.
Disregard that, i suck cocks.
We just have to wait now.
They're going to be techno-capitalists which is a form of reactionary. They won't care about the stuff that millennials do. But they'll tolerate blacks and gays.
not at all surprised
I'd rather like to see Le Pen for the second round, because the press will shill for Maricon harder than during the DNC primaries and he will be build up as the second coming of Jesus Christ who will protect France from irrational leftism with his sane economic policies (and inevitably become a second Hollande with 10% ratings at the end of his terms)
But at least this will get us some Holla Forums tears earlier.
I think it's the compass that's broken. I support in this order
Hamon > Melenchon > Macron > Fillion > Poutou
Modern libruls only get politics through pop culture references
where did you get this test from? source?
Is anyone surprised?
Don't have fakebook so I can't show graph
Got the same percentage for Hamon and Melenchon ftw i'm a neolib now
does this make me a closet nazbol?
No shit, but nonstop defeatism & encouraging people not to get politically involved is in itself, counterrevolutionary.
Sure, but I wasn't calling everyone shills. Only the troll type posts that were particularly shill-y/fed-y.
No, it just means that this quiz doesn't take into account that fascists use socialist talking points to get into power. They play people like the fiddle. Hold with the left, and play with the right.
Btw, I didn't mean to come off so rude, lmao. I get where you're coming from & that's a valid concern to not want to turn like Holla Forums, calling everyone shills. I was just seeing way more comments like that than usual, so wanted to say something or else people may have been demotivated for any leftist victory or to work towards.
You're a gem and thank you.
Something needs to be done about people portraying him as anti-EU. Also, what do we do with Macron? He's not going down in the polls at all.
kill him?
Macron is our Hillary and we would rather elect our cheap copy of Trump rather than this banker who fake everything he do.
Anybody else getting the feeling that the polls are rigged in favor of Macron? Guy is boring as fuck, is a neoliberal banker, who the fuck would vote for this corporate shill? Mainstream Meteor tells me he is top ranked in every poll, should I believe them?
Macron have half the French medias behind him and some polling institutes as well.
See and ask yourself if this candidate is faking the hype.
You could literally make the same infograph about the media for every western country.
And then liberals wonder why people start watching Alex Jones
top fucking kek
These two cucks with the Macron shirt crack me up
But remember, you should be afraid of fake news. Only official media tell you the official truth.
how does 100% income tax work? It sounds good, but does that mean the people at the top will have no income?
It's basically a maximum wage.
Actually it's 90%, 100% would be illegal
It means the state will have to entirely emulate the investments into the economy otherwise done by the top 1%.
Surely it's better than just having all the capital in the hands of the rich, but France would basically need a Marxist-Leninist Gosplan think tank to make this work. If they just introduce 100% tax but make no proper planning efforts the economy is going to tank.
Plus the bureaucratic cost and expenditure to determine the property of the rich will be massive - they like to hide their money.
no retard, all PORTION of the income that is above X amount is taxed out. they still get the rest.
Also income tax not capital gains.
Please learn what a progressive tax rate is. Are you one of those retards who thinks if you make more you can potentially take home less?
lmao I was just asking, I guess I understand now though, thanks guys
I can't wait for the whole Europe to freak out if Melenchon makes it to the second round. That would be two weeks of absolute bliss.
260 weeks*
Now imagine a 2nd turn Melenchon vs Le Pen
are there any frogs on leftypol? if so how is media covering melenchon? are they slandering him or just giving air time to Macron and LePen?
In less than a week he went from "that funny guy WHO WILL NEVER WIN but that we all kinda likes" to "Maximilien Ilitch Mélenchon".
Can you explain this to me? Is Maximilien a reference to Robespierre?
Maximilien is for Robespierre and Ilitch is for Lenin.
Sounds like a decent enough endorsement to me, bring on the guillotines
The situation is a little different than in the US : there are several big right-wing media publications, but they tacitly admit to be right-wing, unlike "fair and balanced" Fox News. The biggest daily is one of them (the Figaro), but the most "respected" (Le Monde, still big too, probably 2nd although I don't know for sure) kind of tries to be neutral and professionnal, unlike MSNBC or CNN. So they're giving him some coverage.
They've been reporting on his campaign, sometimes giving voice to opinion pieces against him, but also reporting on somewhat big names saying they're gonna support him, either now or in the 2nd round. The mayor of Grenoble, 16th biggest city (Green, elected on an alliance between the Greens and the Left Front, basically Mélenchon's party he made when leaving the PS for the 2012 elections), has said he would support him. Piketty, whom you might have heard about, said he would support him instead of Macron in the 2nd round, as well as Hamon himself (the PS candidate, Piketty is his adviser for now). They reported on both of these statements and the articles were visible on the front page, not buried somewhere out of sight.
The aforementioned Figaro has been very tough on him, with an entire front page dedicated to attacks against him some days ago. It's not sure whether this is working and turning people off or not. The editor in chief of one of these right-wing weeklies also gave an interview where he displayed a very silly, old-fashioned, self-imbued view of his job, literally saying "being in contact with people "polluted" the mind of the editocrat" (a name given to editor in chiefs who write daily, usually admittedly biaised, editorials), and that his function was like a "tutor with which people could grow, like vine". So maybe something this kind of trite made people take a step back too.
They've tried to give him a lot of shit for suggesting France should apply to the ALBA, because of French Guiana and the Caribbean territories, yelling about Venezuela and dictatorship and whatnot, but they've been really good at countering that and made a couple videos about it. Althought that might not convince the ones who don't wanna be convinced.
The state council ruled that 90% would be "confisquatoire" so it is illegal too. It's retared anyway and it's just a promise he do while he is in campaign to get the vote of the economically illiterate youth.
Elections don't happen in one day. The result of the second turn is easy to predict, and the president get into office only weeks after the election, so you can be sure their won't be a cent to collect.
Le figaro do what its motto say. They suck whatever dick is in power. They bashed Sarko before the election, sucked his dick while he was prez and bash him now. They went feral on Holland before the election, sucked his dick until now and be ready for a change.
It is owned by the company making the Rafale, so maybe they want the president to buy more birds.
He is running to change the Constitution. So, unlike everyone else with unconstitutional campaign problems in theory he could make that allowed from now on.
Then he need a majority at the parliament (no way professional politicians are going sing the end of their comfy nest) or to win a referendum. I doubt French people will sign if he ask for full power.
i dont buy it, even if he's elected, admitting that he phagocytes the last of the left of the PS, he will hardly get the 300 seats in the national assembly, 200 at best maybe.
Imagine being such a boring normie that you go get fired up at a Macron rally.
You can just tell those shirts were cooked up in some think tank by people who used to work for American Apparel.
Pleasant surprise!
Treat everything weird the liberal media does at this point as being in absolute denial about the imminent death of everything they've ever known.
same thing
Jews are based and have a great intellectual and marxist culture.
Don't let Holla Forums memes subvert your minds. Jews are good.
just a joke comrade
I know, but just saying that letting these ideas infect your mind can have material effects.
what harm can a couple jew jokes do
Reflecting on the Terrain poll has this song singing in my ears
Mélenchon attend des « garanties écrites » avant de participer à l’émission de France 2, le 20 avril
Contrairement à ce que la chaîne avait laissé entendre, le candidat de La France insoumise à la présidentielle n’a pas encore confirmé sa présence pour jeudi soir.
Winning aside, what would you prefer?
Mélenchon/Le Pen or Mélenchon/Macron?
Le Pen. I fear Macron would beat our Jean-Luc.
the first obviously
I mean, who do you wants to see butthurts?
The media or Holla Forums?
First by a mile but I fear we're getting the second. First one will test the neoliberal mainstream rhetoric (how will they find a way to deride Melenchon when he's up against LITERALLY HITLERINA?) but the second will test the "anti-establishment" motive of alt-right types. Either way we're getting an interesting and depressing look into hypocrisy I predict.
I'm more optimistic of a Macron/Melenchon face off.
Melenchon gets some amount of Hamon voters and Le Pen voters.
I care about the improvement of the material conditions of the people of France. Ideally Le Pen doesn't get to the second round, and we get Melenchon vs. Fillion.
Heck, that would make the two camps you mention apoplectic.
Macron would be seen as the 'safe choice,' much like how Melenchon will be seen if he faces Le Pen.
He'll get most of the LePen voters I think.
I'm not a frog but I speak french and follow the elections. basically they were laughing at him and now are not laughing anymore (which is the title of a big news article about how finance feel about Melenchon).
What they're doing is paint him as a dictator lover that wants to leave EU and join Venezuela and Iran and they're also pushing hard for Hamon which they didn't before in the hope that people would vote for Hamon which would take away votes from Melenchon. and they're playing recording of Melenchon saying he wouldn't ally with Hamon and saying Hamon's mistake was the non agression pact he had with Melenchon hoping to make it hard for Hamon not to drop and support Melenchon.
Over a hundreds of economics from 17 difference countries are supporting Mélenchon:
So he isn't /ourguy/ after all?
Why not?
so typical liberal bullshit
Be real with me, comrades. What would happen were he to win the election
Hopefully a reworking of european trade and economy. At best a small step but still worth pressing on
liberals meltdown for days leading to lols and good times for all. france leaving the EU would result in greek levels economic sabotage possible destroying the EU itself.
You guys would be so lucky to get both liberal tears + your left candidate. In the US we only got the liberal tears.
Materially, a flourishing of democracy in France with the introduction of constituent assemblies and proportional representation. Last legislative elections the Left Front got 23% of the popular vote and I think 2 representatives in the Assembly. Those LF's will now be France Insoumise, and hopefully Melenchon will be able to direct those into a parliamentary bloc he can use, maybe with large defections from the crumbling Parti Socialiste.
I see him getting the retirement age down to 60, which is good because it means more job for the young, who will appreciate this politics all the more as a result.
There's a lot of good stuff with democracy Melenchon will be doing, reducing the power of the executive, improving the power of workers in their firms, that are all steps towards build socialism.
I think le VIeme Republique as envisioned by FI will be ideal for people's institutions being built.
If he gets concessions from the EU he may not leave, and if he doesn't buckle the result would be a radically different EU. Martin Schulz's election in Germany may be the barometer of whether these changes are possible.
That so many members of this board rejoice in the fear and material destruction the American election caused out of petty vindictiveness speaks to the poverty of its morality and commitment to building socialism.
He won't win.
Wrong. Take it to the bank.
He has the momentum. He has a better chance than Le Pen
comrade stallman at it again
I won't even argue with you there. CTR, the DNC, Hillary & her supporters were so completely underhanded & insufferable that yes, I rejoiced. I'm only human, after all.
However I do not think that speaks to my "morality" or commitment to building socialism. The only "good" that came of all of this, was Hillary's neoliberal actions coming to light & many dems seeing how pathetic/untrustworthy she is. As well as the "accelerationist" angle, of the left becoming more politically active.
We were all losing, no matter who won in the end.
The election didn't cause this, btw. This is simply built into our current system.
Live meeting in 6 places at once.
thats extremely arguable
Cry moar you wanker.
Hopefully all this on a domestic level. The true potential is however in reforming of destroying the EU. As it is composed now, and was always envisioned, it is a conspiracy of moneyed interests against the public. It's not just that the EU has ravaged Southern Europe, they have smothered all true politics on issues that matter, that is, economics. All that is allowed is to stay within the narrow band of allowed fiscal policy of the Orwellian "Stability and Growth pact", and on top of that is the de facto gold standard that is the Euro. If he can force a change on those two issues, at the very least the member states will be free again to experiment with different kind of policies, including hopefully also committed leftist policies.
It's not the revolution. But it does hold the potential to improve peoples lives and to break the neoliberal deadlock.
I was just in a call with my cousin and she said she's voting Melenchon with her whole family. I wonder if she's class conscious or just because she's from the ghetto, a Maghrebine and a nurse which are the 3 groupes Melenchon speaks to the most.
PC wrote something.
r8, b8 & h8 m8s
Le pen is literally Hitler.
Maghreb don't usually vote, i guess they saw the shit comming this time, last time LePen ended up in second turn left a scar
I'm not trying to shill for macron, but is he really that economically right-wing? I know he's bad but this guy has placed him further right economically then he put Hillary or Trump, he is actually in the same position as Gary Johnson.
How radically is Marcon planning to overhaul France's economy? I feel that can't be accurate.
Le Pen and her party, since her father, actually, is fascist. Was always fascist. And fascism =/= Nazism.
I've heard many anecdotal accounts of Melanchon enthusing normally apolitical people. This is always a good sign.
Guardian's coverage of Mélenchon has been absolutely terrible so far.
Macron is a full blown neoliberal. He wants to cut state spending by €60bn and cut 120,000 public sector jobs, reduce the corporate tax rate to 25% from 33.3%, "get tough" on unemployment benefits, raise the retirement age and get rid of the 35 hour work week. , Mr Macron also wants to keep France’s commitment to its eurozone partners to cut its longstanding budget deficit to below 3% of GDP. He's Fillion but with a smile and is okay with gay people.
If anything, that article made me like him even more
You're guaranteed both with Le Pen/Melenchon
Someone make this but with french candidates
why is this guy the most popular candidate again?
Does this race even exist anymore
After copious research and, yes, of course, now we have the internet, and this information is all readily available, but…
Jim Davis, he used his life experiences to influence his comic…
Like I mentioned before, none of them seem to have the weight of the pipe strip… But you have to wonder about the man who is able to even, just once, create the perfect form, a literally flawless execution of art, brilliance! Just as in a ward… I think there is a spiritual element at work…
I've seen my share of bad times and… when you have something… Well, it's just… emotions, and neurons in your brain, but… something tells you that it's the truth…
Truth's radiant light.
Garfield, the cat? Neurons in my brain, it's… it's harmony, you see? It… Jon and Garfield, it's truly harmony, like a… continuous, looping, everlasting harmony… The lavender chair, the brown end table, the salmon-colored wall, the fore's green carpeting, Garfield is hunched, perched… perhaps with the pipe stuck firmly between his jowls… His tail curls around. It's more than shapes too, because… I…
Okay, stay with me… I've done this experiment several times.
You take the strip. You trace only the basic elements. You can do anything, you can simplify the shapes down to just… blobs, just outlines, but it still makes sense…
You can replace the blobs with magazine cutouts of other things, replace Jon Arbuckle with a… car parked in a driveway sideways, cut that out of a magazine, stick it in… Replace him there in the second panel with a… a food processor… Okay, and then we put a picture of the planet in the third panel over Garfield…
It still works.
Day of the chopper soon faggots
Le Pen will liberate France
Have some liberal tears for you.
Bonus points for the gratuitous accusation of xenphobia.
did it ever?
10/10 post, please return soon.
There you go.
People actually believe in neoliberalism and TINA.
Also the public sector is traditionally big in France, and all right-wingers and the media constantly talk about how it's bloated and unsustainable etc. and how public workers are "privileged" compared to the private sector, so we should level everything down to make it "fair" :^^^^^^^)
What public sector industries do the french have?
If you mean like metallurgy, no idea but probably close to zero. It's mostly administrative stuff. 25% is education, 20% health, 15% "technical" (plumber/cameraman/etc.). The stats aren't very specific.
Le Pen is already at her ceiling.
Le Pen will rise.
Railroad transportation.
Electricity is 86% state-owned (with a whooping 2% belonging to workers)
Most defence industry (EADS, Dassault, Thales) is partly or mostly state-owned as well.
Highways are technically still the property of state, exploited by for-profit companies.
In most towns, water is a municipal service.
quit your larping
Le Pen is the only hope for France. Shit, the Netherlands already fucked up their shot.
Jim Davis is a God among men. He deserves every bit of the adulation directed towards him.
yeah shes a "hope" for france just like trump was in the us
the dutch did the right thing in not putting that clown in power
After the Trump ridiculousness, I think far righters being voted in may take a hit.
I was writing the exact same, lmao.
come on i know you Holla Forumsyps can do better than that
111 off. But no, Holla Forums can't do better then that except on the odd occasion. Usually those are the ones who are more open to leftism and come with a genuine question.
I strongly recomend another terrorist attack at the very least.
dumb edgy meme, doesn't even make sense
No they didn't, they have a lolberg government which ceded several concessions to their right-wing opposition, it's one of the best results possible, since Wilders will get what he wants without having to risk face.
Even if Le Pen were to win very little would change because of the weak presidential powers, I don't think she even has the authority for a referendum.
The Guardian is a bourgeois-liberal paper much like our SPIEGEL. They try to appear lefty in order to attract readers but they really are neoliberal bourgeois imperialists. The butthurt in that article is sweet though, as a former DDR citizen i particularly enjoyed JLM's remark about the annexation of the DDR. The Guardian thinks that's revisionism. It's not, it's how it really went down, it was not a unification on equal terms, corporate neoliberal Germany essentially just swallowed us. The Guardian also suggests that JLM is hate-mongering against Germany but he doesn't. Anything he says with regard to Germany is directed against the neocon govt, not against us German people and has been said similarly before by leftist German politicians such as Oskar Lafontaine and leftist journalists.
The mega butthurt line about JLM daring to refer to the people as unified entity that is in opposition to a small caste of exploiters made me smile. The Guardian accidentally revealed there what idpol really is: a tool to divide the people.
No i mean they can make better disses of leftypol than "literally just posted the same thing as they're replying to, but with the target switched."
Not necessarily GOOD disses but better than that embarrassment.
Imagine being this petty at leftists over insults.
I'd tell you to get fucked by a goat, but I reckon you'd like it.
We have so much infighting we have disses for eachother.
Also why the fuck are you throwing a shitfit over insults
The Guardian getting nervous now wonderboy Macron is losing face
hope is a lie
no it's not
Hearty laugh, thanks.
will hamon voters all jump to melenchon or macron?
Macron is roughly in the same place as Gary Johnson from their other test
no, vote switch is never 100%, and a lot already have, which is why he rose in the polls in the first place
Hamon and the other left candidates have said they will vote Melonchon. The right wing of French socialist party are probably already supporting Macron.
Holy fuck Macron married his high school teacher
Yeah sure his youth and not the fact that it probably legitimately started out as what would legally be considered rape
There are rumours about him being gay. Would make sense for a liberal candidate.
99.9% of women can't rape men over 15.
It's the truth.
that gigolo has some serious mommy issues, i'm sur many old French women will vote for him just because they think he's cute
What is this a poll of?
Sucdem just prolongs capitalism's life.
Russia is basically the ultimate CIA-backed oligitarian tax haven, it's the darth vader of the emperor. It aint's the devil, but it's still the devil's top bitch nonetheless.
literally /ourtime/
It's not a poll.
This is actually a lot like Hugh Jackman, too. I was really surprised when I heard about his wife's age. She's 61 now & he's 48.
Still, it's nice to see actual liberals recognize this fact & not be in denial. I'm pretty surprised, tbh.
This celebrity worshipping faggotry is why the left, the twin brother of the right will never accomplish any of it's goals. You people are fucking losers. Go read people magazine and leave politics to the big guys.
How is this celebrity worshiping faggotry he literally was just saying a surprising fact about a celebrity.
Also the Right complains about liberals and their celebrities, but that is just because they have so few themselves.
The right still slobs the knob of people like Clint Eastwood, Kanye West, and anyone who says anything remotely sympathetic to their cause. Hell the American rights hero is a fucking actor.
The fuck are you talking about? It says more about you that this is what you thought of when seeing some random comment. I just remembered some random thing I'd heard years ago & posted about it.
Take your meds, user.
Great point. You see whining all over FOX news & with some alt-righters about "muh under representation" in Hollywood. As if that actually matters in any way.
Ronald Reagan, peace be upon him.
No, it just means that income is capped at 360 000€/year
things like this warm my heart.
What's wrong with voting yourself more benefits?
