If the idea behind transitioning is for an individual with Gender Dysphoria to overcome anxiety and or depression...

If the idea behind transitioning is for an individual with Gender Dysphoria to overcome anxiety and or depression, I would like to point out that transformation has ambigous effects and "[It should therefore come as no surprise that studies have found high rates of depression,[9] and low quality of life[16], [25] also after sex reassignment]:

41% of Transgender'd people have attempted suicide in their life, 3x higher than the population's mean:

To put it into prospective, according to allaboutdepression.com, 15% of those clinically depressed commit suicide; according the the Center for Disease Control, adults between 18-25 years old have the highest rate of attempted suicide at 7.4% and according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) the age-adjusted suicide rate is 13.26 per 100k.

So, to adjust these, transgender people are 2.73x more likely to attempt suicide than the depressed are to commit suicide; they are 5.54x more likely to attempt suicide than the highest category of attempties and they are 3.09x more likely to attempt suicide than those who commit suicide.

Now, one may claim this is due to factors of environment towards trans, but according to studies, 54.3% of transsexuals have little to no experience in family rejection. 31.3% reported moderate rejection and 14.3% reported high rejection.

So for the sake of the argument, we will combine moderate and high rejection together, coming to a rejection percentage of 45.6%. When taking out 41, the percentage is moved to 18.696% of transsexuals attempting suicide due to nonenvironmental reasons involving family.

To further demonstrate the case of environmental factors, we will use "[One of the biggest studies on the experiences of transgender people was the 2011 National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS). It found that in the U.S., 41 percent of transgender and gender non-conforming people had attempted suicide, compared to a national average of just 4.6 percent……A brand new study from Canada confirms this effect. There, the suicide attempt rate for transgender people was similar to what other studies have found: about 18 times higher than the general population. But the study found that some factors greatly reduced the attempt rate. For example, when transgender people had affirming parents, the rate dropped by 57 percent. Access to legal documentation consistent with their gender identity dropped rates by 44 percent. Trans people who experienced low levels of anti-trans hate were 66 percent less likely to attempt suicide.]"

For this we will focus on "Trans people who experienced low levels of anti-trans hate were 66 percent less likely to attempt suicide" since it can be used as an umbrella factor for negative environmental impacts and has the greatest impact generally overall.

66% of 41% comes out to 13.94% of transsexuals committing or attempting suicide due non-environmental factors, which is 3.03 times the national average's rate of 4.6.

Now, would you not say that if your solution to a problem resulted in a significant proportion of your patients commiting suicide, than that method is a failure? This is why I am of the opinion that we should seek treatment through other means, preferably like any other disorder - through a combination of therapy and medication.


Bump - disprove me, faggots.


Okay - so let's say this true - so what? There's no fucking medicines, you retard.

sex changes also help mitigate in cases that are legit


>>>Holla Forums
That's the normal spot to discuss identity politics

sometimes they do and sometimes they do nothing, so now the person is a mutilated charicature of the opposite sex who still has deep psychological issues. and the expensive surgery, medical fees, guaranteed political support, acitivism, cultural transformation of values etc are all still there. This is the equivalent of lobotomizing people because they think they're Napolean or Joan of Arc.

All mental illness is invisible tbh. Also it sounds some of that psychobabble might be good for you fam.

That's even more nonsenical and unfounded than the muh brain chemistry theory. Well done.
That's just Holla Forums-tier.

There is therapy, which is usually very effective.

Sage anyway because this isn't Leftist politics.


more often than not tho

Very cool.

the person has a nervous system that resembles a woman's but is not completely a woman's nor is the rest of their body. simply juicing them up with chemicals and slicing up their reproductive organs only vaguely obscures their predicament. Transitioning and HRT are useless, the person was fucked over by gene expression. They are partially, biologically female or male but mostly the opposite of that sex. Which is a terrible fate, akin to being born deformed or blind.

Pretty simple - develope a medication. If they will NEVER be the opposite sex, they're initial goal, then why help with an unachievable goal? You're telling someone they can be something they fully not can and can not fully function as - treat it as you would a person suffering from depression, help them throughout their situation and realize that indulgence is not a means to an end.

Also, let's say their was a medicine available. If they still choose to transition, wouldn't this conclude that they are indulging in pure desire derived from sex?
Because if you are provided a working alternative to the transformation, then the transformation is no longer needed in the first place. So everything else would be due to desire and not out of necessity.



Not sure exactly what you're referring to. If you mean the "brain chemicals" theory then you should look into it. Once you do you'll learn there's actually zero, literally zero, evidence for it, no way to test it, the medication working or not is random and there's no way to know some work for some people and not for others, and that the very idea of it is extremely beneficial to corporations that sell expensive medication, and to do that they advertise to doctors and get schools to teach their founded studies.

It's much easier to look into the person's past, realize how fucked up their childhood was, and blame that for their gender dysphoria, not some ill-founded "different brain" hypothesis.

Stop being euphoric. Meditation has extensive proven benefits.

You were doing well until the last line imo.

What is the consensus among professionals for the cause of GD?


Trannies are retarded, who would have thought?

Yeah, and most people who get cancer die, so don't bother trying to treat it if you get it. What the fuck is this line of argument?

The argument is that current treatment doesn't work.

Nobody said don't treat it, you stupid fuck. I said treat it in a better fashion because as I pointed out, transformation still has ridiculous rate of suicide and if you want to actually care for and help them, you'd advocate a better solution for them, not a surgery that leads to false indulgence in a reality that could never be.

No idea.

Imo the likely cause is the same as most mental illnesses: past or present environmental factors with a slight genetic factor likely influencing what illness appears.

But what other treatment are you proposing? Meditation again? People have been trying to "cure" homosexuals and transexuals for hundreds of years with this kind of stuff, and the entire non only service-using community (transexuals) but also the medical and psychologist community specialised in this field agree that hormones, surgery, and changing social pronouns and names etc can help most people live a happier life than they would do without them, and find this to be the current best treatment for the condition.

Medicine and therapy.
So this means we should gave give up and never try to find a proper treatment because we haven't been able to before?
Help the most - yes, because this is our only current treatment we have. Again, does not mean we should not seek other means, especially since the current method is not only shit, but can be argued as immoral since you and others are purposely encouraging acceptance of a disorder can not actually transform them to their actual desire. (When I say "you," I don't literally mean YOU)

But if what said is true, you could find the genes and eliminate them and you can identify the environmental factors and help eliminate them.

Sorry m8, they can get hormones to look like women and they can change their dick to a vagina, it is their life choice and their life.

No, I'm sorry, it's a failure of a method compared to any other mental health method out there. I'm sure if we gave people antidepressants for depression and they still had a ridiculous amount of suicides, people would be outraged and call for a better treatment instead of the doctors just throwing their hands up and saying 'hey, it works half the time guys, so what's the problem?'
This is subjective.
And this is objective(ly false)
It is - and don't you want the best for them?

wew lad

Trannies are mentally ill, but this isnt politics


gulag tbh


Nothing a bit of gulag cant fix