Between wild hope and despair at the prospect of victory and defeat, I read Le Monde & Le Figaro and listen to RFI and feel an urge to pray though I know it will do nothing.
What is melenchon's position on the Muslim issue?
Laicite. He considers religion to be oppression, and is personally against the wearing of the veil.
He considers being a refugee a punishment, which indicates to me he doesn't encourage immigration, those he is accepting of it, particularly since France plays such a prominent role in the destabilization of the countries many Muslim refugees are fleeing from.
I hate leftcoms.
So basically, it is the responsibility of France to continue to accept Muslims as penance for its previous actions in the Middle East?
Not sure how well that will go over in a Le Pen - Melenchon race
feels good, man
Do you not believe a people have an obligation to a people they have wrought destruction upon?
You say penance, and you implication is France should be accepting of terrorism, but that's a characterization. France is a communitarian nation, and accepting the wretched is a moral choice he agrees with.
fucks sake why won't this cuckmon guy just drop out? causing macron to lose would be the ultimate payback to his party betrayers
nate silver will hang himself, KEK
It's not like they're active participants in it. The vast majority of French people could probably care less about the Arabs and have no interest in military actions in the region. This is basically arguing that they should be held accountable for failure to overthrow the government for its actions in the Middle East.
I'm American so I don't really care who wins the French election, but I don't think Melenchon's chances are good in a Melenchon - Le Pen race. At least ~25% of the voters are willing to vote for some reason for no reason other than Muh Slims, since Le Pen has no platform aside from this, and it's not like the people who voted for a conservative are going to run out to vote for Melenchon over Le Pen.
The moderates will just go for the vichy government.
moderates for a reason, yeah…
Le Pen is mostly full of shit about leaving the EU, one can only presume. Moderates are probably fine with "status quo, but also expel the Muslims".
Uh, that's basically the opposite of what nate silver's been saying about this? His line has been "pollsters are actively manipulating their data, who the fuck even knows what's going on."
Why are Le Pen rallies so barren? She truly is the Hillary candidate.
Chomsky, Glover and Ruffalo Call on France to Vote Melenchon
telesur is a good source, though, for expanding on the topic.
Looks like Evola is on board
I don't think it's an option for him to give up, the campaign costs too much money and his presence is a good thing for the traitors from the PS, if Mélenchon loses, it will be partly because of Hamon.
Many people from the PS will work in macron's government if that piece of shit is elected.
Fun fact: Mélenchon's favourite movie is Blade Runner (he said it in today's interview on tv), what's not to love about that guy?
Je dis pas ça sur internet normalement, mais va te pendre, sérieusement.
Someone just shared this in another thread
Age of consent is 15 in France
but what if the French consents?
Not in a teacher-student relationship. I've heard Frances tabloids are having a field day with this. I'm normally pretty live and let live but marrying a Women who sexually exploited you when you're 15 is totally and utterly fucked.
Fucking liberals man.
LePen is the French Hillary, a corrupt and despised politician.
her political party is a family business and nobody think she'd make a good president even the FN voters as amazing as it sounds.
her movement is 100% based on hatred and fear, everything else from social to economic guideline is laughable and radically change every decade.
the FN used to be ultra liberal less than a decade ago. now they'd be classified as far left.
the only persistent thing is hatred. not hope, unlike Trump who's line was "maga" which was a positive thing.
LePen's line would be more like "get those fucking shitskins out, we're all gonna die, REEEE"
literally my wife's son.
I sent this to my lib sister to see what she says
The Atlantic tho, never have there been more proud liberals.
it would be such a shame if another terrorist attacked happened in France right before election night.
what is it like to be on the same side as terrorists?.
There's been several attacks in recent years and it didn't fundamentally change anything. Maybe it does for stupid, hysterical americans, but not for educated people. Le Pen have been increasing slowly because of several reasons, and it didn't just explode because of past attacks.
Be the change you want to see in the world. I'm sure you'll make a convincing racist caricature.
Cops stopped a bomb attack against Le Pen. Maybe we will have another one.
hello Holla Forums.
I'm just shitposting but if you seriously think that a well coordinated islamist attack right before elction night won't somehow hand LePen the presidency I would say you are dangerously optimistic.
and while we are magicaly think maybe alies will give hamon a unicorn
I'm actually memeing a badly executed false flag giving it to Melenchon
i hope you fags saw /ourguy/ here
oh wow you dumb assholes memed something into existence
The fuck are you on about?
Reformism? What could possibly go wrong?
Not a fair comparison. Syriza was offered an ultimatum to go bankrupt or capitulate. A win for Melenchon is a win for the eurozone and fix Greece as well.
Right after saying there's no indication of who the shooters are, they immediately go "but it might be ISIS which is great for Le Pen"
It's not at all. The drive behind Le Pen is your generic anti-immigration ideology. Once again : there was no explosion of support after the attacks.
who would've guessed
Yeah this is exactly what I was saying, not the 15 bit.
Greece didn't have des forces de dissuasion.
forgot pic
Why am I not surprised?
Here is what it should look like
Macron is more like Hillary
She is more like Trump, but not as right wing
Posadas is pleased.
there is your problem.
It was never independent, therefore it actually doesn't matter who's in charge.
Their Kings were German, ffs. You think they brought German efficiency into this country?
Heck no! They gave them the porky friendliest constitution in the fucking world. Now that they blew everything up, it's up to the lefties to fix it, but not really, or you will end up like Varoufakis.
well, now ISIS is taking credit
Amarnath AmarasingamVerified account @AmarAmarasingam 5m5 minutes ago
BREAKING: ISIS claims the #ChampsElysees attack, saying his name is "Abu Yusuf, a Belgian who is a fighter in the Islamic state."
no, she's no where near comparable to Trump.
people voted for him because he was (appeared to be) an outsider, Marine spent most of her life in politics and just like Hillary many people hate her and would rather vote for a dead rat than her.
Trump isn't rightwing, he's just good at telling people what they want to hear and bullshitting people.
LePen is a rightwing, but unlike her father she has political skills and is able to sugarcoat her stuff.
And that's exactly what Macron is: He doesn't have any program because he want to manage the country as a company + he says to people what they want to hear…
Francois Fillon calls for suspension of election campaigning after Paris attack.
how can u be this ignorant
Sucks, but I think this attack is too little and too late to do anything significant except maybe harden Le Piss's voters. Maybe another Nice scale attack would really shift the scales, but who gives a fuck about a single dead pig. Hell, the Pulse shooting in the States barely made a dent in Hillary's polling the week after it happened and that was really deadly. And I know you might be saying "Hillary lost, you fag!" and you are right, but she did get way more votes and France doesn't have a dipshit electoral college system.
but that's fucking worse. the only bearable leftist candidat is Hamon, maybe poutou but he has no chance.
like clockwork.
Nigga what the fuck are you retarded?!?
He has no fucking chance!
He doesn't care about the election, this guy just want to get hear by the people about how capitalism is shit and he wants to BTFO politicians in general.
The best case we can have is Mélenchon and Le Pen not because Mélenchon will win the second tour but because it will put the French establishment in the corner!
Her father has political skills too, ya know. Jean-Marie Le Pen just never wanted to take power, he enjoyed the comfort of being a force of the opposition.
never said that Macron had a program but he's definitely not as good as Trump when it comes to bullshitting.
he tryes to rub everyone the nice way and end up saying nothing, its quite funny to watch.
thats probably true.
i disagree, it was the best time to pull off.
i wander what Holla Forumsype think about being on the same side as terrorists. if it even crossed their minds.
be like "wait, those terrible people who also hate me to death are trying to help my candidate, maybe there is something wrong"
do you think they go that far into thinking?
Well, he's not trying to bullshit people. He's playing the political correctness card to its full extent. His speeches are basically the liberal credo everyone is used to hear so it makes sense to them.
It actually infuriates me to listen and watch the crowd during his meetings. Macron treats them like brainless sheep but they actually ask for more.
its not just Macron tbh, it seem to be common in every political meeting, everyone is spooked as fuck
Indeed but the difference with Macron, imo, is that he treats them as such without even hiding it.
of course not, they still think lefties and islamists are in an alliance to destroy the white race, and nativists winning would hurt radical political islam. if they had any goddamn awareness they'd realise that ISIS is the Holla Forums of islamic world, they want the same things in a different package.
I have a feeling that the 2nd round will be Macron-Mélenchon and most Hamon (probably like 65%), Arthaud and Poutou supporters will vote for Mélenchon. Also I deal with Le Pen supporters on the daily and none of them will vote for Macron. I also know that in this scenario most of them would cling to Mélenchon's EU, NATO, IMF positions to try and get something out of the election. I know some guys who were Mélenchon supporters in 2012 and turned to Le Pen and vice versa. I'm most likely delusional though. But the polls suggest that lots of Le Pen people would vote for Mélenchon in a 2nd round against Macron, but most would be undecided (it's like 26% Mélenchon, 25% macron and the rest undecided). When they see that they have a lot more in common than they think, most undecideds would vote for Mélenchon.
These scenarios are useless because we don't know the 1st round results, but I'm confident that Mélenchon would win against Macron because most undecideds would go to Mélenchon. The Fillon voters are not undecided, they would vote for Macron, Hamon voters are split but favor Mélenchon, Arthaud and Poutou voters would go to Mélenchon and Le Pen voters are basically split right now with slight advantage to Mélenchon and most undecideds would go for him when they see some of his positions.
In a head to head debate between Macron and Melenchon, Macron would be crushed. Be confident. Victory is near.
the way things are going, i thing its gonna ble Fillon/MLP
i agree with you, if LePen isn't in the second round her voter will go for the most anti system candidate available. just to fuck shit up
I think they're aware that Le Pen winning would ultimately lead to more radical Islam and more attacks. They just want to worsen the relations between foreigners and the native population as quickly as possible so they can get their Muslims vs. West clash of civilization (just like the Islamic extremists do.)
its not that simple, i don't think LePen election will create more radicals.
people don't just become murdered, all terrorist had large criminal past, the step was easy and tbh, i think for them is more a justification then a motivator.
i think radicals on both sides are a tiny minority but a very noisy one, a bit like SJW among the left.
sorry, my lack of sleep makes me explain myself poolu
I think I'll get depressed (more than I am already at least) if Macron wins it.
We NazBol now?
who made this shit? the guy is literally a banker!
B-but the left and the right don't exist anymore !
It's all about progressives/conservatives.
That's why En Marche is the true alternative.
Vote carefully on sunday :)
You will see if he wins the simple truth that Mélenchon is just Tsipras 2.0
France is an industrial core nation of the Eurozone. Greece a peripheral nation on the verge of bankruptcy. This leap of logic is astounding.
Daily reminder /ourguy/ is based Poutou.
You will see soon enough that Capitalism does not allow random people to just go and legally abolish it.
at least PC got it right
The Trump equivalent here is of course Asselineau, except this one is far from winning anything.
Then /ourguy/ said he'd vote for melenchon
Trump knows the best laws though
define best, my man
How to spot an actual radical candidate, instead of a farce fascist buffoon.
they tried to do this in italy
Tax loopholes mostly.
Gotta love the free press.
so goes Danny Glover, so goes the nation
I keep mistaking Ruffalo for Vince Vaughn.
isn't vince vaughn a wierdo libertarian?
Yeah, supporting Ron and Rand Paul and all. Which is why I found it weird to see "him" supporting Melenchon.
Thank you, this is a great post and I hope you post more like this on leftypol. We need people who are willing to teach and reference without just saying "lol read a book"
We had a referendum. No option won. They're still doing it and the only party who's opposing it is the retard party.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Why is the media propping le pen up again?
because libs always prefer a fascist. for all their bluster about cleansing the nation of parasites they never target capitalism, just the people most hurt by it.
I just want another RACISM IS DEFEATED moment.
2nd image is pretty good campaign material. Hollande is probably the most hated president of all time.
How can Mélenchon lose with Hulk supporting him?
How did the polls change after yesterdays attack?
we're living in some fucked up times.
Tragic, really, France is full of old people, literally.
like half of the population is over 50.
i don't know how capitalism could work without mass immigration.
LePrn is gonna crash that shit with no survivors.
They didn't because the french are not over-emotional hysterical retards like americans. Stop asking this.
Holla Forums is desperate for the browns of their nightmares to be real
Nah, there will be still immigration but it will be OK because immigrants will get openly blamed for everything because the PC era is over.
But she'll totally take care of the immigration problem by having deportation quotas that only represent a fraction of immigration.
You will have migrants even more helpless against capital orders, the unions who support them will be disbanded because betrayal of the nation
Reactionay will be happy from the news of police beating up browns, alienated minorities will become an even more fertile ground for Islamists ideologists and that will justify the extension of a police state.
Everybody win…
Heh our european MP from Left Bloc, Marisa Matias sang Grândola, Vila Morena in the JLM rally. I don't have a separate video yet but here's the song translated in English, French, German and Polish:
It's one of our best songs, composed by the guy in the pic
Are we talking about the same polls that said Brexit and Trump wouldn't happen? Besides, what predatory agenda are you cultivating when poll numbers are the first thing you think about?
Polls didn't fail about Brexit nor about Trump. It's just morons who don't understand error margins who think they did.
They definitely failed on Trump though. Hillary had a huuuuuge lead over Trump in the polls. The polls weren't even close of reflecting reality.
No, the polls showed a lead of 3-4 points USA-wide, which makes it inside of the +-% error margin, and even then Hillary did have half a point over Trump in the elections, USA-wide.
Right before the elections, the odds of Trump winning were estimated to be at ~20%, meaning it was definitely possible.
+- 3%
what an ugly fuck.
These were the final nationwide polls. Hillary won the popular vote by 2% and most polls predicted she would have a 3% lead with a 2 to 3% margin of error. The nationwide polls were mostly close but the statewide polls were shit. I think there was a campaign to mess with the pollsters in the midwest ot something (I don't remember the details)
Popular polls in America mean squat. It was the statewide polls that mattered and it was those who failed.
Like 3 of them failed. This is a terrible argument, sometimes a 20-30% chance thing happens
No, six out of the 27 states I bothered screenshotting were off the mark. Four of them completely outside the margin of error.
Looks like more than 70% of the polls still were right, then
Before to get sad or anything, Mélenchon didn't stop to grow up in this poll today so maybe we will a surprise in ~2 days.
You are so full of it. Here. That's 16 states outside the +/-3% margin of error. With 2 barely staying inside it.
This can be prone to quite some biases.
That's right, most polls were still right.
I saw in some article today about how they're calling a Melenchon vs Le Pen run-off a "nightmare scenario for investors". And guess which one they prefer.
Also how the fuck isn't Fillon's career ruined?
Yeah, but's almost like in France the NATIONAL polls do matter.
Fuck, I just noticed the elections are actually tomorrow, any French comrades to explain how things are feeling?
Depending on how many of Hamon's voters man it up this one could be on the bag.
I'm Guessing Pen vs Chon because of Fillion voters moving to her.
As your picture is showing it's been stagnating heavily lately. There will be no surprises.
I'm not really holding my breath, but there's still a big chance of it happening. The polls have been sorta fucked up too, they shouldn't all be showing basically the same exact thing every time, especially with that many viable candidates in the running.
I don't know exactly what that means but basically just everyone cross their fingers.
The exact moment press panicked about Melenchon and started writing scare stories about him, even giving Le Pen a free pass over him.
The 4 main guys are inside the error margins, so it can only be a surprise.
I hear that a lot but why exactly do people hate him?
He didn't deliver on unemployment, so discontentment amongst the electorate keep growing president after president.
He said me president; no more scandals but scandals kept coming
He lack charisma.
This plus he's terribly technical.
He didn't do extremely bad, just bland and stagnating.
He did all he could to stop terrorism and took technical measures against it but he didn't seem to care.
He was actively involved in foreign affairs and was a relatively good tactician but without the charisma.
Hollande was meant to be a foreign affairs minister. He doesn't have the shoulders to be president.
Also this : en.wikipedia.org
Second round probabilities.
Reminder that hope is death.
Hopefully the Brexit-Trump phenomenon comes to France as well. I get really wet when the masses take a big shit on media's public surveys.
Yeah, you can really pinpoint it there. Melenchon's rising trend has simple moved to Le Pen because the media stepped off her neck onto Melenchon's.
We had the failures of public survey exposed in 2002, but their use augmented exponentionally ever since. Go figure.
The right hates him because of gay marriage (to be fair, Hollande did a shit job because he let the lunatic catholics pretend gay marriage would allow gay adoption, whereas gay adoption exists in France since adoption laws exist (since Napoléon, actually)).
Also, he did a shit job during the Léonarda affair. Léonarda was a gypsy girl who got expelled from the country with her family. It made a scandal because she was caught by the police while in school, so the teachers alerted the media. Technically speaking, only adults can be illegal in France, but illegal families are expelled as a whole for evident reasons. Hollande made a speech where he said "Léonarda can come back in France… alone :^)" (which is legal because she's under 18).
Jean-Marc Ayrault left his office of mayor of Nantes to become Prime minister of Hollande in 2012, and used his new position to fight against the environmentalists protesting against the project of a new airport in Nantes (the Notre-Dame des Landes airport).
After the terrorist attacks of Bataclan, Hollande did a speech were he said he would modify the constitution to remove French citizenship to bi-national criminals, which is basically a ripoff of an old Le Pen law project. He gave up on this idea a few months afterwards. Hollande put France in a state of emergency (giving special powers to the executive branch) because of the attacks, and used it as a pretense to wreck leftist/environmentalist protesters (even in Notre-Dame des Landes).
Manuel Valls, who has very few sympathizers inside the Socialist Party, became Prime Minister after Jean-Marc Ayrault. He is clearly right-wing (he focused on repressing immigrants in Calais and leftist protests, and used the 49-3 article of the constitution to bypass the Parliament and adopt an anti-social law). Macron invented the so-called "Macron laws" and "El Khomri laws" which are basically capitalist wet dreams. The El Khomri law was the worst, because it aims at replacing the French labour laws by company-specific negotations between the owner of the company and the workers, which aims to put the labour laws in the "competitive free market managed by the invisible hand".
Most of the socialist deputies (even more, most of all the deputies) were against this stupid law, most of the population was against this law, most of the unions were against this law (even most of the entrepreneurs' union (apart from the MEDEF)), but Valls forced these laws to pass nonetheless. This whole mess triggered "Nuit Debout".
Macron has a huge responsibility in all the hate for the current government, but he somehow managed to pretend he's not Hollande's heir.
In short, Hollande is a social-traitor, and he's morally not conservative enough to be liked by right-wingers. He didn't even try to be reelected.
Wew lad everyone but Macron btfo
I am convinced. All I need to have my vote won over is be told that my guy would definitely win and that will assure my loyalty.
Just saying there is hope ya feel me
I hesitate to go here and camp in the wild, but that would be a bit too much effort for participating to bourgeois democracy
I posted that poll because you posted the Hillary one actually
Where is Stallman?
Of course they support Mélenchon, that's a given.
Richard Stallman is a more surprising and internationally relevant support, and I'm sure there are more.
I'm wondering, what's Holla Forums take on Lordon ?
More than 100 economists from 17 countries support Mélenchon.
I'm not sure anybody knows him
I don't know about the others, but the portuguese guys on there are literal whos that barely got out of school
Frédéric Lordon. He wrote Willing Slaves of Capital.
I've heard of him, seems like a "far-left" softy liked by the nuit debut bobos
I meant anybody outside of France.
i'm not a frog, kermit, but it's true i regularly look at what they're doing because only in france the left is still kicking it, at least comparatively
God I love French women.
jesus christ how horrifying
Now this gives me pause. For a long time now, "economist" has been synonymous with "Porky balllicker". Unless the embattled lefty economists finally figured out that just putting their names together and making a headline like "X economists support Y" is easy and powerful electoral marketing.
You can't rely on their polls. In 2012, the results were a lot different from the predictions.
Mélenchon, who was a lot less popular than he is now, was around 16-18% in the polls but eventually only got 11% (I will always remember his disheartened face when he saw the first results).
I bet that Le Pen will be higher than the rest (>25%), just like in the previous elections we had, and the three others around 20%.
Amnesty supports him? Figured that's odd since organizations like that tend to shill for humanitarian interventionism and free market bullshit.
Also I'm surprised Thomas Piketty isn't on here.
Tom threw in with Hamon early/
Macron probably will end up winning but after Brexit and Trump we should be more skeptical of polling.
So will this be a repeat of the Dutch Election where le pen underperforms? I just see more enthusiasm for Melenchon with my French friends.
I'm preparing myself for a Macron win. At least you can count on the French left to not go to sleep afterwards.
This reminds me, how many European elections have there been since this "rightwing revival" started? In Netherlands they flopped, in Austria they might actually have won if not for porky fraud.
There was Renzi losing. Not elections but an important referendum, not right-wing trend but still a "populist" one. Some economists even warned beforehand that if Renzi loses it could snowball into EU falling apart. Of course nothing happened yet, although Italian elections will be interesting.
Austria voted against a far rightist and the polls were wrong again but against the far right, where Wilders underperformed in the Dutch Elections. In Burgerland a couple of special elections showed that Republicans may get gangraped in congress in 2018 though.
Spurdoland voted and the far right there also flopped (8% for True Finns, down from 17% in 1015).
In mid-2016 Spain voted and continued in its line of far right parties not even presenting candidates of their own. Far rightists there usually just vote for the conservatives (in power but not by much).
Le Pen, despite her constant effort to moderate the FN's stances, has reached the fash ceiling of 25% and could be actually receding, which is especially significant since the far left is growing.
Germany and the UK will be voting this summer.
One could argue that the far right is actually receding.
Black Hitler lost? ;_;
Finn socdem lost? :DD
In the unlikely scenario that Melenchon gets elected, there's nothing stopping the ECB from playing hardball and just cutting lending to French banks. It would cause an immediate crisis and set a countdown whereupon Melenchon would either capitulate or break with the EU entirely. Based on the latest interview with his economic advisor in Jacobin I'm not confident that they are fully prepared for a rupture. They seem to expect that the ECB will just comply with everything they do.
Jacques Généreux was interviewed by Jacobin ?
I'm voting Mélenchon tomorrow but I actually agree with you. I think he will break the EU.
It was Liêm Hoang-Ngoc.
God I hate the fucking media. The only thing Trump is right about is that they are the enemy of the people.
This doesn't seem very socialist to me.
I actually met the guy. He was pretty nice.
Guys, honestly. Does he have a chance? Should I bet on him? His odds are really high.
Bet all your fucking money on it famalam, I'll vote Marine myself :^)
Bet on the opposite of what you wish, so no matter what happens, you win.
Austria's election was a bit suspicious, wasn't it?
Reading up on him, he seems to be exactly the type of guy that switches around these limp-wristed "socialist" parties. Por quoi, Melenchon?
Yeah just like in 2012 the Front de Gauche landed 3rd place like the polls said
If you vote for your candidates, they win.
What if I bet on Le Pen and Macron wins or vice versa? Wouldn't that make me the ultimate loser?
I'm cultivating an agenda, where I, a right-winger, can call up my Saudi-Arabian buddies and order a terrorist attack right before the election, which inevitably will give me a boost by hysterical and nervous voters.
And breaking up Germany's economy while they are at it?
I don't think ECB will fuck up it's strongest ally. They can't be that stupid.
Mario Draghi will do so hoping that Melenchon will capitulate as Tsipras did. It's not a question of stupidity it's a question of how far the EU will go to discredit or subvert a supposedly leftist government.
Then make a bet on Macron and another one on Le Pen. Depending on bettings odds, you can make a benefit with both scenarios.
Or just wait the 2nd round. Even though the profits won't be as much interesting.
Tsipras didn't have nukes that could be lost in nature if Greece collapsed, neither an army making up a large part of European defense. Neither the part of Germany's foreign trade France holds.
He basically needs to draw the meme election tomorrow (Melenchon v Le Pen) to have a decent chance to win.
Come on Melenchon one tiiiime
Porky already said he's scared of Le Pen vs Melenchon, but would prefer the former, because of course he would.
as french people living in northern and southern america a day earlier than the other french people, some of the results have already been published (not official, but it shows tendencies):
results in bolivia: macron 35%, mélenchon 28%, fillon 18%, hamon 8%, le pen 5%
results in kourou, guyana: le pen 25%, mélenchon 23%, macron 20%, fillon 13%, hamon 7%
results in matoury, guyana: mélenchon 27%, le pen 26,4%, macron 18,3%, fillon 11,9%
Will there be a live thread on election day? Will the chat be opened?
ok yeah it's fucking guyana and bolivia but
Here's some early results from Holla Forums
French Guyana:
MLP 25%
JLM 23%
Macron 20%
Fillon 13%
Hamon 7%
JLM 27%
MLP 26.4%
Macron 18.3%
Fillon 11.9%
I honestly think he could win the non-meme election. The shilling for Macron is so blatant you know they're tipping the scales for him. He's unlikely to be as solid as they're making him out to be
Fuck this erection is already threatening to last way too long
But what about the most important overseas chunk of france, how did they vote?
Wtf, these morons will be the death of the Left
I'm going to be the faggotnigger and make the argument that him staying in the race and placing fifth is better for us because if we place third we can villainize the center faction as splitters and if we make it to the finals or win anyway we can still cite that as an example of how outmoded the center is, that their candidates placed 3rd, 4th and 5th respectively
Oversea territories population and scale
Don't say you didn't learn something on Holla Forums
Here's some insightful prediction from some obscure forum
Macron 23%
Mélenchon 22%
Le Pen 22%
Fillon 19%
Hamon 6%
Dupont-Aignan 4%
Others 4%
Le soleil ne se couche jamais
Google trends accurately predicted the outcomes of elections.
Mélenchon upset happening
I don't think so, fly guy
Why the fuck is corsica so much more into the election?
Hard to believe le pen did that score
in guyana. As far as I know, most of people who live there are black/mixed.
He stalled because many popular newspapers/tv channels had a smear campaign against him these past two weeks.
And the others are neo-colons.
They know what comes next, after the revolution.
boy he bouta do it!
As far as I know, most of people who live there are black/mixed.
"I didn't think leopards would eat MY face" sobs woman who voted for the leopards eating people's faces party.
(I mean in fairness the ones who are actually IN guyana aren't exactly immigrants as far as anti-immigrant rhetoric goes. Guyanans in mainland france, I suspect wouldn't have the same rates.)
Stop being stupid. Most "racists" and "white supremacists" liberals cry about are generic anti-immigration people who want "us first!!" and think refugees get literal free houses, not neo-nazis.
Is Melenchon the commie?
Result for the first turn will be coming around 8pm CST
Just say how many hours from now
A full 65% of english speakers are from the US, and probably not going to give a shit about GMT vs subtracting or adding a couple hours to one of the time zones they actually hear about.
I fuck up it's 8pm CET/GMT+1
he is not the Commie, he's not capable of being the Commie. We had a commie but now we don't. He is not the Commie.
Did my part :3
Shame on you Holla Forums. You need to take a stand and reject anti-Semitism.
This is the religious equivalent of "It's because i'm black isn't it". I don't have to be anti-Semitic to point out trashcan-tier psychological tactics.
Because they want to go back to Italy
Inb4 all he said was "Israel does some shit things".
But lads, let's hope JLM at-least gets third, because that will launch a lot of La Gauche peeps into the AN, which will be good for everyone. Also his wish of a fifth republic might happen as a lot of Parliamentary Macron supports are behind it.
C'est la lutte, finale. Ressemblez-nous et demain. L'internationale, sera la guerre d'humain!
I looked the article up and yeah, it's essentially just this.
Goddammit Holla Forums I'm having a shitty moment.
I don't want to get cucked again like we did with Bernie. Like we did five years ago with Melonboy. Like we're going to with Corbyn. Like we did in Brazil and in Venezuela. Not to mention all the countries we're totally locked out of like Peru, Panama, Poland, the Netherlands. With Bernie it was so close and we missed. This time it's even closer.
I don't want to miss again, buckos.
You're in luck, because communism has absolutely fuck-all to do with who wins the election. No need to get worked up.
Bourgie politics is all we've got. In the Americas La Resistance is only a significant element in the US, Mexico and maybe Brazil, and just a few months ago there was no La Resistance in America. La Resistance is a joke in the EU. It's a joke in most of the third world.
Unless you want to move to Nepal. Oh, that's right guys, we took Nepal recently (geopolitically speaking), So I Guess That's Good Or Something. Or you could move to Rojava which might not even exist soon. Then there's a couple Latin American countries but who even gives a fuck, we can't make any headway in Eastern Europe or the Islamic world (Assadist Ba'athism is a joke) and we're losing ground in a lot of other places like India. Remember the Maoists? Yeah. But mostly I'm peeved because of the situation Puerto Rico is in where we got a Trump-tier candidate elected because he had a cute face and a convenient last name. Actually I guess he's more of a Dubya Bush Senior Junior Double Deluxe, isn't he? Anyway he won with less than 43% of the vote because of splitting, demotivation, lack of education and an opposition party that can't clarify its agenda because of the conservative minortiy wing that actually wants to be(/remain for the particularly deluded ones) a "non-colonial territory" (lol) and the fear that not choosing the exact right wording would scare people off because Independence Would Never Work, The FBI Told Me So.
That's blatantly false but OK
You do realise that capitalism is heading for collapse at lightning speed? SocDems or even commies in elected office doesn't mean shit. In fact being in power while a crisis hits just discredits us. Point scoring in bourgeois politics isn't necessarily harmful but it also doesn't contribute at all to the movement of socialism, in fact it can set it back.
Melenchon (or bernie, or corbyn) winning would be nice and all but its not in itself a victory for communism or communists.
lol relax, worker power in France eminates from the streets and unions anyway
If I was a religion I'd be a jew, at least than you could criticize these idiots in polite society without getting frowned upon
Also because jews are cool
Why live?
Melenchon is honestly the only reformist that I as a leftcom get reasonably excited about, because while he will not bring communism to France, there is actually the potential that he will make communist revolution in the immediate future possible by laying the necessary groundwork.
You don't follow, comrade. If we don't have a strong enough showing when SHTF fascists will take over like they already have in Eastern Europe.
I guess I don't know how things are over there but there seemed to be a consensus that France was almost as cucked as the rest of the EU.
We did it, leftypol
not even jews are safe from the ADL "anti-zionism/anti-israel is just anti-semitism in a different form!" line. See: Tony Judt
Hi Holla Forums. No, we also think mass immigration is shit, the diffrence is that we see capitalism as the main cause.
And of course, identity politics is the handmaiden of reaction again.
I mean, they do exist, but you replied to the wrong fucking post for it.
You know doing stuff like that make your vote count as null.
How so?
The fear campaign around Melenchon as been incredible. Too bad many French especially the expats seem to believe it.
I love how the best they have is "he's an ANTI-BUSINESS COMMUNIST LOOK AT THESE FILTHY RICH GENTLEMEN OF JEWISH DESCENT CRYING ABOUT HIM". The man is totally untouchable because they haven't had time to do their oppositional research because they thought he was a non-factor– it's honestly stunning.
expats are the ones obviously benfiting from the whole neoliberal global market. Any thing going astray from the neoliberal consensus will of course be met wih autistic screeching from their part.
hearing the chon is doing poorly?
How? There's no exit polling in France; if you've seen something claiming to be so, they're probably full of shit.
Foreign medias can actually but I'm not sure their polls would be really representative.
Let's be patient.
Voting booths are closed at 20:00 (Paris hour, GMT+1) in major cities, and at 18:00 or 19:00 in small towns and villages.
This means, don't take the results too seriously at 20:00, since a lot of votes will not have been counted yet, especially if there's a close tie (which there very well might be).
The results will be much closer to their final form at around 21:00, so don't worry if Mélenchon starts losing 21.3% against the 21.4% of Le Pen or something like that.
literally boycotting media right now tbh
I'll check at like 10pm when the results are 100% sure
LePen will win.
/leftycucks/ on suicide watchhhhhhh.
I seriously hope you're talking about the Bourgeoisie.
She will make it to the second turn, but will never win.
Are you okay? Do we need to call an ambulance?
Anybody in the second turn will cuck her, even Filon
It will be Mélenchon - Le pen and Mélenchon will win despite the media supporting Le Pen.
Gee where did I hear this before
Oh yeah!
WOW, let's not go overboard.
Please, I don't to be a pessimist but reading that kind of message gets my hope up a bit too much.
By laying necessary organisational groundwork, that is empowering the workers democratically through strengthening unions and coops and amending the constitution as to establish the process of constituent assembly, which is a direct reference to the French revolution. If or rather when the financial system hits its next crisis, which will be much more severe than what we experienced in 2008, these organs would make it possible for the proletariat of France to immediately organize and seize the state.
Macron is oversold and Mélenchon is undersold by the media. Macron will fall hard.
This place is not for people under 18.
Why are you posting here then? :^)
Montreal :3
Are you against elderly voting as well?
Actually? Yes.
How do you extend that syllable?
I imagine sort of like on a rap track where the hold the tcccchhhhh really long at the end of a verse. Nazi is simply dropping fire in the thread.
Are you even French?
Okay, how will capital allow this to happen? How will this dude implement his policies when his peers in Syriza failed?
I've got a hundred bucks riding on Jean-Luc, with a pretty nice return if he makes it to the second round. Much as I'd hate to lose the money, I really want him to win otherwise. What I'm saying is my emotional investment is far greater.
It's really annoying, I've got work to do but can't focus on it.
French here. I am seriously disappointed to learn that some of you support that socdem cuck, and that you still believe in polls and representative democraty.
Go bomb Syria, ma frere Poutou.
I've got 50 on him winning it all.
For some reason, our friend Poutou here has got a lot of downvotes. Can we tip the balance in his favour?
France has a different weight than Greece. Greece is practically a failed state while France is the cornerstone of the EU together with Germany.
I don't support Poutou
I'd vote for Arthaud, but I prefer not voting at all
You can tell he's got nerves, hanging between hope and disappointment. I feel exactly the same right now.
Sure but what about capital inside France?
Almost same here, fellow Frenchman, except I would prefer Poutou. I don't vote, but I'm considering doing it next time, hoping he gets his campaign reimbursed.
I've got a good chunk on him winning it all as well. I'm going to stay up to shift some of my winnings (if I win them) into that column too.
Remember to leave a like on that video.
The fucking cameras. Media are such cancer.
Downvote this shit too
Capital doesn't have divisions (yet). If he manages to seize the state apparatus there is nothing it can do. We'll have to see how much power he can acquire.
Remember that Syriza got cucked mostly by the Troika which is foreign capital.
Um Yeah No
france really lucked out in the colonial game
I can't find verif for this
Melenchon vs Le Pen would be my favorite outcome.
I will gladly watch liberals and EU technocrats getting a heart attack.
Normally the result are to be released at the same time with the rest of France, only foreign media is posting result so nothing official
I forget to develop this region in Victoria 2, because tiny islands are near invisible on the fucking map.
The exit poll is bad news. For holding out hope purposes, it's based on about 47 million votes, so the tide could turn, unlikely as that is. Anyone French should still vote.
polls did not predict Trum win
polls did not predict Fillon win
polls did not predict Hamon win
polls did not predict Frexit
polls are a way of manufacturing people's consent and if you believe in that shit you're all idiots
and if you believe in Melenchon you're all idiots too
I still don't buy it. There's been herding problems and leaked results show JLM doing well in overseas territories where he underperformed 5 years ago.
There is no reason Sputnik would be in favor of Macron. They prefer both Le Pen and Melenchon. This is bad.
Who the fuck would vote for a neoliberalen Banker? I thought the French are the least classcucked.
Sputnik is re-reporting from Belgian news. Belgium is EU
exit polls are forbidden until 20PM
Exit polls have 0 credibility after brexit and the general election
18% voting for /ourguy/ still makes them the least classcucked
Only in France.
The fire rises
When do the booths close in France?
8pm Paris time, I think.
in 3 hours
8 pm
5 Eastern in Burgerland
They START closing at 8 in rural areas, 9 in suburbs and minor cities and 10 in big areas.
Shit we probably can't beat Macron. This is a good-but-not-great outcome.
Its 19h30. Dunno how to say it in your weird american way
7:30 pm
You know exactly who.
We call that shit military time here
Bon bah du coup j'ai voté Mélenchon.
J'espère vraiment un Mélenchon-Le Pen, ne serai-ce que pour le débat d'entre deux tours qui serait assez marrant.
t'es fier de toi?
ai wantto tsu dai desu
What are agricultural subsidies
Bof, il fait le minimum syndical.
God, there are really going to be five more years of neoliberalism in Europe huh?
Already imagining Macron, Merkel and Rutte shaking hands with "Populism defeated in 2017!" headline.
There isn't going to be an uprising in France if the left doesn't have much popular support or programs to defend. France is like much of Europe has restrictive gun laws and I doubt you can just break into police stations and gun stores like in the old days.
implying Melenchon is gonna do anying against neoliberalism if he's the new president
With that attitude, sure.
Oui, espèce d'attardé mental.
Ah tiens t'es contre le vote des vieux du coup?
Comment tu définirais les limites du droit de votes exactement?
Te good part is, Macron will inevitably fail, he will have even lower popularity rankings than Hollande.
And then what? Either the French will have the epiphany or we will haunted by the Spectre of Marx again. First as a tragedy (Hollande), then as a farce (Macron), and then as a…?
Mince je sais plus citer les bons posts
You're probably right, but I think there's still opportunity there. If he fails to deliver it's the perfect demonstration of the failures of reform. Many would-be radical leftists start as left-liberals or socdems (or demsocs) and move further left when they see the the limits of reform. That's what happened with me at least.
I think there's a good practical reason to push for reform in this environment. What I mean by this is that I think any "real" reforms have almost no chance of materialising. I really don't think anything like a new New Deal is forthcoming anywhere. When those who promise reform fail, the limits are shown publicly. Once that happens, the walls of the neoliberal structure appear, plain as day. I think it makes our movement stronger in the end.
I also think it would be different if we lived at a different point in history. If I thought there was a real chance that the reforms would work and thus placate people I would see more danger in the vote for instance.
good. I like this
doesn't matter who's gonna be elected at this point.
France is going trough an existential crisis and its population is way more divided than it seems (politically speaking).
there's gonna be a shit show in the next years.
doesn't matter who's elected.
Everything matters.
i wish i could be this optimistic again
@QuentinAries 12m12
Turnout at 69.42 (Interior ministry)- slightly lower than 2012.
why is turnout so low this year?
even black lives?
What is this compared to? The same time as 2012 or the end of day?
I don't know.
Yep, black lives matter.
i would be very surprised if LePen isn't elected.
Prepare to be surprised.
Low turnout was good for Trump. What about conservatives in France?
The top guy in French elections never gets above 25% in the first turn, so it's just like always.
re: low turnout
I think the polls are open later this time compared to 2012, so it could be people just haven't went out to vote yet.
With Macron as her opponent, I think this is a very real possibility.
Relevant dubs, lad.
Yeah, low turnout is good for them. See: 2002.
We can't depend on liberal media bubble. It's bat country out here.
Nothing beat up this years election when it comes to scandals and betrayal. Seriously it's a shitshow
It's becoming a vaudeville to the point it's not even funny.
That turned a lot of commoners down imo.
Why are you people acting so gloomy? People are still voting out there.
if she isnt we expect you to deliver with the thong and heels thing
Elabe poll on BFMTV reporting 20% abstention.
The vast majority of people have already voted. People in France are dining in two hours.
She won't, unless she's against Mélenchon.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ MELENCHON TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I think she's got a better chance against Macron, which is looking likely.
Mélenchon would win vs Le Pen.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Because going full
While posting smug commie pepes is Holla Forums tier. This is serious board.
God damn it comrades.
Le Pen vs Macron, Macron wins, everyone go the fuck home. Stop fucking dreaming.
Americans are retarded. Exception to the rule.
the guy i quoted
How's Lasalle doing?
Ireland too, although everyone just decided not to pay it or get the water meter installed lmao
If you call gloomy defeatism "serious", I don't want to be "serious".
we'll see, only few hours to go.
i'm talking about radicalization on both sides.
LePen and Melonchon are both at historical high.
the trend is real.
i agree, i doubt Macron will make it, maybe two decades ago, the man stands for nothing. and nobody really know wtf he's talking about because he always say everything and its opposite.
i'll take pics
Not him, but meme magic is for retarded autistic phoneusers
No, Macron would win in a landslide. He would get at least 18 out of the 20% of Mélenchon, the whole 10% of Hamon, and at least over half of the 20% of Fillon.
So, assuming he gets some 25%, that would be 25 + 18 + 10 + 10, roughly 63% of the vote. And I'm not counting the 10% of small candidates. Overall, in a Macron-Le Pen, expect at least 65% for Macron.
He wouldn't, because the media would launch a two-weeks long war against him. It would be a close one though because Le Pen is just too awful.
wew lad
Melenchon might rise, but at 18% I don't seeing him coming in second, which for today is what matters.
Looking at it soberly, it was a hell of a campaign and a great result, but it's just not enough. I'm a little disappointed with Hamon voters.
Hi Sascha, thanks for agreeing with me.
You're not completely wrong, but I think you're underestimating abstentions and how many of Fillon's voters will go for Le Pen. Expect terrorist attacks too, which will change everything.
Macron winning is certainly more likely, but I fear Le Pen has a real chance. She will savage him in the debate.
how true is this?
Polls always have an error margin, even pollers admit it.
Statistically some are wrong.
Macron have a nice head and he's selling a picture of "he knows his stuff because he works in buisness" essentially. Kinda like Trump, minus the edgines.
You should be wanting to smash their teeth in tbqh
Sadly true since Bernie bit the bullet and endorsed Hillary
I'm a lover, not a fighter!
A timeline where this is the mainstream political spectrum would be slightly less shit.
I'd gladly kill a Hamon voter if Melenchon loses tonight.
It's okay I'll keep a seat with the authoritarians warm for you.
Logical consequence of the respective countries.
Spain has never liked authority much, Bernie and Corbyn are anglos and therefore to the right, and France has some kind of Republican (not in the American sense of the word) aura which makes everything more authoritarian.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ MELENCHON TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
It's always better to bet for less and not feel disappointment later than jump the hype train and then ram into the wall when it derails.
Fug just realized.
Is it happening?
Fuck, it's not happening.
Casting a blank ballot is as meaningful as casting a normal vote.
Huh, predictit just went into the green. Is someone pumping and dumping or is there new information out?
I don't like that way of thinking. If I end up winning it usely ends up hampering the joy. It's much more fun when you're emotionally invested.
Still bad because you'd expect Melenchon voters to participate heavily in an online poll.
I guess this is good
It's really not though, this is the type of poll Melenchon should dominate, as unscientific as it is.
And the gap feels too large. I said it earlier, Melenchon could rise, but probably not enough.
And working from this basis, Melenchon could actually have less than 18%.
his economical skills aren't debated, no body said that he didn't know what he was doing economically.
its his social program that is debated. this whole election is about it actually.
we're full idpol at this point.
Optimism is bourgeois, you borrow joy from the future, but if you were wrong, you won't be able to repay the emotional price and get hit with depression.
Remember Holla Forums is out there skewing the polls.
In what circles? Internet slapfights? MSM? family discussions?
In favor of Macron & Fillon?
No, they're not.
I can't take it anymore. I just want it to end.
I'm disappointed in the result. But we have to be cheerfully persistent. The fight is never over.
On gagnera!
We don't even have a result yet! Could you please stop?
Accoring to who? A Belgian exit poll? French polls accused of herding?
You can't herd an exit poll.
Tu as raison, camarade.
I think I'll just avoid internet or the medias in general until the results. Be strong, friends !
Learn to read
I know how to read. Explain to me why I'm wrong. Learn how to write.
Wew, look at that picture:
I never said anything about herding an exit poll?
If only Hamon and Melenchon had made some sort of alliance, we'd probably be winning right now.
Because "Belgian exit polls" and "French polls accused of herding" were very clearly presented as separate categories.
Blame Hamon.
herding polls? is that like herding sheep or something?
Holla Forumsacks spreading fake news. don't trust anyone
Yes, but you implied the exit poll could be wrong, just as the polls were herded. And I was simply telling you the exit polls can't be herded, and are therefore probably not wrong.
No kidding, but there's no reason to associate them (which was done), because they would not be wrong for the same reasons.
It dropped again, so it was probably just volatility.
Yep, by you. Do yourself a favor and stop responding lad
You are too stupid for words, buddy.
can i get that link for polls you're using please?
You said "you can't herd an exit poll" when no one said anything about herding exit polls before you you fucking illiterate. Neck yourself.
ty xx
Most people just admit to being wrong or making a mistake when they're proven wrong, it's way less embarrassing
Oh because exit polls are always right, right?
Are you gonna watch the electoral night on tv ?
US exit polls all put Hillary ahead. No one said anything about herding exit polls but you
Which channel ?
I think I'll try mediapart actually
That may be because supporting Trump in public was shunned upon. I don't think supporting Macron on the open is as shunned as it would be open support for Le Pen. In that case, Le Pen would gain even more steam later in the day.
What? Macron is currently ahead in exit polling just like Clinton was. Which means the populist choices are underrepresented in comparison
You're talking as if "Maximilien Ilitch Mélenchon" is any more kosher.
You don't understand France if you don't realize Melenchon is completely acceptable to most people in France.
I remember BFMTV interviewing Fillon supporters at a rally, and they seemed charmed by Melenchon, they just said they don't agree with his ideas.
This. France is much less partisan than America and Britain. It's an effect of you know not having the same two parties run shit for 150+ years.
mate, a lot of people bought the propaganda that his economical policies are gonna bring us ruin.
Should've let him finish the job tbh
i find this extremely hard to believe.
Yeah, but not with a vehemence against the man, or a reluctance to admit support.
I hope you're right, but I don't agree.
France has always been a lefty country tbh.
haha the same two parties ran the shit over and over, exactly like America or Britain. The right wing party even rename itself "Les Républicains"
With regard to his economic policies, of course the economy is gonna tank, porky will get right the fuck out of France. He'll need to immediately impose capital controls.
The difference is that the minority parties actually have an impact in France.
If you're french, you should read this about the poll :
I'm listening to France Inter right now, it's the French NPR and they are okay, don't have a very prominent agenda unlike TF1 or BFM.
Not French, but of course I speak French. I've read that and acknowledge it; however, as I've commented before you'd expect Melenchon to do well in an online poll.
He could actually have less than 18%.
you're really funny if you think France is an exception. It's as disgusting as America or Britain. The socdems who ran the shit for five years are right-wing.
They cut the king's head off for christ's sake.
will there be any streaming coverage of the election results?
Fuck no.
Falling asleep to some Twilight Zone like every night.
Online polls are subject to shenanigans and stuffing from schemesters.
This is why I don't like leftcoms.
200 years ago.
This is true ever since Mitterand, but you underestimate how significant the Communist Party's influence was on the country's trajectory.
And there were Communist ministers in the government in the 80s.
So did the English and they are the biggest classcucks around
So basically it's all up in the air at this point?
I give my hopes to you Frenchies! We are with you!
You wanna guess what the Internationale's original language?
RTBF is airing some interesting old footage about FN
Never trust the Eternal Anglo
If you're talking about the PCF, french communist party, they're a bunch of stanilists who never understood anything about communism. I wouldn't call these idiots marxists.
shut up mick you don't count ^_~
I'm interested in your critique but skeptical about calling them "right wing." PS for sure, but French politics have changed radically in the past three decades.
Apparently, Alain Duhamel said something about a "wave of "dégagisme"
Anyone think Jean-Luc will run in the parliamentary elections?
Not if he's president
I fear la vote utile has made that unlikely.
Turnout patterns suggest increased turnout in left strongholds and decreased turnout in right strongholds. Could mean nothing but hey
so are the belgian polls reliable or not
Probably not any more than the rest of the polls.
Hope Le Pen and Melenchon win first round so that the EU shits itself
I want to believe
Can you please shut the fuck up and get out of the thread you stupid cunt?
An anecdote for sure, but a Belgian reporter said that at the voting station in Paris he was at, many who traditionally vote left voted for Macron. I think they were spooked by the possibility of Le Pen. One would hope they went for Jean-Luc, but it looks like they went the other way.
They beheaded the king and almost immediately tried to make Cromwell the new king. Totally different situation because the whole, disagreement was over Jesus wipes his ass.
It's a fucking two-round election, are they retarded?
That makes no fucking sense. The only way they'd be stuck with Le Pen or something almost as bad from first round results is if the other finalist was Fillon which isn't going to happen. If anything the system will depress Macron votes.
No, the Macron staffer writing his lines is. Nevar 4get DNCLeaks.
I could have saved you
Into the trashcan they go
Harris should have finished the job and made sure every Boche gets his own personal firebombing hell tbh
Oh my fucking god I live in the same country as these idiots. Civil war fucking when.
Leftward yanks (huhruherererheuhruhuhuhruher) don't try to school yuros on FDR or whatever let's make sure the inverse is true and keep this thread on topic
wait was Macron in the DNC leaks? or are you just speaking generally
Sure thing, just like you're saving everyone right now.
Just generally. You know, Galactic Federation of Elder Races of Alpha Centauri and Neighbouring Districts standard operating procedures.
Le vote utile maymay.
If that hook nosed banker gets away with peddling such an absurd meme I will stop tripfagging.
wtf I love Macron now
It can work again, but it's less effective each time.
Who would you vote for in a second round between Macron and Le Pen?
Abstention, which is why there's a very real possibility Le Pen wins.
At least Le Pen wants out of the Porky Union
abstain B)
Not french but I would stay home and write Melenchon would have won after Macron is defeated
Le Ben. Allegedly populist economic policies plus accelerationism equals win win. Macron has an Obama-technocrat appeal that would keep his approval rating from sinking too low with memes and vierges.
polls are not supposed to be released before 20 o'clock local time.
So right now in an hour.
Belgian reporter just announced new poll:
Macron 26
Le Pen 23
Melenchon 21
Fillon 19.5
Abstention. If Macron wins, then the FN will do more next time. It's a vicious circle.
I like this take. Plus French has an actual history of resistance instead of the current LARPing in the US.
He Gon Keep Gon Up U Bess Bleev It !
And he just said the margin of error is 3%.
By the way, I'm hearing this on the live stream of RTBF.
Lol all that tells us is Fillon is definitely not winning which we already knew.
Turnout is down in the places that voted le pen lol.
Whatever happens we can walk away happy that neither of the two big parties stood even a chance in this election. That's significant and it's quite likely showing they're both on the way out.
Fillon actually at 17%, according to that poll. I misheard before.
Also we need to make Hamon sweep memes the new Jeb sweep meme
Same situation as in Austria then.
she wants to walk on water too.
come on man, she promised everything to everyone.
she won't be able to do 1/10 of what she claim
Melenchon is also surging in the betting markets.
What else there is to it, le abstain meme doesn't do jack shit
if Meluche becomes prez i'll literally buy the biggest dragon dildo and fuck myself live on yt
Hamon is the PS candidate that the electorate chose, but the party elite. Those cunts will be more than happy with Macron winning.
So shitting on him too much just means they'll push another Vals/Macron type neoliberal as the leader.
Just asked in Yik Yak about the French election and about Melenchon, guess the answer
Muh Venezuela
If Macron win Le Pen would win 5 years after so maybe Le Pen.
I'm sure Hamon voted Melenchon.
From what I can tell judging by the question and answer when he said he'd endorse Melonboy in the second round he thinks he can win. You can't fix stupid.
Can we stop pretending you weren't going to do that anyway?
ebin meme
what did they discuss, Holla Forums?
Is this legit
I heard the same on Belgian TV, so it could be. But these aren't all different polls from the same institution. They're polls from different institutions.
God, PLEASE Macron/Melenchon. But if we're living in candy-unicorns and baby-gumdrops land I'll have JLMLP and a blowjob.
30 minutes left.
Expect candidates popular with younger voters to turn up slightly later than then though, because lots of them work nine to fives and such. That would be JLM and MLP if I'm correct?
what the fuck is a reverse cuckold?
sounds like a post-mortem eh :(
Marine will make France great again!
Actually, Fillon/Melenchon or better yet Le Pen/Melenchon is better for Melenchon, but just anything/Melenchon is great!
I'm gonna raid Holla Forums when Melenchon kicks out Le Pen
Exit polls suck. Remember the US exit polls on election day said Georgia was too close to call. Went firmly for Trump (less firmly than for other Republicans but still a decent margin).
Fillon/anything isn't happening
So when the poll comes out it's the top two who face off in the next round?
not gonna happen sadly
how so?
We're essentially moving towards slavery. These people are going to be the serfs of the new era. It's terrible, but we already see open slavery in Libya. Now the migrants are attacking the west like the Gauls, but if they're not deported now, I fear we'll see then become indentured servants later down the road. That, or the Islamic world will consume the west and Muslims will take over.
Hypothetically speaking,, if the second and third candidates are ex aequo, what do they do for the 2nd Turn?
Trial by combat
stop getting my hopes up
That's what I meant by JLMLP. Fillon isn't happening.
Even the Lugenpresse says JLM is just a bit ahead of MLP.
Do we have any Melenchon glowy eyes/laughing memes? Post those with the caption
and don't forget Halfchan.
Le Pen
BASED Saint-Pierre & Miquelon
I swear I won't forget you the next time I play France in Victoria 2 and take extra good care of you.
Is there a stream where we can see the official result in live????
Here we fucking go guys!
No matter the final results, i guess Fraser edits of Hamon will be relevants.
Official results will be here:
Did you notice how "mainstream" it became to be porky sympathisers?
It used to be a point to be ashamed of, but now with Macron more and more "neoliberal and proud of it" appear.
I'm watching this (it's in English)
It is a good result for Melenchon, hope mainland France follow suit
Macron election party. Looks fake as fuck
I've seen a lot of Clinton/Remain supporters putting stuff like "neoliberal shill" and "globalist cuck" in their Twitter bios.
It's always fun when reactionaries pretend to be rebels.
I wouldn't get too hyped about these but it's still good.
Melenchon's HQ gathering
You can clearly see how both Melenchon and Le Pen have a genuine mass of followers while everything Macron has looks like paid shills
Remember the fucking meteor JLM dropped on everyone else's campaigns on the debate? He'll need that again if he wants to beat Macron in the second round. Let's hold out hope for JLMLP in the memetime.
post YFW Hamon was secretly working for Galacticamaru all along a plot to destroy the PS but he had to go so deep he had to destroy his own reputation intentionally and not let even Melenchon in on the plan
why tho
check out /r/neoliberal if you want to raise your blood pressure
==Le Pen is shill/kill== twitter.com
Saw a lot of people on Facebook recently who have stuff like "neoliberal porky and proud ;)" in their profile
quick, build Starbucks and Apple stores around them to distract them from voting!
Actually I see 1153 subscribers and laugh, that's a fraction of even E_S_S.
looks like the typical students that study international affairs - same people that went to the pulse of europe gatherings.
it seems so. that's the outflow from the party inside, too
translation pls
because she's the second most economically left-wing of the top four, and they don't care what happens to Muslim immigrants on the mainland
Always thought the "pulse of Europe" crowd was just interns of EU-institutions
It's funny how people who study international relations or political science are the most politically illiterate and full of ideology.
It's depressing because these people gain political power.
(I know six languages eeheehee except I'm bad at two and rubbish at two and one of them's Latin and the other one's Portuguese but hey it's something also they're old tweets)
same with econ, one of my buds who is an econ major just sides with whatever policy has the most growth or keeps the status quo, it honestly seems like a sport to him
r/neoliberal is pretty good
eat shit
i hope EU falls after this
Belgian reporter gives new update:
Macron 23
Le Pen 22.5
Fillon 20
Melenchon 19
They don't. They are just meager footsoldiers for the neoliberal elite and all they do will be interpreting polls or whatever. Look at the professions politicians have, none of them studied international affairs or something.
is this supposed to be negative?
fugin hell it's like progressivemodernburgercompany.jpg made into a subreddit
My sides leave their will out to Melenchon's blessed name.
Don't buy it for a second.
I should have specified that these people become functionaries, not that they direct power.
Weird Al Yankovic is a Macron supporter? Who knew?
Fucking Belgians
Broke: Le Pen vs. Macron
Joke: Macron vs. Melenchon
Woke: Le Pen vs. Melenchon
Bespoke: Melenchon vs. Melenchon hologramme
The hero we needed, not the one we deserved.
Really nervous atm tbh
le pen or Melenchon should win
so in the next few minutes–it's not results that will be released, but estimates of the results right?
No, this is a multilingual board. I'm watching the Belgian television.
Exit polls. Polling stations are closing. We should get some real results in about an hour.
Nazbols are confirming the horseshoe theory
Kill me. We're fucked.
Let's not forget whose fault this is, memeing aside. It's PS' fault.
MACRON – 23.7
LE PEN – 21.7
FILLON and MELENCHON tied – 19.5
who did the 5% voted for?
Can 2% be made up by the full vote count?
The livestream the other user linked to.
Lol why do you people even get your hopes up? Europeans are reactionary (right) as fuck.
3rd would still be an ok result.
Belgian TV confirming those numbers.
Those are estimates.
Counting votes in larger cities take longer to count. And they usually vote left.
i stayed up for this
Who do you choose now? :^)
they both pretty good and will make EU fall
France24 already calling this for porky.
so Macron gonna win the second round too.
Still Melenchon might finish in third…which means nothing as such in terms of the second round.
Who could possibly be behind this?
Yeah, it definitely would. It shows a certain defiance to the status quo and if Le Pen wins she can implement some shitty reforms Melenchon can use as a base five years from now and when kicking out all the muzzies doesn't do anything it'll help kill the idea.
This can not be understated. These results aren't final. Spinsters are running amok in France. Maybe the actual results will be similar, maybe they won't.
Neither. Let the porkies sort this out among themselves
you can abstain…I would
le pen ofc
if he doesnt win can you do that anyway just to cheer me up?
these are just estimates right, could they be wrong?
she better than the alternative
What's the link to the actual vote results?
it's possible…
Two main parties BTFO?
Heh, could be worse.
The plan worked.
If it was Valls instead of Hamon, it would've been Melenchon vs Le Pen
brb gonna kill myself
You know you don't have to choose either though.
FUCK IT. might as well throw our support behind Le Pen. burn the place down.
He was at 7 cents just a few minutes ago….
Damn, I guess it really is over.
polls are closed as of 8 minutes.
stop falling for this shitty narrative, Macron is just the right wing part of PS
No it wouldn't have Macron would just have a smaller lead.
Yep. These are just polls and not based on ANY percentage of official results. That's good.
Only in some places.
Not an exit poll, it is based on actual vote count, and it only has like 1% margin of error at most.
Melenchon will not go to the 2nd round, best you can hope for is 20% and beating Fillon
Is that your first election?
Now the counting starts
That's not what Politico says.
Valls and Macron run the same platform.
Told you Melenchon would lose.
Macron will win this election and Le Pen will win the next.
Exactly he'd cannibalize more from Macron and less from Melenchon and perform about the same overall
Fuck that smooth faced fuck.
The two pollsters IPSOS and TNS Sofres both put centrist Macron and far-right Le Pen through to the second round on May 7, but their numbers varied.
According to Ipsos had Macron at 23.7 percent of the vote, Le Pen took 21.7
According to TNS Sofres, both Le Pen and Macron took 23 percent of the vote.
Hamon is a traitor to the left.
Liberals don't deserve to have their candidates win anymore.
I hope Melenchon endorses Le Pen if it turns out that way.
hamon shut the fug up, you dont represent the left either
Hamon telling his voters to choose Macron next round
Macron will be the Ebert/Alcalá-Zamora style liberal "centrist" president who will do nothing to stop FN growing
So Wikipedia says this is a new, untested polling method based on a sample of actual results. Let's hope it's just a big hardfail.
The only smart move would be to not endorse anyone.
Porky does what porky does
When you're hatred of EU is so strong you support an utter cunt.
Best timeline
Melenchon is going to be so sad. I feel bad for him. He flew so close to the sun. I hope FI does good in the parliamentary elections.
I warned you about bourgeois democracy
I told you about "voting"
It looks to me like Le Pen has a much better chance now than melonhead.
he'll do that while ruining the public sector and imposing 40 work hours per week
That too.
Remember who caused this, the "center-left" bourgeois rightist deviationists!
SP must burn for this treachery
give me one good argument against populism besides
Oh, they will.
Yeah right, Melenchon may not win but she sure isn't going to either, it will go like 60/40 Macron
What else was he gonna do? He doesn't want to be ostracized from the political mainstream.
socdems strike again
SP imploding is the best thing coming from this election.
Polls indicated for ages that Memechon wouldn't likely go into the second round and yet you fuckers are acting as if it was a shocking bug in the matrix that shouldn't have happened.
Is this some kind of an elaborate ruse or are you people even more retarded than I always believed?
Just like go burn the local socialist party office
It's just really nasty to see him turn his nose up to Melenchon like he's been doing this whole time because Muh Precious Party, Muh Precious Ee Yoo
oh hang it
Yes, but since Melenchon runs unopposed he actually gets more.
Macron leads her 26 points…
it's going to be
Can we get this but instead of Lenin it's Trotsky? I've always liked to think of Stalin and Trotsky as Lenin's two idiots.
Wouldn't be enough to make a difference.
He should have kept quiet. I wouldn't say he should have dropped out because I believe in running your principles, but for the fact that when he was leading he tried to get Melenchon to do the same thing.
Then Melenchon comes close and he sticks like a burr to the leg of the left. He's a hypocrite. He should feel bad.
If the result is this, then the polls have been pretty spot on.
tbh Holla Forums competes pretty hard with Holla Forums for the title of the most emotionally fragile and apocalyptic board.
Jesus people are being retarded. The PS elite will just flock to Macron's new movement and you'll have this 6% base who still voted PS regardless of chances to win completely lost and moved over to the Macron camp
joke's on you. Everytime we sperged out, europe was left in a weak state which allowed the colonies to assert themselves.
Germans are basically crypto-thîrd worldists.
Some people are over reacting, sure, but there's a difference between hoping something will happen and being sure of it.
I'm disappointed but not entirely surprised.
It actually would.
4% would place him at 23,5 percent. Event 2% would send him into the next round.
Pardon sir, but twist your micro-penis around and fuck your own asshole; Hamon's numbers would have at least pushed melechon into the second round.
Lol this old shit is acting like Macron already won.
Those people are PS loyalists who will vote for anyone PS runs.
I agree, he should've dropped out and endorsed Melenchon, but since he didn't do that, endorsing Macron comes as no surprise.
My entire Facebook feed celebrates that with Macron the "rational, open-minded" choice won.
I'm going to vomit
or the 6% colonize melonchon's party and that becomes the new ps
change your FB friends.
The same happened here in Austria. Liberals smh
Hey Holla Forums what if Macron vs Le Pen?
Ok, no one on this board thinks that even if Melechon became president it would have ushered in a new revolution, but its fun to watch the rat race anyway.
Have hope that the "rational, open-minded" choice is more of the same bullshit that got us where we are. The centrist victory is only momentary.
And tbh, Melenchon was to the right of SYRIZA, and look at how that turned out.
You know guys, I SAID we were going to get cucked again.
Progress is so slow. It's so painful and so cruel and always just out of reach.
I still would of prefered Melenchon to get into the second round as you wouldn't have some many lefties either backing a neolib or a neofash because of 'reasons'
Don't vote, pretty sure Macron will win and fuck up France enough for Le Pen to win the next election.
Liberals do far worse damage to the left than even fascists did.
Doomposting is actually kinda fun though.
What's worse is we will already be dead before we win.
You mean they didnothing wrong?
Wait have the votes already been counted? It's official?
That's what I dread.
…no they're fucking sellouts.
France is compleatly different from greece, SYRIZA had no choice but to submit to the demands fo the EU.
The comparison with Greece makes no sense, Hamon was running on universal basic income FFS, he's wasn't selling out to liberalism.
A traditional party (the one who's in power right now btw) would never quit before the first round, him saying he'd vote for Melenchon in the 2nd round was the possible support without him being burned at the stake
Not de jure but definitely de facto.
The middle class was a mistake.
No but it might as well be. If we get real sad and get a surprise it'll be that much sweeter so pull up a chair, listen to some blues and get drunk off your ass with us.
Myth and meme. They're a political party and they have to meet certain obligations with the EU because it's the fucking EU, they've got the economy and the CIA and war to think about.
yeah but liberals tend to hold off from throwing lefties out of copters until they really have too.
Melenchon is pretty much just a french version of Tsipras, if he ended up winning he would of folded to the EU anyway bring more brutal austerity.
not too surprising. obama advisers worked for david cameron. the neoliberal center looks out for itself
Don't agree. I still think that everything is better than fascism btw
Stalin was a fascist.
yeah but I'd of voted Tsipras in January 2015
I hate stalin myself, but as far is history is concerned . . . no.
God I fucking wish now.
Sophie Rauszer, a Mélenchon staffer, said: “We did by far the best campaign.” Another campaign volunteer refused to concede, saying: “We are not sure of the results as it depends on polling stations.” Right now everyone is head down, touching their phones vigorously. Data connnection is very slow, including for the TVs in the headquarters.
Also austerity comes inside or out of EU. You get fucked in it, and they fuck you up when you leave it.
Le Pen might get rekt, but at least she made it to the second round.
Unlike Melonchon.
Send them your energy.
Time for another May 68.
She's just giving the public the chance to show their absolute disdain for her family for a 2nd time.
Greece isn't France, the threat of France leaving the EU after Brexit would be much more serious.
le queque
Ok, he certainly was imperialist, but so was the british empire; fascism and imperialism and left authoritarianism (or state capitalism or whatever) are separate phenomena.
This, the core of EU was France+Germany+UK and with two of them out it'd be more obvious than ever that the EU is a fancy name for the German Empire.
so is Le Pen getting BTFO for reals?
Now we just need the people on the street to look normal, and not like punks that scare everyone away, but are instead welcoming and friendly.
._. They all look so kind and honest
Yeah fuck the second round, comrades, revolution must be built for ourselves and in the streets!
So when are the actual results coming?
just mixed in my projection for the next election not really supporting Le Pen but after Macron being president for a bit I anticipate her popularity will grow even higher and she will win the following election.
My Internet went down exactly when they showed the first results and it's still not working, I'm phoneposting right now. I wonder if it's connected.
Just watch the interior page and keep refreshing.
Meant to
As if cosmopolitan cities wouldn't vote for "centrist" "reasonable" person en masse.
please don't get my hopes up
There's a reason they said Le Pen and not Macron.
Not meaning to get your hopes up, but these dubs are conflicting.
Are we in the presence of kek?
start compiling a database, then
what could of been, still fuck the PS voter base.
How about you stop being an optimist faggot and accept he has more likely lost. At least you will be pleasantly surprised if he really passes.
I posted the screenshot and even I think he's done. BFMTV has him in 4th by fractions of a percent.
Your right, Greece has more non-EU countries in it's top export and top import…. So in a way Frances economy is even more connected to EU countries than Greece's is.
seize the state melenchon
Honestly that Shrek 2 scene is unironically masterful action directing and hype. Marvel, DC, take notes.
Ah, from the brilliant minds that gave you the Hillary presidency
frogs, those are estimates. we need results actuelle
Seeing every establishment shill saying vote Macron in the second round almost makes me want to support Le Pen in the second round. Almost.
Would still love it if Melenchon got more votes than Fillon.
LOL they're still with the meme that globalism helps poor people in third world countries instead of making them dependent on abusive jobs where their potential GDP often goes to the first world instead.
Melenchon getting 20% of the vote while running as an unapologetic leftist is still something to be proud of imo
No Melenchon?
At least if Le Pen will be BTFO i can laugh at Holla Forums
He supposedly avoided to call himself a leftist during this campaign.
how the fuck is fillon even a serious candidate? how can people stilll support him after his scandals? is this real life?
Is this your first election?
Cities always come last, and they usually swing left.
I don't know if it will be enough but the numbers will definitely look prettier
Hamon is speaking about the collapse of the left. More like the collapse of the PS. Jog on Hamon.
Party loyalty
are there any results posted here ^ yet? Everywhere I click is still empty
don't get why everyone is so obsessed with this pair of PMs
if you read the whole messages instead of excerpting contrasting parts they seem approximately the same response to me:
shy torys must be a thing in France
Take a look at this
Avoided calling himself a leftist while singing the International at his rallies
Are you an Americunt? This isn't a two party race, the math is different.
Wait until they reach 100%. Some are close but none complete yet.
this warms my heart.
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
google projections
because they didn't started counting yet.
Those results they posted on TV were
which they based on their own polls
just don't vote bro
he read the French people well, doubling in % from 2012 just proves that
the "fiscally and morally conservative" guy has so much corruption scandals and they still vote for him, those 19% are legit the biggest cucks ever
Fillion conceding en direct.
Let's see if he supports Macron.
he is
Fillon sells out to Macron, to no one's surprise.
but then won't Melenchon call for a vote against Le Pen.
where ? the results aren't even out yet!
Fillon is supporting Macron.
I live in America but I emigrated from a country with multi-party system as well. Big cities always swing for the right or "centre" with some exceptions. It's the least developed regions that suffer the most from right wing policies that vote left.
watching France 24, he's on now, saying its all over for him, good luck Macron
all these failures supporting Macron will result in Le Pen winning. Please dont' support anyone Melon
The fact that Fillon was still even slightly competitive is a bigger stain on the French nation than anything Marine Le Pen has done
France 24 panelist said 'Melenchon hates Europe' a second ago. If this is an indication of the French media's treatment of him I'm not surprised he didn't make the 2nd round.
I thought American elections were fucked
Melenchon shouldn't support anyone. But it would be pretty cool if he supported Le Pen.
That's pretty anecdotal and pretty strange behaviour, considering there is a second round.
It is true that Macron banks on the votes of nervous and hysterical voters, but they were socdems anyway.
A majority of leftists are cynics at this point and don't give a shit about Le Penner
No more positive reinforcement to the Alt-Right please
I hope Melenchon voters will go against Le Pen
I would be surprised if he doesn't pull offs a Bernie.
No official results yet.
No, it wouldn't. He and his supporters would be assfucked by the media if he did that, and the left would do even worse in the next election.
i want this invasion of europe to stop. the european continent is being raped and it breaks my heart. the society europeans have built is being destroyed and it seems like people don't care.
who ever knew a frenchman to surrender?
Macron is the obvious choice for the LR though, as the currently look set to do well in the legislative elections . Le Pen gonna have a lot of hassle in forming a cabinet with the current or the next assembly.
He'll tell people to vote for Macron, unfortunately. Everyone will do that.
Do you really want to feed the Alt_right ever more?
fuck the french ruling class tbh
He will get assfucked either way. The left is always a convenient scapegoat to blame. What he needs to do now is whatever would gain him more popularity to get through the incoming media storm without much damage. My country has been through a similar situation last year.
tbh, even if he calls to vote for him, i doubt his followers will.
his program is closer to the FN's than Macron's.
his voters will very likely flip to LePen.
No I want him to not support anybody and say that they're both terrible in different ways.
Surprisingly, Google confirms the 24.3% 21.4% numbers.
He should simply say:
"You know who to support, I will not debase myself."
That's just an estimate from 500 ballots. Only 66.046 to go.
The newest projection give Mélenchon third, and Fillon fourth. Glad to see our Republicans party get #REKT
anyone watching France24 ? wtf is wrong with that old guy's eye ?
looks like its gonna explode.
I dunno, the conservative vote splitting adding on top of what Le Pens gonna get, still seems like a Macron win. Shit the polls atm have been spot on, doubt they gonna be wrong about the next round.
I really hesitate to vote Le Pen
Anything but a liberal
Everytime a leftist doesn't vote fascism wins
he's 4th, 0.4% behind Fillon.
We're not monolingual plebs here. No one's watching France24 but you.
Do we still have a shot?
only submissive cucks want to be ruled by women anyway
Getting reactions from people.
You are such a pussy. I bet you think the "alt right" lives under your bed.
Heard that on France Inter : franceinter.fr
Our health minister is talking there right now.
To be honest I'm way past voting at this point. What did voting ever achieve?
Yeah dude, it's just a COINCIDENCE the alt-right love Le Pen.
leave it blank you cunt, she's garbage
I'm scared to click the "Macron" trending topic on Twitter and see all the libs celebrating "tolerance" and "openness" and "rationality" and just please someone make it stop
Of beating Fillon? Maybe
Of getting to the 2nd round? Not at all, though it could be within 2 points or so (Melenchon 20 Le Pen 22 for example)
What's next, literally shaking?
the "alt right" isn't responsible for everything. Did you ever think that maybe France just wanted Le Pen?
It kinda is. Their guy was kicked out by Le Pen who by now is much closer to the establishment than Hamon.
I think we're already beating Fillon by the most up-to-date estimates. I want to at least be in spitting distance from the other two.
was it autism?
FN is a fascist party.
Denial of this is denial of reality.
According to the polls, apparently they don't
It was cointelpro
what this is an argument? FN aren't fash to some? mad that.
Why is fascism wrong again?
Who are you talking to, moron?
Never forget, post-war the CIA funded the PS to defeat the influence of PCF.
Ah yes, the magical f-word.
really convincing argument
Sorry, but I don't take your word for it.
She has still made it to the 2nd round, the French are yet to make their final decision.>>1602532
What does this have to do with Fascism?
This person is me
I reckon she'll win about 35% of the vote in the next round, with a lower turnout rate than the first round.
It doesn't
it's the wages of your sin
Nope, statecraft (and money) for french parties get public funding according to their result.
Wait, that means the SP can be quite buttfucked because of the low performance
Holla Forums is in this thread, gang.
Wow it never fails
But Fascism did nothing wrong…
Damn, won't even beat Fillon. Feels bad man :(
On the other hand Hamon might not even beat Dupont Aignan XD
That is probably an accurate prediction. So what? If that is the case that is the case, but stop having this sook blaming the "alt right" for it. That is such a stupid not argument.
Source if you care
Liberal detected.
off yourself
It was at some points and still has some elements of it.
That's all.
Hamon is a bit sinister there
Are they just pulling these numbers out of their asses? They're all over the place. This is confusing I'm waiting for real results.
Italians can't even do exit polls right
well its hardly 'France' is it.
Except, you know, ruining Europe and that stuff…
Of course he is. He knows what he did and so do you.
France24 says 23.7 for macron vs 21% for Lepen.
its as legit as it can be.
I may have worded it wrong, their guy(Le Pen father) was kicked out of his party(along with the louder far right wing) by Le Pen(daughter). I'm arguing that Marine Le Pen is pretty much part of the establishment.
That's literally the opposite of what some other people have.
Or it's simply a cynical PR move to make their brand of crazy more acceptable.
Ideologically speaking, it is justified. Tactically speaking? I don't know…
That's what the Boche does. Fascism is the tool he used, did you blame the truck when it ran over people on the Promenade des Anglais or the retarded faggot driving it?
If that's the case, then…
Here's how Melenchon can still win…..
French news source. m8.
they don't usually make shit up
You are welcome.
Not the worst timeline, but pretty close
The superdelegates don't vote until July 25!
Its a significant increase. And considering that every candidate has denounced her, it would be quite an impressive turnout
tbh, the results are exactly like the polls expected them.
no surprise
Worst timeline would be Fillon vs. Le Pen
their current guy, is Le Pen, who wants to move the party away from Le Pens current position back to the previous position held by Le Pen. It's almost like the FN is a just a vehicle to keep the Le Pens relevant. Should call it the LP.
First results coming out:
L'idéologie fasciste est la raison pour laquelle ils ont ruinés l'Europe. Tout comme l'idéologie Wahabite est la raison pour laquelle l'autre connard a fait son Carmaguedon.
Le Pen speaking on BFMTV.
Nope, it would have been Macron- Fillon.
I have heard from a reliable French guy pretty much the same. Marine is a self-serving crook first and a rightwing demagogue second, and came to power in her party by sidelining the actual fascists. Dunno if she's already a porky, but if she is, she's Trump in a skirt, basically.
depends for who.
if it was LePen vs Melonchon the European banker would've jumped out the window.
le capitalist fearmongering 101
This. That would offer no hope of the liberals getting their teeth kicked in. I want nothing more than to watch them all suffer.
I wonder who they would tell their voters to vote for if it was Le Pen vs. Melenchon
Maybe because Fascism is the worst anti-worker ideology there is you dumb Holla Forums idiot. The first thing Hitler did when he was in power was banning all trade unions and putting all german organized workers, socialists and communists into prison camps (before jews went there!). Then he abolished democracy in favour of him becoming Führer, except he was just a puppet of bankers and big business. Mussolini was no better, he let police and military shoot down striking workers.
That would be bad too, but with Fillon vs. Le Pen you'd have self-professed socialists being pressured to endorse one of the most hard-right candidates in French history out of a desire to stop fascism. Being pressured to endorse Macron isn't nearly as cucked.
2nd French Revolution when?
That's pretty much the status quo you stupid fuck.
They have quite a fortune indeed. The father inherited a lot from some sympathethizers, quite a lots of Porkies amongst them. Dunno what they truly own MOP wise though.
All socdems must fucking hang.
Macron sucks but if you can't see that Fillon is the more sociopathically anti-worker of the two, I don't know what to tell you.
I think we need to seriously consider violently assaulting liberal pundits in their homes as part of standard political praxis.
On the other hand, it would have guaranteed Le Pen's victory as the porky media overwhelmingly would side with her.
It would not surprise me if Le Pen won, tbqh famalams.
still Melonchon imo.
he maybe a commie, but the FN is full of identitarian nutcases. their only program is brown people.
all French know it, thats why most people outside France don't understand why she doesn't get elected.
Melonchon said that he didn't necessarlmy wanted to leave the euro zone, he may appear to be colorful but he's still a rational man with rational people in his party. not some spooked weirdos.
other politicians would've worked with him, no problem
hard choice tbh
Nice false dichotomy, thanks for dragging me down your retarded train of thought.
Pretty much. All those so called "euro-sceptic" parties are planted Anglo moles and Le Pen is no exception. She is close to Trump.
The polls were suggesting Melenchon would of had a substantial edge over her. Of course a media onslaught might of changed that still.
t. cia
either way LePen will likely get in, if not this time, in 2022.
tbh i would rather it be 2022 as im still living in France for now.
Yep but the cognitive dissonance out of MSM making a 180° turn would have caused half of Holla Forums to have aneurysm.
Melenchon endorsing Macron.
Melenchon endorsing Fillon.
Which of these is more cucked? That's a simple question with a simple answer, not a false dichotomy.
Csq j'ai voté Macron
Don't say I didn't tell you the tankie had no chance.
Globalism raised 300 million chinese out of povrety. Only people opposed to it are excellent or straight racist that thinks 300 million people of china getting into the middle class is not worth it because few thousand american factory worker can't have their manual jobs that pays like bourgois wage by world standards.
t. a literal 17 year old in some backwater nation controlled by the CIA
I would wager that Macron is the accelerationist candidate. Full neo-liberal with some petty progressive idpol attached.
Both are cucked. Both will fuck everything beyond hope, who gives a shit about gays and niggers when there is no social security? When everything is privatized?
Tbh I'm not so sure about that. Trump's joke of a presidency will set a precedence.
Well, Macron will most likely win the second round. French bros this will be your Gerhard Schröder. You can say goodbye to your welfare state in its current form, worker's rights will be smashed, the poverty will rise to a new all time high, your health care system will probably get a lot worse too. Food banks will be getting a lot more common.
Porky will also make huge media campaigns to make the middle clsss working people detest the unemployed people and tell them that it's their fault (and not neoliberal politics) that the economy wont get better and to get out of the crisis you have to cut the welfare state even more because muh lazy social parasites need an incentive to get their asses off the couch.
still no results except the islands
lmao no.
Go back to Holla Forums. Mélenchon ist a real social democrat, Macron is (neo)liberal. The PS is liberal.
Melenchon looks like 4th, by the way, so if it flips it will be MACRON V. FILLON.
first bernie, now melenchon, next corbyn. will the ride ever end?
Delusional tbh
We can only claim victory by force
When will Holla Forums stop thinking that "this porky candidate is worse than this slightly less porky candidate" is somehow an endorsement of either one
Reminder that Macron is real accelerationist choice
Socialists will never stop losing.
How about you take a hike back to reddit. Fuck you dude.
*fbi actually
The angrier the proles get, the better. In a way. You have to look at every outcome as a different way to win.
I don't believe it but it would be the greatest thing.
the numbers are off
Don't believe it.
Do we live in the same fucking planet?
I bet he is realizing that he was the one who have caused this mess
meant to reply>>1602699
both are porkys
Melenchon about to speak on BFMTV.
He's right and you know it, socdems settle for social liberalism and socialists settle for social democracy, such is the power of parliamentarian democracy
Don't fuck up old man…
yes, but don't normies see him as a lefty so his failure would be a failure of the left?
I'm starting to think it would be best if Le Pen won and ran the country into the ground
so does Corbyn lose next?
@QuentinAries 3m3 minutes ago
Some spin by Mélenchon chief of staff, Manuel Bompard. He says the election is too close to be called. He is hoping results from Big cities
I'm looking at their policies, not their life stories. Last time I checked, only one candidate in this election wants to eliminate half a million public sector jobs, and it's not Macron.
Of course, no need to even get your hopes up considering the poll
yeah thats why he's a cunt. Le Pens a cunt, he's a cunt, just about under 50% of the French electorate (who voted) are cunts.
I can't find this shit anywhere. What the fuck?
please let it be. Fillion would crush
My only consolation is that Asselineau has >1%.
still no big cities
Angry proles don't neccessarily become leftist and it's even more unlikely when 99% of all media content plebebians consume comes from oligarch media corporations and fascist petty bourgeoisie journalists.
Is this good for Fillion Melanchon?
workers bomb will end the suffering
Big cities are also good for JLM innit?
Who does this benefit hte most?
New update is that Melenchon won't speak until 10:00 PM (4:00 PM in NY).
Normies will definitely see Macron as representative of the left COMPARED to Le Pen. We may know it's a sick bastardization…
Jeremy Corbyn would of won the first round by now…if he was french.
typical lazy frog fuck
the best possible result tbh
He's waiting for more results. I feel for him. He really wanted to win.
Who does it benefit the most? Fillion?
Question for French: Why the media give the estimation first as if it will be the real result?
His dauphin got into the second round.
I can't believe Frenchies fell for that.
Wut, why do the link still Say Macron vs Le pen and the picture otherwise?
Because it usually is, and they wait for the polls to end so it doesn't have an effect anyway.
No, it's just that his fan extremely annoying and totally delusional.
If Le Pen isn't elected this year, she'll be elected on 2022. What's the worst case?
What do you mean?
"The other Trotskyist candidate in this election (yes, there are actually two), Philippe Poutou says he will not endorse Macron, who he says “offers no protection from the (far-right) National Front”."
Get lost Holla Forums scum
basically yes
Lots of industry = free JLM votes
you niggers lost a thousand users lmao
never gonna happen now, never gonna happen then. deal with it.
Cool. But he can easily afford to do that because he got less than 1%.
Literally never happened. How do they explain our post count.
What the fuck is this middle school cafeteria gossip? Eat your goddamn pizza Melvin.
Le Pen is gonna be BTFO by some cuck. Good work 'kek'
can anyone post the melenchon sitting sad on a train again. my mood right now
i'm afraid that Macron will lose in debate against LePen.
if it was Melonchon he would've ripped her a new asshole, but Macron has poor debate skill and get destabilized easily
Learn to quote.
it's not just enough to recognise anger, it's who gets to ride the angry prole lulzwreck
"l'extreme droit"
"l'extreme droit"
"l'extreme droit"
I'm gonna be hearing these words in my sleep tonight
He will be BTFO. It will be glorious to watch. If i could watch it that is. Unfortunately i don't speak french.
That's one of the things I was really curious about the American elections. If it had been Bernie vs Trump, the media would do the same 180 on Trump so fast he would get whiplash.
Poutou is insane
found an italian website with a decent map
watch france 24 you twat
there you can see Le Pen being trounced by a rothschild banker EUcuck liberal.
Never forget- Melenchon+Hamon is always second round.
Never. Fucking. Forget.
spooked Holla Forumsype detected.
This one is better imo
On the plus side every single new lefty politician in the west is more and more radical
yeah lets hope the frogs take debates as seriously as the burgers do. I watched all 3 burger debates and the eventual winner of that election didn't make any fucking sense.
At least we can all take solace in the fact that Macron is almost certain to be just as terrible of a president as Hollande was
We'll be back here again in another 5 years
Like that Corbyn meme?
There is an outside chance it will be Macron - Fillon.
There is not a chance Melenchon is through, I'm sorry to say.
Yeah someone posted it earlier, it was him sitting alone in a train. wearing his red shawl I believe
I voted for Mélenchon but now I will vote for Le Pen.
nope…still support the left in the legislative elections to make it hard work for who ever wins the presidential elections.
This is Hamon's fault
Sorry, but Trump actually won the debates, even with Hillary cheating.
There never was one you deluded fag.
I hope that this is true, and that the floodgates are obliterated soon. My friends IRL are angry at me for expressing disappointment at the current state of affairs. At present I want to die.
no he didn't.
sure he did. I like the bit where he went on about cyber and his son knowing cyber, and that bit where he suggested a regional war between China and North Korea.
This song.
also what about the bit where he said Hillary would be in jail. 'would' yet trump retards thought he said 'will'. That bit was good.
what the fuck?
unless Macron and Fillon tragically die there isn't.
"would" in that case means "will"
he was referencing the possibility of him winning and what would theoretically happen
I unironically don't see the problem with Le Pen.
Melenchon can't run from his past.
I liked the part where Hillary illegally colluded with her Superpac. Definitely my favourite part.
It's a description of Cheminade.
They actually booed Jimmy Carter, pretty much the bestpresidente the Yankees will ever see
"Fuck this gay earth and let's colonize Mars" is indeed unclassifiable by standard political compasses.
He's a follower of the Lyndon LaRouche movement, which is basically Posadism for non-commies.
He sounded like an incoherent beauty contestant whenever asked about policy. He could dish out quips, but those are not informative in the least.
because you're not French and dopn't know the FN.
they're pure idpol, their program is brown people, everything else is optional.
what during the actual debate? What the ones they showed on TV?
He quashed her on policy
In her campaign.
so not the tv debates then. Seriously what the fuck.
I don't have a problem with that. Brown people are a big issue.
tbh I agree with him.
Presented without comment
Tbh liberals and socdems are so awful they make me want to go full stalin
indeed. Put it better then I ever could.
No, just the whole campaign she illegally colluded with her superpac.
not a surprise, Hillary is shit at debate and is as likable as a dead rat.
stop being spooked brah
I actually agree. Clinton debated like a centrist wikipedia machine, Trump was much more human-like and sympathetic, even if his policies were largely incomprehensible and he avoided the actual questions.
It was one of those cases where Clinton "won" but Trump won. Even I didn't see it when I watched the very first debate live, but later it came to me.
Le Pen is actually leading the actual vote count
Yeah I thought so
There's no electoral college in France.
Wew. It's happening.
I can't fucking wait until the German banks start calling for France to pay their loans if France leaves the EU. Then shit will really go down.
alright, lets assume its true whatever.
thats still not enough, to become president you need serious economical program, competent people to work with.
the FN doesn't have those, you can't run a country with just "lets kick brown people"
so you wanna talk about the campaign as whole but not the tv debates where Trump sounded like he was on coke and his retarded supporters thought he'd won it because he said 'wrong' or 'you'd be in jail'.
Universal suffrage was an error
…and you've got a second round run off stage
He's LaRoucheist
melenchon is on now…
gotta love French Anti-fa, the US should send your alt-cucks to France. they'd give them a run for their money.
Fine, where do you want to start?
Melenchon giving based speech
Mélenchon refuses to admit his defeat
link por favor
FYAD goon alert
He's right though
He was also right like back in 2013 when he said America was literally dumb enough to elect Donald Trump
Missed the beginning did he told the first two to go fuck themselves?
An emotional speech. Sounded like he was holding back tears.
The best case scenario is always this: the populist right gets elected as soon as possible and then fails to please the people relatively quickly.
This could possibly empower a better movement.
Worst case scenario would be a loss now, a win then and then managing to create jobs, block refugees etc. Then people wouldn't complain and everything would go to shit later on. Then the reality of the situation - the unsustainability of populist right wing politics - could become clear far too late.
didn't back anyone though by the looks of it.
Kindly kill yourself
Technically speaking Melonboi can still win. It's within the error of margin even for the polls which are herded.
Is the Dream of the 6th Republic dead? I don't want to live in this timeline anymore.
It's not worth much being right at this moment because he, his Weird Twitter buttbuddies and liberals at large, especially American SJWs, were completely wrong when it mattered. Pic very related. The fault for Trump and everything that followed lies squarely on their shoulders.
Nah, it's a foregone conclusion. Only remaining question is whether or not he finishes ahead of Fillon
It's worse, you'll see the term 6th Republic hijacked by Macron because the traditional parties didn't make the second round
For the next five years, yes. Parliamentary elections will tell us whether it's gone for good.
6th Republic < 2nd Commune
It lives on in The Rational, Open-Minded, Balanced Choice, com- uh, friend. :^)
o fug ids rebel
Can Fillion still win?
Fuck, they still exist? They're partially to blame for this maddening le cultural marxism maymay.
It's looking more appealing by the day tho.
ah, the 'ol I got trolled online and you turned me into a nazi argument
Neck yourself, snowflake
he actually stayed based until the end
Take notes, Bernie.
Good that he won't endorse either candidate unlike Bernie.
It's easy when they don't take your family hostage.
b-b-but the fascists ;_;
wtf I fucking love Melenchon now…and I mean that. Unbowed and uncucked. Nice hustle kid.
Well I'd much rather there be a second commune, but changing the corrupted French Bourgeois Oligarch would have been great. But the only hope is to crash France into literally the ground at this point before any sort of change will happen.
For those of you who missed the speech:
Macron Clinton confirmed for victorious unless someone shoots him right now.
This is a bad strategy and can backfire imo. Sanders played the good boy, supported Hillary and preemptively exempted himself from blame and claims he was a new Ralph Nader, and as a result he's more popular now than ever. Literally the most popular politician in the US according to some polls.
Of course, this means jackshit in the US because he's an individual, but French radicals have the option of a political party and they can think about the future. Not supporting the centrist shitdick now will probably lead to some resentment from liberals who, under either administration, will cling harder and harder to the status quo.
well there's something…
I… what? You're saying I became aut-right because of Twitter trolls or something? You're making as much sense as Irigaray right now.
I'm not sure what you mean but I feel I must tell you to fuck off back to Twitter, how correct is this assumption?
muh family < the proletariat
these endorsments are the kiss of death, Le Pen will milk them to a victory. So yeah he is the literal Macron Clinton
don't do this to me user
The Left's own virtue-signaling. I guess most leftists aren't so different from liberals in mindset, only in sensibilities regarding certain things.
english version?
you're tearing me apart user
More results coming in.
Being principled is not virtue signalling.
people that didn't vote for him are to blame for him. interesting logic there.
Even if you yourself didn't become aut-right, blaming some people on Twitter for people who did is dumb as hell.
Looking back, i'm not sure why i even doubted he woud do something else in the first place.
But be ready of libtards saying he crypto support Macron because he said several times en mouvement which is a codename for En Marche!
What did you expect?
How so?
Use more buzzwords, please, it's endearing.
Nope sorry. They might add subtitles at a later date.
Well, there are feelings involved in politics. It should be like that. It is not wrong to feel a bit of warmth at a candidate saying something good, sticking to principles and stuff.
It's a shame really, everyone knows that French is the universal leftist language.
lmao what the fuck are you even talking about dude?
Literally doing and saying almost anything that you don't like is 'virtue signaling' for you idiots. It's your own version of 'problematic;
Elections are not a statement of principle, they're part of a wider strategy. Bourgeois democracy will never reflect our principles, but it can be arranged in a way that's favorable for us.
If the French situation is anything comparable to the American one, Melenchon should play the nice guy, present himself as the voice of unity, and of course try his best to not get a reactionary elected. A few years down the road he emerges as a popular figure of collaboration and unconditional fight against the right, instead of a divisive dude that will be disliked by many. But, of course, that's if the situation is comparable. I'm not French so I don't know much about its political cultural.
But in general, getting so carried out over endorsing or not endorsing bourgeois candidates is pretty pathetic tbh
tbh what did you closet liberals expect dear leader to actually do? change the 35 hour work week to a 30 hour work week, more rapefugees and a speech about showing solidarity?
I guess it's VIchy Fracne all over again!
Good luck Baguetes!
You could have prevented this!
Things can only get better
Can only get better if we see it through
That means me and I mean you too
So teach me now that things can only get better
They can only get, they only get, take it on from here
You know I know that things can only get better
And yet if he supported one of the two it would be "lol cucked commies XD"
Jeez, Mélenchon didn't made it, /yourgal/ is 2nd round and you still manage to be salty. I didn't think it was possible.
Do you have autism?
Do you even understand what you're responding to?
Tbh. Every time I watch Godard films or listen to Badiou talk, I am a bit jealous of the French. So a e s t h e t i c
What? "Virtue-signaling"?
stop with those bf foreign websites.
user, you're killing me
Shut up faggot.
Yeah, as someone else pointed out it's the right's version of excellent at this point
Melenchon still has 12 days to endorse Macron if he wants. He didn't want to do it today because he knew the crowd wouldn't receive it well.
Cuck boy is giving his acceptance speech rn
cuck boy gonna trump le pen so you know. this guy has it in the bag already.
lmao he didnt do it. too bad.
the dialectics never stop though, FULL ACCELERATIONISM
It's the universal language of diplomacy and faggotry.
Give me a substitute that does the job and I'll happily remove it from my vocabulary
If it's not on the Guardian I ain't partyin' oh god kill me that was lame.
When they smeared, snubbed, sabotaged and outright defrauded another, less corrupt, more sensible candidate who fared better agaist Trump in the polls, yes they fucking are to blame even before any votes were cast.
Of course I'm not blaming Twitter. I'm blaming all American liberals, neoliberals and SJWs as a whole, for having abandoned dialectics and material issues for the sake of browbeating, shame tactics, mockery and overall reactionary behavior, which was a vital part of Trump's slim margin of victory. To say nothing of supporting a Democrat candidate that was absurdly awful on every respect. Trump is the result of their own moronic choices.
Christ, what the fuck is happening here? Is there a serious communication issue here or are people actually defending liberals on Holla Forums now?
The fact this is the level of our discourse is truly truly a bad sign.
Melenchon is not going to run again. He's launching a movement, and when you launch something you need an explosion, not a whimper.
bourgeois politic is a bitch right.
Why are shills here still acting like it's ogre? Haven't they seen the partial results?
I think the disconnect is that I don't think BroPair in particular is someone who does what you're complaining of
but whatever, if you want to grandstand that's on you
Doesn't his movement involve a political party we want to see growing?
Lmao Melon boy is wuss
Wait what? Proof?
Why would he?
So that Le Pen wouldn't be first?
I say fuck it! French want their capitalism to keep going? LET THEM HAVE IT ALL THE WAY!
It will surely become a party
joining his rebel group right now tbh
I guess the French just like having food.
Hamon should take a lot of the blame though.
good meme
Virtue signaling used as a phrase is a sign of someone's complete lack of self awareness, often relating to them being A) Not degenerate and B) A good European citizen/enthralled by traditional European values.
Basically it's for faggots with nothing to say to cut down someone for doing something they don't like while elevating themselves doing something they do like, which is ultimately whining.
Daily reminder that Le Pen is more economically leftist than Macron.
Being 66 years old this year, it is not entirely unreasonable.
Let's hope he can find someone charismatic to be the face of the movement before he retire…
O Shit the gap just opened up to .7%. Remember London and big cities get counted last and because so few of the votes have been counted the results are volatile and unstable and prone to go up and down.
Daily reminder logic doesn't prevail on this board.
daily reminder they are still bourgeoisie
Mélenchon is bourgeois too.
Alexis Corbière has some potential
O Shit Burgerspeak brainfart sorry
I like Alexis Corbiere.
And what will her position be tomorrow?
She's a snake. If you trust her you're a mark.
Try not being a hypocritical faggot and finding something worthwhile to say. Seems to do for the rest of the board.
This is a bad post, you're not an insightful person and your critiques and observations are terrible.
ooooooh shit
Marx was bourgeois
There as expats, lots of expats over there, but those are usually classcucks of the worst kind. I doubt their vote would be favorable to Mélenchon. OTOH, not to Le Pen either.
"She's a snake" nice non argument. Thats just a disdain.
Stop, please. I hurt already
You're most likely the faggot who used "virtue-signalling" in the first place, so your opinion is kinda worthless m8
Sorry, I'll remember to include more memes to make it palatable to you next time. Do you prefer something about dialectics in motion, spooks or pure ideology, you fucking simpleton?
Engels was a factory owner
my mum was bourgeois
engels was bourgeois, marx was NEET masterrace
Marx wasn't though
what did he mean by this?
Looks like someone needs shaving
You're a snake too.
hitler was a jew
And Lenin was a lawyer. Whoopty fucking doo.
Difference increased to 1%. I'd argue it can reach even 3% and we can stay safe but that probably won't happen.
Looking for some bad takes? This guy's got you covered
Is Fillion at least going to jail ?
Daily reminder you are still a faggot that doesn't get the left.
This is such an old mantra.
If I have to choose, I prefer liberal capitalism over proto-fascist/"far right" capitalism.
Of course liberal capitalism is often to blame for fascist movements, but still. Fascists will hurt the cause more in the long run. Particularly because that populism appeals to the lower classes, who we should be able to get on our leftist side.
Also I still believe that Trump was better than Clinton, maybe Le Pen would nonetheless be, in a sick way, better than the other guy. But it isn't because of their "good" policies, it is because their failure would be great, they shake up the status quo and so on.
You might be right, but I'm quite certain that Weird Twitter was at the center of this current liberal trend of shaming and even harassing opponents (no bad tactics, only bad targets and all that) and getting hung up on socjus nonsense. You know his buddy, Mobute? Boy, do I have some dirt on him. And these were arguably some of the main "thought leaders" or "thinkfluencers", or whatever other stupid neologism, of the SJW hordes that rose up these past few years. As far I can can deduce, bro_pair and his buddies was at the eye of the storm.
Wow. That is a great counter argument idiot.
Marx grew up bourgeois so technically he was bourgeois at some point in his life.
Some of us remember the early program of the FN, back to monoeye's days, it was caricature of Reaganism.
The only stuff on which the FN is consistent is brown people.
So no, Le Pen won't bring us leftists politics, even if they advertise it. The Sdrasser brothers died for this lesson.
Why that little-
And an aristo, don't forget. His father had rose up the civil service high enough to reach the lowest rank which included inheritability.
WOAH NOW Macron just went up above Le Pen. Margin is now +2.12 Le Pen and +2.18 Macron.
Yes alongside Pasqua, Chirac and Woerth. Of course not you fucking idiot. The political class is a sacred cow that doesn't fear the paper tiger known as "Justice"
His daddy, was.
He was merely his accountant.
wtf I love liberalism now
would still vote for a filthy bourgeois than a facist, get REKT Holla Forums
I remember what Jean-Marie Le Pen said and did. However Marine is not Jean-marie.
I guess "Bibi" isn't a fascist in his mind.
If you don't want updates on the French election I suggest you browse elsewhere amigo
just fucking kill all old people
And to think on France 24 they were saying "oh Macron won because he managed to get the young voters and Melenchon is for old Europe haters :) haha"
Antifa please, no amalgam.
Cause it's not like 35-40 and 40-50 have any difference, or anything!
She's the same as her father, you stupid polack!
wtf?! i love teenagers now !
Margin has narrowed down to +1.82 Le Pen and +Oh God Macron.
No she's not.
B-but conservative is the new counterculture!
What an idiot.
United fronts (w/ the liberal right) against fascism are ok if we're talking WW2 situation, not if we're talking about something like this.
Bernie was lost partly because mainstream liberals managed to make everyone think that fighting Donald meant supporting Clinton. Clinton was horrible. Then Clinton lost.
London has been Norman since 1066.
I'm surprised oldies hate Le Pen so much.
Maybe there is hope for the future after all.
Progress happens one funeral at a time
Second Angevin Empire When?
if the fascists somehow manage to raise muh white birthrate they will only BTFO themselves
They remember Vichy, and beside a few nuts, it didn't leave a good impression to them.
dystopian hope
They know her father.
We thought this too, when Bush won.
But look what they are doing now. They divert from the path and create shit like Pirate Party and so on, splitting the votes further.
I hope Mélenchon continures what he does. No matter who wins, they are bound to fuck up.
"reprendre le flambeau"!
Margin is now +1.5 Le Pen! Can't Stench Melench!
Mélenchon is supported by the French version of 4chan
It really isn't. Le Pen leads Macron lol.
he's the most NEET-friendly candidate
God, I hope he actually makes it.
German prints are already depicting bios of Macron and Le Pen, so cocksure are they that these two will definitely be in the second round.
That's not what I'm reading on The Guardian. I'm reading 23.35% Macaron and 21.5% Pigpen with 20% Mah Boi.
never 4get
This would make Dewey Defeats Truman and Clinton 99% Chance both look like nothing.
Le pen is dropping
No she isn't. Learn how exit polls work, and how counting works.
I just wanna see Holla Forumsfag tears tbh.
And all the closeted Holla Forumsyps, such as those "classical liberals" and other e-gimps.
Just updated for me lol
I'm honestly a little fearful of Le Pen since I don't think the EU should end (and if big players like France might actually quit, EU, as we know it, ends). EU is fucked up and needs to be revolutionized but big countries plain exiting is not good. We absolutely need international structures like the EU.
Ye, right.
Whatever you want to believe, faggot.
I guess the world ISN'T the US after all!
They do have a tadition of not depicting the outcome latetly, though….
Really stupid perspective.
nice meme kiddo
they remember war times.
It's the Spanish elections all over again.
kys liberal. The EU needs to burn.
We need supranational structures to fight climate change, which is what leftist critiques of the EU leave out.
Of course the EU is a failure at doing this, but we need that kind of organization to follow through on real change.
I'll say this much, Macron devised a perfect formula to get dupes to vote you President of any given parliamentary republic.
O Shit Melenchon just dropped a little.
Not quite but whatever
old people worry about their healthcare and pensions, and avoid change. It is just in their self-interest.
The Fillon people must hate Dupont-Aignan.
I thought the teens were white and based and would all vote Le Pen?
Did those earlier polls about young people being in love with her lie? IIRC it even went up to 35.
Hold me. :(
The boomers probably thought the same during the 60's and 70's and look how they turned out.
No wonder so much of the "Melanchon and Le Pen are the same!" hysteria sounds a lot like "get off my lawn, you kids"
24% of that age group voted for her. More will vote for her in the second tour.
Gloating and being smug is a terrible political perspective in the face of loss.
Mass movement of people (refugees etc) would also be easier to deal with if we had sensible supranational structures. Also general regulation of whatever (like those biogenetics Zizek likes to warn us about)
Heck, if we had really strong international organization, we could even do things like massive tax increases on capital! But that is, of course, an utopian vision.
wtf I just hate national sovereignty
Worst outcome. Nothing good can come of it.
+1.4 margin to overcome Le Pen with about 1/3 votes counted. Less really.
Fillon Macron would be even worse.
No it wouldn't be, you retard. Le Pen puts on a blue rose and Phillipot cobbles together a mendacious program and suddenly half the "left" thinks she's good.
Stop being a facile rube.
These are the only numbers that matter:
Top kek, how will I ever recover?
with a friendly hug?
Anything other than LePen Melenchon is worst outcome.
Both are worse, they all guarantee a neoliberal empty suit taking the helm again. But now, the fucker will get to drape himself in the flag of "enlightenment values", and standing against fascism etc.
That's an estimate, stoopeet.
so when is the next debate
Do you actually think Le Pen is substantially worse than Fillon? He's almost as anti-immigrant and pro-Putin as she is, if those are things you're concerned about, and his economic plan is a hundred times more sadistic.
Le Pen 23%
Oh god margin just shot up to +2.42%
Fillon is just as bad as Le Pen, but he would not be bringing Neo Nazis into the government.
Stop hoping ye faggots.
It's over.
They could have prevented this.
In any case, France will go down the rain now.
But at least Le Pen makes libtards cry which is a good thing.
With Fillon you would just have neolib consensus vs neolib consensus and that shit need to be shattered.
Anyway, we don't have a horse in this race anymore so relax and enjoy either neolibs or Holla Forums tears on may 6.
This is a reactionary perspective.
Still, a guy who pays his family for imaginary jobs while he puts the people he lords over under heavy austerity. People with that mindset tend to fuck up things way worse.
First place, when you don't count splitters.
Let this be a reminder that elections yet again are useless. Only a mass ground movement can ever stop these fuckers and even then, it would have to escalate to violence. The elite had to orchestrate a shooting for christs sake to dismantle Melenchon.
This is your fault.
Le Pen is just as corrupt. Just admit you know nothing about politics and get your opinions from memes.
Libtards are the biggest gravediggers of the Left since the 60's. I proudly claim my shadenfreude for anything upsetting them.
The boomers would've been straight up fucking wrong since the Olds at that point would be people who lived through the great depression and at the high end WW1 too.
>Haha they're rounding us up and putting us in camps. lel libtards will hate this btfo!
They're not.
Fucking moron.
The masses don't know what they want. They need a leader figure of some type to offer them something, so they can discover that that is what they want.
Long as they shoot you first, it'll have to so.
They are.
Stop larping
what did he mean by this?
I agree, but that leader has to get people out on the streets not at the ballot box.
Who the fuck are you supporting in this election if not Melenchon you retard?
They're going to inscribe 🍀🍀🍀national values🍀🍀🍀 in the constitution and have literal clothing police.
You're a dope.
Liberals are defendesr of capitalism through mostly legal means, Fascists are defenders of capitalism by smashing you dumb head on the pavement.
Are you Jewish? Coz this is some "grampa told me about the holocaust and it can happen again any moment"-tier paranoia.
these people still exist?
Read Trotsky I guess
Nooo.. Why would they? They'd just label you a "terrorist" and get over it!
You pol idiots, thinking LePen is not her father ARE GONNA DOOM US ALL!
At least she's not gonna be president.
Will the feminists win, if she does, though?
Fuck this guy.
Biggest victims of all Fascist government were socialists, not any particular ethnicity or religious group.
It's their whole raison d'etre
Trotsky rejected compromise with liberals and popular fronts though.
Don't fucking tell me what to do. Wildcard, bitches!
Margaret Thatcher is the greatest feminist figure of all time! Merkel is second. Maybe Le Pen can join the top3?
FN is the issue of Vichy France, a place where people were quite literally rounded up and put in camps.
Jean Marie Le Pen bragged about torturing people in Algeria.
Why is this board so edgy and stupid?
Enjoy being shot.
He argued for popular front on Germany and compromise with liberal parliamentarists on Spain.
Commies didn't make an identity out of their victimization, tho.
Marcon ofc, we can`t let anti-Eu candidates win even if it means protecting the neoliberal establishment.
Nice trolling retard
There is a slight difference there though. Killing socialists made sense, killing Jews as an excess caused by how nazi ideology is structured.
In that sense, I have the biggest sympathy for the Jew victims.
Fuck off samefag/FBI/COINTELPRO/useless idiot
I'm discussing Fascism's threat to Socialists, not your brainlet justification for anti-semitism.
no, liberal democracy must be ran to the ground, no cost is too great
Do you write for the Guardian?
And then we will show Feminism for the neoliberal tool it is!
So you're actually a neo-liberal?
Take off your flag and kill yourself you retard.
Yeah killing political enemies is always a closer option than just wiping out an entire race/group, but I'm not asking who deserve more or less sympathy here.
And let's remember, Fascists couldn't get into power under the premise that they will kick a minority out of the country. The reason the establishment loves and hands power to them in the first place is because they threaten socialists, unionists and radicals first. So everyone who goes "it will make libs mad!" is either ignorant of history or just Holla Forums.
By what meaningful definition is FN fascist?
Here is an example of why commies have a problem with fascists…
TLDR Fascists kill commie catgrills.
Islamo-fascism is a threat. Europe doesn't do fascism anymore, except Greece.
On what isn't it?
On historical terms it is far from being fascist.
What is Poland?
Why is Greece having the Nazis on trial?
I remember liking this movie but everytime I see an isolated scene it seems so bad
ISIS only has about 30000 members. Its all fearmongering and you know it. The real threat is the neoliberal forces funding radical groups and spreading propaganda.
They'd say the same for Hitler in 1925.
No, all islamists that demand shari'a law are fascists, and their protests must be hosed with lead.
For this moment they do, but in the future Eu will eventually be in the interests of working class. If it were to be destroyed, reactionaries and nationalists would be the end of European welfare state.
authoritarian military kenysianism supporter, but personally I do hate the liberals and the current state of neoliberalism.
Fuck off, you have been the pariah for our flag since 1971.
Christian democrats circa 1980
The best way to fight islamo-fascism is to fight the neoliberal policies that create it.
Also this, it isn't a direct threat to Europe really. Except in how it empowers our own nationalist populists.
You're right, the establishment doesn't need them yet, and now they're more of a nuisance than anything. So they don't serve the same historical role. But that time might come, and if it happens we'd see that the liberal establishment was the only thing restraining them.
No, "they" wouldn't, you complete retard.
Do you even know what Shari'a law means? Are do you use that word aimlessly because it sounds scawyyyy?
At least I got to vote for J-L Mélenchon and I'm quite proud of that
He claimed only Greece has any Nazis/Fascists left.
I dissagree.
Fascism is on the rise all over Europa.
The fact that people don't want to see it cause "they don't wear black shirts and parade" doesn't mean they are not fascists under cover.
The wut and the wut? Use words I understand. The bourgeoisie will suffice.
ahah fuck you
Yes. That's why I advocate for murder of all who call for it.
Why are you wearing that flag?
Good job, reprendre le flambeau!
Why not?
fuck i'm a millennial now
I live in Poland and it's a place where idpol was used to preserve national integrity thorought all kinds of occupations. it's more like a muzzie-tier catholic fundieland, and whoever doesn't buy into tradional spooks, too often gets converted into flavor of the century totalitarian ideology, nowadays it's porky.
Go on then, tell me what it means.
P.S: Sharia law is pretty much just an interpretation of the Qu'ran and hadiths, hence it has various meanings to various Muslims. Most believe that Sharia is something personal and a law that must be followed themselves, so there's a distinction between Sharia and legal law. But I guess you've already sunk far too deep into the propaganda. Good luck getting yourself out.
The current ruling party is more like christian democrats from interwar on steroids, calling it fascism is an overstatement, though I could understand why somebody from western Europe would say so.
Our actual nationalists score 2% at best, though there is some autismal electoral movement with antiwaxers, few accidental nationalist splitters from the above, people jerking off to american GOP and such, all led by a retard who believes FPTP would end partocracy, hard to call it a coherent movement, but the leader is definitely no fascist, just an actual idiot
Well, I mean.. sure… as long as it doesn't mean anything to you, it doesn't matter, right?
"generations" are BS.
AKA far right on the rise. I know. :/
gen y and millennial are synonymous with each other, i.e. the generation after gen x
Just because someone doesn't agree with you on idpol issues (Poland) doesn't make them a fascist. Just because someone promotes somewhat racist policies (LePen) doesn't make them a fascist. Fascism takes a bit more than that.
Cry, and despair!
When Paris comes in Le Pen will drop to second.
Add the score of Hamon to the score of Mélenchon, and you get a candidate who could have got to the second round.
I really should just ignore you cause you're probably trolling but look into it yourself. Study the religion yourself without your alt-right buddies steering you towards a false narrative. The facts are on OUR side. Do you not realize just how much of a neoliberal puppet you are?
Ye… Her party was far right before. Just because she wore sheep's clothing doesn't make her less of a wolf.
Is it full blown fascism? No. Does it have the foundation for it? I think.
SocDems ruining everything again?
So basically, mélanchon has been sabotaged and NeoLibs sport Skeletor tier scheming once again.
For what it's worth, Melenchon could still come in third.
Yes, my "alt-right buddies" lied to me about everything. Brunei doesn't even exist. :^)
Religion of peace.
Let's hope so.
lmao no, the facts for Islam definitely are not on your side. France is under direct assault from mass immigration. 10-20% muslim population.
Might as well be called Frankistahn.
Mélenchon looks broken as fuck in his speech…
Sharia is not for non-Muslims. How many times does this have to be explained?
I just don't like that term, because I grew up in the 80s and 90s, and not the current millennium.
Just keep repeating that there is totally diversity of opinion in Islam on Shari'a law, ignore that this is not the case in practice, and pay Jizya.
So, the laws of a state are to be applied accordingto religion!
Stop answering to right wing BS with liberal BS!
That's true - they just get to be dhimmis.
Boomers like to blame every fuck up they did on "entitled" millenials.
Don't buy into boomer propaganda.
Nobody's going to make you pay Jizya you big fat fucking faggot unless Islam becomes the state religion and lots of Muslims would vouch against that.
And if they're atheists, like me, they just get killed. That's why I argue we kill them first.
Did I once say it was a religion of peace?
And are you purposely ignoring the blowback effect of imperialist forces having proxy wars in the region, funding and arming radical forces, and murdering millions of innocents—which causes a minority to be increasingly radicalized and attack western nations nearby.
Radical Islamists WANT Le Pen and Trump in power. They want you guys to further alienate the vast majority of innocent muslims so they can be radicalized and kill even more civilians. They WANT a holy war and retards like Le Pen will provide it for them.
You are literally being played like a fiddle.
who goes first, the trotskyists or the tankies?
Fuck off libshit, religions are outdated trash and so are people defending them
They are slowly changing Western laws to fit Sharia laws. It will not be long before you/your gf/wife has to wear a burqa out in public.
30% of Brittany voted for a free market sockpuppet.
And still Jizya do not exist in the literal theocratic Iran.
But Muslims are totally a hivemind bro.
I made this thread.
I'm disappointed he didn't win.
I think the mods should autosage this thread and we should move on.
Reprendre le flambeau, mes amis!
haha like the burkha ban?
kill yourself
Yes, sharia laws are outdated BS.
Who fucking cares? There's war, unemployment, poverty, an ecological disaster, and all you care about is fucking pieces of cloth?
so fascism
At least, I'm not completely dishonored by my home region.
I'm tired of allusions to diversity and goodness in muslims that is clearly NOT THERE.
That's pure ideology. They come here to make money. That's literally all.
Well, it was a complete disaster.
Lol you would do exactly the same thing don't lie. Not to mention Turkey, Greece, Balkans, etc. are hostile as shit and have their own problems.
Ah yes, the study that do not survey Muslims in the West but from which we can totally conclude what's going on in Western Mulsim's mind.
Didn't he just say that? Western values. Haha.
Iran is Shi'a.
Go back to plebbit scum.
your pic is outdated
That's Western Values for you
Man get your own thread no one gives a shit about muslims
TODO: nuke Corse
Turkey and Greece are holding a rather large amount of refugees. Not to mention southern Europe also has plenty of welfare, the countries you listed are just doing well economically, can you really blame people for wanting to live there?
His words aren't though.
Source : elections.interieur.gouv.fr
It's official
Would a candidate that said "full tax the rich" have a chance 5 years ago?
IMO that is a victory.
Greece is not hostile.
"Muh Europa"
Wow, there are different streams within Islam? Man i'm flabbergasted.
The German and Scandi women have an easier reputation, I'm sure that plays a part
Not official, it says it right there.
Do you even know where most refugees are right now? Hint: not in northwest Europe
I am saying these are not people trying to get out of 'danger' they are clearly economic migrants.
They are both.
I'm pretty sure the welfare and general quality of life play the decisive role, mate.
Wow. Plebbit seems like such a good site for unsophisticated people like me. Could you redirect me with links good sir?
Turky have THREE MILLION refugees. Hungary, Switzerland, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Algeria, Austria, heck even bloody Singapore have taken more immigrants than the United Kingdom.
If they were just trying to get out of danger they would have stopped at the first country they came to. Instead they go to welfare states
Not really since there is no focus on corporations like in fascism.
By the way my point actually had nothing to do about the CURRENT refugee crisis but thanks for being retarded on purpose and intentionally missing the point you fucking pollack
I think it's stupid too they're filled with delusions when they come here
That's what life is about stupid, making money is essential to survival. Don't try to characterize it as greed. Suck my dick friend.
Uh, yeah "stuck" you fucking Turks.
No one would stop in the bankrupt greece or Turkey where they are treated like shit then.
Again: they're both. They're definitely getting out of danger, and while they're at it, they try to reach the countries that are best for them.
Most stop literally on the other side of the border.
This is ideology.
Why do you think that people fleeing danges wouldn't still insist on the best? War doesn't make people into subservient saints.
No doubt those are the main reasons, but those things aren't mutually exclusive. They still have a reputation in the mid-east as easy
Lol mad Turk. I don't want you to have to pay your politicians debt either. I'm in the same situation in Puerto Rico. But don't be a spergo.
ah tiens les votes blancs sont comptabilisés, pas mal.
Again. They do. Turkey hold more than all European countries together.
If miracles exist they better start happen now.
Cities do your magic!
And nothing of value was lost.
give up
Literally leave and go fight for the revolution with the new left on plebbit
Lol except our entry into the first round. Fuck him.
Never give up!
Never surrender!
Don't give up.
Nice moving of the goalposts, dickwad. Making bank doesn't political refugees make. If you think all borders should be abolished and people should be free to move around and seek economic opportunities where they please, have the courage to come out and say it. Don't jerk us around with inane talk of "values".
Unfortunately Paris (the city itself is bourg af) won't give many votes to Mélenchon.
Depends which part of Paris.
This is the last time I get excited about representative democracy, I swear
Fuck i hoped he would do under 5%, the SP would have been anhililated financiarly.
So what?
So what?
(there are actual statistics on pew somewhere)
Again, these are primarily economic migrants, that are primarily male and young
Parts of Paris will go to Fillon. Most of the city will go to Macron.
Yeah maybe the 19e and 20e will, but that's pretty much it, I don't think he will to very well elsewhere.
Seriously though, I never understood the hate for reddit on both chans. Why are we supposed to care? Its just a stupid site for chrissake
Hobbyist Reddit is great, political Reddit is shit.
not yet
Doesn't that article just tell us that (humanitarian) immigration is a cost, not a monetary gain?
I mean, that much is obvious…
They're scouting for their families dipshit
It's over.
Corbyn will also not win.
It's not the time to rise through elections, but to rise through pointing out the failures of those that were to be "anti-establishment.
All borders SHOULD be abolished and people SHOULD be free to move wherever they please. That is one of the ultimate goals that leftists strive for but that doesn't mean we are blind to the practical realities of the matter. Other things need to be resolved for that dream to ever take place.
All the other poster was explaining were the reasons refugees move to welfare states. Hell if I was a refugee, I would want to move to the best place I could as would you. It's not their fault for wanting to move there. But it is the fault of those welfare states for supporting factions which created the flood of refugees in the first place. In other words, you are scapegoating rather than facing the real threat–the neoliberals who have allowed this to happen. The refugees are the victims.
Macron is not /ourguy/
No, it says they stay come for the welfare.
Thank fuck you are not in power
Search your feelings user, you know it to be true.
Le Pen will get 15 to 16 million in the 2nd round btw. It's not enough though
Everything he said is right.
Yeah all these immigrants getting a retirement pension man!
Oh! You mean they are going to get money and send it home, like South Europa did with the US in 1900s?
Now, cause I had this discussion, are they more susceptible to extremist propaganda?
Is their primary purpose to blow themselves?
Also, remember that most terrorists are second generation immigrands.
Obviously they prefer welfare over no welfare and obviously they often use welfare since their employment rate is often relatively low.
I'm not seeing your point here.
Totally not biased chart.
This washes the pain away
Mélenchon is sightly less on the bottom, Le Pen slightly less on the right.
The difference is mostly numbers. Very few people really care enough about politics, or face genuine persecution. So those numbers can practically be absorbed. Not so much for economic migrants. If you open the gates for that, as Germany and assorted countries did for all intents and purposes in the summer of '15, you're faced with a swell of people you can never, never absorb as a society. Not economically, not culturally, not politically.
It's the end of the welfare state, and you'll have an ethnic conflict on your hands soon enough. It's dooming any chance of a long term leftist project just to feel like a good boy; "look at us, all enlightened and universalist 'n shieet."
That's not how it works.
If millions of ISIS sympathizers wanted to move to your area and democratically agree to set up a caliphate, would you be alright with that?
This is never stressed enough. Alienation is the real problem here, you should see where the so-called No-Go zones are located, how they are treated by the local authorities, and suddenly terrorism begins to make a whole lot of sense.
It's only because of capitalism they do this, under socialism they would be loyal and happy
Literally true for the first part of the phrase.
Depends on the country.
I'm from a Nordic welfare state, you do practically get the basic welfare money if you get accepted here and can fill out some forms. Sometimes they may force you to take a course or do some slave labour.
Macron is like AfD without xenophobia.
(National Liberal)
He wants to bring back the draft ffs.
/liberty/'s guy would be someone like Cheminade but even he is a Keynesian hack.
What do you think of Fillion?
Getting welfare for just 'arriving'. Ok.
And borders should and WILL remain.
No, they shouldn't be on welfare full stop. They should be actively contributing to society and getting jobs.
These people are simply migrating to get benefits.
a lot of the time*
As alright as I would be if 1000000 of my own people decided to instaur a Christian theocracy. But this won't happen, so what's the question here?
You can't eat should. Real life takes place in the world of "is", not that of "ought". If you want the entire society of nation X turned into martyrs on the altar of universalism, don't be surprised when they shoot you in the back.
Refugees should be helped as best we can, but that is not accomplished by just opening the floodgates. That will ruin it for everyone.
Give me one reason not to kill myself.
There's none, kill yourself.
There is no afterlife.
It's all true, socialism scientifically makes people happier
Be the mightiest an hero of all user
Our duty is to pave the road for communism.
It's still to early.
Too much work. Just lay down, shitpost and await for the end, it's what Cioran wanted.
Eh! What's some slave labour WHEN YOU GET WELFARE .. .. for some months…
Also, that's why SocDem leads to fascism once crisis and system can't handle it.
You don't understand capitalism, do you?
Chinese food.
You can't drink, smoke or fuck when you're dead.
You are right.
We don't even need to assume that the refugees themselves would cause the horrible problems, the reaction of Europeans to open borders would already be the end of the good Europe.
I agree with this statement.
The butthurt generated by the 2nd round will be entertaining.
a worldwide economic crash is happening in like 18 months
it will be fun to experience
Anyone watching the argument between the Melenchon woman and the Socialist Party guy on France24, or is thread just irrelevant discussion?
this thread is just irrelevant discussion but I would love the link good user.
I am not watching it. This thread should be deleted at this point.
Question yourself.
Are you sure you are doing enough for communism?
Isn't there something you could do… more?
France has a high youth unemployment rate already. Why do they need to bring more Arabs in to contribute to society? A government that tells a bunch of unemployed youth that they need to suck it up for the greater good for the Arabs and Africans is not one that is going to remain legitimate for long.
Got any good erxcepts?
I'm not arguing against you buddy and if you actually read my post, I pointed out that practical realities would not allow that to happen just yet. And no one is advocating opening the floodgates. The problem is the discourse.
Rather than attacking the neoliberal establishment, leftists such as myself are forced into a position of defense in order to prevent the refugees that exist from being scapegoated. Refugees are not the problem, they are the symptom.
Lunatic. The land belongs to everyone, open borders is the default.
But Arabs and Africans ARE the unemployed youth.
This was a good thread once.
But then pol came and made it about "muh migrandz".
I wonder why that could be? France should tighten borders and CUT welfare.
I mean.. In france, it is mostly children of post colonialism….
Go home, pol.
No borders is the default. That's very different from open borders.
/r/ing ban.
So why bring them at all then?
Anarcho-primitivism soon, the system will collapse comrade.
Ban should be given to all who ask for a ban.
They're born here.
Hey guys, Mélenchon can still win!!!
He only has to get more than 30% of the uncounted voices, and Le Pen none of them.
Its interesting to debate someone who isn't a Facebook retard.
It shouldn't be cut to 0, just reduced.
Irrelevant disctinction on paper. In practice stopping people from movement means you are now enforcing borders, which is contrast to both no borders AND open borders
You know, that could almost be feasible.
You're so pathetic a suicide would be actually a good choice
I don't know… Could it be they were already there, because colonies?
Well.. you could just end the war in Syria.. and never had armed fanatic islamists to fight soviets, in the first place…
How the fuck much welfare is even given?
I mean.. What I get when am not working is not even enough to pay rent!
Liberals get out.
Extremely important distinction. Open borders mean they still exist, and therefore that different locations have different laws and rights.
Except people on welfare are not the one with the capital to create jobs.
2000 persons fighting over 100 jobs is not a better situation than 1500 persons fighting over 100 jobs.
If this can makes you feel any better.
Especially since these 2000 people would naturally fight over 133 jobs rather than 100.
Believe me, I would love to end the war in Syria.
I don't know how much is given out European countries. I know that we have a lot in my country (Australia), people actually move out and rent in some cases. The link below has a lot of interesting statistics to read
libs will melt down and it will be funny
By enforcing them even you disagree with them, you are still indirectly supporting the concept of borders. What right do you have to stop refugees from moving into Europe?
I'm arguing for borders not to exist rather than to exist yet be open.
Do you really think you can convince Fillonistes and Mélanchonistes to vote for the same guy ?
And this is where my economic policy likely differs to yours. I would cut taxes on the rich and middle class, slightly, and tax exports and imports.
libs will continue to meltdown over le penisland
Mostly true. Right now the debate is waged between obnoxious liberals, assisted by deluded leftists of the type that call Zizek a fascists for his pronouncements, who see in the refugees nothing but a noble savage that can do no wrong, and the right who would just see a savage. And no one is confronting the reality of the situation. The current debate is no-win by default.
Fillonists are split, but a lot of Mélanchonists will vote Macron.
I just hope he ends up third just to piss off baby boomers.
Then don't try to restrict the free movement of people.
Where the fuck did I argue for that?
Well if we imagine than Mélenchon voters all blank vote in the 2nd turn and that all Fillon voters go to Le Pen, she could win.
And if she doesn't, Holla Forums's tears will be delicious.
Find the inner Holla Forumstard in you and enjoy the show..
Maybe some day.
Opening the borders now would be the lunatic move.
Maybe half of it. I won't.
It's MélEnchon
Looking at statistics on how many people are on welfare, and the gap between native Europeans and immigrants I would say it is too much.
oops my bad
Fillon would have won this election were it not for the scandals, Le Pen would not have reached the second round, and Melenchon would not have come close.
What does this mean?
What does this graph, where immigrants in Belgium and Sweden are the ones who work the most, mean?
And why are you comparing unemployment to employment, when the two are very different things?
And thus, a liberal was born. All borders are illegitimate, by even recognizing them, you give power to the establishment.
Were are the "people on welfare" stats?
unsourced infografs don't work here pol.
Was the soviet union liberal? Was nazi germany?
That it was not for nothing. The Socialist Party will die and the Mélenchon can win big in the coming parliamentary elections
Not in France, where elections to the National Assembly are a shitfest.
I didn't expect that
Ultimate rusemasters.
There are a significant amount a peoples who vote FN but don't want them to win.
Now, the supporters of France Insoumise will vote to decide if they should support Macron.
Hoping they will decide not to.
How did the recognition of borders work out for those two?
The socialist party could have been executed by the banks if they didn't reach 5% of expressed votes.
So close.
Why casting a vote on a vote? We can just choose indvidually what to vote.
Best results.
Even if it would mean Mélenchon lower
But Les Republicans will do very well in the parliamentary elections, which is my point.
Melenchon coming so close seems like a fluke borne out of a chaotic election cycle, now that I stop to consider it.
It's all symbolic. Supporters from France Insoumise are not asked to follow the result of the vote.
Well, at least third place is a given.
Shouldn't that means more voters for Mélenchon?
They would probably go to Macron tee bee eitch
You're right.
Half Hamon voters were pro-Macron the other pro-Mélenchon
It's not a given. Especially since they have no leader now.
Anyway, the point is that the Left will have to organize itself around Mélenchon
Like SocDem clockwork.
Has the big cities come in yet
I vote for Hamon only to promote Universal Basic Income tbh.
Please. Politics is not science, LR will do very well let's not kid ourselves.
FI may make small gains, but because of the way representation works, barely any.
PS has a lot of members, a lot of them will either regroup around Macron or the party.
88% counted, not quite there yet but this is pretty much the final result. Let's hope Mélenchon will win over Fillon at the very least.
Melenchon seems to be gaining some ground. He might get the third place at this pace.
Having both the PS and LR cucked would be Christmas before time.
You mean what was left of the concept
Explain it.
Well, at least it's a start.
One of them died fighting in a glorious war for more clay, the other died from trying to keep its people locked inside a cage, while also trying to spread its ideas to new clay by war
Nous sommes la France Insoumise, maintenant et toujours.
triggering tbh
Wrong. It's for everyone aged 18-death.
Où tu as Paris? J'ai que les petits bleds autours.
On the plus side, since the entire "socialist" government supported Macron and none of them supported Hamon, there is a good chance for them to fuck of forever from the socialist brands and clearly come out as neolibs.
There is nothing socialist about En Marche and I expect the entire leadership of the socialist party, especially the Third Way guys like Valls, to switch sides, like rats leaving the sinking ship. And after they did that, they can no longer guilt trip workers to vote for their party.
Then it's up to Mélenchon to build up a new left.
Though in general, with Pulse of Europe making their rounds, we are entering an era where neoliberalism is "in". People who didn't knew the term no openly started associating with it on social media.
It's on.
The RSA is already a thing, a different thing, the first would be to reform the RSA and give it to the 18-25, then going progressively to an UBI for everyone 18-death.
Is it me or updates are getting slower?
Forgot my source :
The candidate website, not just a Mélenchon newspaper like Libération.
Yeah, sure. I should have trust the Socialist Party on that.
3rd place guise?
paying young people rather than old people not to work is retarded too.
It's not "not to work", with a safe, guaranteed , basic income, you can refuse to work for shitty jobs and research a job that you really like or get paid way much more for ungrateful jobs, it's a power of negociation for everyone.
You can also fill your own niche and create your own job with some kind of a basic income
yeah, sure, but it still makes more sense to improve the buying power and speed retirement of the elderly and disabled than give kids free tickets to the movies.
You're acting like a liberal when you talk to them about exploitation.
UBI is a complementary with retirement, a lot of elders does not enough money with only their own retirement, the UBI complete it, it does not replace it.
Some people will always act in bad faith and that is a fact of life. What matters is whether they are significant enough to bother with, and I strongly doubt it.
US state governments have actually wasted billions of dollars trying to force welfare users to get drug tests, which are costly to do with any accuracy. Turns out that very few of them actually did any illegal drugs.
So what will happen at the parliamentary elections?
It's liberal to think naively that you can create your own work (so a buisness) without capital but with all the corporations "competition".
"Work" doesn't necessarily mean owning or running a business.
So tell me genious, how do you create work then?
Oh boi it's getting pretty close to Fillon.
I just want the freedom to paint and tend a garden
It's still about a hundred thousand less.
It's not work then if you don't get paid for that, it's a hobby, but with the UBI you can do that hobby and still live decently.
Well that's what I meant by work. Is work only something you get paid for?
Je suis mauvais en géographie mais quand même…
enfin le département le plus bourgeois de France qui roule pour Macron et Fillon ç'est pas vraiment surprenant…
Ptain c'est les banlieus, tout meme.
Ouais non t'avais raison en fait
Work (or job if your prefer this word) he's something you do and get paid for (wage labor) or something than you do that make money (every liberal professions or successful artists as for example) but except if you're bourgeois and so have capital, you're stuck with wage labor like most of people.
Y'a Banlieue et Banlieue…
Well I'm just a lefty Redditor coming here to get the real scoop, you guys are kinda like gods. So when we achieve real communism, does that mean "work" doesn't exist anymore since no one is getting paid for their labor?
Stop wandering the desert or reading the daily mail and you'll be just fine
Abolishment of work in the sense of you're doing something becuse you like it not because you starve if you don't.
Calling out your fox news-tier hysteria isn't apologism you perpetual coward
Personnally I'm not communist, my vision of economy would be that workers own the means of production but with also a market system (I'm not a fan of planification) and with also money (unlike communism) and with a UBI so people can really choose the jobs they want or simply do their hobbies. It's more some kind of Market-Socialism/Syndicalism but with UBI.
He who does not work shall not eat
Uh NO. The mentally and physically disabled don't have to work.
"From each according to their _"
And what if they have no ability? Just leave them to die like a Nazi or a Spartan would?
"…to each according to their ___"
Aw, you're making me blush.
And who determines their ability? You? They only get what they need when they give the ability you decide?
Money in itself isn't really anti-communist anyway. It can simply act as an easy tool to let people pick what they want (you know, go to store of some kind, choose what you want, exchange money for it, maybe some essentials wouldn't need to be paid for if they can, in other ways, be managed so that no overblown hoarding happens or causes problems)
Yes, in the "actual" communist phase it wouldn't exist but that communism is a post-scarcity utopia. Commies, if we get the power, may still need to let money exist before we reach that stage (if our natural world ever lets us reach that stage)
I think this is not relevant here. It is relevant maybe if there's essential work available for everyone. But there's zero reason to force someone to work if all essential work is already getting done.
From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs. If the disabled have no ability, nothing in taken. But their needs ought to be taken care of. I think it is too hard to actually realize this, though: in practice, there ought to exist a system that makes sure that everyone gets what they need. And a system that makes sure that essential work gets done. But a system that'd make sure that everyone works according to their ability? Probably too hard.
The departments that Mélenchon won
We warned you about the center left dawg. Until they are fucking dead the left wing will never be able to compete in electoral politics in the west.
You need a certain kind of man, one that cares about others as much as he cares about himself.
Maybe we just remove anyone that isn't like this?
not if the concept of abstract labor doesn't exist. if people saw some sort of meaning or pleasure in their work i dont think there would be an issue. someones preference for a type of work is just as much a part of their ability as their physical ability to do work.
Abolition of Work is among the goals of those seek Communism but the guy you're replying to is just a massive autist
I believe that there might be dirty work that relatively few people want to do. For example: cleaning extremely dirty houses, which are often houses where someone died. That is very dirty. None of the workers I've known in this field really liked it. At best, we have this very abstract pride in doing "real work".
If it is low skill labour, people could take turns doing it or something. In general, work days should be sorter, so that'll help, too.
Yep, I made the quote, and I made it in reference to a centralized authoritarian leadership instead of a decentralized democratic process, clearly. You figured me out bro
Be nice comrades, or you will scare off the Redditors. We must be patient with them, they are our only hope.
You mean you want to educate the proles.
It's a fine ideal, but is it possible?
Better to guide them as shepherds, most of them are incapable of true understanding, being permanent slaves to their baser instincts. Democracy was a mistake.
i kinda feel bad for France and LePen's voter, most of em are just fucking scared and want someone to protect them.
they know LePen is shit but she's the only one willing to give a damn about it.
every other candidate turned a blind eye to terrorism and criminality.
sure, not gonna go for the silly short cut "hurr durr its brown people's fault" but France really need to fix its justice system ffs! its vital.
since the bigining of this campaign it seem that France was doomed to a terrible fate as not a single candidate was able to point the problem and propose rational solutions to it.
doesn't matter who wins, France will lose, its saddening
With a Macron presidency, we'll get an El Khomri law every month, and Nuit Debout everyday.
With a Le Pen presidency, muslims and immigrants will die more often (well, they already get killed by the police under Hollande), and there will be a lot of protests that will fade away when people figure out Le Pen doesn't know what she is doing (like with Trump).
I believe /ourside/ should focus on the parliamentary election, there's a chance we'll get enough deputies to prevent a total disaster (unfortunately, economic laws can be adopted by the executive branch, thanks to the 49-3, so Macron wouldn't care if he didn't get a majority in the Parliament).
What president would be the least worse?
With Fillon, you would. Not with Macron, not at first at least.
It feels like choosing between the plague and cholera. Le Pen is more dangerous as she could put the groundwork for an authoritarian state, especially thanks to the current institutions. She can't win though.
He literally wrote the El Khomri law.
I didn't deny that.
Bayrou's gonna be Prime Minister, right ?
This is how Trump won.
National blade can't come soon enough
so, the vast majority of French people earn more than 2000Euro bucks.
good for them
The median income in France is 1700 euros a month.